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Posts posted by Xenith22

  1. From reading around the Internet, it seems some ICBMs can go as fast as like 20x the speed of sound.

    While that may be true we know this missile was not flying anywhere even close to that speed.   First of all we know that Fort Pemberton is not far from National City.   I mean look at the facts General Mathers lives in National City and works at Fort Pemberton,  it's close enough that Hank at least considers sending a strike team to stop Indigo (before not since its obviously still more than just a minutes away), and the biggest thing is that when we first see the still rising missile we can see that National City skyline is not too far off in the distance.


    The other fact we know for sure is that from the time the missile is launched it will take 3 minutes to reach National City.   So let's look at roughly how far a missile can travel in 3 minutes going at various speeds.

    Mach-1 - 38 miles

    Mach-2 - 77 miles

    Mach-3 - 115 miles


    No need to elaborate further as there is no chance that Fort Pemberton is any farther away than that.  I mean consider that the following distances are around 100 miles (straight line) give or take ten.   Los Angeles to San Diego,  Indianapolis to Cincinnati,  Chicago to Milwaukee,  Pittsburgh to Cleveland, NYC to Philadelphia...you get the point.   Leave in an airport from one of those places and you can't exactly clearly see the skyline of other city in the distance almost immediately over the horizon even on the clearest of days.   So really I'd say it is pretty safe to assume that Fort Pemberton is likely located under 70 miles  (Personally I'd lean towards somewhere around 30-50 mile range) away from National City which means the missile could not have been traveling any faster than Mach-2 and possibly only Mach-1.   So nope...Kara really should not have had any trouble keeping up since we know she can easily fly at Mach-2.




    On a different but somewhat related note a couple things I noticed while re-watching to try to figure out this missile thing that I had missed the first time around.


    The first is that we got pretty solid confirmation that National City is indeed in California and it appears to be somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco based on the maps briefly show at the DEO.  Which certainly makes sense given that Supergirl actually lived in San Francisco for awhile in the comics, and the show itself films in LA.


    The second thing I noticed is that the show cheated yet again.  All the screens at the DEO initially show the missile and Kara coming from right to left towards National City...which again makes sense since it's located on the coast a military base some 30-50 miles away would have to be coming from the other direction.   Yet at the moment that Kara disables the missile it drops straight down into the water and a map at the DEO shows it dissapearing from the left of the city.   For that matter the two times we get a view of the missile headed towards the city it certainly looks like there is nothing but rock/trees between it and the city no water.   I guess someone in editing decided that having the nuke fall straight down and hit solid ground could potentially detonate it....so they had it fall harmlessly into the ocean on the other side of the city instead.  Pffft


    Now that we've had Helen Slater and Laura V., are there any more former Supergirls that should be appearing on the show?
    There definitely wasn't one on Adventures of Superman, or Lois and Clark  IMDB doesn't list one as ever appearing on Superboy.  So that pretty much leaves those strange Justice League serials which I highly doubt there was ever a Supergirl on there, but its so old with no copies seemingly existing anywhere so I can't find a way to totally confirm. Although really if there was she would likely be too old to want to do anything now not to mention no one would even get the reference.  So that means that is probably it for live-action Supergirls that can appear....unless you count the retired "actress" from the Supergirl XXX parody film.  Which although it would be absolutely hilarious for them to sneak a tiny cameo appearance by an unsuspecting CBS/WB I just don't see it happening.

    I definitely would not mind Nicholle Tom appearing though and she is still doing a lot of guest actor work on TV shows.   Keep Summer Glau far away....the ratings are not good enough to chance letting that show killer anywhere near the set :P


    I would consider Lucy just as girlish as Kara. Your boyfriend doesn't show for dinner? Give him a call. Don't sulk because there's literally a worldwide crisis that he is trying to help solve and he couldn't make din-din. 

    To be fair it's entirely possible that she did try to call him...odds are there aren't any cell towers in the arctic near the Fortress of Solitude.




    Not in agreement with most of you...didn't like the last scene for the very reason Alex was TOO emotional.  This is a kick-ass woman and she was blubbering like a big baby.  With any other character, it works, but for me, it was not consistent with the always-in-control Alex we know and love.

