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Everything posted by Itsnotreality

  1. Okay, so you know it's only a matter of time before "cruise with the Duggars" comes up. And completely seriously, all of us would have a blast. Dinner every night with the leghumpers asking oh so innocent questions. Duggar drinking bingo. Live. (I suppose it may be a dry cruise. Pack your flask). Maybe we could order commemorative flasks before leaving port. I am sure someone here could thinking a suitable phrase to have engraved on the side.
  2. Skittl1321 there is nothing I could say to help but will be praying for you and your whole family including your littlest one. Hugs.
  3. Hi everyone. This is a tough time. How could it not be. Hugs. everyone. All good things here.... I had a really bad morning (how is this good you ask) like unbelievable bad that wouldn,t detail here even if it wasn't for what's going on, but, texted a neighbour, she calls me, says, get over here, and tea, chat, and feel so much better. Life is life, but tea and hug and vent is essential. That isn't going to happen here for a bit. But i hope it will. In the meantime, on occasion, real life people are awesome too. ;) Deep deep breath everyone. Okay. the sauerkraut tradition I love. I love traditions that are just yours and are just so ingrained it,s like JUST your family. Two traditions at play in our house at the moment. I have a thank you garland that comes out for a month around thanksgiving. It is just a string with some wooden beads my kids threaded when they were little enough that that was an accomplishment. Each year every member of our family and anyone visiting gets a little square to write\draw what they are thankful for, along with their name and the year. Started when my kids couldn't write so includes simple crayon drawings of a turkey, or a sweet little house with stick figures "i am thankful for my family" spelling mistakes and all. I love it so much. It gets more awesome every year with more squares hole punched and tied on with a bit of ribbon. I have another tradition but have to go :( Take care everyone.
  4. Yikes. Away for only a couple hours and pages to catch up on :) I was away for a good reason though. My hubby was kind enough to invite my brother-in-law & nephew over for dinner (again, because I ranted here perhaps I didn't rant enough to hubby about the last snotty\weepy eye visit). SIL was working and surely he can't cook. He brings a bag of carrots. A baggie of cut up carrots, presents them to me like it's a bottle of fine wine and says "Appetizers!". No dip. Your Thanksgiving recipes are making me hungry. To be fair, the kids did eat the carrots, but he is still getting ranted on.
  5. Can you quote your own post? So yup, I was reading back to see how I did not at all get the pings of WW lying and saw my own post here. Even though it is hard to feel that right now, this really is a group 98% full of supportive people who just want to be that shoulder when others need it. Is that weird. I don't know. Maybe it;s weird that in this day and age we are finding it in this small corner of the internet instead of elsewhere? Anyway, regardless of WW, it IS here. I hope we can go back to feeling that. I don't know. Even though I think my only real vent here was probably my recent one about my Fuggar brother in law and his germy (but sweet!) offspring, it really does feel warm and fuzzy here, whether it's big problems or just #@***! relatives. And yes, going back reading things, feel silly, because if you read them on their own the WW posts seem written by more than one person. Some of my jobs have included writing for other people, and getting their "voice" to come across in specific words and phrases is part of that. So doubly duped that I didn't spot that. Have a good day everyone. Drinks, Hugs, Love.
  6. Wow. Yes to whoever said this brings on sympathy for Meri Brown. Wow. Feel so awful. Embarrassed. Just re-read a couple PMs I'd sent WW and feel extremely foolish. But yes to all of you who say it's more important to focus on the wonderful community that is here. The support and knowledge on so many issues is incredible. And as I stupidly said to WW that sort of support can be the thing that gets you through really bad times. Hats off to the super sleuths, the mod team, and those who felt something off. And no, luckily I was away and did not see the GO-Fund post. Glad it was hidden quickly and hopefully limited financial loss.
  7. Rant brought on by germs. Hosted a family dinner a couple weeks ago. The parents of my nephew dropped him off early on his own as they were both working/playing sport and would be late. They dropped him off saying "he's a bit tired". No he was sick. He's four and in daycare so I get he's going to be sniffly for years but this was continuous leaking out of nose, eyes, most likely pink eye, and refusing to play, wanting to sleep my on floor all afternoon instead of play with other kids. What is wrong with people. Putting aside the sharing of germs (separate rant!) How can other things be more important than your kid who wants his own bed to curl up in? When the dad arrived the "he's tired" story continued and later "oh, his eye looks a bit sore". Seriously. It's the moment Fuggar became a verb. In writing this the F mistakenly replaced the D because I am still a bit riled but it really is an action word: Fuggar: the act of putting your own desires before the basic needs of your children. Say it. Fuggar. It just kind of rolls off the lips with a very self-satisfying curse/accusation all in one. I think my hate-on of Duggars, in-laws, & others boils down to Fuggars.
  8. Right before the first of the last scandals broke (hard to keep track) when the Duggars were just obscenely boring, I was picking someone up at the airport and went early because frankly I love goodbye/hello scenes at airports. The drama is just real life, great ppl watching. Would love to see a TLC show like that. Snapshots of real life, without utterly changing people's lives for being reality stars. Give them $750 for an interview. Most would say yes.
