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Posts posted by Xenith22

  1. I think maybe the intent was to imply she wouldn't have died but just have been badly beat up LIKE Superman had, but it was too vague.
    Eh...she was injured and lost consciousness right in front of an basically unharmed Reactron with no one around except Max Lord.  That seems like a scenario where her death was pretty imminent.  About the only way she survives that situation is if Reactron is stupid and decides to kill her later like in front of her cousin for maximum emotional impact?  That is not really much of a parallel to Superman taking a beating fighting Reactron to a draw...


    So I get why Kara was upset about james calling in the big gun. But honestly Kara, you lost conciousness three seconds after Clark showed up. If he hadn't she'd probably have been killed. I get that she wants to be independent but she's actually very lucky that Supes is there for her.
    This.  And at no point did she ever acknowledge this.  I am fine with her having insecurity regarding her cousin.  It makes perfect sense.  I could accept if part of her was mad at Jimmy for calling for help.  But it just bugged the shit out of me that at no point did she EVER acknowledge that in this one instance his calling for help probably saved her life.  She never thanked him, or apologized to him for the way she snapped at him.  In the end the show treated it like he was the one who was 100% wrong for what he did, to the point where the writers felt it necessary to turn the issue into his own insecurity as a way to make what he did more wrong.  I'm sorry but that just felt like a load of bullshit to me that made me actually dislike Kara for the first time. 
    • Love 2
  2. Believe it or not the creators have confirmed that flying robots are indeed currently legal.  But a grappling hook would fall under the disallowed entanglement devices... Which is why so far no one has entered a flying bot in an robot fighting competition yet because no one has solved the problem of how to successfully damage their opponent that fits within the rules.

    • Love 2
  3. The one thing I'm noticing is that there seem to be more "pros" than in the original series. I'm hoping that this was just the first episode. One thing I loved in the original was that we did have bots built by teenagers, in garages, out of parts from junkyards, etc.
    Basically when Battlebots started in 1999 it was essentially just "Pros" doing it then.  The sport started around 1994...so I guess technically even the pros had only been doing it for 5 years and were still figuring things out?   It was really only around season 3 that we saw the big boom in entrants where at the height of the shows popularity everyone and their mother wanted to build a robot.  The fact that by S3-S4 you had 4 different classes, were doing 7 fights per show, and even doing more than 2 bots in a fight at times which all allowed for a lot more entrants too.


    So I'm hoping this revival will follow a similar path.  This first season was an experiment by ABC to see how well the show would be accepted.  So far the ratings have been incredibly good.  If that keeps up and we get an S2 hopefully they will feel confident enough to give them more room...multiple classes and more fights per hour.  You'll also see more amateurs potentially getting interested again as Robot Combat is exposed to a whole new generation, since for the last decade it has not been televised and less accessible?


    I seem to recall there being weight classes before.

    Yeah by the 5th season I believe there was Nanoweight, Lightweight, Middleweight, Heavyweight, and Super-heavyweight.
    For this competition the weight limit chosen was for the Superheavyweights.  Which is why we are seeing so many multibots just to do something with that unused weight on their main robot.

  4. Ugh those Wildcard choices are such a load of crap!   How did Nightmare not get a spot?  He completely annihilated the minibots and did some damage to his opponents big bot.  Had he not been incapacitated he could have potentially won a judges decision.


    Complete Control had a floor chain damaged by a flaw in the floor, and despite being wounded still put up a fight good enough to force a tense judges decision. (Not to mention he actually even won the first match....sure it was nefarious means but he was apparently correct that what he did was technically legal due to a rules oversight.)


    How the heck can you justify those two being left out when Witch Doctor and Warhead were just completely dominated in their fights? (And although we did not see much of Chomp it also looked to have been in an rather one sided fight).  Don't get me wrong...I am a fan of Warhead and think he can do much better than he showed, but regardless he did absolutely nothing in his fight.  His blade was too high to do any damage, and not having any way to compensate for that seems like a design flaw that should not merit a free pass?  BS!!!!

