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Posts posted by stagmania

  1. I wish I could trust that the show was actually going to drop the triangle for awhile, but I've been burned before. I'm sure that Elena will be making moon eyes at one or both brothers again within a couple weeks. 

    I'm not sure I'm really following the Travelers/Other Side stuff. I can't seem to pay proper attention to this show anymore.

  2. The Monica stories have always been really strong. The Thanksgiving episode, especially. I won't forget the image of her on the kitchen floor, and you're right that the aftermath was a very strong moment for Jimmy/Steve. I wish we saw more of that side of him, and less of the restless hustler schtick.

    I see why they can't go back to the Monica well too often, but I would love to see her return and learn about Ian's bipolar disorder next season.

  3. I'm here for the siblings (kind of hate Frank, despite WHM's stellar acting), and Lip and Ian were always my favorites. I thought Lip was a great co-pilot for Fiona, and loved how supportive he was with all his siblings. I especially loved Lip and Ian's close relationship, a dynamic that was sorely missed in season 4.

    As for the various romantic entanglements, Ian and Mickey was the only one that really got me. It was such a slow build, and Mickey was so gross at first, that when I found myself rooting for them in season 3 it took me by surprise. Very well done by the writers. I also really liked Fiona and Jimmy and Lip and Karen in season 1, but those relationships were ruined in season 2 when they started the dumb plot with Estefania and the mob and turned Karen into an insane narcissistic asshole, respectively.

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  4. I think the breakup came pretty much out of nowhere, but I do think they've handled it really well so far. All the stuff with Nick and Jess in this episode was very sweet. I can't imagine how they will be able to move on when their lives are so intertwined, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was leading to a reunion at the end of the season.

    Also, did we know before this episode that Cece never graduated high school? I knew she didn't go to college, but that seems like a stretch.

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  5. I agree with what others have said about Jimmy/Steve/Jack. If they are bringing him back with all the stupid drug cartel strings still attached, I want no part of it. That story was a drain on the show and kind of ruined his character, to the point where I was happy to see him go at the end of Season 3.

    That said, I really liked his character and what he brought to Fiona/the Gallaghers in the beginning-some sense of stability and support. If they bring him back closer to that original conception, I'd be interested in that. Maybe they'll finally address how his abrupt departure affected Fiona, as it was the beginning of her spiral.

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  6. Ian's storyline better get some proper focus next season. I can't believe they sidelined him for more Wacky Sheila bullshit.

    I wanted to reach through the screen and smack Fiona and Lip when they skipped right over Ian's very serious illness to joke around about Amanda.

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  7. It definitely doesn't make any sense, though if it results in one of these amazing performances finally getting some attention, I won't be upset. Seems pretty unlikely that it will, though.

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  8. Now that I think of it, it's pretty weird that Mandy was absent for Mickey's big coming out. Wonder if we'll see some reaction from her next week?


    The texting bugged me.  People in jail don't have access to cell phones.  Were they e-mailing her?  Do prisoners have ready access to e-mail?  All I know of is access to phones for collect calls.


    That was driving me nuts, too. How would she get those messages?
    I wonder if they'll end the season with Fiona still in jail, or do a time jump in the next episode. Most of the major story threads got some form of closure this week (except for Ian's illness, which they may be saving the bulk of for next season), so I think they could pull off a jump.
  10. Apparently JM put the kibosh on the Alicia/Kalinda friendship.  She doesn't believe that a married woman would be friends with the woman who slept with her husband.

    Them not being friends I understand. But they have not shared one scene together in this entire season, or most of last season. That just doesn't make sense, story-wise.

  11. The Frank stuff was as implausible as ever, but at least he was tolerable for once. I like that most of his kids don't really care what's going on with him; they all have way too much on their plates to be bothered.

    I definitely agree that the Mickey story was the highlight of this episode. That moment was four years in the making, and it didn't disappoint. Also found it interesting that Kev seemed to know before the big announcement, though I imagine it was pretty easy to put it together between Mickey's recent behavior and the return of "Carrot Boy". 

  12. Frank goes from having days, maybe hours to live, to being at the top of the donor list. I rolled my eyes at that development. WHM is a wonderful actor but I'm ready to move on from Frank Gallagher.

    I really wish the writers/Showtime would have the courage to kill Frank off. He's always been my least favorite part of the show, and he's served his purpose as a foil for the Gallagher kids. Imagine what they could do with all that free screen time; each sibling might actually get a fully developed storyline. 

  13. I totally agree about Elena's characterization, and I think it's why I've felt so disengaged from this show for the last year. For me, it boils down to the Damon/Elena thing: in order to make them a couple, they had to fundamentally alter Elena's character. Old Elena would be tormented by all the mayhem he caused when Katherine-as-Elena broke up with him; with current Elena, it barely warrants a shrug.

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  14. I completely agree about the family dynamic. When that scene came on it hit me how long it had been since they'd shown multiple siblings discussing something together. I really want to know when Fiona and Lip are gonna get with the program re: Ian. It should be blindingly clear to them by now that he is manic, Lip especially.

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  15. They sure are taking their time with Ian's storyline. I'm getting a little impatient for the family to put it together; Fiona is so wrapped up in her pity party that she hasn't even noticed how off he is. At least Lip and Mickey know something's wrong.

    I do not get the Svetlana character at all. She was complicit (possibly also a victim?) in Mickey's rape, so she knows full well that he is gay and that their marriage is a sham orchestrated by Terry. So why the hell is she making eyes at him and asking him to come home "where he belongs"? I get her being scared and wanting to make sure he won't leave her on the street, but guilting him about a baby he's not responsible for and threatening him with his abuser is so low that I can't really feel any sympathy for her.

    I really hope that they're actually going to kill Frank off after all of this, but I doubt it.

  16. Another great episode. I especially liked the Ian/Mickey storyline, and am wondering when the family is going to catch on to what's happening with Ian. Seemed like Fiona and Lip already have their suspicions.

  17. I thought this was a great episode (minus everything involving Sheila). Loved the quiet humiliation of Fiona's brief stay in jail, and Lip's inability to roll with the "this is no one's fault" nonsense that every other adult character was spewing. Really looking forward to next week.

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