    Eh, I don't see how showing emotion contradicts her being a bad-ass?  Remember her during her visit to Kara's headspace when she was afraid of losing Kara to the Black Mercy permanently?  She was rather emotional there too.  This was a similar situation regarding her sister.   I mean at this point her conscience has been eating her alive and she probably feels partly responsible for the days events and the near disaster from Kara working separately from the DEO.  So she feels like she has to tell because she doesn't want Kara to go on hating Hank for fear of the implications that could still have even if they are working together but she does not trust/believe in him and she feels guilty.   At the same time she has seen how Kara has treated Hank, how vehemently Kara denounced the act of killing, not to mention Hank repeatedly telling her how it could ruin what she had with Kara if she knew the truth.  So Alex knows that by coming clean there is definite chance it could destroy the relationship she has with her sister.   So yeah...of course she is emotional and not a calm collected robot here.

    • Love 8
  3. That was a great scene, but it also showed what a dick Kara was being to Hank -- if Hank had told Kara that he was just doing his job to save another person when he killed Astra all the while crying while explaining it to Kara would Hank have gotten hugs and forgiveness as well ?  Nope, Hank was shunned outright by Kara and she quit the DEO over it.  So just bit of a mild double standard.

    While I can not say for sure about the hug, since that was probably based primarily on Alex's emotional state...where she was clearly worried about losing her sister and thus needed the comfort.  I do believe there is a strong chance that Kara would have forgiven Hank had he or Alex told her closer to the full story.  It doesn't seem like either of them thought to reverse the situation. (Because again the writers suck at writing intelligent characters)   So Kara had no idea that Astra was moments away from killing someone she cared about.  That is a giant omission to the story.


    I mean had Hank led her to believe that it was a split second decision that seemed like the only way to save Alex's life, then I have to believe Kara would not have viewed the act nearly the same way as she did prior to the truth coming out..  Instead they seemingly let let believe that he just killed her in the middle of combat (it was not even to stop her from activating the box, because she had already done that.) when it really probably really would not have been necessary. 


    Also the fact that Astra was about to straight up murder someone Kara cared about may have also given her a little pause in that it meant that maybe Aunt Astra was not as close to redemption as Kara had previously believed.


    With that said when Alex is the one that kills Astra that also changes things since unlike Hank,  Alex has no super-powers meaning she would have had much less in the way of options of stopping Astra from killing someone.   I mean Kara could have maybe put herself in Hanks place and imagined ways that she could have saved Alex and stopped Astra with Hank's powers.  With Alex those options are off the table, so the need to kill to save might become more justifiable?

    • Love 2
  4. Have these writers ever actually met intelligent human beings?  Because they neither write the characters like they are intelligent or write almost anything like they think the audience is intelligent...


    Let's start at the beginning...Cat receives a flash drive from the website hacker and her first instinct is to destroy the evidence.  I mean even if you don't want to publish the list of names then would you still not want to check it out to see if there is any evidence on there that could be used to find out who the hacker is...or even if not could it not potentially be evidence used to help convict them?  Oh and I feel I need to quote Lucy about the flash drive.  "It was attacked by an anonymous hacker last night.  None of the data has been released".  Keep in mind for later that this flash drive the contents of which NO ONE HAS SEEN goes from the sealed envelope to Cat's hand to Siobhan's hand who is told to immediately destroy it.  We get no indication that she does not follow through do we?  This will be important later...


    For that matter can anyone explain why if Indigo's plan was to nuke National City she would bother with not only sending the flash drive to Catco immediately, but then "calling" in a day later to talk about her disappointment that they did not publish?  The AI that wants to exterminate all humanity would care about this why?  *shakes head*  I mean at first I let myself get my hopes up because this meant there might be a duality to the character's personality.  A personality that wants to be good and one that is bad.  Nope she's just pure evil.


    Of course the traffic light gimmick was equally pointless, and do not get me started on how first when the lights were all blinking that peoples first instinct would be to floor it through the intersection without hesitation...or that somehow James would zero in on that one imminent minivan-truck collision.  I mean how the hell could he really predict that assuming that no cars anywhere are stopping...  And how many more accidents occurred while Kara was just floating in the air holding the van instead of putting it down immediately so she could go help more people.  So much stupid it hurts.


    James blows off working with Lucy to try to track down the hacker...so that he can instead do nothing but stand uselessly behind Wynn who is the only one actually doing anything to track down the hacker at Kara's apartment.  Okay.  Makes sense, it's not like Wynn could call him when he had something.


