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Everything posted by TwistedSoul7

  1. I think she was annoyed because he was so pushy on her a few hours prior. He made a big stink about how the waitress was nothing so that meant she could tell him who she was all sex addicted too. Then she leaves him and he was in a wreck with said waitress? She has no right to be annoyed but she loves the idiot and can't help it. You are right that they are too old for this shit. They have been together almost a damn decade. I get why their families think their love is made of gold or some nonsense. They are the worst exes I have ever seen. Even divorced they still all up in each other's lives. Probably the main reason Phyllis keep trying to push him away. She likes the thrill but she knows better than to ruin her life because Billy is having a meltdown.
  2. I was very confused watching this. Billy seemed very concerned to me when Victoria got annoyed an left. He seemed to try and stop her but she stormed out. Jack and Jill read him the riot act and all he could say was, "Victoria doesn't care and she does not want me" or whatever he said. Still interesting how he has yet to say he does not want her. He wants Phyllis, sure, but never has uttered he doesn't also want Victoria. Now Bethany not thinking he wants Victoria but wants Phyllis was an obvious plot point for this blatant blackmail set up. No way would Phyllis reveal herself like that and open herself up to be played by this woman. $10K? Yeah right. Phyllis just showed her hand. It will be $10K the first lie. Then another to keep it going. Welcome to a little thing called extortion. Another thing that stood out was Billy explaining to them how he rides because he feels free from the burdens of his life. That just about sums everything he does up. He just looking for a damn thrill. Max has a tumor? Talk about a cop out. Meredith fucked Victor? Ew. Why the hell is Travis so mad? The woman he sleeps with is rich? So what?!
  3. I think he was talking out both sides his mouth. He was talking to Phyllis about her and to Jack about Victoria. Since that episode all he has done is protect Victoria. Spend time with Victoria. Flirt with Victoria. I think Billy will say and do just about anything to get what he desires in that moment whether it is authentic or not. That is who he is these days.
  4. Billy did more than that though. He literally spent the entire morning badgering Victoria. He was rubbing her face (he did it like 4 times) and called her beautiful. She was uncomfortable and walked away. Then she saw the Brash and Sassy samples. He tried to get her to talk to him about that. She changed the subject and then he was all about trying to get her to tell him who she was fucking. It was wild. She said no and he was like, "I am banging a waitress but she means nothing, so now your turn. Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" No wonder she was left. He looked confused when she said he was ruining the progress they made. Billy clearly still loves and wants Victoria. He has been attached to her since this grand speech about "love" which makes me question who he was REALLY talking about.
  5. We also saw Travis on a rant about how the 1% get everything while the common joes have to struggle to get scraps. This was because he was denied a loan for his bar. I guess he in the hole by $20K. Victoria was very uncomfortable but played it off well. She jet out after he invited her back to his place because she had to get to the Foundation Dedication. He sensed something else was up, so he followed her. That is when he heard and saw her in all her NEWMAN glory and walked out. She is with Jill and Jack at the hospital tomorrow but no doubt she will confront her little stalker too per the promo.
  6. No doubt she will sneak into his room and declare her love. Probably what Jill overhears.
  7. In the previews she is in restroom looking at herself all banged up and crying. I am sure she called 911 but she clearly ran to not get caught. She will have to make up some lie with Jack but I think Jill will figure it out.
  8. Basically what happened. The Foundation kicked off. Phyllis was jealous of Hilary. Jill scolding Bethany and then one ups Hilary. Nikki realized Neil was drinking. He decides to head to rehab. Summer moves Luca in with her. Victoria and Billy have another awkward talk where he tell her he banged a waitress. She is annoyed and leaves and sees Travis how now has money issues with Hanks. He follows her to GCAC and sees her hand a big fat check to the foundation in the name of the Newmans. Billy sees Phyllis all sad I guess over Hilary/Jack. They got on a bike ride and crash. Previews have Billy at hospital but Phyllis apparently ran away but called 911 first. Oh Esther was on too.
  9. I just heard that they are recasting Chance Chancellor. I guess he will return late summer? Probably will be Chloe's love interesting again. Hopefully he boots Billy out his family home and runs Chancellor with Jill so it can be an actual presence on the show. Chance and Cane teaming up? That would drive Billy insane and make Jill's heart warm.
  10. What was the point of these Villy scenes? What is funnier is that it happens right after the Philly/Jack scene with Jill. We went from "I will fight for the woman I love" to Billy being all about Victoria again. Pratt is all over the place in his writing. It is like he wants to play Philly but is too scared to really let go of Villy, so he is doing them both. That never works.
  11. Woo BM back? No thanks. You seen him at GH? Jill might be gone but unless Pratt is gone too then not much will change. Mal is not the HW. He sharing EP with Pratt, most likely. Unless of course Pratt is leaving too and then they are basically starting fresh. HW ideas?
  12. I think it is JFP and Pratt. Mal Young has been groomed to take over. They didn't hire a well known EP from across the pond for nothing.
