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Posts posted by Xenith22

  1. When I first saw Leland Owlsley I was a little disappointed.  Sure the actor was fantastic in the role and the character was entertaining...but he just seemed a bit too old and physically docile to be the classic Owl from the comics.  Which is why I found it interesting that Leland Owlsley had a son who was mentioned twice in the series.  I could be wrong but I do not recall the Owl ever having mentioned having a son in the comics?  So it makes me wonder if it won't in fact be the son (was his name Leon?  I know it started with an L and was similar to his fathers name) who will becomes the actual supervillain known as the Owl,  Otherwise why bother to make repeated mention of him? 


    On a different note...is it possible we have already seen Bullseye?  In "Condemned" while Fisk is chatting up our hero on coms...the viewer get to watch Fisk's sniper get set-up.  He opens up his bag and we see this.




    That is a pretty prominent Ace of Spades patch which was deliberately placed in his bag for some reason.  Could it be that this sniper is actually going to become DD's archnemeis Bullseye?  You should also note that his face is completely obscured the entire time with a helmet. Which gives the series freedom to actually cast the part later with a big actor.

  2. Ugh just so much ugh in this episode


    - Looks like poor Thea did not get invited to Diggle's wedding...that seems sort of rude.


    - Oliver goes to Ray's office to tell him he did not kill anyone.  Okay cool...but then he just had to make an exit by telling Ray he does not know what the city is up against and storming off making it sound like a threat.  Brilliant move Mr. Queen...surely a much smarter one than maaaaybe trying to actually explain to Ray what the city was up against.


    - Quentin...where to start.  I just find it hard to believe that Laurel could not have nipped this new anti-vigilante stance in the bud had she just tried to talk to him?  I mean for starters she could take full responsibility for the decision to hide Sarah's death from him and that she forced the Arrow to go along with it.  Second has she tried directly telling him the Arrow did not do it?  She could even say she was with the Arrow at the time the murders were happening elsewhere.  She could also certainly play the card of asking whether her father really thinks she is a murderer or would be working with a murderer.  Meh... For that matter how exactly does he think he is going to declare war on the arrow without Laurel getting caught in the crossfire?  Does he really want another dead daughter?


    - I know Roy has to be okay...because there is just no way the show writers would be that hypocritical than to have Palmer after a vigilante who kills hurts his prey, and then have Palmer dress up as a vigilante (because I doubt he told the SCPD he was planning on dressing up in a flying suit of armor to take on the Arrow) and use deadly force.  Of course there really is no logical explanation for how he could hit Roy with that much electrical energy that it had that kind of kick and him still be okay...


    - Also...I gave them the benefit of the doubt that while the ATOM suit looked like a cheap Iron Man knockoff that surely to god it would still possess something shrink/growth or density/mass changing related.  And nope....pffft that was apparently too much to ask for.  They probably thought that would be too unbelievable...as opposed to an flying suit which electrocutes people but somehow manages to not severely burn them or kill them.  That is totally believable.



    Ray should have slaughtered Oliver without breaking a sweat. He should have been able to take Oliver--no, fuck that--he should have been able to take out a hundred Olivers without setting a single foot on the ground. And why even land in the first place? It's called air superiority for a fucking reason, Show!

    To be fair this is an suit which Felicity helped design.  I would have been extremely disappointed if Felicity knowing Ray was after him, did not give Oliver some kind of portable EMP or device otherwise capable of hacking and taking down his suit with ease to carry around.  As far as why he landed...it's because Ray is arrogant.  He wanted to rub Oliver's face in the fact that he laid the trap, and he probably also wanted the opportunity to test out his suit in real world combat conditions that a pure unseen ambush would not have provided.

    • Love 6
  3. So...anyone else think Ra's should have rethought his "tell everyone what you saw" plan?  Because IMHO that guy would be telling everyone he was attacked by someone impersonating the Arrow, because the guy who shot his friends sounded less like a growly Christian Bale impersonator and more like a bored Australian.