    Speaking of Kara's apartment... were not all of the supercomputers in a secret room at Catco?  Why are they not working there?  


    Wynn get's Indigo's attention somehow....and is saved when Alex and Hank come busting through Kara's door.   (Since Kara thought it was more important to start taking her shirt off than to actually immediately save her friends from having their necks snapped.  Seriously why the costume when everyone in the apartment knows your ID).  Hank says they were at the DEO when they tracked Indigo to Kara's apartment.  Is the DEO headquarters located direcly under Kara's apartment?  It's not like Indigo was there for an hour...she literally just showed up.  There is no way that they could have possibly reached Kara's apartment that fast by tracking Indigo's signal...


    Hank may have information on Indigo but tries to blackmail Kara into re-joining before he will give it to her.  Well that is an simply awesome way to regain her trust.


    Indigo meets with Non...he almost tries to pretend he has a personality now.  She tells him that she is calling herself Indigo now...because I guess the more accurate name Dark Blue was already taken?   Non approves because he too is apparently colorblind and can not distinguish the difference between dark blue and a much more purple color aka Indigo.  She implies that he would be against her plan to destroy all humans?  Which I could of sworn he was spouting off about human extinction himself to Astra earlier this season?


    Ignoring the Siobhan plot...because while I am glad she is finally getting a hint of personality beyond Mean Girl, it's so obviously a thinly veiled attempt to hook her up with Wynn.  I only hope that they are not doing this to turn him against Kara after she is forced to take her out...


    Alex comes to Catco to recruit Wynn because the DEO does not like to actually hire their own qualified people.   Such people must want too much money or else be smart enough to realize their primary job is to be nonspeaking cannon fodder I guess.


    Kara is stumped on where else she could possibly get information on an alien AI.  (Because the thought of asking her cousin never occurs to her, she only likes to text him about human emotion stuff).  So James takes her to the Fortress of Solitude where she learns about the origin of Indigo...and nothing that is actually remotely helpful to her stopping it.  I wonder if she though to try asking the Fortress AI about Myriad?


    James forgot about the dinner plans he made with Lucy as he was walking out the door at Catco.  She is mad that he hung out with Supergirl instead trying to thwart the hacker.  Lunkhead somehow believes that Lucy knowing he was actually with Kara would totally make his flaking on her more tolerable?


    Lucy figures out that Indigo wants to nuke the city. She figures it out because of the importance of one of the general's who was DOX'd during the hack.   The hack whom no one knew what it contained and the only copy they had was seemingly destroyed at the beginning of the episode?  So how did she know this guy was a victim again?


    She tells this information to Kara/James and seemingly does not see the need to tell anyone who might be able to help.  She does not tell James to contact Supergirl/Superman to prevent this or ask him to reach the DEO.   Does she even tell anyone at Catco (her employer) so they can start writing the story?  Judging from the end where a TV report gives false information that Cat can only question James about...nope.


    Wynn has figured out how to read and code in Kryptonian on his own in less than a day.  Suuuuuuure.


    Kara goes after Indigo who was apparently standing around waiting for Kara to arrive so that she could activate a single missile in the middle of the fight instead of hitting the launch button beforehand.  Indigo also very kindly waits until Kara has destroyed the first missile and flown back to the base before trying to launch another one.


    Kara tells James about the Nuclear missile minutes away from hitting National City....his first thought is to evacuate Catco.  Because that would surely save everyone from being killed by a large nuclear missile fired at the city.  I mean maybe if the missile had been fired from Russia an evacuation plan for the city may have been even slightly feasible.  What is the point of him making himself out to be a moron to Kara?


    James said that Kara is faster that Clark....yet Kara struggles to keep up with the speed of a missile.  I do not believe we need to see Kara race Barry anymore.  He would absolutely destroy her if that is as fast as she can go.


    Indigo reaches her hand through Kara's earpiece and grabs Wynn by the neck.  Don't worry she's not even squeezing it tight enough that he has any difficulty speaking.   No one at the DEO attempts to remove her hand from his neck content to let her snap his neck if she so chooses.  Fortunately he manages to finish uploading his code to her before she can kill him.   OF COURSE she manages to tell a whole story to Kara before the virus makes her explode into a billion pieces. 


