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  1. And these incidents... Matt Got His Ass Beat Matt Almost Got His Ass Beat But A Large Man Saved His Life
  2. While Amber is truly a disgusting hosebeast of a mess that has parlayed trashy behavior into a cushy enough paycheck to lounge around all day like an heiress in wherever the fuck Indiana, I don’t feel sorry for any of the parade of dicks we’ve seen on this show except for Gary. They’re all grifting losers that know good and goddamn well that Amber is violent, aggressive, and most importantly, NONCOMPLIANT WITH HER MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT. Where was this dude’s concern for that back when Amber was saying his dick basically cured her bipolar? She didn’t need meds because she was finally happy in a relationship with a new guy she’d been with for like two weeks after breaking up with an addict that had a gambling problem. Sounded totally healthy and reasonable to Andrew back then. We all saw her almost beat Matt’s ass on camera in front of God and the trash truck, has he developed amnesia?
  3. The only thing Amber has ever been good at is holding down a couch.
  4. Lil Soapy coming hard for Sophia’s Mowgli crown. At least he’s developed a new facial expression, for a while he only made an alarmed “I just sharted up my back” face. He... almost looks a little like Javi? Just needs a little mustache.
  5. Does David not realize that Nathan is only ever about three Jagerbombs away from bashing his skull in?
  6. These assholes... On vacation, again.
  7. Isthisok


    I’d sell my body on an interstate offramp before I’d write those DailyMail articles about this hosebeast.
  9. Watching him bludgeon the garlic with that glorified paring knife is laughable. Don’t blame the Adderall swamp donkey, I can still properly use a knife when geeked up. I love that they’re too dumb to not incriminate themselves on social media. I enjoy their misfortune.
  10. This research she did... was it the same research she did that led her to think she was infertile and didn’t need to use birth control despite numerous pregnancies and live births in a relatively short span of time? Her research has been lacking in the past. This bitch has only ever thoroughly researched yelp reviews and how to collect medical benefits as a military spouse.
  11. That’s for reminding me that even though Brittany is the smartest person in DeJesus coven, she’s still a few tacos short of a party pack.
  12. At this point I’d settle for Kaiser being raised by some swamp vermin a la Mowgli (not to be confused with the other Mowgli, Farrah’s child).
  13. Amber will fuck him all the way up.
  14. Agreed. I’m from south Mississippi, and the panhandle is definitely southern. We all have Salt Life stickers hahahaha
  15. She should get a Nexplanon while she’s there. One in each arm.
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