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Everything posted by Itsnotreality

  1. Agree completely. Wanderwoman, it is nice to know we can at least be your venting/virtual support and we can lend a virtual shoulder, even if we can't drop off a meal or send a card. Maisie is always in my thoughts. When I read this last week, the first thing I thought of was Maisie and MNN. http://www.popsugar.com/moms/Motherhood-Strongest-Bond-36728831
  2. Exactly what got the Duggars a show may lead to their downfall. Their size and fundie life got them the show, but what are the chances any large family has 100% buy-in to this "ministry" or even the image of the "moral high ground" they have attempted to brand. TLC and the extended Duggar family benefit from the social media influence and followers. I am sure their TLC show contract and those with smaller "sponsors" set out a required number of tweets etc, BUT a "morality clause" with TLC would be pretty standard for all the representations they make in public. All that said, Derick would be last on my list of family members I expected to be sullying the family name with completely unacceptable behaviour AND then actually posting it online. I am inclined to agree with whoever suggested maybe Jill posted it. It wouldn't occur to her Derick would do something wrong. Interesting conversations I'm sure between Jill/Derick, the family, and TLC. From TLCs perspective, if they are/were about to get a birth filming, that might make them hesitate, otherwise I think they'd be severely limiting Derick and Jill on the show. This is getting more play, but also building on the LGBT hatred and backlash to that. I am sure TLC know of other things that would threaten the brand. On other shows, TLC seem to let that come out itself in the last season for good ratings. Who wouldn't tune in for a "real" version of the Duggar reality.
  3. TLC must have some frank discussions with the Duggars to say they need more than making tater tot casserole recipes to keep this show going. The dragged out wedding last season seemed filling in gaps of either nothing else going on or nothing else going on Duggars wanted to show. There would have to be $$ bonuses for things like births being filmed (because as discussed otherwise goes far beyond avg persons modesty standards to show that on tv!... Why would they agree if not $$$) and I wonder if there was a requirement from TLC to have a kid go to college simply as a storyline. Clown college is as far as JB would go. Another season of weddings and babies just isn't enough.
  4. Every child, including preemies, will reach the best they can be physically, emotionally, spiritually when they have someone in their corner. No doubt Maisie has that. Sounds like she is well on her way to a life full of love, happiness, and good health.
  5. Could they replace a bit of the sex talk with discussion on how they get to know prospective mates on a non-physical level? And no, this does not mean your Dad interrogating on views on debt while inhaling as much comped yogurt as possible.
  6. That they think their show is something families can watch together. The way-past the creepy line obsession with sex in most recent episodes make this show inappropriate for kids.
  7. i think there have been enough side-eyes and subtle hints to think the Michelle-Anna relationship isn't a best-pal one. Why oh why, would Anna have Michelle present for any births (and I'm not clear if she was there for all?). Seems like a time you would fly in your own mom if you wanted that kind of support... Even in the van when they are driving to midwife/doula Michelle is silent. Hello? Isn't encouragement the word of the day (everyday)?!?!
  8. Jill easing up on the hair maintenance had me wonder if she'd be open to a trim. She could still have long hair and take off enough to make a donation to a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients. Nice way to celebrate Cathy Dillard's good health, and good TV.
  9. Maybe Derick sought JB out as part of his missionary work. A mission to bring that family slightly back from their completely misguided lifestyle. In some small way Deeick wanted to help put the brakes on the evangelical influences creeping into mainstream America and the increasing Duggar influence on pop culture is one obvious area of concern. His strategy included marriage to a Duggar girl but he's slowly accomplishing his goal, one sporting event and unprocessed meal at a time. Go Derick. Let them see the light. It's a mission. Who's going in next?
  10. True. It does give them credit for some sort of planning ;) but also takes into their stupidity by thinking everyone would believe a full grown healthy baby would pass as a preemie. As I read more about the Quiverfull movement I have to think the Duggars are capable of plans this far fetched to further their message.
  11. I have been convinced for months that the Duggar plan was for Jill to purposefully get pregnant before the wedding so that she can give birth to a healthy "preemie" in support of their birth begins at conception agenda. The "precious Josie" worked well but a more robust looking preemie would be an adorable visual for why abortion is wrong. There is no way she is going "full term" to their current "due date".
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