  13. I think the baby is going to be Kevin's to be honest. Billy too obvious. And he has two babies already. Kevin has non and Chloe will give him some real angst for a change.
  14. It is insulting to Phack and Villy to be quite honest. They must be killing those pairings because I can't imagine fans of them would be thrilled they using Jack and Victoria to prop this lame ass affair. That double talk was ridiculous. Also since when did Summer hate Billy so much? I feel like it is more manufactured drama for the affair.
  15. Jack tells Billy to fight for the woman that he loves and then glares at Phyllis and agrees that he will because he knows she love him too. Jill sees the whole thing. Hmm. They in love now? LMAO.
  16. I loved Jill's ripping Billy a new asshole. She told no lies and he knew it. That is why he got all weird with Barbie at the end. Phyllis and the face drop when she heard "Naked woman in sheets." Really girl? This is Billy. Wake up. Jill all in Victoria's face in the preview. I hope she tells her she fine and doesn't need her screw up son. Not sure why this is Victoria's problem. Everyone expects her to fix and save Billy. It is cruel and unfair.
  17. Yes. It is very, very Bill Bell. Hilary gives no damn. She wants respect and will do what she gotta go. I thought she held her own with Jill and even reminded her that she too went from fixing nails to married to a billionaire. Two snaps. Good stuff. I hollered when she said Katherine was her family. Jill about ripped her head all. Cane just needed popcorn.
  18. I'm enjoying bitchy Hilary all up in their business. She reminds me of Jill which made their scenes all the more glorious. Glad she out of the Neil/Devon bubble. It also looks like Cane is about to do the same. Free them!
  19. I truly think it is ego on both sides. They bonded over their pure hatred and need of revenge against Victor. They stroked each other's egos to epic levels. Everyone else told them to move the hell on and they had each other to be like "You are awesome!" and I think that has taken over. It is a thrill. They are being naughty. They are both self destructive people. When shit doesn't go their way they latch on to anything that makes them feel good. Jack is safe. That apparently bores Phyllis. Billy is exciting because it is wrong, but she also knows she too old for this shit and is fighting it. Also Phyllis seems to remember that Billy is a fickle bitch. Her face dropped when Ashley reminded her that Billy always does this when he loses Victoria. She must also had flashes to Nick who married her but still lusted for Sharon for years. She right back in that scenario. Billy just traded one addiction for another. I don't buy anything he trying to sell her. He is over the top because he is trying to win. I have ZERO doubt that once Phyllis finally succumbs and ruins her marriage, then the thrill will be gone for Billy. In the meantime Phyllis is the one who will look like the fool. Billy is single. He being a hateful shit but he not breaking marriage vows. In fact he has a shiny new toy already. And I don't believe for one second that Victoria is out the picture. She might be distracted now but once Travis learns her ID and he is introduced as her new man than that added angst will also jump it. So basically this is about Phyllis looking the fool for Billy over and over and over again. I would feel bad but then I remember she is screwing over Jack.
  20. It is them against the world remember? Only no one is against them. They will force people to loathe their asses because they trifling. She is actually fighting it. Ashley has her paranoid that she really is the rebound so she backed off. Billy is the aggressor.
  21. It is true though. I was falling asleep watching their scenes. In the beginning at least they were interesting. Now I just find them boring. Their out of nowhere grand love that they can't fight. He is making romantic lunches for her and begging her to leave his brother. "We can make this work." At least Phyllis is like, "You make no fucking sense!" because he doesn't. How will this work Billy? You have lost it. All they do now is be weepy over each other. This is an affair right? It is suppose to scandalous and interesting, right? Now they need random chick to give the affair more angst because they are so dull.
  22. Well that is a bad example because even during that relationship he was still super emo Billy over Victoria plenty. I lost track how many times Chelsea and Stitch got paranoid over them. So it is no shocked any of them will still think as much now. Also I find it telling that even now Billy has yet to say he is done with Victoria to any of them. It is always "Victoria has made it clear..." or "Victoria broke it off" or whatever. Never once has he told them, "I am over Victoria." Maybe if he said those words they would believe it. Does Billy not lock his doors? People walk in and out of it freely. Hell even Johnny barged in. I also these scenes with Billy and Phyllis are anticlimactic for an affair tale. It is no wonder they bringing in Bethany. The actress all but said in an interview her character is being used to push forward the story. I think the writers are aware there is not a lot of places they can go at the moment, so new girl to make Phyllis all jealous it is. I guess. It is super snoozefest. I have to say I did enjoy Adam and Victoria bickering like real siblings for once. They were never admit it but I do think they care about each other deep down in their Newman souls.
  23. Billy just doesn't care. I am not even sure he knows what he wants. He just dislikes being told no. Phyllis is doing that now so he is chasing her until she caves and leaves Jack. I get the feelings once she does that he will be bored again and looks for his next thrill.
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