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  1. Yes, I wouldn't disagree he could certainly be fleshed out more. I'd definitely like to see him interact with all the M&A team as well as get a better grip on his family. I do think they spent a little too long on the old Gabbi and Lacey flashbacks this season. We didn't need as many as they included to get their dynamic. Would have rather had a few of him and Christian from years past. I hope his jail stint is short-lived because while the Clarice/Hannibal exchange last night was fun, there's only so much to do with him behind bars. Since we've already had him on the run, a savvy bail release could provide much more material.
  2. Same here. Sir is too much a part of the foundation of the show, and MPG does a great job with him. I'm not sure I'd be as compelled to watch without him. I want to see him return to help solving cases. Which on that note, did anyone else get Silence of the Lambs vibes in that scene between him and Gabbi in jail when he tries to bargain for the book? I sensed they were paying homage to it.
  3. That was such an....well "irrational" way to take pills. She tossed them back like candy as if it didn't matter how many she got. Pretty sure her cardiologist would cringe at that, to say the least. She was in Jaws 3. She played the marine biologist dating Brody's oldest son.
  4. 100% on both of these⬆️ Count me in on being utterly disgusted that their drug use lifestyle was brushed off and even normalized because they were rich tech guys who worked hard. 🙄 I don't care how many hours in a week you put in, if you spend your weekend drug binging, you're still a loser who makes poor life choices.
  5. I definitely want another season.
  6. I believe they said they deliberated 3 days and had asked for additional information/clarification on things so sounded like they made a good effort/didn't blow it off. This! They were a little too "helpful" to the police, and we've certainly seen that on Dateline before. And I couldn't believe they were even interviewed together. That's like police work 101 to separate your witnesses and possible suspects to make sure their stories jive. You definitely don't let them collaborate on telling the version of events. Had to wonder if there wasn't some good old boys club preferential treatment going on there.
  7. I can buy that Melody shot her husband, but no way do I buy that she moved the body. Even using that tractor across the property to the burn pile, she still would have had to get him out of the house. She had help for sure, and I wasn't buying those crocodile tears from her spoiled sons. With her out of the way, they inherit. Makes for motive for me. Also, I hate when judges send the jury who can't reach a verdict back to try again. That never feels like an honest verdict to me. It's more someone(s) giving in than agreeing. People want to go home to their families and lives, not to mention stronger personalities may sway more passive ones.
  8. I enjoy it too! The kids were hot messes, the dad was a dick, and the mom should have never let Savanah in the door, but the mystery keep me engaged and guessing, and the message/theme of how mom/motherhood is often taken for granted in the family/society as well as held to unequal standards and judged more harshly was nice to see explored. And thus, I too adored the ending! I was glad Joy was alive and found it humorous that she really didn't know all that happened. After her kids basically ghosted her for months and her husband took off when he felt like it for years, I didn't blame her for taking her own break. I sort of assumed she lost track of time too. It only bothered me that she trusted Savannah so much. I was actually hoping she'd get her HEA with Savannah's neighbor man. It seemed like she should have "escaped" to his house when she discovered Savannah's bag.
  9. Roman (WN) and Marlena's original wedding (and the lead up to) was the first episodes I ever saw. I remember Stefano lying in wait/some kind of a trap when Roman went to the tux shop. I guess you could say that's how I got hooked on the show. 😃 You are correct that Roman/John (Drake) was with Marlena less than a year roughly and most of that time Diedre was sparsely in it as she was shooting Our House. Drake probably interacted more with Shane, Hope, Steve, Kayla and the Bradys than her. In that '86-87 year Marlena was in a coma, kidnapped/held hostage by the ISA, and kidnapped by Orpheus/believed dead through much of that time. Agree, WN's Roman would have made a good Brady patriarch. I still think of JT's Roman as Chris Kostichek. 😆
  10. Both Romans gone in the same year! Wayne Northrop has passed. 😢 https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/days-of-our-lives-alum-wayne-northrop-ex-roman-passes-away-at-77/
  11. Just found this on Netflix. Good series. Kept me interested. Didn't know it wasn't a single season so anxious now for the next. Anyone hear any release dates? The blood came from Maddy being thrown back against the pipes/ductwork/whatever. She hit her head, so her body was injured, but she didn't die. Janet just took over the body likely susceptible to it because Maddy said after the fight/conversation with her mom that her soul was killed. That's likely what allowed her to hear the ghosts down there. Her body was alive but her soul was dead. Janet is mentioned in the earlier episodes when Maddy first joins the ghost group in the gym, and they are talking about another ghost (Janet) who has just recently passed over. The teacher implies it's from writing her obituary when he pushes that assignment. I too thought it was weird that Mr. Martin could trap the other ghosts in a room. Seems like it defies the metaphysics of their ghost world.