  5. As for Blaine, I don't see why he should become an ally of Liv's next season, reluctant or not. In his own words he is motivated by megalomania and greed. I don't see human Blaine as being any different. Frankly, I don't want him to be. I don't want him toned down, softened, or in any way redeemed. You hear me, Rob Thomas? He is deliciously bad just as he is.
    Yeah...I can't help but suspect that Major and Blaine are now immune to the zombie virus, and thus both now available to be used as potential love interests in the future, but of course the only way for that to happen with Blaine is to tone him down and start making him a partial ally for a season or so...
    • Love 4
  6. The first episode is now out on USA's website for viewing.   Has anyone watched it yet?   IWhen I saw the trailer I was really excited about the premise...but a little over ten minutes into the pilot and I am extremely bored. The monotone narration definitely does not help.  I saw the trailer and was really intrigued...so hoping it picks up very soon.


    edit1:  Half an hour in and I've gone from bored to just thinking thinking this show is terrible.  So far the biggest action has been trying to defend a server DDOS complete with overly dramatic music to try to make you feel like this should be exciting.  Of course during this attack the female PROFESSIONAL IT SECURITY employee asked what a rootkit was as if she had never heard of one before. *headdesk*


    In the aftermath of the hack attack he finds a text file on the server that says LEAVE ME HERE.  This sparks the following monologue

    "This notice for me.  They've telling me to leave this here. <pause> but why? <pause>

    Doesn't matter, time to shut them down <pause>

    Why can't I delete it.  I don't want to delete it.  I want it to stay. What's wrong with me?"


    No sign of Christian Slater yet...but currently ranking My Own Worst Enemy's pilot above this one.   PLEASE IMPROVE SHOW!  I had such expectations...


    Edit2:  THANK YOU!  The show finally picked up and became interesting in the second half of the episode.  And the ending definitely ensured that I want to see at least the 2nd episode to find out what's going on with that cliffhanger.   I'm still worried that the incredibly slow start to the episode may cause far too many people to change channel and kill the show before it has a chance...

    • Love 3
  7. I was getting confused about her name. I don't read comics, so my only reference is the Supergirl movie, but I thought her name was Linda Lee. Where does Danvers come from?

    Pre-Crisis originally she was Linda Lee when she lived at the orpanage, but then she was adopted by the Danvers and so became Linda Lee Danvers.   Then Post-Crisis when they brought Supergirl back first as the Matrix organism when Peter David started his ongoing Supergirl series he had her merge with a girl called Linda Danvers and so that was her name for that whole run.


    Speaking of, were they trying to set Jimmy (he will always be Jimmy) up as a potential love interest or more of a big brother type? It seemed like the latter in parts, but those two had some chemistry.

    Definitely a potential love interest.  Kara made the "knock" sound after meeting James.  That was in reference to her conversation with Wynn about true love knocking you in the face.


    10.) Can Kara count?  By my count, assuming she didn't know James knew about her, she still had FOUR people who knew about her, not three. Her Mom, Dad, Sister and Cousin... or does he not count?  It's still not entirely clear why she chose to tell Winn, even if it was a nice plot convenience.

    I am assuming he does not count...since it seems like she has had zero contact with him since he dropped her off with the Danvers and so she would not count  him as someone in her life..  Not a big fan of that since it makes Clark seem like kind of a dick...but I guess it's a neccessity since they can't have her close to him such that it would make sense for him to ever show up on the show in any capacity.


    As for the long term thing with her eventually doing the Superman II thing and fighting Kryptonians?  One only wonders how they're gonna manipulate things to not have Superman involved at all.

    The easiest solution is just to claim he is offplanet at thet time.  Really though they may just ignore the issue the way the comics do whenever any character is fighting a massive world threatening/altering for on their own which should have probably attracted the attention of quite a few more powerful heroes but does not?

  8. Oh wow so after repeatedly straining to hear what the heck that guys name is I went and googled it....turns out my ears were not deceiving me and she was saying Wynn which I could not ever recall hearing as a guys name,   But yeah...apparently he is Winslow "Wynn" Schott aka the future Toyman (unless his father has the same name...they could pull a Tommy/Malcolm trick like Arrow did).  I somehow totally missed the casting news reveal for that role.   Anyways Wynn was an odd character to get a hold of in the pilot...he struck me more as a gay best friend than anything, but yet he has an unrequited crush on Kara.  So yeah...I have no idea what they were thinking with this character as Jeremy Jordan himself is straight (has a wife) so why they made him talk and act that way except for liking Kara...strange?


