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Everything posted by riverheightsnancy

  1. Wait, is that the ZA Costco?? Gee, they seem to know where they are going.
  2. Oh look, Nick is clean again. Geez, they should just give up on the whole blood disguise thing. It strains credulity. Clean, not clean, clean one second later, not clean.
  3. Man, just like CDB. Kill the only doctor! Plus he was whining that he had to cut him open. He's a DOCTOR! he has done this before. Maybe not to someone he cared about, but to someone.
  4. Ok, back to the blood disguise. Gross, what the hell is the surgery about?????
  5. They are leaving, but there are probably other places along that strip of beach anyway.
  6. Worried about Ofelia. I would like to know what is going on with her. Since now, Chris is supposed to be dead.
  7. Ok, I guess he must be dead then, with that last view from above.
  8. I think that Chris is alive, but that is just me. Wow, Travis went Rick Grimes on those two.
  9. I think that they are lying. They would have been dead and gone too if they were in the open back of a truck that flipped about a "dozen" times.
  10. Off-topic: OMG another Dan Brown novel/Movie! Cannot wait. I really liked those books. Nick already ordering his "girlfriend" around.
  11. Ok, refugee uprising because of the assholes. About time. Uh Oh, Travis is gonna see these guys and go balistic.
  12. I bet that they left him somewhere because he grew a spine and wanted to go back for Travis. And they kicked him to the curb.
  13. Ok, here we go, the BroBrothers are there. This should be good.
  14. Well Madison's hair has changed again. The bangs have been cut and the color is lighter and nicely coiffed in the current style. I watched the early episodes last night and she practically started the show with light brown hair. They could at least make the women not look so "done up".
  15. They are in a hotel and they sleep in a chair and couch. Idiots. Take the comfort while you can. It will not last.
  16. I hear that Nick is cooking up some meth special just for the viewers for tonight!
  17. What, it is a 2 hour finale? I better fortify myself with something. I was not expecting that.
  18. I teach psychology and am a licensed counselor and confidentiality all depends on the parameters of said relationship. IF the psychiatrist is in a situation of a third-party payer that means that she is paid by the police department and as such she is required to report back on the mental status of the police sent to her. She did intone that her decision would allow or disallow his return to active duty. This is an area of forensic psychology (which has nothing to do with the science of crime scenes), but the idea that the person works within the criminal justice system in many capacities. Often, departments have clinical psychologists and not psychiatrists, there could be exceptions, but that is unusual. In my experience, cops often respond better to people who have been in their shoes (military or prior cops, or people who have criminal justice backgrounds) and who then go back to school to become a counselor/psychologist. The blue wall of silence thing. The concept of third-party payer also applies to pro sports franchises and other entities where the confidentiality is to the organization that has hired you NOT the client. Cops/clients would know this upfront as it is part of the informed consent. The cop or athlete knows that what is determined by the psych professional is going to be reported back to the team or the department for purposes of understanding if you can continue in your job or capacity (same goes for court evals for divorce proceedings, custody and ability to stand trial, insanity defense-stuff like that). Now with all that said, blurting out that stuff in the elevator, was a breach of confidentiality to the department/organization (the payer) in general because Riggs' partner may not be allowed the information, but the captain might. When I used to work psychiatric we were trained never to start discussing patients in the elevators. It is easy to forget that someone else may step in and be listening. I don't like the psychiatrist either. She is pushing too hard and he isn't ready yet. Counseling 101-build trust first.
  19. I agree, I think that the prostitute is a mistress. The way she says Davis' name, it just feels like there is more there. I really hope that we find out what happened.
  20. I stand corrected by all of you eagle-eyed posters. But again, I ALWAYS do other work while watching this show so I missed the walkers in the background. lol
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