  12. "Deadly Dance" After watching and thinking this one over, I'm kind of the mind that Doug was not an innocent victim in all this. I'm not sure Ashley's life was in imminent danger in the moment she shot him, but I think she feared him and wanted him out of her and her daughter's life. Like quite possibly they got into an argument while packing/loading up, he got nasty, and things turned heated, which caused her to grab the gun and react. I thought the daughter was a piece of work too. She definitely came off immature to say the least. When she was on the stand testifying and complaining about having a stepmom tell her what to do after her mom was gone only 9 months, I thought that was hardly Ashley's fault but her father's for remarrying before his daughter had sufficient time to grieve and accept a new women in his life on top of marrying someone he only knew for 13 freaking days. Speaking of the 13-day courtship, I couldn't help but think that it was obvious they rushed into this before true colors showed. I wonder what Ashley's mother and other family members thought of Doug. It definitely stuck out at me that aside from his daughter, it was other men defending Doug. Definitely would have liked to hear from his dead wife's family. Agree, I thought that judge came off particularly harsh and maybe quick to dismiss domestic abuse. I had to wonder though; they said the judge specifically gave him the daughter's medical rights. Perhaps Ashley was withholding childhood vaccines from the baby and the judge was disgusted with her over that. I got those vibes with this one too. Also, I know exhuming a grave is costly, but after Doug was dead and Ashley was on trial, seems like it would have been worth it to look further into the first wife's death just to be sure.
  13. As soon as the prosecution presented to the jury that David faked his injury as part of a premeditated plan and killed her with his feet instead of the barbell, I knew the case was toast. I think they might have had better luck to stick with a crime of passion in the heat of the moment with the barbell. I know I personally couldn't come up with a logical reason for burning your exercise equipment and hiding it in the backyard. For the most part, there's enough evidence there to make me believe David did it. The dude had some issues. Also stalking your ex-wife while you're on bail for murdering your first isn't exactly a good (read sane) look. Most normal people would be more concerned and preoccupied with proving their innocence. That all being said, obnoxious old rich white guy is up to something/is hiding something. Not sure what exactly, but I don't think he's as uninvolved in all this as he claims. Interesting that the police have both of her cell phones; they should know if there was any indication of involvement between Karen and his son-in-law. Were the teenage sons not home the night of the murder? Since they were older, their recollections would have been interesting to hear.
  14. Agree, it was edited/spliced odd. My daughter was watching with me and thought a lot of it was taken from the podcast they referenced. That blurred restaurant background was giving me a headache looking at my TV screen. I also noticed the segments were short and there seemed to be a ton of commercials. And holy repetitive with the constant reciting of the clothes inventory. Stiletto heels, nylon stockings, short black mini-skirt, men's white dress shirt, and he'd provide the tie. Let's all say it together again! 🙄 Interesting case/story though. Kudos to the women who helped put him behind bars and are still working to keep him there. Shame on that first jury on his earlier arrest who believed his psycho ass over the hotel room victim.
  15. 100% And the police kept asking her how often she slept with her brother! Like he only came over because the parent's fighting woke him up, but she'd been in bed with daddy the whole time before that (well except for when he was murdering their mom) and other nights as well from the sound of it I sure hope the police followed up more about how often she shared a bed with her father and we just didn't get that audio.
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