    One final thing the Wynn/Kara "aliens don't exist" convo seems pretty significant as that pretty much once and for all seperates the Berlanti/Kreisberg TV universe from the DC movie verse given that Supermans debut in Man of Steel involved a massive alien invasion...  This is significant because up until this point while Arrow/Flash have not been allowed to reference anything in the DC Movieverse they also never definitively directly contradicted them (keeping in mind that the Nolan trilogy continuity has been declared thrown out by the movieverse) like this?  So yeah anyone who thought that maaaaybe DC was just biding their time before trying to unite things like Marvel is definitely out of luck.

  9. Where did the helicopters come from so quick after the plane's water landing to highlight Kara on the wing ?  Because they would have had to have been there in seconds.  And despite the water landing, all the passengers applaud -- where was the sense of panic that the plane would sink and they would all drown ?  Because they were floating in a river like US Airways 1549 after Sully landed it on the Hudson.  There should have been a lot more let's-get-the-fuck-out-of-the-plane going on.
    I would guess the moment the news stations got word of the plane in trouble they sent choppers?  Rescue crews were also potentially scrambled at that time just in case?


    Why did Kara cover her face when the plane engine crashed into her ?  She's basically indestructible.
    This is the first time she has tested those indestuctible powers.  It's just instinct to cover your face because getting hit in the face hurts (remember she had no powers on Krypton)


    Why were none of the cars moving on the bridge as the plane went over ?  Is National City traffic that bad that late at night ?  It was well past rush hour since Kara was out on a date.
    Maybe a major sporting event or concert just let out.  There are often traffic jams in downtown areas after those kind of events?


    Kara's bulletproof -- her costume was not.  So why wasn't her costume full of holes in addition to her cape after that bank robbery ?
    Superman/Supergirl pre-Nu52's indestructability came in the form of like an aura that included any form fitting clothes so that only their cape would typically take damage.  Not sure if that is the case post Nu52, but I am assuming that is the concept being followed because this is not HBO...so when Supergirl gets hit with the flaming engine her clothes can not all burn off so that she is making her first save naked...


    Was that fire started by the DEO to draw Kara out ?  If so, how did they know what direction she would come from in order to shoot her with those darts ?   How did the darts even penetrate Kara's skin ?  Were they also made of kryptonite ?  Was the axe supposed to be composed of kryptonite -- otherwise, how did it hurt Kara ?  Where did Vartox get this super-duper axe from -- it most certainly wasn't on the prison ship ?  Did his handler give it to him ?  Were there no Kryptonian guards on the prison ship ?  Because that seems like a pretty shitty prison system otherwise.

    1. More than likely.

    2. They probably did not.  There were 6 snipers shown coming to Kara's downed body.  They probably had sniper placed on multiple buildings to cover every angle.

    3. The moment the K got close the radiation would weaken her skin enough for the dart to penetrate?

    4. Vartox had superhuman strength?  Also pre-crisis certain unknown Kryptonian metals could cut Superman.  For instance he used an unnamed Kryptonian metal in order to shave (before the heat vision eyes shaving technique was invented).  Why wouldn't the axe be stored on the ship?  If the Kryptonians wanted it off planet why not send it into a storage locker in the phantom zone prison?  No idea about guards.  It's possible there were and they got killed when the prisoners escaped their cells/suspended animation/whatever?


    How did Kara's pod drifting out of the Phantom Zone "pull" the prison with her, when it was obvious that the prison ship powered up on its own and followed her ?
    That was just Henshaw's assumption.  He was wrong although they did apparently follow her since her ship had been programmed to head to Earth while they had no directions.


    Why would Kara tell that douchebag at the office her secret identity ?
    He's seemingly her best friend not some random douchebag?  She just felt the need to tell someone, and she also potentially needed his help to make her costume.  (Given the first outfit we saw which she hated I am assuming that he was the one that sewed them?)


    But wouldn't Kara know that her aunt was evil ? Or did she only turn evil after the destruction of Krypton ?  Was the aunt in the prison ship in the Phantom Zone ?  If so, wouldn't Kara have known that and put two and two together ?
      Kara was only 13 when she left Krypton.  It's possible her Aunt was incarcerated long before that, and so it may not have been something told to her?


    Exactly how many Kryptonians were on the prison ship that crashed ?  There were at least a couple of dozen on the screens at the DEO offices.  And why didn't Superman deal with any of them over the last 10 years.
    They have been in hiding until now.  Superman was likely unaware of their existence since the DEO would not have told him.
    • Love 2
  10. Kara Danvers née Zor-El will have her work cut out for her from the get-go, seeing as her adversary in the series pilot will be the DC Comics baddie Lumberjack.