    So Wynn essentially seemingly just killed Indigo which made Kara realize that sometimes it is absolutely necessary to kill....oh wait nope she does not mention that when she decides to work with Hank instead it's strictly based on the fact that her immaturity or refusing to work with the DEO could have gotten the city blown up.


    Kara loses her backbone and tells Jimmy that she is cool with him telling Lucy about her...Ugh.  I was so dang happy when earlier in the ep she made her case about keeping her identity a secret.  Only now she thinks it was only that she wanted personal time with James.  Completely tossing out the valid points that they don't know how Lucy will react, or that her father is freaking anti-alien Sam Lane and the difficult position that could put her in.


    Lucy breaks up with Jimmy.  Okay I can kind of see her point about him not sharing part of himself with her...but holy crap was that Kara really you thing out of left field.  I mean Lucy and Kara have barely interacted to this point.  There was the coffee shop, game night, and....this episode.  She hasn't been party to Kara's fawning over him like Cat/Wynn.  So I guess I just don't see how with Kara's one little speech in which she really kept her emotions in check pretty well, she was able to tell that Kara was absolutely in love with James and not just a good friend?  Whatever..


    Okay so finally the scene with Alex coming clean and Kara's reaction...I genuinely loved that.  I was very pleasantly surprised that it seemingly was not used to drive a wedge of distrust between the sisters around the time of the season finale.  I also liked that you could see the hurt on Kara's face before she decided to forgive Alex with the hug.  Great scene.

    • Love 2
  5. That would be really uplifting if I weren't pretty sure we're in "and we neeeeever saw him again" territory!

    I'm not so sure about that this time John. 


    From an EW interview with Joseph David-Jones (aka the actor who played John/Connor Diggle/Hawke):

    EW: "Legends of Tomorrow plans to cycle in different heroes on the team. Is there a possibility we could see Connor Hawke as part of the team at any point?

    JDJ: I think there is a strong possibility. I’m talking to the writers about what they plan on doing as far as bringing me back as potentially a series regular or recurring for the show. Nothing has been decided. It’s all so up in the air, but I know they do plan on cycling different heroes onto the ship, so we’ll have to see. I hope this isn’t the last time we’ll see Connor Hawke."

  6. If Diggie Jr exists in 2046, wouldn't Lyla and Diggie have had to have another kid in the future? I think having a teen son in 2046 crosses Lyla out.

    Not necessarily.  Lyla was never mentioned in this episode.  So we have no evidence that John Jr is her son.  So the possibilities exist that John Jr is either adopted or the product of a second marriage after her death  (Depending on how old John Jr is supposed to be. *can't even find the actors age...remember when IMDB was useful for stuff like that?* But I am just assuming he is supposed to be early 20s that gives Diggle somewhere between 5-10 years to potentially meet someone else)


    On a different note part of me wishes they had just realized they could easily go with Star City 2036 instead of 2046.  It's still 20 years in the future.  And there was no reason story or technology wise why that 10 years would have made a difference.  At most Arrow will probably run about 6 more seasons so there is still plenty of time after series end for the Uprising II event to have happened.

    But then they could have had a 30 year old (they same age as current Oliver) William using the Connor alias (which is what he could have went by ever since he was sent away with his mom on Arrow to stay off of HIVEs radar) which at least for me would have then made that whole Arrow storyline feel so much less pointless other than to drive a wedge between Felicity and Oliver. 

    Also you then could have included an early 20s Sara Diggle....which it could have been a nice moment for White Canary to meet and team-up with future version of her namesake.

  7. So I think we can cross John Diggle's name off the current dead pool list now right?   I mean since we know that Connor's dad was alive for the Uprising II...the only ways for John to have been the death is if :


    1) The writers used nasty wordplay/trickery on us in which Andy Diggle is actually his father and so "my father died because I couldn't save him, I don't deserve his name" referred to the name his father gave him and not his father's actual name (at least not first name).   Surely they would not actually play that kind of dirty pool with us though right?