    My only other major gripe with this episode is that I have no clue what Oliver is thinking in regards to Merlyn?  If Oliver truly believes his fight with Ra's is over...then why does he need him any longer?  Have Diggle's wife ship him off to Argus or something to heal?  Hell even keeping him in the arrow cave in Nyssa's cage (with a few dozen motion sensor weapons trained on him preferably) would be better than leaving him alone unguarded to mentally torture poor Thea until he inevitably runs away to kill more people and otherwise upends Oliver's life in the near future...makes no sense.


    Okay, so where the hell is Nanda Parbat?  I mean people get back and forth from that place faster than I can get through the drive thru at Dunkin' Donuts in the morning.
    Yeah....in the comics it is in Tibet.  So assuming Starling City is a Seattle stand-in that should take about a roughly 13 hour flight on a jet.  So clearly Nanda Parbat in the Arrowverse is either located somewhere in the western US...or it is a magic teleporting mountain.
    • Love 3
  4. Surely if Adalind is actually pregnant again, then the baby has to be Victor's right?  I mean certainly enough time has passed since her "encounter" with Nick that she would have had to have noticed a pregnancy by now?   Also I'm sure the show runners are classy enough to realize that sticking Nick with what is essentially a rape baby is not a remotely cool storyline idea?  Right?  Please tell me I am right...because otherwise this is not a show I'm sure I really want to watch.

    • Love 1
  5. Central City must be in its own weird weather ecosphere - snow on the ground in one scene, summer in the next, a tree turning fall colors in another, etc.  Blame it on the particle accelerator, I guess.

    Or the Weather Wizard is not really dead and is off honing his powers somewhere in the city :)


    The "middle of nowhere" is just 30 miles outside the city? Ha! No.

    Yeah...on the one hand an blast 5x the strength of the atomic bomb would still only effect about a 20 mile radius...so the city would technically be safe, the odds of finding a spot where all 20 miles of that radius are completely uninhabited seem pretty dam slim.  So while damage was minimized there should still be some casualties and burn victims, not to mention all the poor dead and burnt wildlife.  So yeah....


    I love that Barry can just walk into the newspaper offices off the street.

    Well he does have police credentials?  So I don't see them giving him too much trouble as a security threat.


    People are overreacting to Iris. She didn't even say anything wrong to Linda. She was trying to help.

    Yeah, I kind of think she was trying to tell Linda to be be patient with Barry,  but it came out sounding a bit like you are wasting your time right now.   Definitely should have considered her words a bit more carefully...but still pretty low on the Lana/Laurel character scale of making me hate a character.


    To be honest, I'll be very disappointed if Eddie will turn out to be a villain this season. There's been ZERO hints about such a possibility and he has had no development at all and no real characterization. It would feel like a complete asspull.

    At this point given that we know Future Barry was involved, I have to believe that it would be Future Eddie that is the likely villain and not the present version.  So in that case there would not be too much development as he has at least a a decade to go before he would commit such a heinous act.

    • Love 1
  6. I enjoyed the 'monster of the week' aspect of this episode.  It seems like forever since we've had a good vengeful ghost plot.  I wasn't too fond of the heavy anvils and labored parallels though.  How on earth does Dean deciding that helping people/hunting things is how he wants to spend his time because it's his "peace" equate to Andrew giving up killing people in a vengeful fury?  I've never had the impression that the Mark is something that Dean can just give up so how are their situations similar?  It's too bad they felt they had to shoe horn in the parallelism because overall this was a fun and scary episode.

    It was not the mark that Dean is giving up, it is spending the days/hours looking for a way to remove the mark that he is saying he is giving up.  I believe the parallel here was about obsession.  Andrew with revenge, and Dean with trying to remove the mark.   Though yeah...there was no logical reason for Dean to give up completely on the cause, instead of just still looking but not isolating himself in his room for weeks at a time?  Pfffft.

