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Everything posted by rose711

  1. It’s completely their business. It’s typical in sports for the team managers to know what’s happening physically with players. Injuries even make big news stories for atheletes. if a girl gains weight and says it’s because of a serious medical condition, they need to know. If anything they are helping her because the Cowboys doctors should be some of the top people in their field. Lying about her weight gain and her doctor is just unacceptable for anyone. It goes beyond immaturity. I’n starting to understand the pressure that Victoria is under to make the team if she resorts to these major lies about her health.
  2. I don’t remember Kelli biting her finger like that before on the show. It’s almost like she’s physically stopping herself from talking while she thinks a minute. Ive seen her do the thing where she looks up and puts her tongue on the roof of her mouth to not cry after cutting a girl - like with Hannah, but this is New in my recollection anyway.
  3. This season is the first one where Kelli has a “bad edit.” She’s looking incorrect and indecisive. The closest thing to compare was keeping Brianna because she was so gorgeous, and maybe back to the Morgan and Kaitlin season Kelli’s looked bad since Victoria fell out of her turns on the field and the reaction was “awww.” Each episode she looks less able to face reality. I’m not sure she even sees what the editors are doing to her. In fairness to Kelli, if Victoria had held up her end and behaved even semi-professionally, she maybe could have let her slide on to the team. I don’t think Kelli expected the extreme immaturity from Victoria. She’s the most immature girl I’ve ever seen on the show. Its not just the weight gain, it’s everything about her behavior- like expecting show group, being shocked to not be noticed. Victora is ok, and if they hadn’t focused on her like she was a rock star like Jalyn actually is, maybe let her slip under the radar like Brennan is doing this season, it maybe would have been ok all around.
  4. The drybar here features waves prominently in a few of the looks and constantly tells me it’s a very current and popular style. I see a lot of women with wavy or beachy type of hair. https://www.thedrybar.com/styles/
  5. She doesn’t actually believe she will get cut. Kelli had to tell her “ I’m serious.” Then she put her head on the table. The girl is a mess.
  6. So what are all the real reasons? There is a lot of hinting but not explaining what she did. personally, I hope she doesn’t come back. If she does, I hope the show isn’t all about her. We barely know anything about the stunning rookie dancers who made show group because of so much focus on her. It does ruin the show. We’ve heard nothing from Brennan who I expected to see more from, she has an interesting story.
  7. Kelli just sees her with blinders as others suggest. It’s understandable in a way, I’m sure I would be equally as blind. But her reaction to Denise was very telling as she made excuses for Victoria. If Victoria was better or wasnt so entitled or acted like she wasn’t guaranteed a spot, I would like her better. Her acting in the latest episode made it clear she doesn’t think she will get cut, Kelli had to repeat “I’m serious” to get her attention. I want to add, I’m only talking about what I see on the show and her bad dancing that Kelli and Charlotte can’t see. Im not commenting on who she is in real life. She seems like she could be fun to be around, like a goofy 18 year old. I’m commenting on her lack of professionalism, her poor dancing and her protection from Kelli. Anything with her mother is based on what they’ve shown on the show.
  8. May I contribute my phone screenshot of the beautiful Judy’s reaction? I really want a gif of her reaction. I may make one later.
  9. I think you are correct. Maddie won me over a bit with her kindness in getting the girl cut from her group out and away from the cameras. Maddie knows exactly how that feels and she protected this girl from being shown crying on camera like she was when she was cut. As far as weight and girls being soft, I wonder if just basic understanding of girls on the team and the audience with eating disorders, made them stop featuring it on the show so much. I was never that comfortable with it. The pressure on these girls to lose weight was too big of a feature for tv. I’m happy for them to discuss it privately, but I don’t think it needs to be a focusof the show. (Example I have - a friends sister was hospitalized with bullemia and could have died. They were shopping after she got out of the hospital and a sales girl suggesting her sister needed “a bigger size”, her exact words - a 4 instead of 2- was enough to trigger a brief relapse. ) Also, my fit foods suddenly closed up shop a couple of years ago so they don’t seem to have a sponsored space they need to fill. I think Judy is playing it very smart to not say anything regarding Victoria.