    Disappointed that this turned out not to be the case. I guess EW and the other media outlets saw a villain swinging an alien axe and just assumed Lumberjack?  Instead of the villain being the Lumberjack though it was Vartox. I can't help but feel that Vartox was wasted as a generic strong evil villain and I hate that they killed him off. I was hoping when they announced that Vartox was going to be in the series that it would be an appearance more similar to his role in Powergirl where he was more like a cheesy male version of Maxima.

    Alex started out being an total B...and so I hated her and was prepping myself for her to potentially become an villain later in the series, but then they turned that on her head later. I still don't love her reaction post plane crash as she still seemed unneccesarrily almost inhumanly cold towards her sister, but I can forgive it the one time since she seemingly won't be acting that way again.


    Still not over "James" Olsen.  The suave musclebound hunk type is just so far against character....and not wanting to even let anyone call him Jimmy.  I think I just need to pretend that he is a different character to silence my inner geek.

    I am intrigued by the main villain reveal...have to say I give them props for first teasing the General which obviously made everyones mind go straight to Zod...so to then reveal that is not the case. Nice play show. But Supergirls Aunt? Does Kara have another Aunt besides Lara in the comics that was mentioned at some point or this a new character? Or are they possibly making someone like Faora an El in the series?

  11. Well, yes. You're right. In theory though, Wells should know everything since he's from the (inhale) FUUTUUURRRE! You'd think that Wells knew full well that Cisco has powers and...
    Not necessarily.  The circumstances of the generator explosion changed.  We don't know for sure that Cisco, Caitlin, or Ronnie worked at STAR Labs in the original timeline at the time of the explosion.  Or even if they did there was still a possibility that they did not survive the explosion or did not gain powers for some reason.   Ronnie's fate especially required VERY specific circumstances to occur with Stein standing at a specific location at the correct moment.   So yeah it makes sense that Eobard would maybe not know about Cisco.
  12. Part six of the plan: He has to complete his task within 1 minute and 52 seconds and return to the present or else a singularity might swallow the Earth whole.

    Speaking of that time limit...it's a major pet peeve of mine when TV shows set them and then ignore them.   It was over a full 3 minutes from the time that Barry was deposited in the past to the moment the screen went black while he was still kneeling and crying over his dead mother.    I mean on the one hand I get that it's time travel...so time in the past in theory does not have to be equal to time passed in the present...but then would that also not mean that you could arrive back in the present almost instantaneously rendering any kind of time limit irrelevant?  Or else there is an unknown variable to exactly how long the trip would take in real time and so it was an even bigger gamble than they bothered to let on.


    On top of that back in the present the monitor showed 58 seconds remaining...and then it was over a minute later (no slowmo or scene cuts) when the Flash emerged from the portal and yet there was some how 20 seconds remaining on the doomsday clock.  COME ON!  Find out how long a scene takes and make that your limit or cut your scene to fit the time established... We are just talking minutes here it should not have been that hard to get it right.



    Part one of the plan: Barry must run at Mach 2. Mach 2 is about 1,522 MPH. We are told that this is faster than he has ever done before. I think that the fastest we've seen Barry go would be in the area of 1,000-1,200 mph. So there's no guarantee that Barry will be able to get to Mach 2. Barry attempts no practice runs that we see to test if he can even get up to Mach 2, or sustain that speed.

    Barry already broke thru the time barrier on his own with no mechanical aid?  So clearly he was capable of running MUCH faster than Mach 2 (which humans have done before without time traveling as a result) so yeah since the moment that happened the argument of not fast enough has never made the slightest bit of sense.

  13. There's different levels of selfish. I'm not going to complain too much when Barry swipes Capt. Singh's Big Belly Burger, even though that is a douchey maneuver. Heck, I can even excuse him ignoring the notion of there being unknowable ramifications to saving Nora.

    But when you're talking the sort of foolish and selfish thing where literally all of Earth is physically at risk, that's way over the line.

    Yeah...I guess I should not have been surprised at his choice. After all, Barry just blew off saving everone in Starling City from a deadly virus in order to have his first conversation with Thawne in this episode...

