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Posts posted by QuinnM

  1. 27 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    Overall, it seems fairly widely known that Gendry was Robert's bastard.  

    Remember that both Ned Stark and Lord Arynn met with Gendry at the smithie's.  When the gold cloaks came for him they knew he had a bull's head helmet.  Then little Arya's quick thinking saved his life.  Tywin knew a smart mind when he saw it.  So long trail of folks that were well aware of his father.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    If Dany or Jon is on the throne to back up Gendry's title, the Stormlands lords will fall in line. It sounds like the position has been vacant, so its not like they would be displacing anyone.

    Jaime as well, remember he sent the Goldcloaks to kill all the bastards.  This was for Cersei.  The bastards could usurp her children since her children were not Barathions.  I chuckled when he looked shocked that he missed one.

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  3. Just now, Constantinople said:

    And I doubt the name Baratheon will have that much magic to it given how little the Stark name meant in the North when the Boltons took over

    It got a real good look from Jaime when it was announced.  Kinda like wtf?

    • Love 3
  4. 8 minutes ago, scrb said:

    Now would Arya have kept going back to Gendry for sexy times if he wasn't made a lord?

    Sure she may never be a Lady but would she have settled for high-born girlfriend to a bastard/commoner?

    Or she sees a greater role for herself than being any man's woman?

    Like she still working on that list?

    Or maybe Gendry didn't meet her expectations?

    I always thought that Gentry felt he didn't meet her highborn status.  Still weeping over the time she asked him to come to Winterfell and told him 'she could be his family' and he told her then, she would always be milady.  

    The proposal came from a lot of things and one of those was Arya but most of those were Gentry hitting the highborn lottery.  It was still a little sad but she was so sweet about it.  He'll be fine.  And who knows where the future is.  This is a little like WWI and most of the highborn lads are dead.  Some nice ladies out there looking for a match.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Indi said:

    What was Arya doing there, by the way, other than glaring at Dani and Jon? Ah yes, she needed an excuse for her line about not trusting Dani.

    I trust Arya's opinion more than either Jon or Sansa's.  She really doesn't do a lot of political intrigue or personal feelings stuff.  She also literally trained for years to read a liar.

  6. 7 minutes ago, anamika said:

    I wonder if those tunnels in KL play a role. Why did Arya even go to KL? To kill Cersei? Or to kill Dany because she's 'not one of them'?

    Yes.  She was in the tunnels practicing chasing cats for her sword lessons, called dancing lessons, when she overheard Varys plotting for her father to die.  She made it out of the tunnels through an entrance like a sewer.  So she knows the tunnels.

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  7. 53 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    For instance, has anyone in the show used the phrase "Mad Queen" to apply to Dany? I remember a few references to her father here and there, warnings not to be like him, but that's all I recall.

    Many times.  Most recently was when Jon went to Dragonstone and said we are not our fathers.

  8. 1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

    I think my biggest gripe about this episode is that D&D completely screwed us out of an epic dragon assault on King's Landing in exchange for the shock value of killing Rhaegal when we weren't expecting it (and trimming the CGI budget along the way). 

    They needed to get Jon off a dragon for the next battle.  Solution?  Kill the dragon.

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  9. Just now, SilverStormm said:

    The unpleasant truth is the majority of people would want to reap vengeance in her situation no matter the cost. Example: How many people would let the world burn if it meant they could save a beloved child/lover/family member? Plenty, that's how many. Dany isn't thinking like a queen in this instance, she's thinking like a human being who's grieving and angry, it's a very human reaction if a drastic one.

    What if this meant burning your lover's sister?  Is Arya acceptable collateral damage?  Or is there where Jon vs Dany comes into play?

    • Useful 1
  10. 35 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

    Dany "begs" Jon to say nothing about his true identity.  When have we ever seen her beg? And Jon still says he has to tell his sisters. That's a pretty big damned deal to Dany.  It's no wonder she turns so cold after he refuses.

    She begged the lord of Quarth for her dragons.  So at least once before.

    And on that note, Tormund road a dragon off the island when they captured the wight.  

    These people all have dementia.

    • LOL 3
  11. 1 hour ago, BooBear said:

    My problem with these scene is that it just wasn't Brianne. Have we ever seen her cry before? Even when Renly was killed? Backing up though I just thought the whole thing was out of some romance book. Her feeling insecure about being asked if she was a virgin, Jamie running after her. I also don't buy that SHE would ever buy Jamie showing any sexual attraction to her. After years and years of people making fun of her for her looks I think she wouldn't be capable of dealing with it in any normal way.  She might know Jamie was legit but wouldn't want her heart broken for the 1% chance that he was not on the level.  I might have bought it more they had sex pre fighting the dead. At least then, day after consequences were in doubt and Brianne could just enjoy herself.

     I keep wondering if the interactions between them over the years wasn’t showing something.  I remember all the seasons that Arya/Gendry were traveling together.  And they had a very sweet chemistry.  You always knew that Gendry genuinely liked her.  That he thought of her but that she was high born and he was not.  You always knew that Arya thought he was very special.  That she wanted him around because he was who he was.  Then they met at Winterfell and it was a believable progression.  So hats off to Williams and Dempsey, it was well acted for 10 years.