    2) Sara and or Ray return to 2016 getting involved in the HIVE stuff and screw things up causing his death.   Honestly, I'm not sure  I could see them doing this to Sara yet?  It would be a pretty shitty thing to have her partly responsible for John Diggle's death thereby making the son she fought to save never exist.  (Because it is too soon for Lyla to be pregnant with him)


    Which means the dead pool is essentially down to Quentin, Laurel, and Lyla.  Now Grant did mention Captain Lance...which would seem to imply Quentin is safe However I'm not discounting the possibility that Laurel could change her path and follow in her deceased Dad's footsteps joining the police force at some point in the 30 some years after his death.   (Kind of like Barbara Gordon in Batman Beyond)


    On a different note, part of me wishes this episode had happened later in the shows run such that we could maybe believe for a minute that Mick or Sara would actually stay behind.  Because to me there-in lies the real potential of the show to have a potentially fluid cast of Legends giving it a level of unpredictability that Arrow/Flash/Supergirl can't have with their fixed casts.  But of course only 6 episodes in with Hawkman already having gone there was no way that anyone else would be left behind this soon.

  8. I'm still trying to figure out why Malcolm didn't Dhark that Oliver was the Green Arrow.

    Probably because he doesn't want to risk putting Thea in the crosshairs of HIVE, which there is a great possibility that everyone Oliver knows would become fair game if HIVE knew he were Green Arrow.   Also I thought the way Malcolm finished his speech about how he would rather she hate him and live was rather interesting as that also raises the possibility that maybe he did actually join HIVE in order to undermine their plan to destroy Star City?   In which case he may still want Oliver/Green Arrow around for something...  Or finally maybe he just wants to retain the power of being one of the few (at least villainwise) that knows GA's identity.  I mean currently its knowledge he can potentially exploit to his advantage, and he may not be done seeking revenge.   If he reveals it to HIVE and they go public with it then he loses that power.

  9. Also can I please point out how STUPID Oliver is being with his instructions to BM not to tell him where they are going.  Just because HE doesn't know doesn't mean that nobody else could find them.  There was no talk of changing names or dropping off the grid.  Nope, they were just moving.  I could probably find them with a Google Search. Again, if Thea was able to put two and two together about who William was, so could anyone else that digs into Oliver's background.

    Well, given that Oliver still had to get that video to Samantha before she left or else still had a way to contact her, I'm now choosing to believe that Felicity will indeed help them set up new identities...maybe something like Sandra and Connor Hawke?


    Why couldn't he back out of backing out?  He was being extorted.  Quentin could back him up without revealing any facts about William being his son or even handing out names.

    This.  He stated that he suspended his campaign, which means that legally there is nothing to stop him from immediately resuming it.  Actual politicians have re-entered races after interrupting/suspending their campaign for various reasons.  (Remember Ross Perrot for example?)


    I'm confused. What was that welcome Laurel gave Mari?

    Yeah Laurel definitely did not appear in the animated series and Vixen was not in any webcomics...so that probably means 1 of 2 things:

    a) A second season of Vixen animated is planned which will include their meeting in the past.

    b) A flashback is planned to address this meeting in the show...maybe in order to avoid running out of the 5 years of island time next season will feature flashbacks about the year Laurel spent in Detroit?


    On a different note Samantha took the Green Arrow reveal really well.  I would have thought her first reaction would have been anger in thinking that is why her son was kidnapped...and she would not have been wrong because Malcolm.


    Also worth noting that we have probably ruled out Samantha and William for being in the grave now....so my worry for Diggle's continued safety continues to grow.   Logically it's probably just down to either Quentin or Diggle as the prime candidates at this point.

  10. My take on it is that because Hank has powers (and a lot of them) he should have had alternatives. Plus, of course, she's not thinking totally logically.

    Really Hank does deserve a fair share of the blame for Alex killing Astra.  He absolutely should have been able to phase right out of her grip instead of just waiting for her kill him forcing Alex's hand.


    ing. Perhaps the DEO could see this as an opportunity to try and rehabilitate their prisoners so that they can be released and regain their freedom (maybe even become useful citizens?), rather than just continue on with their lock 'em up and throw away the key processes?
    That is A LOT easier said than done when you are talking about for instance the White Martian who is capable of reading minds, becoming intangible, shapeshifting, and spitting balls of death.  How do you really go about training someone like that to be a good American citizen?  How do you trust that they aren't just biding time until they are free to go massacre everyone when their entire culture is war?


    I'm actually with Kara on this one. Using instant messaging or chatting to communicate with someone that is literally in front of you instead of actually talking to them is one of the most rude and annoying things ever.