    So if a conversation with a trapped foe was more important than thousands of lives potentially lost, then it makes sense that his mother would be more important than risking billions lost...

    • Love 4
  14. One thing about Eddie's death - why exactly did Barry attack Wells all of a sudden? If he didn't, Eddie would still be alive! There wasn't any reason to attack him! I mean, if he learned that Wells had some sort of absolutely evil plan and he shouldn't be allowed to go back to the future, it would have been one thing. But he didn't! Barry not only screwed up by going back in the first place, he also screwed up by attacking Wells. For all he knew if he let Wells go, a future version of Barry would be there to deal with him anyway.

    I'm assuming it was an emotional decision based on just watching Eobard murder his mother in person and watching her die.  In the heat of the moment he was no longer content with the possibility that Eobard would be let off easy by being allowed to return to the future unpunished (which honestly never made a ton of sense to begin with even assuming best case scenario of Thawne keeping his word and returning to his own time without stopping anywhere else and altering the future to his advantage along the way.).

    • Love 1
  15. He couldn't have had the vasectomy during the Reverse Flash/Flash fight scene/

    Okay I'm just going to say it...technically he could have given himself one with his gun.  Although I can certainly see how a quick death might be thought of as a preferable option to the pain and memory of blowing your own balls off...


    Plus, for the record, just Eddie's decision to get a vasectomy should have been enough to change the timeline if it was certain he would follow through on it.  But what I really need the show to explain is if RF is erased from the timeline has does current Barry/Flash exist?

    Yeah it may indeed have worked, but in the heat of the moment he was probably not thinking in terms of what he could do in the future as much as what he could do in the present?   Everyone seemed perfectly content to let Eobard return to his future and be the future Flash's problem right up until the moment Barry pulled the double cross on him.  It wasn't until that moment that Eobard became an immediate threat that had to be dealt with without much time for planning.  (I will say that from where he was standing I believe that Eddie trying to fatally shoot the RF by surprise could have potentially easily resulted in Barry also being fatally shot)


    I'm confused: if by going back to save his mom Barry changes the past to the extent of never becoming the Flash, is Barry also changing the fate of those affected by the explosion at STAR Labs? I thought I heard something during the episode about metahumans not being created if the accelerator never blows up. Cisco says they might never meet in the altered timeline, which suggests to me that the explosion that creates the Flash might not have happened in the version of reality that includes Nora Allen. Does saving Nora also imply saving all those who would have been victims of the explosion, or of the metahumans created by the explosion? That would seem to make Barry's decision less about his own needs.

    Well first of all Barry's mom not dying would not have likely changed Eobard's actions?  So the accelerator explosion and events would have likely happened pretty much the same?  Beyond that even if it had somehow reverted events back to their original path keep in mind it was implied that the real Harrison Wells still built the accelerator and it went boom creating the Flash and other metas it just happened X number of years later than now.  So Barry would just be exchanging one set of casualties for another.



    The professor had to make Eddie realize that Reverse Flash could have shown him anything?  For that matter, once the gang knew that he'd been watching them, what made them think that the headline they saw on Gideon was real and not just a plant?

    To be fair if you are willing to accept the fact that the reverse Flash was Eobard Thawne and an ancestor of Eddie (which surely they confirmed with Gideon offscreen?), had Eddie been supposed to end up with Iris in Thawne's timeline then he would certainly not want to do anything at all to endanger that relationship or risk causing himself to cease to exist?


    On a different note does anyone else think that the way the black hole suddenly openend after Eobard vanishing was the universes way of dealing with the mess created?  So some universal force (or the Time Masters) put it there to erase this reality which now exists as an impossible paradoxical loop (Thing could not be as they are had Thawne never arrived, but if things went back to their original path before the Reverse Flash intervened then Eddie would not be dead and thus Thawne would exist and intervene in an endless loop.  Maybe that is how Rip Hunter will first come into play?)

    • Love 1
  16. Where to begin....


    First...so much hate for Felicity's line about Oliver trying to kill them.   Really Felicity?  You really think that it's a funky coincidence that none of you were bleeding out of your orifices or dead?   How the crap can the writers be trying to sell Olicity as a couple when Felicity (after haviing just had Oliver tell her trust him multiple times) still thinks he was legitimately okay with killing them...


