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  1. A “wake” for Captain Hook. Yo Ho, and I raise a glass of (fill in your favorite beverage) in remembrance of the dashing rapscallion who used to be. I could almost accept the domestication of his sassy scoundrel self during the heat of the CaptainSwan saga. Almost. I much preferred the scruff and edge. The sadly missed plot opportunities sometimes became too much in his (And Emma’s) repetitive three steps forward, two steps back relationship. But I accepted the Disneyesque papblum because, well wtf else choice did I have if I still wanted to wrap my eye candy needs in his luxurious countenance? But they’ve Effectively killed the swagger and sass and sexiness of the ruffian pirate. Rogers is, well, a bore. No revenge, no adult angst, no steamy sass, raised eyebrows and heady passion. Every hair in place, everything neat, PC and decidedly tidy is not my choice of small screen entertainment fare. alas, Captain, I adored you. I enjoyed the earthy ride. You will not be forgotten!! Glug glug glug. The high was a good one over the years!
  2. Jennifer has truly moved on. Colin is bravely toeing the “I’m Under contract” line. It’s a working gig and he has family to help support. While CS will live forever in fanfic and ship lore, it’s done. Their closure was somewhat believable, thankfully. There was no where to go or grow with the shallow writing pool at their characters’ disposal and the need to address a dozen other characters’ storylines. Can’t fault either of the actors. They have jobs and livelihoods to protect/promote. The blame for the boring mess this season has been so far (with very few little hopeful moments) rests on A&E. They screwed up a lot and don’t have the intestinal fortitude or talent to fix it. Sad all around.
  3. Tossing this added “dying but soon to be revived old reprobate Hook” dialogue... he has the rook piece and his daughter has the Knight that is how we will know she is his daughter.
  4. I didn’t hate it. I didn’t love it. Parts of it bored me. Parts intrigued me. A&E are still idea people with only brief moments of solid writing skills. They will always be totally illogical and whacked no matter what story they think they are telling. Expect nonsense from them. Otherwise you will be eternally frustrated. The best moment (and potential) was Roni and Rogers clinking glasses at the end. THAT could be interesting because the retiring of Emma/Killian (and the quite acceptable happy alternative of them in Storybrook) suits the original series just fine and allows a different direction with two already cool characters. (Carlyle has yet to be defined and I think we may have seen the end of genuine Rumple which would be tragic, but he is instant quality no matter who he is) This gives Colin and the new incarnation of Hook to go to some meatier places. The sparks of snark and sass WERE there. I was missing them. It still might not be enough in this new larger city setting. Emma and Killian got the “open” happy ending/new beginning closure they earned. I was Happy with that. They’d gone as far as their writing staff’s skills could allow with Emma, etc. Hook had nowhere Hookish to go! It is, in effect, a totally different show. Forget the old one. It’s done. If you like Rogers and Roni and Weaver enough, it might be worth a watch but so far, the new characters are, so far, a giant snooze. I’ll hang around to see if they bring enough of the fairy tale world back. If they don’t concentrate on the fantasy realm, it will disintegrate. Resets like this are difficult at best. A&E are facing a huge climb out of a pretty deep hole, with less than sterling story telling skills...but, we’ll see. It’s gonna take a while and the very ADHD tv audience isn’t usually patient or all that deeply invested. Ratings are going to be the deciding factor. The money people may not give the new version time to settle in.
  5. I'm ready to give it a new chance, as I would any show (especially since three of my favorite characters will be there). I'm assuming it will still be heavily under the thumb of Disney, which has never thrilled me. But Carlyle in any incarnation has always been a treat, and if they don't screw up Hook too much, my pleasure candy could be safe, too. Hopefully The writing for Lana, (and all of them) will raise in quality. but A&E? I dunnnno. They have a ton to make up for. we shall all see soon enough!
  6. Some of my favorite smiling moments were the five second throw away scenes...Snow and the Vikings, David and Hook actually turning around when making the potion "just to play it safe". ...and I adored ten times over the musical episode. Perhaps it's my musical theater past, but I was smiling and laughing the entire episode.