    • Love 1
  7. Now Laurel thinks it's okay to work beside the man who arranged for her sister to be killed? What? I'm starting to think she's glad Sara died and doesn't actually hate Malcolm because he made all her dreams come true.
    I'm pretty sure she has not been told the truth yet?  Shocking as that may be that someone on this show would be kept in the dark about something.  To be fair they only found out right when Oliver rushed off to his own potential demise...so she may not have been in the best frame of mind, and the team had other things to worry about than trying to stop her from getting herself killed by Malcolm when she went after him again.


    And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD won't somebody tell Thea the truth?! I mean, she is smart and capable and actually stands a chance of protecting herself if only someone would clue her in to the situation of which she is directly in the middle! Aaarrrgh! The fact that no one informed her that her brother had DIED trying to save her from the assassins HER FATHER WHO SHE TRUSTS FOR SOME REASON set on her to save his own skin or something is as bad as no one telling Quentin that Sara is dead.
    It's not quite that simple sure Malcolm brainwashed her, but it was still her that killed Sara, someone she knew personally.  That's still something major to deal with.  I mean even Roy was haunted by killing an nameless cop when he was not himself under the influence of a drug he did not ask to be injected with.  On top of that unlike Roy, Thea would legitimately carry some measure of guilt as the only way Malcolm was able to brainwash her was because she allowed herself to trust him.  So I can understand their thinking in not wanting to burden her with this guilt for the rest of her life if they did not have to.  Ideally they would be working on some other way to show her what a dirtbag Malcolm actually still is to get her away from him...
    • Love 2
  8. I got the feeling that this guy's gang and the other gang were already fighting so it didn't need new charges, they would have taken care of him based on old scores.

    He was not previously in an gang?  To quote Laurel "You did pretty well flying solo.  What made you decide to start working for Brick?"  His actual previous priors were all petty stuff B&E, drugs, etc.  They were also likely incarcerated before Brick put together his current gang.  So no I do not believe that gang (Los whatever) would have had any issue with him if they did not believe he popped their former leader? 

  9. They already had the guy booked on assault charges.  There were at least six, maybe seven extremely credible witnesses there. One was the mayor. One was a billionaire. One was the police chief.  Getting a judge to agree to deny bail and toss the guy into jail for a few months while awaiting trial - and then delaying the trial for whatever reason - would not have been difficult. I mean, in real life, they're just getting around to jury selection for that Boston Marathon guy, and that happened in May 2013.  All she had to do was point out that she could choose which jail he'd be in while awaiting trial.
    Her main threat was that gang killing him.  The gang would only have been interested in killing him because of her false charges.  Honestly this did not bother me at all?  I mean Oliver still continues to intimidate hoods into confessing by threatening death when he has no intention of carrying it out.  So is that not a lie?  And look at any of the popular law enforcements shows and you will find them rife with perps being urged to make confessions under false premises such as implying someone else is about to confess or rat, or that evidence exists which does not really exist had they called the bluff instead of confessing.  It's classic TV cop schtick.


    1)  The first time Diggle stayed behind was because they were hoping to send a message to the gangsters will the Red Arrow (Wasn't he supposed to be going by Arsenal now?) and Canary personas who already had reps.  The second time Diggle had to stay behind to keep the helicopter in the air.  Felicity does not know how to fly, and this was a rescue mission where they needed to prepared to make a quick getaway.  Some helicopters can take upwards of 5 minutes to be ready for takeoff.  So the pilot, Diggle could not leave the chopper to go inside.


    More stuff I feel oddly compelled to try to defend on this show:


    2.)  Laurel did not really have a more impressive showing against Brick than anyone else had.  He overpowered her fairly easily, but still went easy on her because of her sex allowing her to catch him offguard with the groin kick.  Diggle managed to hold his own with him for a good while, and Brick was not taking him lightly.