    I get why the writers did not want Barry around, but still having him essentially go.  "Wish I could help you prevent millions of people from dying, but I need to talk to someone (about my mother) instead."  A CONVERSATION (even if it was about time traveling to save his mother) seems like it would not be quite as urgent as millions of people potentially dying from a hero standpoint....so Barry making that kind of excuse pretty much goes against everything he has been established to stand for as a heroic character.


    Olivers grand plan to deal with Ra's and the AIRBORNE VIRUS was a plane crash.  No seriously....did he think through this plan at all?   I mean best case scenario where Ra's and Oliver go down with the plane and die...what does that mean for the virus?   How could he be certain that a plane crash would not break its container releasing it into the air?  Congrats on killing Ra's but still potentially dooming millions of people  *bangs head on desk*


    We have an answer as to the REAL reason that Ra's chose Oliver to be his successor.  He found out that Damien was living in Starling City...and league laws apparently frown on destroying cities just because (which is why the league was mad at Malcolm)...so to give him an excuse to kill everyone in the city including Darhk and anyone he might care about/associate with Ra's chose Oliver from Starling to be his successor.   Makes about as much sense as the random prophecy reason...


    Why did the League of Assassins guys infected with the virus need to be carrying empty briefcases around?  What was the point of that except to be unneccessarily conspicuous?


    Captain Lance should probably resign...if despite being the CAPTAIN he is unable to deal with a couple officers that want to shoot someone against orders.


    So....just asking but if Malcolm is the new Ra's...and league bylaws state that Ra's has to destroy the city where he is from....does Malcolm need to find another way to destroy Starling City next season?  Does he get to retroactively apply his earthquake machine usage destyroying the Glades as already filling that requirement significantly enough?  Or was he actually born somewhere else and so wiped out like Cleveland on the way to Nanda Parbat to take the throne?


    Speaking of Starling City....remember that time that Ray and the mayor were all about changing the name to Star City?   A lot sure came of that...


    As far as Oliver not being upset with Thea vigilanteeing...maybe he learned his lesson from Laurel?  I mean that Thea iis her own person who makes her own decisions.  Yelling at her or telling her not to do something is only going to serve to create a divide as she will do it anyways.  So just accept it and deal with it....


    From  the way Oliver's conversation with Diggle ended, I can't help but wonder if Diggle going to take up the Arrow mantle for a bit next season?  Or is he going to establish his own new masked identity?


    Loved that when Oliver was listing the reasons that he and Malcolm were enemies...that the thousands of dead people in the Glades was not one of them...


    Did that explosion embed the shrinking Nanos in Ray rendering the suit obsolete?   Was Ray killed in the explosion (which given the time travel nature of the spin-off including the apparently still dead Sara means that a dead Ray Palmer would not be an impediment to his joining that team.)?

    • Love 4
  17. First of all I think I may need to start calling Laurel the Black CarAlarm for now until something is done to fix that godawful sound effect chosen for her "Canary" cry.


    Roy Harper is a bit of douche after leaving Thea without saying goodbye in person...again.   At least he left her a note this time I guess? Thea's first instinct is to run away?  Pot meet kettle?


    DId we REALLY need the implication that Ra's raped Nyssa's mother?  Or that Ra's was going to have Oliver rape Nyssa?  I really do not love those kind of uncomfortable plot points on these kind of "fun" shows.  Leave that for SVUs of the world.


    He may have asked her to trust him, but from the conversation between Dig and Felicity, they thought they were dying.

    I'm sorry but then they are both being written as freaking morons.  At that point it's been established through Malcolm/Tatsu that Oliver has had an elaborate plan, and Oliver has broken Al-Sa-Him character on multiple occasions to them.  I can understand Diggle being pissed about the Layla/Sarah situation (because even if he had no intention of harming her, there was still an unpredictability element to the LoS endangering her, plus babies should never be left alone.  If Lyla did not get a chance to set Sarah down just right there could have been a danger of something like SIDS.), but come on if Oliver is really Oliver (who has always been a bit of dick) do they really think he would walk aw ay from them dying without blinking an eye?  It just screams of really bad writing if we are supposed to believe that is what they actually believe.   (Roy and Malcolm are a different story.  I could see them believing it.)


    On a positive note I was shocked at how moving Maseo's death was.  I mean I saw it coming a mile away, but the way those two actors just sold the scene it was a really touching/emotional scene that I was not expecting.  Nice job to not have the background music wreck it either which has been a recent trend.  But yeah...has Katana been announced as being added to the spin-off yet?