    Keep in mind that Siobhan is a post-millennial... A generation that has known the internet and virtual communication since birth.   Honestly I've seen people from this generation literally on dates with each other and happily texting away to each other rather than talking across the table...  So yeah...the only thing about it that seemed odd is that they were using IM which is all but dead since somewhere between 2010-2013 rather than text messaging (as I'm certain Cat's personal assistant would have a directory of everyones cell phone numbers).   I'll also add that silently communicating like that allowed Siobhan to put up the appearance that she was doing actual work instead of leaving her desk to chat which Cat would likely frown upon or shouting/calling which can be easily overheard?


    Replacing Astra with Non kind of makes sense to me. Kara and Astra were family. That was always going to be a factor that got in the way of plans, even though Astra insisted it wouldn't, because she clearly still loved her. And the show painted Astra as a well intentioned extremist (I know, still a murderer) rather than an out and out villain. Non, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care about anything but the mission, and Astra, who is dead because of Kara, at least as far as he is concerned. He'll be a hundred times more dangerous now, and more than Astra would have been.

    Yeah...but I think the issue is that Non currently has all the personality and depth of a plank of wood.  He has had zero character development.  We don't know anything about him or what drives him.  Heck he's barely been anything more than a background character until now.  He's not the least bit interesting which is a big problem when you are talking about someone who is supposed to carry the story as the season's big bad.

  11. How does that Russian Wolf know about witches ?  Last season Jeremy and the pack had no idea that witches even existed, yet here we are and this Russian werewolf seems to have known about witches all along.  Cough, cough, retcon, cough, cough.

    Not necessarily?  I mean the Russian wolf was the leader of an entirely different pack in another country...a country known for its magic practicing Gypsies I might add.  So I don't see why its out of the question that he could have different experiences and knowledge that Jeremy's little American pack?


    I'm still curious how Sasha and his family found Elena on the streets of Bear Valley in the first place.  Sasha's daughter has photos of Elena on her phone identifying Elena as a photographer, but Elena only worked as a photographer in Toronto.  So how did they find her in Bear Valley, New York exactly ?

    The wolf Sasha captured last episode told him about Danvers pack in Stonehaven, and that the female wolf Elena Michaels was part of the pack.  So from there finding her in the small nearby town of Bear Valley does not seem all that difficult.   As for the photography thing there are two possibilities the first is that she just never updated her profile information as she did not want to put "unemployed".  The second is that she still may do minor photography jobs in Bear Valley to pay bills and its just not important enough to be shown during the brief look-ins we get during which the show takes place.


    Elena has a web site -- since when ?  And it has a message board.  Has this even been mentioned before in the series ?

    Well given that she was an independent photographer it only makes sense that she had a website to show off her work and allow people to contact her.

    Why would Elena have 3rd person memory flashbacks -- shouldn't they all be from her point of view ?
    Why?  I see no reason why in vaguely trying to recall something someone could not picture it either way?  Actually the more I think about the more I believe that 3rd person is probably more common than 1st person when remembering something.  I mean think about a big day in your life like going to Prom, your Wedding, or something like that that.  Are you really picturing it from the viewpoint of looking out your own eyeballs, or are you not also picturing yourself on the dance floor, at the altar etc as others would have seen you?
    So in the 3 months since the end of last season, Jeremy couldn't be bothered to install any kind of security cameras/motion detectors at Stonehaven -- this place has worse security than Star Labs on The Flash or the Green Arrow's lair on Arrow.

    Jeremy seems fairly technology averse.  There seems to be no sign of anything like a computer or telephone or anything like that on the premises of Stonehaven.  So it really is not surprising that he would not install any kind of high-tech security system.  Besides he has a bit of an ego where he probably did not think many would dare attack him now that he is rebuilding the pack up to strength.


    Sasha has a tattoo of Elena's birthday on his left forearm that Sasha confirms as the day his life changed -- but he apparently doesn't have tattoos of the birthdates of his other two children. That's kind of a shitty move.

    Well first we now know they aren't actually his children.  He wasn't a part of their lives on the days they were born.  Potentially the day he met them was the day their mother was torn to shreds....not something to easily tastefully commemorate?  Also the way he explained it was that date he tattooed changed him.  So it's really not so much that he was just commemorating the birth of the daughter, but an event that made him a better person.  The same can't be said for the birthdays of the other two.