    3,)  Quentin had previously ask to speak with Sara.  (Since Laurel had already gotten caught on camera as Canary) So Felicity saying she is working with Canary, but not letting them speak together could have been potentially awkward/difficult.  So I can maaaaybe sorta forgive the fake phone call, as the middle of a city crisis is probably not the best time to potentially make him an emotional wreck by telling the truth.  (The shadowy personal appearance however was SOOOO far over the line.  Although at least there is currently no evidence that Felicity had anything to do with that.  What especially disappointed me about that scene is I had hoped with how emotional Laurel was during the phone call that maybe it would hit her how wrong this was and that she could not go on lying about this anymore...and then nope.  Ugh.)


    4.)  Felicity told Ray he was missing an certain type of processor.  She probably already had said processor on hand at the arrowcave, and so did not actually need time to work on something for when she gave it to Ray.

    • Love 3
  10. Why does Nick want to kill her next week?

    Because it's an obvious dream sequence fakeout?  Nick turning on her is one of her worst fears along with her attacking her friends.  So yeah I am 99% that this is her having an nightmare like ripping out Rosalee's throat.  (The other 1% is the only way this scene is real is if he think Adalind pulled a switch again)


    I was nervous for Monroe till they brought Bud in. I figured since he wasn't a MAIN character, he was a goner. I'm so glad he's ok- I like watching his awkward ass talk to people.
    I was never the least bit nervous for Monroe, but definitely was rather worried about Bud.  Four seasons in and Grimm has not killed off any good recurring characters yet other than Aunt Marie.  That is highly unusualy for this kind of supernatural show.   So I still have an uneasy feeling that at least one of Renard, Bud, Wu, or Kelly will have bit it by the end of the season finale.
    • Love 2
  11. Not to mention the giant red goiter just below his right ear that no one seemed to notice.

    Seriously...I would not want to be treated by any of the doctors that work there if they can see something like this and just brush it off as nothing


    That is not nothing...that is practically something out of a zombie infection movie.


    Re the doc returning and going into work with weird symptoms, remember that physician who came back from an infected area and just traveled all over the place and went bowling and then that nurse (who was told she could travel) who went on a pre-wedding planning trip after spiking a temp? Medical professionals don't always do what you'd think they should.
    Yeah I guess...and now that I think about it somehow doctors took a look at Sidney Crosby looking like this bEyn2uWs.jpg and cleared him to practice declaring he did not have mumps.  (You know until tests were later performed showing quite obviously...yeah he does.)
    • Love 1
  12. When Josh started talking, I worried he would betray the gang. I'm glad the resolution kept him good and Truble alive.

    Yeah it definitely seemed like they flipped the creepy switch on Josh in the middle of this episode to me.  I was also quite worried that he was going to murder Theresa in the trailer in an attempt to awaken grimm powers of his own or a way to prove to the jundjagers that he is an ally so leave him alone.  I still do not trust him as he seemed to develop an unhealthy case of grimm envy and now he is alone with her in a far away city.  That goodbye scene was just so sentimental that I worry it may truly be the last time Nick sees her alive *shudders*

    Somebody please refresh my memory: How did Rosalee get over her dread of Christmas?

    Her issue with Christmas was that an beloved Aunt and Uncle were killed while driving to their house on Christmas.  After talking with Juliette she recalled a happy Christmas memory of her aunt always leaving out beer and a cigar for Santa and decided to carry on that tradition with Monroe.  So I guess by focussing on that she was able to get over it being a painful memory allowing her to put up all of Monroe's decorations?

    • Love 3
  13. I have been waiting for an episode where the contestant was unable to identify the "celebrity" they were playing with when their name was a clue.  I mean some of these people are certainly not all that famous...take the red headed guy whose best known role is being that guy that Wayne Brady sometimes jokes with on Let's Make a Deal.  Despite seeing quite a few episodes of that show and him being on this show multiple times I could not tell you his name for a million dollars. (How many people here could without cheating?)  However I was not expecting someone to ever blank on Craig Ferguson...so that had me almost rolling on the floor especially when combined with Craig's expressions while it was going on. 