  10. The show is about drama. If multiple girls were visibly upset, they would show it. I do think that Victoria is being edited slightly negatively but I don’t think they would miss the chance to show a number of upset, entitled divas complaining that they didn’t get one of the best spots.
  11. It is entitled to be so disappointed you can’t perform in practice when you aren’t even on the team yet. Anyone who doesn’t make it is disappointed, of course. Her disappointment came from an expectation that she deserves to make it over the other girls. A part of me wishes Dayton had never even tried out again. I know it’s part of her life story and it was an accomplishment to make training camp - but I’m not sure it was a good experience for her. As it turns out, she’s better off not being in the team. I know shes made dumb errors ( like being late which she should get in trouble for doing) but some of her edit is just too harsh. I would rather have seen more of Brennan and the others to be honest.
  12. Which one does a judge use if they aren’t sure? :)
  13. Do you think that was a toned down version of her criticism for show purposes and not upsetting Victoria’s purposes? Not an actual reflection of her critique? I think you mean the girl from Kansas City who was dancing with stiff shoulders the entire TC. She was a former pro bowl cheerleader for the Chiefs. She said something like “we have a few more days.” Kelli said “ you’re being presumptuous if you think you have a few more days.” Then gave her a look. In fairness, that girl had the same critique every day during training camp and didn’t improve. She also waddled down the field in a very odd manner during the entrance.
  14. I guess the show description, like Christina’s kick technique, was wrong. Whoever writes the show description, you’re just going to have to take your learning capability up a notch. When we call out mistakes, fix them. When we have to repeat ourselves, we go backwards and we don’t have time for that.
  15. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen instagrams of girls taking and teaching power Pom. I think miss Kitty does as well or her studio does.
  16. Can you please explain, as a dancer, why Victoria is so obviously dancing out of control and sloppily? Even the weatherman noticed it from day one. She was called into the office about it. I haven’t seen any change or improvement.
  17. Wow. Taking on Victoria has caused a lot of stress for the entire team. She’s just too young and should have been told to wait a year instead of making it into training camp. We all saw her issues with dancing at tryouts. She could have been told privately if that was needed. It’s just not been great having her there trying to dance next to these accomplished women.
  18. I’m excited to see Nick. I think he’s a great addition.
  19. I doubt they wanted a mentor at all. Melissa is a shiny prize they can hold up because she won dancing with the stars. They leave out all the bachelor related stuff. i think her segments would be better if they just let her give showmanship advice. It seems CMT comes up with all these bad ideas that take time away from actual dancing.
  20. Kelli said she didn’t see that Malena wouldn’t make the team but they all show her as weak
  21. Jay just seemed off this year. Maybe it’s me. He seemed more punishing and critical than motivating
  22. I like the mother daughter stuff on the show a lot because no other show focuses on that relationship at all. Talking about the daughter of your best friend is different to me than a mother talking about her own daughter. I don’t like the decision to make the Dayton v Victoria storyline an issue on the show. I’m not sure why they did that because featuring them so much, adding even more fluff, and, ignoring other rookies has helped make the show bad this season. I feel that Kelli has lost some mojo this season due to her handling of the girls, especially Dayton and Victoria and Judy is really quiet. Maybe because there is less dancing? I never like it when a girl is cut and she’s never even been featured or discussed. They certainly had time to show more of the last cut so we would know her.
  23. Why are the stands so empty in the video? Do the cheerleaders come on super early?
  24. I appreciate seeing the video. The team looks good as a group. I still think Maddie looks bad upfront because her looks are so plain but that’s just my view. The difference stood out to me.
  25. There are two Taylors? I had no idea.
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