  9. Love that 3girlsforus! Going to save that for my kids' next "holiday celebration" at school. They are supposed to bring healthy treats, and there's always one daredevil who brings something sweet and gets everyone riled up. :)
  10. Is it possible the Jill & Jessa Specials decision was made by TLC based on the SisterWives heading for imploding to a point where even they can't/won't be filmed? They are just as camera hungry so so don't know what it will take to turn off the cameras, but the current "catfish affair" of Meri among other things that came to light this summer... The timing seems awfully coincidental. Somewhere - Is there a line where anyone says this isn't worth the impact on my family.... And TLC hedges its bets by bringing the slightly less damaged family back? I was also kind of suspicious by one of the My5Wives writing on her blog how wonderful TLC was reaching out to them offering therapy etc when it came out (after their show had been cancelled) that two of the wives had been abused when they were young. Somehow I see TLC as sniffing around for an update special (woo hoo, hurt, pain, secrets, scandal!) not being a generous former employer. I don't know. Sometimes I think TLC needs to cut all these families loose. So much damage has been done.
  11. Agree. Other TLC shows also "turned" on the families near the end. I wonder about the family needing this a bit too much financially. The editing before was SO far in their favour it was hard to imagine them not having SOME say. I can't see the audience buying the same family that was presented before.
  12. I love that there could be a mini thyroid help board within this board (I have Hashimotos). I have new nodules on my thyroid as well. The ultrasounds show rapid growth and I have been suddenly falling asleep mid-day, so a CT scan is next. My doc thinks nodules possibly due to constant sinus issues although I've always had that and my research shows sinus issues common for thyroid peeps so not sure which is symptom and which is cause here. Thyroid definitely seems related to everything - since we moved a few years ago I have had a great family Dr. but no endo and I think I may need to seek one out, or will also find myself doing full time thyroid research! Feel for all who've had symptoms dismissed - very hard to manage in any way when you have those experiences :(
  13. I think it's a given that on any anonymous internet boards, even one as lovely as this one has become, there will occasionally be down right no good peeps (worse pretending to be lovely peeps. Sound like some other family we know?). Yup, if the BS meter is going off, I think there is usually something to that. That said, can I just say how lovely this board is. It is so nice to have this warm & fuzzy place. Although I haven't ever been as open as some, you know when you're having a bad day or week and just being in the presence of a friend is enough to help without even real venting. Sometimes popping in here is that. And sometimes it is easier to share our deep worries or stresses with (sort of) strangers. and sometimes those strangers are better support than our real life ones. So thank goodness we can all be that for each other once in awhile.
  14. Ditto HFC. It sounds it left at least some of them pondering, and they are going to be thinking about that during any decision making. Glad you feel better too. :)
  15. Okay so I actually tried to figure out how much $ Jill and Derick may be getting from the click throughs to advertisers on their site. But... I really have no idea how many visitors they may be getting, but geesh, those "something big to announce.... Soon.... Really" with link to their site is making them at least $$$$. Resist hard people. Someone will post the "announcement" here.
  16. ^^^ Agree. Could the only good thing about that be is that they are obviously missing the key members of their group. Perhaps those people will reach out to J/R on their own.... They need the missionaries to come back to help them!!!
  17. HFC I have been thinking of you! I am glad to hear you have a joyous occasion coming up and you are fully participating. We sadly had an ongoing serious medical issue with a member of our family and my aunt flat out said that she couldn't bear to go to weddings, birthdays, or celebrate Christmas while a member of our extended family was suffering... And pretty much implied we were all terrible for caring about such things. As you can imagine a few years of this just led for more suffering, and lost memories and relationships for everyone. I hope your Gkids and daughter will be home soon and you can wrap them back up in a wonderful family. maybe you could send them such a lovely description of your get togethers so they stay virtually connected to what is available for them.
  18. My screen name is may be obvious . I was most drawn to this show by the fact that what was shown on air was further from reality than most fiction. Despite the snark, I am sad that this has proven to be very, very true. Seriously kids, It's not reality.
  19. Ha! You just reminded me of my labours... And when my poor hubby made the mistake of suggesting music (you know, straight from the prenatal class handbook). Somehow I was able through very gritted teeth turn to him and say "do you REALLY think a little music is going to help anything right now?!?!?!!" What is it about Jill that just makes you want her to meet some "real" people who would tell her what they really need, through very gritted teeth.
  20. Or is that how he is justifying the expense of flying back to Arkansas for a month. It is then more deeply related to the real "mission". Midwifery with intent to convert.
  21. That is so good to hear! Tests in themselves can be so much stress and such a relief to get good news. I have had several recently (all fine so far) and a couple more coming up and honestly the stress from the whole process put me into serious stress. Thinking maybe I should have some honey and something to feel better ;) Hope Happyfatchick you get good news from your daughter today.
  22. Oh enjoy, Suzatlarge! I love travel and especially finding those places you feel "at home". One area in France I feel that to the point where I am convinced I must have been there in another life.
  23. Jill still has the tweet up that links to her FILs article. It being Jessa, who even knows what she actually thinks. Sympathy for Anna, righteousness, following her husbands "headship" (good grief I do not like that word), are probably lower down on her list of influence. I think swaying her more is her love of the spotlight. Distancing herself from Josh, and in fact opposing his actions, could be her strategy to have a chance of a show, article, book.... something apart from the rest of the Duggars.
  24. I know it's been said on here before, but Wanderwoman I hope you are journaling, not just for your own benefit, but because you are a great writer and I am sure at some point, whether blog/articles/book, others would appreciate your words as much as we do.
  25. How embarrassing. Having an awful week and was in line ordering coffee and the cashier says "What can I put in that for you honey?" and I start balling. For some reason that little niceness was more than I could handle. Anyway. Day by day. Just reminded me that just seeing/feeling the extended support system here is sometimes the most genuine lifeline. Venting, advice, virtual hugs, good and not so good news. It's like there is a 24/7 availability of someone who will call you honey. Xxoo
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