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Everything posted by tarotx

  1. There are many people who would be happy with a Rory/Logan endgame and even with them on good terms co-parenting. And there is potential to hype them. Of course, no one trusts Amy so Logan coming back or not will cause people to be weary of what story will be told. I personally am weary for Rory and the full circle. As well as what will happen with Rory's Book. Rory needs to have real career success on her own. Rory was a little bit cold in the revival so seeing her be a mother and act the way she does with Paris's kids doesn't seem all that entertaining to me. And I have huge fear of what will happen with Lorelai and Luke. And What's to come with Emily? The heart of GG was the both the good mother/daughter friendship but also the daughter/mother conflict and that makes me weary. Emily is finally in a good place with Lorelai even if she had to move away to achieve it.
  2. A: H-y, -s-'t th-t yo-r ----- --y? B: Oh, y--h. M-r-y, h-y! H-'s -ot my ----- --y. A: ---. yo- -o-'t r----y ---t - -omm---- ----- --y, -o----ys, yo- --o-, -t's too s--t-hy. Umbrella Jump: MSROYHT Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  3. A: H-y, -s-'- -h-- yo-r ----- --y? B: Oh, y--h. M-r-y, h-y! H-'s -o- my ----- --y. A: ---. yo- -o-'- r----y ---- - -omm---- ----- --y, -o----ys, yo- --o-, --'s -oo s----hy. Umbrella Jump: MSROYH Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  4. A: --y, -s-'- ---- yo-r ----- --y? B: O-, y---. M-r-y, --y! --'s -o- my ----- --y. A: ---. yo- -o-'- r----y ---- - -omm---- ----- --y, -o----ys, yo- --o-, --'s -oo s-----y. Umbrella Jump: MSROY Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  5. A: ---, -s-'- ---- ---r ----- ---? B: --, ----. M-r--, ---! --'s --- m- ----- ---. A: ---. --- ---'- r---- ---- - --mm---- ----- ---, -------s, --- ----, --'s --- s------ Umbrella Jump: MSR Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  6. A: ---, -s-'- ---- ---- ----- ---? B: --, ----. M----, ---! --'s --- m- ----- ---. A: ---. --- ---'- ------ ---- - --mm---- ----- ---, -------s, --- ----, --'s --- s------ Umbrella Jump: MS Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  7. A: ---, ---'- ---- ---- ----- ---? B: --, ----. M----, ---! --'- --- m- ----- ---. A: ---. --- ---'- ------ ---- - --mm---- ----- ---, --------, --- ----, --'- --- ------- Umbrella Jump: M Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  8. A: ---, ---'- ---- ---- ----- ---? B: --, ----. -----, ---! --'- --- -- ----- ---. A: ---. --- ---'- ------ ---- - -------- ----- ---, --------, --- ----, --'- --- ------- Umbrella Jump: Costa Rica cliff Jump:
  9. Headmaster: Well, let's see, perhaps you're arguing over the same boy? Paris: Sure, we're girls, so we could only be arguing about a boy, right? Sexist, white-haired... Headmaster: Paris, are you muttering? Paris: No, sorry.
  10. I think AD wants to be allowed to do other things so he doesn't want to be a regular. A regular just means the shows has first rights to the actor. The Legends are still really in need of a time master but Rip coming in and out on the jumpship opens up the possibility for the actor to come and go. Some actors just want more freedom than US network tv allows.
  11. It's from season 6 when the construction crew sees Lorelai Naked. I think... My letter guess is T
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