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Posts posted by stagmania

  1. 1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

    And that would really be out of character for Veronica. Even though she is extremely guarded and doesn't let  people close I cannot see her hooking up with men she barely knows.

    I questioned this for a moment before I remembered that Veronica changed schools, moved to the opposite end of the country, got nine years of distance and built a whole new life only to ...start dating Piz again, and then dump him for Logan. LOL that woman is stuck in a loop and seems to prefer slightly different variations of what she already knows.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Lemons said:

    I hated the way Celeste blamed the mother for Perry being an abuser.  

    Mary Louise was trying to take her children. Do you really think Celeste should have been polite about it?

    • Love 22
  3. 49 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    It sounded  more to me like she was expecting Mac to get her own storyline. Which is fine although it was an 8 episode season that required introducing a bunch of new characters (including one played by an Oscar winner). Not sure how they would fit another characters story into the mix.

    It wasn’t required, it was a choice. The mystery was overcomplicated and largely boring and they easily could have cut some of those new characters to give old favorites a real story. But they’re not interested in them anymore. 

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  4. “I fear that leaning into the high school soap that the show started out as is a losing proposition, that it will start feeling nostalgic rather than vital. If Kristen [Bell] and I want to make more of these Veronica Mars mysteries, I think it’s going to survive best as a true mystery show with a badass PI at the center of it, and I think that works better if the PI doesn’t have a boyfriend.”

    More here. It’s like Rob Thomas is trying to insult all the fans of the original show. Interviews today are indeed making it clear that it’s not just about moving on from Logan and their love story - he and Bell intend to leave the setting and the rest of the cast behind to do something new under the Veronica Mars moniker. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, Dminches said:

    Rarely are people binary in the sense of being all good or all bad.  How can someone not feel sympathetic towards someone who has lost both her children?  Conversely, how can someone not hate someone trying to steal 2 young boys from their mother?  Both of those scenarios can co-exist.  

    Yes, obviously that's true. My point is that they never figured out what role they wanted her to play in the narrative, and thus never clearly defined her motives, and that left everything about her story pretty muddled and lacking any clarity about her purpose in the show.

    6 hours ago, peggy06 said:

    The only major loose end, for me, was that Mary Louise thought one of them killed Perry, and she let that go. I thought that was her whole reason for the custody hearing, to force that out into the open. But they went a different route in the court scenes. 

    Exactly. Why did Mary Louise come there? Was her original intention truly just to help?  Was there any point in time when she was genuinely on Celeste's side or was she always out to get her? Was she trying to prove her son was murdered? Did she want custody of her grandchildren to fill the void now that both her sons were gone? Did she intend to antagonize the entire Monterrey 5 because she suspected they murdered her son, or is she just an extremely unpleasant passive aggressive nightmare who verbally attacks everyone she meets? Did she actually care about being a grandmother to Ziggy, or did she just want to get at Jane? If she truly thought there was foul play involved in Perry's death, why did she drop that entirely to go after Celeste in family court instead?

    We'll never know because none of her behavior adds up. Her character was just a chaos agent, running all over town being awful often for no discernible reason and with no real plan. I think if the writers had decided early on whether she was an antagonist or another lead we were supposed to empathize with, they could have defined all of this a lot better.

    6 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    My impression was that Renata accidentally hit Gordon with the bat during her rampage.  I didn't get the impression we were supposed to think she was intentionally trying to beat him. 

    Yes, it was clearly an accident that she hit him- he stepped in front of her swing, which was aimed for the next set of shelves. If she had continued hitting him after that, it would have been something else entirely, but she didn't.

    • Love 16
  6. 2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    Although I don't know if Logan breaking up with her would be enough to push her to going to therapy like his death did. 

    I was just remembering that this wasn't the first time Logan tried to push her to deal with her issues - recall that in season 3, the original reason they broke up was that Veronica couldn't get past her inability to trust and stop being reckless and Logan recognized how unhealthy it was. So he made the choice to end their romantic relationship and offer his continued support as her friend. Of course, they undid that within a couple episodes and had Logan pull a "we were on a break" because Veronica must always be the wronged party, but that's beside the point.

    Logan being open to changing and bettering himself for Veronica (and then eventually for himself) has always been part of their relationship story, as has her refusal to return the favor. I think that kitchen sex scene was less about how turned on she gets by angry Logan (though clearly she does) and more about her resenting that he is able to grow and change in a way she can't and wanting to punish him for that. I really would have liked a season that was committed to exploring that, and they could have done it even within the framework of still killing him off and making his death a more central feature of the season.

