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Everything posted by slowpoked

  1. Not just you. To me, she’s always unlikeable in different ways. In SATC, she’s unlikeable in the whiny, annoying, “can you please just shut up” way (which is understandable, she’s younger then). In AJLT, it’s the quieter, but equally oblivious to everyone else kind of unlikeable. The one act of selflessness that I remember of Carrie was when she braved the NYE winter to get to Miranda’s when Miranda was feeling shitty about being alone in NYE.
  2. Yes. It’s the plot of another book:
  3. THIS. Che should have been at the other end of the table with her podcast friends. Miranda and Nya should have been at the front with Carrie. Is Carrie now just tolerating Miranda because she has a cool, new LGBTQ friend? And the dismissive way where she passed them by the kitchen, where she was like “is everything ok here?”, then went on to greet her new guest. I mean, where was the check-in on Miranda after that horrible stand-up to see if she’s ok? I know what they’re doing with adding these new characters and giving them more screentime, but it’s getting to be at the expense of the core characters, which suck, for those of us who loved SATC. Good to see Samantha, although I did not like that they still wrote her to be someone who would do everything for Carrie. Still all about selfish Carrie, but good for Kim to not have been in the same breathing space as SJP. And funny callback to Anabelle Bronstein - I had just recently seen that episode on E!
  4. Steve wasn’t invited to her party but her horrible podcast friends were? Some friend you are Carrie.
  5. That, or they're bending over backwards to accommodate LGBTQ characters because of past criticisms of lack of diversity. But seriously, did they have to write a horrible, godawful LGBTQ character such as Che? This is such a disservice to Stanford and Anthony, who have been in SATC since the beginning, albeit not always written with nuance and depth, but they've been there. I feel like that person in the focus group who shredded Che to pieces: "walking boomer joke, phone, sanitized, performative, cheesy-ass, dad joke, BS version of what a non-binary experience is. It sucked." I would add, they suck.
  6. And how Miranda just meekly folded also irked me. I remember the episode back when her neck snapped, and Carrie sent Aidan to help her instead, and Aidan saw her naked on the bathroom floor, Miranda was so mortified. When Carrie visited later and brought bagels, while Miranda is in a neck BRACE already, all Carrie can talk about is how she's insecure about her renewed relationship with Aidan since he was flirting with someone else. Miranda suddenly went all "This is bullshit. YOU ARE BULLSHIT. I'm injured, your boyfriend saw me naked, and all you can talk about is your feelings about your boyfriend." Where is THAT Miranda???
  7. And come to think that just a few episodes ago, Che was devastated when a focus group took down their pilot. She had this dramatic whining to Miranda that all they have been building into their life - the confusion about their being, the coming out, the acceptance, etc. - was all torn down by an hour focus group discussion. You would think that someone who went through that struggle themselves, would have at least some compassion towards someone who also lived their whole life searching for some meaning and truth about herself. Besides, is all Che can do as a stand-up to shit on former partners (even when back as Cheryl Diaz that was already her schtick)? No wonder they bombed as a comedian - they're so one note. This is Carrie's selfishness to the core. It's all about her. It's her party, so everyone better get along. No matter that her cool new friend just shit on her friend she's had since their 20s, in public, for her total humiliation about how she just came about to understand her own sexuality in her 50s. There's no compassion of "I get it if you don't want to be there." Of frack, freaking uninvite Che - "you're my friend, but you also can't treat my friends like that. I can't have you around Miranda." At least Samantha would have the balls. (Just saw the Atlantic City episode where despite it being CHARLOTTE's birthday, Carrie wanted to do everything on HER own terms. Gawd, what a godawful character.)
  8. I still can’t get over how bratty, horrible and entitled the children are in AJLT world. Wyatt calling his mom “a real dick” to his dad? Rock declaring forgetting her notebook - all her fault - an emergency, and bothered both of her parents who are at work? Lily calling Charlotte’s own time? My gosh, these kids need one good smack up the head to get them straight.
  9. 56. Miranda is 56 years old. On one hand, you do have real-life stand-up comedians who made their careers making fun of their spouses - Ali Wong and Amy Schumer come to mind. I wondered if Ali's stand-up bits were a factor in their divorce. I watch Amy's stuff quite a bit, and while she does "make fun" of her husband being on the spectrum, she does it in a loving way that doesn't seem punching down on him (like you said), but more like punching down on herself for not understanding or relating to her husband more. I did a rewatch and try to isolate Che's stand-up as if it's a real stand-up and not part of a show. It's just not funny. It was outright mean. There's no genuine LOL parts of it. If I'm watching this in a club, I would feel horrible for who this person is that Che is just eviscerating to pieces.
  10. I feel like Aidan's apology to Carrie about how he also boxed her in, in their 2nd time around, was MPK appeasing the anti-Aidan fans out there. To me, while it's great that Aidan apologized, and time does give a lot of perspective, that didn't make sense to me. Yes, it takes two to tango, but to me, I still think Carrie is at fault for the failure of their engagement. Had she said NO when he asked, they would both be spared of the agonies moving in together, and their eventual breakup. Yes, Aidan would have been still hurt when Carrie said NO, but at least Carrie can claim she was being honest both to herself and Aidan, and she wanted to spare Aidan the agony of being with someone who wasn't ready to get married yet at that point in her life. (Which begs the question, if that had been Big who asked that question at that same moment in time, would Carrie have said yes in a more enthusiastic manner? But that's for a different day). This is what happens when you write the series in service of fans' criticisms. Nothing will make sense.