    Holy crap were Craigs clues abysmal for the third round of yesterdays second episode.  I mean half the time he ignores the category in his clues...but this time his mustache description obsession over actual viable clues got annoying fast.  I mean come on expecting anyone to get Tom Selleck while describing nothing but his mustache?  Awful. There are also quite a few wrestlers with facial hair so that woman was lucky with her guess.




    Are you allowed to hum during the final round?  Rather than focusing on the wrestler (although snap into a slim jim may have helped narrow it down) the village people song may have been the way to go.  It seems most contestants are too self concious to break out into song (which seems like an quick and easy way to get many of musical artist clues) so it makes me wonder if humming is allowed?

  14. Just caught up on the last four episodes.


    Jabberjaw was freaking brutal for a final round picture clue.  The instant I saw that and the guy unsurprisingly did not know him I knew they were sunk. (no pun intended). WIth that aaid...how can you not at least tell that is a cartoon shark?  The dorsal fin and sharp teeth should have been a dead giveaway that it was not a whale...*sigh*

    That is the second mildly obscure Hannah Barbara picture to appear as a picture clue (Grape Ape was the other).  So with that in mind any future contestants would be advised to watch an episodes of the Scooby's Laugh-a-Lympics on youtube to memorize the names of other such characters that may appear as picture clues.


    David Arquette actually seemed not completely terrible this time. Courtney Cox seemed like she did not guzzle an entire bottle of antidepressants before taping the episode this time...but was still frighteningly terrible until the final round where she was surprisingly useful (had to have peeked at the answers during the commercial break).


    I have a hard time believing you would be able to say Michael to get someone to say Mike.  Because they are the same name?  So how is Michael Myers not technically the same thing as Mike Myers.  Sure he does not usually go by Michael but it is still his birth name and he has on rare occasion been called that (Rosie O'Donnell especially liked to occassionally refer to people as their full names)?  So IMHO she should have been awarded that point.


    That is the second time that I saw that Cookie Monster has been on the final board, and the second time that someone has said the word cookie without thinking.  I would not be surprised to see this name appear on the board again for that reason.


    Sherri also made a fairly noticable improvement since her first appearance.  I think Mel B might now be tied with Courtney Cox for the new lead as worst celeb partner to have?


    Tom Arnold is either putting on an act in an attempt to be memorable or he is eventually going to have a freaking heart attack filming one of these episodes.  I am hoping it is the former.  I do not recall him being this insanely manic when he did Hollywood Game Night?


    Rarely have I wanted to reach through a TV and shake someone as much as I did those two women giving the King Arthur clues.  Why on earth were they wasting time breaking it down?  Camelot.  Sword in the Stone.  Married to Queen Gueneviere.  Wields Excalibur.  Leader of Avalon.  Merlin was his advisor. A Connecticut Yankee in blank's Court.  This is not some obscure difficult name that few people have heard of that there is any reason you need to break it down... The second woman did eventually say round table but the craptastic lack of clues before that lead the two celebs to believe they were guessing a title and not an specific person.  Even when they said knight after that the woman STILL did not tell them she wanted a specific person and still obsessed with the word King (which unfortunately unknown to her they had already said and so they knew that was not the correct answer.).

    • Love 1
  15. Always weird when the stumper on the last round turns out to be one that seems so easy, after they already got a few that seemed much harder. Not sure what else you could say for "solitaire" except that it's a card game you play by yourself.

    She should have mentioned that it is comes on computers (I think one of the celebs even said that at the end when Craig revealed the answer).  She also could have said it was the name of a song by Neil Sedaka, it was also a Carpenters song and I believe that Clay Aiken had a pretty famous cover of it during American Idol.