    And everybody dies.

    The end.

    Previously...on Game of Arrows.

    • Love 13
  18. As everyone else is pointing out, how exactly did Iris just waltz into Star Labs like that, and how did her father just waltz into the newsroom like that, and speaking of the newsroom, what sort of news organization just has one employee around in the evening/night?

    I'm still giving the benefit of the doubt that the newspaper building has a security guard working the front desk  Joe, like Barry works for the police and so would be potentaily allowed admission without issue.  The guard could also know that both of them are acquainted with Iris and thus know they are okay to visit her?


    As for STAR labs, there could be a similar situation with a guard at the building that knows Iris, another explanation is that Barry gave her an emergency keycard to access the building before the generator incident, or a third option is that Cisco temporarily disabled the buildings security until he could examine everything to be sure that Wells does not have any nasty surprises embedded in the buildings security code?


    I thought they did a nice job with Iris` reactions - hopefully there will be a little friction going forward, in terms of her involvement with the team and the extent to which she was kept in the dark, despite her forgiveness.
    What Iris does not know yet is about Joe denying Eddie permission to propose to Iris.  She may have forgiven him for not telling her about Barry...but that is taking making decision for her/protecting her to an entirely other level and should be treated as such.
    • Love 2
  19. Okay I take back what I said earlier about it being smart to have Ray handle the meta without Laurel being involved...since the last episode of Flash seemingly had to again have taken place before the Oliver being outed plot on Arrow...then

    Laurel has been sitting on a Canary Cry necklace

    and really should have been sent to aid Ray in the fight against the laser eyes meta.  Seems like she could have been a big help after all.  But I guess they didn't want to spoil the moment on Flash and so have chosen to ignore it on Arrow to this point...   This whole repeatedly crossing over thing is starting to cause issues. 

    • Love 4
  20. I have to think the fact that Space gives Bitten it's own post-show would seem to indicate that they really like the show and the ratings it brings in, which bodes well for a Season 3 on that channel at least?  I am less sure about Syfy picking it up.  Airing 2 episodes at a time  seems like an attempt to burn through them faster.


    I'm really hoping that Cain is alive...because the packs number is really dwindling.  If Cain is dead then Nick's odds for surviving next season would seem to drop rather dramatically...


    Contrivance...thy name is Bitten:


    1) Was it ever explained how Savannah was able to drink Elena's blood and not be effected by it (ie..change into a wolf and likely die)?


    2) If Savannah was the one to cast the undoing spell then why would it be Aleister's death that would stop it?


    3) How did Elena know where to find that mind control leech in Savannah's arm?  Did I miss the scene where someone told her about that?  About the only thing I can come up with was that she smelled it, but then why didn't she smell it earlier back at the ranch?


    4) If Cain was planning on sacrificing himself to take out the guard, why didn't he change into a wolf first?  Isn't the wolf much faster, more agile, and more durable?  Or for that matter why didn't Clay and Cain rush the guard the moment they heard his gun click empty instead of waiting to have a conversation.


    5)  Did the pack really have to murder all those innocent security guards that were under Aleister's mind control?  I mean if you are close enough to them to rip their throat out, then you are close enough to use your enhanced strength to just knock them out with a blow to the head?   It bothered me a little that they never acknowledged that those guys were innocent pawns and treated them like they were also bad guys to be slaughtered without a thought?

  21. I keep remembering that if he knew about Malcolm, he would actually have a legitimate complaint.

    100x this!  If they had just had Quentin learn that the Arrow was harboring and working with Malcolm then they would have had to destroy Quentin's character at all.  He would be fully justified in not trusting Oliver to operate as a vigilante anymore and wanting to shut him down or even arrest him.  If that was the case I would not have had the slightest issue with anything he has said or done with the exception of gloating about how Roy was going to get shivved eventually (and not doing anything about it).  Instead the poor writing about it being 99% about Laurel's lies about Sara has been making me despise what the character has become to the point where I am just about ready to start fastforwarding through his scenes...and I don't even fastforward through Laurel or Ray scenes yet.

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  22. See it's not about killing a woman, it's about killing someone Oliver would do ANYTHING for and sacrifice anything for. And the only people he'd do that for are Thea and Felicity. The two closest people in his life. Heck, he probably would've done it for Diggle, but I think Ra's wanted an easy target. And Thea was alone.