  7. Knowing how these writers have jumped all over the plot map for six seasons, mangled characters and ignored canon by using the convenient usage of curses, none of what they say should be any real surprise. I wish Netflix had outright bought it and it was totally separated from ABC. However, I will be more than content to see what transpires and give it a go. Network TV in this day and age of Cable is hardly the power player it once was. Old Rules are obsolete. The best shows, in my eyes, are cable spawned. (yeah, admittedly, OUAT continues with 3 of my favorite characters. I lucked out. If it hadn't I would just watch something else. Nothing I can do about any of it, anyway) TV fiction has never totally pleased anyone but the actual writers and with the gigantic world of fan fic available, literally at any keyboard, fans can create their own continuing sagas. A & E are more loyal and dedicated to their original premise...fractured fairy tales than they are anything else. It still is massively appealing. If anyone continues to watch (I will until I get too bored) they should expect more of the same level of writing and pretty much the same attitude. With the inclusion of curses and magic and memory wipes and immortality and overcoming death by any number of causes and suspension of disbelief as the norm, expecting solid character development and cohesive plot ...is futile! Having this community has been the real pearl about this show. Hopefully it will continue to be a gathering place. Change quite often sucks. But Change is the one thing that everyone seeks and fears at the same time.
  8. This was pretty much true to the lackluster talent of the stagnant, repetitive writers. It was indeed time for this story book edition to close. They had no idea what to intelligently do about anything. What "could" have been was never going to be because, inspite of the appeal of the actors, the plot was a badly scratched broken record. And Disneyesque power/control tends to annoy me these days. I gave up on the scripted versions making any sense a long time ago. Not a Twitter reader, don't follow online entertainment articles, just watched the show for some fun moments and shallow eye candy delights. It fulfilled those well enough for ultra light Sunday night entertainment. Being deeply invested wasn't going to happen, ever. I will momentarily miss the fun parts. I still get a kick out of the premise no matter how they mangled it. But six seasons will give me plenty of re-watching opportunities. Hook is coming back, that might be fun. I will be loyal to the kick in the libido he gives to my aging, cranky soul.
  9. I'll give it a shot. If it is time travel to the future with Henry full grown (or is there a possibility the new guy is Emma and Hook's son and Emma has passed on after their son has grown and they have had two decades of happiness...but Hook has been cursed by Rumple to miraculously stay in his thirties for all eternity without his Swan????) There could be lots of newly-widowed pirate adventures. (I hope Jen has a fabulous future. She will be sorely missed.) I love Carlyle. Without simpering weak willed Belle he could be wickedly fun again, Dearie! I unapologetically like the Evil Queen as well. Over the top scenery chewing in fabulous costumes has a certain appeal, still. Shrug. It's all a mystery to me, and probably to them, too! What the hell do they know about quality character driven writing (snork)? I guess my shallow response is Ooooh, Hook!!! Ooooo yeah! (fade into the Captain Hook theme song and some scruffy snark)
  10. Talk about a buzzkill! Not a surprise at all about Morrison. Ever since I saw pics of her new haircut I thought "she's outta there!" I wish her all the very best. She had a (mostly) good character run and has a sterling future ahead of her as a producer/director as well. Nothing surprises me, either, about where the writing has taken the show. They ran out of substantive ideas for these characters a while back and have been running on plot driven fumes for a long time. A shame...but...blah blah blah. It is what it is. If Colin goes (and it seems quite possible except for that "contract" thing) I will miss my scalawag Pirate, but he has been abused by the writers as well. They never lived up to his potential or his talent. Carlyle will not be unemployed no matter what. Will be verrry interesting to see what decisions come down this week. These writers "reboot" every season. We shall soon seeeee!
  11. Wellll, that was a helluva lot of fun!!!! just as it should be :)
  12. "The gold in your sack, well it isn't worth Jack...I should make you fools go walk the plank!" Oh, YESSSS. That number was well worth 6 seasons of writers' mediocrity. oh, YES YES YESSSS. Ha!!
  13. A long time ago, I stopped thinking about the writing, the flaws, the super-speed, the writing, the giant plot holes, the idiocy, the frustrations,...did I mention the WRITING??...and just watched for the enjoyment of the momentary fantasy escape. So, I liked it :) Neverland was always my favorite.
  14. The writers never have been and never will be honest about anything involving this show. They are mediocre. Their ideas may be intriguing and captivating but they have little substance to support those ideas. Their spoilers have always been infuriatingly manipulative. The "tease" is often abusive...to the fans and the characters and the actors. It's just ugly.
  15. Well, I'll be damned. I mostly enjoyed it.
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