    • Love 11
  7. 2 hours ago, Radian said:

    So is there any way Logan is still alive?  They never showed him getting into the car and they jumped to a year later.  He could have just been badly hurt but they might have used it to fake his death.  That would make a great 5th season.  Flashbacks to how he survived and ended up working for the intelligence agency as a spy.  Then Veronica would be keeping his secret all season.  But still secretly corresponding with him.  I am a huge skeptic when they don't show people actually dead in a TV show.  I've seen too many shows where people come back.  What does anyone else think about this theory?

    I think their intention was to completely kill him off, but perhaps they left themselves a bit of wiggle room to give them space if the fan reaction was really bad? Otherwise I don't see why they would have left his death even a tiny bit in doubt.

    1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

    Her face was the complete opposite of scarred.  I actually thought that maybe she was going to turn out to be a sociopath.  She seemed way too ok with watching that, imo. 

    I don't really get what on earth they were trying to do with the Matty character. The whole season (until the end) seemed to be telling us that Veronica is not a functioning adult because of her past traumas and inability to move on, yet they are presenting Matty following in her footsteps as a positive thing. The themes in the writing are just all over the place.

    • Love 10
  8. 9 hours ago, taragel said:

    I don't understand why they went with THIS plot which barely affected Veronica and had very little personal stakes (besides the ending shocker), when they already had (in the first book) a spring break murders story hat ultimately led to SUPER PERSONAL CONSEQUENCES for Veronica's own life. That would have been so much more compelling and satisfying to see play out, instead of this dumb real estate/famewhore bullshit storyline, the most egregious part of which was the two Mexican hitman who literally could've wandered right out of a Fargo season. They felt incredibly out-of-place to me.  

    This particular plot, though lackluster, could've even worked a lot better if the setup had been different and we'd met Matty first by Wallace being her teacher, and -- though i can't believe I'm saying this -- if Dick was a bigger part of the plot leading us to Big Dick's shenanigans. The Kane memorial high school thing could've been a much better vehicle/location for a bombing storyline about haves vs. have nots (and they could've had more Principal Clemmons!). They had so many ways they could've made it so much better and more interesting and more personal for Veronica. The Weevil/Veronica scenes were some of my favorite in the season, and it's a pity there were only a few. I would've really liked a whole/longer arc of that. 

    As for Logan dying, I don't hate it entirely. I was never a huge LoVe fan, though you can't deny the chemistry, but this season was also constructed to pretty much show sexual chemistry was really all they had. They didn't communicate well, weren't ever on the same page, and Veronica seemed incredibly bored by normal!Logan. I actually thought that stuff was pretty smart and insightful and rightfully should have lead to a breakup. (Plus, I always liked Leo and I liked that she actually got to LAUGH and have fun with Leo. I mean if you want to give her a healthy relationship...) And then they decided to one-up it and make it super tragic "noir" by killing him off instead, so the "No I really do love you after all!" revelation and the wedding just ended up being red herrings to surprise you with the killing. A shame. They could've given Jason Dohring some better, more interesting material to play before getting rid of him. (And they wasted Mary McDonnell--which is really a crime.)

    On your first point, that move away from cases that are personally connected to Veronica seems quite intentional. They’re trying to leave Neptune behind. But I agree with you that the mystery is not very compelling without that connection. 

    On Veronica/Logan, I think your characterization of their relationship is a little unfair. She laughed and had fun with Logan - we saw it in this very season. Their shared sense of humor and matching quick wits has always been a feature of their relationship. They’re both angsty, traumatized people but they’ve brought each other joy along with the sexual tension and drama over the years.

    I just don’t at all agree with the idea that pursuing healing and healthier behaviors makes you boring, and I don’t think that’s really what the show was trying to say, either - they were making the point that Veronica is kind of toxic and a bad partner because she refuses to deal with her shit. Of course, they stepped all over their own thesis with the ending, so I’m not surprised the message is muddled. 

    • Love 23
  9. 4 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

    I'm doubtful this season will even be remembered at Emmy nomination season next year. I don't even see it getting any Golden Globe nods. It was just too uneven and the writing was atrocious.

    LOL tell that to the worst and yet most nominated season ever of Game of Thrones.

    Still working through my disappointment. We didn't even get a big Mary Louise meltdown in the end! If we were going to go full family court melodrama and leave behind all notions of realism, we deserved to see her really lose her shit. They couldn't seem to decide all season if they wanted Mary Louise to be a true villain or a sympathetic character and that indecisiveness really came through in the writing.

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  10. 1 hour ago, backhometome said:

    RT basically said he wants to get away from Neptune. So Wallace and Weevil wont be in it if there is a season 5. Which is dumb because to me Neptune was half the appeal. 

    This seems like a classic case of the creator not understanding the strengths of his own creation. It’s so bizarre to me - he created this world and these characters that people love so much! Why bother bringing it back if he’s not interested in it anymore? 