    But it’s missing for the Brienne/Jamie relationship.  I want that to work but the previous 7 seasons haven’t been there.  Maybe there needed tender moments like Arya/Gendry had.  Who can forget ‘I can be your family’/‘No you’d be MiLady’.  Both actors gave everything you needed to believe that in k7 years they could be lovers.  The closest we got with Brienne/Jamie was the bath sequence.  But even that didn’t rise to the level of emotion that we got from Brienne just describing her first meeting with Renly.  So it’s a bigger jump.  

    • Love 8
  12. 52 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    Sansa also impulsively entrusted Tyrion with Jon’s secret when he expressed kindness and concern towards her. She was initially stonewalling and bitchy, but he managed to disarm her. A little thing, but big in the context of their relationship and Sansa’s trust issues.

    I don't believe she trusted him.  I believe she decided to let him spill the beans.  He's a good choice. It's information he could have gotten from Dany.

    Still watching for the raven's scroll that Sophie T said she kept.  I don't think it's the one that Brine disclosed to Jaime.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    I never thought Emelia Clark was much of an actor, but the rage and madness she showed on her face at the very end was fantastic acting

    I have seen a lot of the previous 7 seasons recently (there is someone catching up in the house).  I had forgotten how angry she has always been about anyone standing in her way. It is HER throne and she WILL take it back.

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  14. 1 hour ago, ferjy said:

    Unless the eyes are glowing like the White Walkers and wights, how can we tell with the dark filming. Unless you have a spiffy 4K setup like QuinnM's. Road trip to @QuinnM's house!

    The discussion with a refuge of The Long Night watching a second time from my house was that we are getting theater level production, cinematography, sound and attempting to view it on technology that was optimized for gaming.  Interesting opinion.  I just have a nice tv cuz I like tv.

  15. 1 hour ago, tv-talk said:

    For all we know Bran put it in Arya's head that she had to stab him in the heart, the show has made him seem helpless and powerful at the same time. It would be well within the show's parameters that he seeded the idea in her head and she executed it to perfection.

    So in the last seconds Bran and the NK are staring at each other.  Bran looks down and tips his head slightly.  This is his tell when he’s lying according to Caitlyn.  The NK cocks his head, reaches for his sword, and turns to grab Arya.

    Were Bran and the NK communicating?  What was Bran’s lie or was he faking his tell?

    • Love 4
  16. 19 minutes ago, BooBear said:

    Agree. It is really concerning how desperate some of the fandom is to have the man be the hero. 

    If this isn’t a reveal in Ep4 then it didn’t happen.  Simple as that.  

    • Love 3
  17. 41 minutes ago, terrymct said:

    Exactly right.  I don't care if the trebuchets should have been located elsewhere.  I'm here for the characters.

    There was so little dialogue and yet it told such a complete story.  The little bits of Jaime moving the men around, 'archers to the highest point'.  The look from Davos at Arya.  The horror of every inside Winterfell as they watched those Dothraki lights go out one by one.  It visually told each characters story.  Jaime once commanded an army.  No one meets the Dothraki on an open field because they would swamp them.  And for each character from A to Z (with the exception of Torment who is going to swing till the end) you can see and feel how overwhelming and exhausting this battle is.  So I loved the story, loved the darkness, loved the sound everything.  And at this point I won't nitpick whether the death of the NK was good or  bad.

    I review movies by asking if I got my money's worth.  Well Episode 3 gave me that in spades.

    • Love 15
  18. 27 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

    Yes, typically the smocks are worn underneath, but in John Bradley and Maisie's cases, they're wearing the smocks over something: you can see the collars of whatever they're wearing underneath peeking over the tops of the smocks at the neckline. Also, to my recollection I have never seen actors wearing those smocks for their BTS interviews. They have always done them in full costume with hair and makeup done, and indeed Liam, Joe, Jacob and Gwendoline are in full costume for their BTS interviews.

    The only time I saw disrobing in these smocks was with Arya and Gentry.  Both of them had a simple ascot around their necks under the smocks.  Doesn't mean that there is misdirection with the interview costume but they do have that fabric at the neck on screen.

  19. Quote

    After what seems like eternity, Sansa pulls out her dagger and gives it to Tyrion who seems surprised and grateful to see a piece of dragonglass in the crypts.

    Tyron pulls his own dagger out from inside his coat.

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  20. 7 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

    Even if this was happening--and there's absolutely no moment where Jon sees anybody and gets an idea to yell to them or about them--it's making up another whole scene that isn't onscreen where supposed to imagine Arya worried about Jon or the ice dragon. 

    Jon has nothing to do with what happens in the Godswood. He has no idea anything is happening there besides the NK killing Bran.

    This could go either way.  But the editing suggests that Jon’s final confrontation was deliberate in that moment.  The shot of Jon standing up and screaming, quick to the shot of the WW hair fluttering, quick to the TNK suddenly turning to catch Arya.  The plan could of have been everyone try everything.  But the editing was Bran to Jon to Arya, as if they were all connected.  If this is the case there should be a reveal.

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