  11. Che moving to LA would have been the perfect end point for both of them in the show. Che moving on to "bigger" things, and Miranda realizing she's LGBTQ. Che moving to LA should have been the end of them in AJLT. Then we wouldn't have been subjected to the horrible subplot of their failed pilot, and Miranda could have had a hotter and much nicer partner this season. Or her storyline could have concentrated more on her new career in the UN, and dealing with Brady and her divorce with Steve.
  12. Two things can be true at the same time. Miranda has every right to feel genuinely hurt by Che, and it probably is karma to how she ended things with Steve. Che is just an awful person. And yeah, the standup bit wasn't even that funny. I think any person has the right to be upset if something that means a lot to them (Miranda's perception of her relationship with Che), is made fun of by that other party. But as viewers this is nothing new to us. Miranda values her relationship with Che because it was her sexual awakening, and the permission to be finally her true self, but she was just a booty call to them. There has been no romance nor tenderness from Che's side towards Miranda in their entire relationship. Too bad Miranda was too blinded to see that.
  13. For some reason this reminded me of that episode where Carrie, soon to be homeless because of her break-up with Aidan, came to Big to ask him how he could earn money so fast, because whatever he did, she wants to be on it. Big ended up giving her a check, a "loan", but Carrie ripped it off after advice from friends. I imagine Carrie made a lot of money on the books, but I never thought she made "stupid money," especially on how fast she was spending when she gets a check (and did she ever pay back Charlotte on her first engagement ring)? I remember that episode where she got her first big advance check, and she showed it to Berger, and Berger's mind was blown, probably because the amount was insane and he never got that amount on his books. Carrie's first instinct is not to set aside to save some money, or pay down a credit card. She took Berger to get a Prada shirt. On that same note, when Berger got dropped on his book deal, I imagine that hit him hard financially. Her publisher got fired. But of course, Carrie was spared the agony of all that.
  14. This. I get that she got Big's money - still, that much money where she can just buy apartments with no consideration to prices, mortgages, etc.? And out of all the ladies, even back during SATC, Carrie's charmed life has always been a question mark to me. I mean, it's easy to see how Samantha and Miranda can afford their lifestyle, and even then sometimes they complain they can't afford some stuff. From what I remember, Charlotte was a WASP. But except for some rare instances here and there of struggling to afford to buy shoes (shoes, mind you, NOT food, NOT those brunches they have regularly, etc., not to mention clubs, drinks, etc.), and that one time she was forced to take a bus, Carrie never showed any struggle for a weekly tabloid writer.
  15. OMG, I just read that Kathy was played by Rosemarie DeWitt, who is the real-life wife of Ron Livingston, who played Jack Berger!
  16. Gosh, I would hope I'm raising my kids well enough not to be entitled brats like Brady and Lily. I can't imagine these parents are ok with their children talking to them like that. Even if they're already out of the house, which they're not, respecting parents still goes a long way.
  17. With Aidan's ex-wife entering the picture essentially telling Carrie to never hurt Aidan again, MPK is essentially making Carrie-Aidan the endgame. At least Kathy didn't make THE face.
  18. MPK is really re-writing and re-visioning SATC with AJLT. I guess he can make the argument that Carrie is in a different place now (no longer the NY, selfish lady and someone who has already settled into adulthood and the things that mattered then don't matter now), but I still don't like this happy ending for Carrie and Aidan, even if I had like Aidan as a character.
  19. Like some of you, I’ve always thought Berger was the best match for Carrie, but that was a really shitty thing he did to her. It would have been nice to have the “closure” of them running into each other (it’s NY, after all), and Berger apologizing to her. But maybe never hearing back from him again is also closure. I don’t have that strong of feelings for Aidan, one way or another. I think he’s a nice enough guy that wasn’t a good fit for Carrie in the long run. Even if they have gotten married, I feel it would end in divorce pretty fast. But I still don’t like how Carrie screwed him over - the cheating, the engagement (she should have said no if she was wavering), and most of all, her forcing him to be friends with Big. It’s a different thing to be friendly with other exes, but Big was the guy you cheated on him with - have some compassion and common sense if he’s not really in the mood to be friends with Big. More than that though- I know they’re going for the nostalgia, but what does it say about the writing and creative team that they have to dig into the past to make the audience hooked? It’s plain lazy. Why not write a totally new guy for Carrie, and make their story grow organically over the season? I thought her podcast producer had potential. But if not him, why not another new one? This is Manhattan! I’m pretty sure someone out there should be a good fit for her, if she’s really looking.
  20. slowpoked