    1 hour ago, General Days said:

    I can see the argument for killing off Logan. If they wanted to continue a Veronica Mars series without Veronica tied to her young love, and insisted upon killing him off, they should have had this revival season be about who killed Logan Echolls. He could have been in flashbacks. Their relationship could have developed/unfolded the same way. He could have been the Lily Kane of this season and of Veronica's adult life.

    This is a much more interesting idea than what they actually did, and would have given his death the narrative weight it deserved and created an avenue for Veronica to really explore her regrets and self-destructive choices. Instead, his death was treated like a tack on to the end of the season and an excuse to reboot the show with a Veronica defined by her isolation and “toughness.”

    37 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

    The way I see it, there are two sides to Veronica. The victim Veronica whose best friend was murdered and who was raped, and then there’s the self destructive Veronica who is her own worst enemy. Logan has always been the foil to self destructive Veronica, which is why I think he should have left her at the alter. By fridging him, he becomes another tally in the victim Veronica column, where the world is cruel to her, instead of her nature causing her world to implode. And that’s why I’m not really interested in a season 5  Veronica without catalysts like Logan, Keith, Wallace, and Weevil to engage different sides of her moral compass. 

    Well said. The end of the season undermined the entire arc they seemed to be laying out about Veronica having agency in her life and refusing to use it to break away from her victimization. Now she’s just a victim again, her cynicism justified by external circumstances, giving her more excuses not to grow. 

    • Love 17
  11. 10 minutes ago, lulubunny said:

    Variety has a pretty big spoiler on their homepage. The link to the article however goes to a blank page when you click on it.


    Holy crap I just went too and it's still there. Well, that seems to imply a very specific spoiler, doesn't it! No wonder people think fans are going to be angry.

  12. Here because I keep seeing hints about this horrible ending in reviews and on twitter and it's freaking me out! Also, this clearly means as soon as the season drops it's going to be spoiled. It'll be a race to finish the episodes without finding out what the twist is, anyway - I'd rather just know.

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  13. 22 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    This episode felt like network television.

    I laughed so loudly. The ultimate burn.

    21 hours ago, Slovenly Muse said:

    With the news that broke this week about the behind-the-scenes drama of this season, I'm not surprised it's a mess, but there's more at work here than just stylistic or editing issues. The writing this season is TERRIBLE.

    Yeah, it's really, really bad. And I started off positive on this season! But it's clear Kelley has lost the plot, and doesn't know what to do with these characters with no book to guide him. Your point that no one is doing anything is right on, but also - the relationships have lost their depth. The ladies get together to bitch at each other every episode and show up in each other's storylines, but I don't feel the sisterhood and the genuine communication between women that resonated in every scene last season. Maybe because a man is trying to replicate a woman's work.

    16 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Bonnie said she married a man she doesn't ------ (love?!?)

    I feel so validated knowing Bonnie agrees with me that Nathan is trash.

    4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Jane said, “Actually, I came to Monterey in search of a good man. A good man who happened to have bad night.”

    What does that mean?

    The implication is that she was hoping Ziggy's dad was not a monster but someone decent so she could convince herself that what happened to her was just a misunderstanding between good people. But honestly, I call bullshit on pretty much every scene between Jane and Mary Louise this season. Why the hell is Jane still talking to her? Why hasn't she understood this woman is out to get them? Why hasn't she moved Ziggy into Madeline's house and kept him away from the evil grandmother?

    2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    In the previous episode when they were all gathered on the beach for the emergency night time meeting, Celeste told them that they were all on Mary Louise's witness list.

    One of the questioned why ML would put them on her witness list since they're obviously on Celeste's side. That's when the whole idea of ML doing it just so force them to perjure themselves came up. But that makes it all the stranger that ML didn't have any of them questioned.

    1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I'm really tired of seeing her sitting at her laptop, watching the same testimony over and over again. Does she think she's going to crack a code if she watches them 1,000 times or something?

    Given the news about this season being chopped all to hell and parts reshot, I am really wondering what kind of scenes got filmed that we'll never see, and definitely suspect that the constant repetition of stuff like this is filler to try to cover the gaps.

    Overall I'm just disappointed to see the show go out like this after such a great first season. Everything about the custody battle is ludicrous, but apparently that's what the entire season is hinging on. Bonnie's big confession scene fell flat because they didn't put in the work to make us understand or care about her relationship with her mom. Most of the cast is being wasted - the kids are barely characters anymore. There is some serious weirdness around the edges that I'm now putting down to half-revealed unrealized glimmers of whatever Andrea Arnold was trying to do. I'm sure it would have been more interesting than this; at least it would have had a real point of view. 

    • Love 17
  14. 4 hours ago, izabella said:

    Even battered wives who kill their abusers go to jail.  Lol, isn't that one of the stories of the women in prison in "Chicago"?

    Absolutely - but not when they're wealthy and live in communities like Monterey.

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