    Yeah I can see it now.  Ras breaks into the Diggle household and starts speechifying to John.  Bang!  Ras drops over dead from the bullet that Lyla put through his brain from behind a second before John can draw his own gun to put two in his chest.  Ras may have the reflexes to catch knives...but I highly doubt that applies to bullets.  So yeah Thea was a much wiser choice for him. 


    . I might have missed something but was there a reason Digg and Felicity didn't tell Oliver and Thea about the plan? I can't think of any reason not to other than 'plot twist!' It seems really cruel not to let them in on the secret

    Basically I think they may have needed Oliver and Thea to show the real emotional reactions to sell Roy's death to Lance and the cops?  Thea also might now have been totally onboard with a plan that involved Roy taking a knife to the gut.


    Nobody called Thea to tell her the truth?  She died thinking Roy was dead? Maybe if you had called her, Team Arrow or Roy, she wouldn't have been drinking as much and could have survived Ra's attack like THIS IS ALL ON YOU, GUYS.

    Yeah...someone probably should have told her the moment it was safe to do so.  I mean this a girl who recently tried to commit suicide by Nyssa.  That is not an emotionally stable person that you should be certain could handle their grief unattended.  Before Ras showed up in the apartment I was half expecting to find that Thea was in the process of doing something that would get herself killed.


    Nice of Malcolm to finally get lost, you know, when for once it would've been good to have him around.

    To be fair having wanted fugitive mass murderer Malcolm Merlyn hanging out at the apartment Oliver lives in which had a high probability of being surveilled by the police would have been rather dumb.  (Of course I am assuming the only reason that Lance would have been able to maintain authorized surveilance on Oliver post DA smackdown is in relation to him potentially breaking out Roy...once Roy was dead he would have lost power to do that which is why no one was watching Thea get stabbed and Roy was able to walk into Verdant and then the whole group was able to leave together unseen.)


    Says a lot about everyone's faith in Laurel's skills, I see.

    That is a little unfair of a judgement.  I mean this is a guy who fries people by just looking at them.  There is absolutely no way that someone like Laurel was ready to handle someone like that on her own, especially since she is entirely reliant on up-close hand to hand/bo-staff attacks.  Really their best option would have probably been Diggle with a long distance tranq rifle.

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  23. There was a defib built into his suit.  

    Yeah for when he got stung the first time.  But the defib feature was still busted when Cisco got stung at the end...so that is what I am talking about how Barry just "tried something" and managed to apparently generate his own electricity to shock him?   That's what I was asking about because it seemed a little out of nowhere?

  24. I don't watch "Arrow", but why is the Atom a robot-suited guy instead of a shrinking superhero?  He was a college professor, not a billionaire, as I remember from the 70s comic books.  Why re-invent an existing character completely instead of just creating a new one?

    As was mentioned earlier in this thread, Ray Palmer was supposed to be Ted Kord.  They wrote this whole Ray Palmer plot out with Ted Kord in mind, and then at some point DC told them they could not use the character, and they did not bother to really change him at all.

    -  Ted Kord is a millionaire/billionaire who owns his own company.

    - Ted Kord had a romantic relationship with Oracle (who Felicity is often compared to)

    - Ted Kord was a genius inventor whose creations included power armor (although for others not himself)

    - The current Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes) has armor, flies, and shoots electricity.

    - Ted Kord has a not very serious personality.


    On a completely different note...is there any comics basis to Flash being able to manifest electricity like he used to act as a defib in this episode?  I can not recall that being one of the speed force powers?


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  25. They didn't break up.

    They did not break up, but he told her that he loved her...and she fled the room without responding in kind.  Then she talked with her mother in the hall and re-affirmed that it was Oliver she still truly loved.  So seeing them here as a happy couple...it seemed really off.  Also strange was that the only mention of Oliver was that he might be joining the league of assassins (.  I would think that Oliver outed and arrested (and Roys subsequent arrest and claim to being the Arrow) would have been big news, and that Barry would have heard about it and ask about it or something?   So I kind of think we should then maybe assume that this episode took place before the previous episode of Arrow despite the previously clips they used from the hospital?


    As far as Eddie and Iris, I don't get why he doesn't just tell her that he can't tell her because of her father.  Joe is the only one against telling her the truth...so let her be mad at the right person.

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