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Everything posted by TexasGal

  1. I didn’t understand why Mattson was so fixated on not wanting real estate. Buying property and building whatever the “land cruises” are supposed to be will take a while.
  2. The mom was so over acting during the initial trial scenes that I completely knew we’d find out she had consented to the treatment. But when I saw Dr. Isles as the politician wife I thought she’d end up the criminal so I didn’t predict everything.
  3. Airdate: 05.02.2023 There have been a few posts in the most recent episodes that have been removed for commenting on someone's weight or appearance in violation of our Inclusion Policy. Please review this policy before posting.
  4. What a brilliant idea to give these women multiple shots of whiskey before giving them food. What could go wrong? Surely it will just enhance their charming personalities. Or, cause them to drop their forks later.
  5. Airdate: 04.11.2023 God, apologies to Ireland on behalf of the US.
  6. I love this line in the obituary: I was so wrapped up in watching everything that I didn't even think about it being the weekend. I guess they could have been tracking foreign markets but seeing that made me giggle.
  7. Same. First I thought Tom was messing with them for some reason, and then every time that plane cabin door opened I thought he’d have been revived somehow. I thought it was interesting that Shiv seemed to take all the hard tasks once she was in the know.
  8. Airdate: 04/10/2023 Will we finally get a Colin boatmance?!? (no please)
  9. I loved the visual of Logan on the boxes, and Tom still being slightly taller than him. And then of course Tom had to make it weird(er) with the comment about giving him a kiss.
  10. Airdate: 04.02.2023 Free Willa!!
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