  16. Is this the first time that someone has ever gone thru all 10 clues in the first round?  I was definitely not aware that once you passed on a clue you were not allowed to come back to it if you cycled thru all 10?  Since that is the case it seems really stupid that you are even allowed to pass on clue #10.


    I was rather surprised that the contestant was not buzzed when they said "play" while describing Instant Replay.  How is that not considered part of the word?  It ended up being a moot point as the partner did not get the word, but if they had their opponent should have protested to the judges.


    How dumb was that woman to just let the celebrities name every team in the NBA wasting sooo much time.  I found myself screamng at the TV for her to either say the big apple or better yet mention the Garden...or anything NY related so they would stop guessing Boston. Ugh.


    Cat Deely was an brutal clue one of the hardest I can recall seeing.  She seems much more obscure than most of the clues normally are as the host of the only mildly popular (but somehow still on the air) So You Think You Can Dance...and that is about it as far as something that she might be known for, and even if the contestant knew that the odds of the celebs knowing that was slim to none.  Major props to the guy for coming up with the clues he did to break it down but time was just not on his side.


    On a different note...just catching up on episodes recorded last week. I have to say I definitely had to shake my head in shame at how anyone could possibly have graduated from high school without knowing who freaking Richard Nixon was...*sigh*

    • Love 1
  17. Cupid was former SCPD not to mention SWAT.  This is probably where the fight training  and knives comes from.  Archery doesn't take months to pick it up especially if you train all the time.  Slapping water is optional.    

    Yeah between the Hunger Games craze and Arrow being considered a hero of Starling City...there are probably at least a dozen archery shops/ranges/training facilities that have opened up in the city in offscreenville over the past couple years.  And archery is one of those things that if you have any kind of arm stength and practice aiming something (which SCPD obviously would) it is not unreasonable that some could potentially pick it up in seconds to be able to aim adequately and become fairly adept/skiled in 3-4 months tops.


    The more I think about Ray saying "I meant to keep this platonic" the more I think Ray's interest in her is not about Felicity herself,

    Maybe I am not reading into it enough, but honestly I just thought that maybbe he genuinely wanted her for her brain and what she brings to the company, and despite being attracted to her realizes that dating the VP you hired is usually rather inappropriate and that if it ends badly he could lose her as an asset to the company and his atom plans.


    Curious if the Gardners that Ray and Felicity met with are supposed to be the parents of Guy Gardner, one of the Green Lanterns.
    While the name made me think of Guy too, I lean heavily towards no because Guy was from Baltimore, his parents were not rich, and his father was an abusive drunk.  So these Gardners do not seem to really fit?
    • Love 1
  18. Geez. Is anyone ever going to tell poor Quentin his baby girl is dead? :(

    Becareful what you ask for...there is still always the possibility of his heart being unable to take it and him dropping dead to prove that Laurel was right about not telling him.

    • Love 2
  19. I would like to reiterate my original question from when we first saw the DJ in the previews: what's the over/under on when Malcolm puts an arrow through this guy?

    That is assuming that Malcolm did not send him to ensure a wedge is driven between Thea and Roy and that they do not get back together (he could also run interference between Thea and Oliver.  I dunno i guess it just bugged me that we did not get any kind of name from him, which makes me think his name could be important when revealed?  Plus they showed the scene of Malcolm watching Thea and Oliver together and being not thrilled in the previously.  I could just be reading into stuff too much...


    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was their intention. After the EP's killed Sara to make Laurel relevant because comics, I have no faith that they won't destroy everything else in their path to comic endgame. I was trying to be positive and I've always believed Ray is just a foil for Oliver/Olicity in the long run but now I'm not feeling so sure. I'm going to see if I still feel the same way after 309.