    Barbie (2023)

    I also cringed when I first saw the trailer. I thought it was going to be a campy, cheesy exercise into Barbie, that has the makings of a huge flop. But the more promos I saw, and the more I hear Greta and Margot talked about the movie, I got curious enough to watch it. I did play with Barbies when I was little, so there’s that. And it didn’t disappoint.
  21. LOL. Count me in. I think it just goes to show how beloved the original series was - despite its issues (lack of diversity, how it handled LQBTQ, etc.) The original series struck a chord with the single and even married ladies during its time.
  22. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. But this part here, somehow makes Miranda the devil incarnate? It was nice of Miranda to let Steve live in until he can find a livable enough place, but maybe Steve could give back the courtesy to not give out HER phone number for potential hookups and find another way to talk to women. This reeks of "well, she couldn't quite get thin fast enough after the pregnancy, she got fat and ugly..." I don't think there's ever an excuse for cheating. Not to discount the very real problems of a sexless marriage - because it is an important problem - but the solution for Steve was to sleep with someone else? To also "just get it over with" on his part? Hooray for honesty I guess. If it was a real problem he can't get over with, why not leave Miranda, just as people were saying that Miranda should have left their loveless marriage first before being involved with Che. As for her friends - they didn't agree that the cheating was ok. After a certain time had passed, they think Miranda should try to hear him out and see if she could forgive him as he's apologized quite profusely. I agree though that if they couldn't find a way to treat his character with enough decency based on the first series, they should have just killed him off (as they did Big), or have Miranda started AJLT as a divorced woman already, with references here and there as to why they separated. The pandemic was already a good built-in excuse for that - real long-term couples have separated and divorced during that time.
  23. I saw it and while the stunts were visually impressive, I think Tom Cruise got too indulgent in this movie. Cut maybe 10-15 mins each of the car chase scene and the train scene, and this whole story could have been finished in one movie.
  24. slowpoked

    Barbie (2023)

    From Variety - what scene almost got cut if Greta didn’t stand her ground:
  25. slowpoked

    Barbie (2023)

    So far this is the best Barbenheimer poster I’ve seen:
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