    I dunno I mean other than Laurel becoming Black Canary there is not a whole lot more of comic endgame to follow in the new 52.  Oliver and Dinah are not together in the new 52 they dated and broke up with the marriage having now been retconned to never happening (she is married to Kurt Lance who I now wonder if Arrow will introduce with a slightly different name if the show lasts enough seasons?).  If anything the comics are mirroring the show now with Diggle and Felicity now existing and being part of team Green Arrow.  Thea does not really exist although Oliver does have a different ninja trained sister sidekick.  So what more is there really to do except for Roy's eventual drug problem and split from the team (I would be SHOCKED if this did happen eventually on the show.)  The show really does have a pretty blank slate to write including who Oliver winds up with compared to what Smallville had to deal with to miror comic continuity.

  20. I enjoyed this episode but why the hell did they basically make Iris and Barry brother and sister Apart from the fact the actors play it as siblings, it meant several conversations in the episode made little sense or were even skeevy.

    They are not actually brother and sister.  They are not related by either blood or even marriage.  Joe took Barry in as a legal guardian for probably about 10 or so years until he was a legal adult.  That's it.  Not anymore skeevy than any guy who has feelings for someone who was once a gradeschool friend and playmate.

    That being said, calling out Flash on the blog like that? That was pretty dumb. Establish an email or something.  Also Iris being in danger because that ape read her blog? Yea right. Like someone like that would bother reading blogs. I know they're trying to establish the blog was dangerous, but come up with something more believable

    She does not have the Flash's email and it could be risky to give her one as emails can certainly be traced?  Also Tony is not a regular reader of Iris' blog, he just said that after his encounter he looked for information on the speedster.  At this point no major media has said anything and Iris is presumably the only one writing about the Central City speedster with any kind of detail, so it certainly makes sense that he would have found her blog.

    Joe is toast.

    No doubt about it...this is the CW where the expected lifespan of characters over a certain age is usually quite finite.  I think the only question is who gets cooked first Joe West or Quentin Lance on Arrow...

    • Love 2
  21. So...in doing his mach speed punch the Flash seemed to do quite a bit of damage to the city for those 5 miles?   I wonder if that plot thread will be mentioned at all?  I would think there would be quite a few people who would not be big fans of his right now if they have heard about and were willing to believe in the existence of the Flash?


    I was actually disappointed in Barry's solution to Tony. Not only did he take the wrong meaning from Flashback!Joe's message, but he disregarded the more important piece--fight smarter!  If Tony/Girder was essentially steel, why not gimmick something that counters steel and maneuver Tony into a trap that neuters his effectiveness?

    Yeah I was definitely expecting for them to go for something involving Girder's weakness from the comics of corrosion/rust.  I thought the sonic punch was going to be an idea saved for a future episode, and that instead Barry was going to knock him in the schools swimming pool or dose him with something from the school's sprinkler system that would induce rusting if he tried to use his metal form..  I guess they are saving that kind of solution for when he undoubtedly escapes his prison sometime next season.


    The prison they have set up makes ZERO sense.

    Yeah before this episode I guess I had kind of assumed they had a stasis kind of thing going on with the prison since that would take much less maintenance...it's the only really plausible explanation I can think of when you are talking about a guy who can turn into gas or control the weather around you there is no way you could open any kind of door or hatch in their cell without them instantly escaping and killing you.  So for now I am going to stick with that theory...that as soon as the steel door closed over the glass that Tony was gassed into going night-night.

    • Love 3
  22. If I was the guy in the last episode I would have shouted out Paddington Bear the moment I saw those words appear.  It just seemed like that was one of those items which had a high probability of biting you in the butt as something that not everyone would be able to recall.  So toss it out and let your partner have something new.  I am hoping that future contestants do start to realize the strategy of getting an new clue to guess by purposely saying it rather than always just passing it.  The Jackie Robinson episode was another one where once you have mentioned the baseball color barrier, the movie 42, and the Dodgers and the celebrities are still staring at you with a blank look on your faces then you should just immediate say the answer get buzzed and let your partner get a replacement item while you don't waste unneccessary time with that clue.  Otherwise your best case scenario is trying to break it down which takes considerably more time and greatly decreases your odds of getting all 10 done.

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