  12. Uh, no Jimmy your issues with your girlfriend are your issues. Kara should not have to give up her secret identity to Lucy so that you can try to make things work with your girl.

    So much this...he can tell her all about the work he does with Supergirl and even admit to being platonic friends with her without having to out her as Kara?  That is none of her business especially given that Lucy's father is renowned alien hater General Sam Lane...  How does he not get how risky that could be for Kara?  Not to mention why does he think Lucy would be cool with him continuing to hanging out as friends with Kara if she has unresolved issues with his relationship with Superman/Supergirl?


    Really disappointed in Siobhan.  Seems like zero attempt was made to adopt any of the personality of the comic book character in favor of making her an straight up high school mean girl stereotype.  I mean at the very least could they not have found someone with a slight Irish accent?   Boo....  I'm still going to hold out hope that she and Kara still somehow bond, because Silver Banshee will not be nearly as interesting as a straight up foe?

    Siobhan better be Cat's attempt to provoke Supergirl out from behind Kara Danvers, otherwise that whole plot is just too stupid.

    Basically the only things I can think of regarding this plot is one of three things

    1)  Cat doesn't want to fire Kara because she wants to keep an eye on her regarding the Supergirl possibility. (Again she now potentially knows about shape-shifters and that there was someone who looked identical to Supergirl...please don't gloss over this and make her an idiot show.)

    2)  Cat doesn't want to fire Kara because she still feels a connection to her as a friend that she does not want to lose.  (This would be disappointing)

    3)  Cat does not want to fire Kara, because Lucy told her it would look like she was firing her for dumping her son...which could be a legal nightmare.   By hiring another assistant if the other assistant does outperform Kara over a certain duration of time she would potentially have better evidence to indicate that Kara was let go for performance reasons?


    Is Alex going to almost tell Kara that she was the one that killed Astra every episode before she is interrupted/chickens out?


    So the Master Jailer...is he dead?  Because the sound FX people certainly used a sound which made it seem like Kara snapped something in his neck and then he collapsed eyes open?  Which does not seem like something in character that she would do?   Strange...


    Was there anyone not shouting at their TV that the Master Jailer was obviously under the cabin the moment the DEO team entered the empty building.  Did Alex really need to see half the floor glowing to surmise that possibility...  And seriously HALF THE FLOOR WAS GLOWING.  It was not even like it was one tiny little hole was emitting red light...why did it take so long for someone to notice that.  Once again do they really have to write this show as if everyone on it and watching it was a freaking moron...


    How exactly did he capture Kara?  He flashed a pen light at her?  Since when is that one of her weaknesses?  Also how incredibly stupid was Kara for rushing to her sister while ignoring the dangerous villain standing there with a weapon.   I mean seriously she already knows the guy is formidable and yet she turns her back on him.  I mean does Kara not know Alex was wearing a vest?   Could she not have deduced in seconds that her sister was okay with X-ray vision?  Where was her rage?


    How does the Master Jailer seemingly have the strength to fight nearly toe-to-toe with Kara in their first encounter...and yet Alex is able to physically overpower him?  (At some point are they going to reveal that Alex has her own alien DNA or was replaced by a super-powered frog clone?)  Don't even get me starter on the stupid impossibility of Alex managing to shoot holes from her position that someone not only traveled at the proper angle but that also somehow beamed large enough quantities of yellow sunlight on Kara to completely counteract the draining power of the red sunlight.


    Help me out here...does the DEO actually not give a dam about finding the Fort Roz prisoners?   I mean how was the Master Jailer able to find them all so freaking easily while the DEO has found a half dozen in months.  And then of course there was the professor...which did they actually have his human identity in their database?   I mean Kara found him incredibly easy so it's like they knew he was there and just ignored him until now.  I mean I doubt they had the whole sob story about him running drugs for his family.


    The Max Lord plot...  Someone remind me here...did Jimmy know that Max knew Kara's secret identity?  Because at no point during his conversations with Kara tonight do I recall that issue coming up when that was pretty much the single biggest reason Kara was okay with keeping him prisoner?   I mean really by petitioning for Lord's release he was petitioning for the end of Kara Danver's private life, not to mention the endangerment of all her family and friends.   WHY WAS THIS NOT MENTIONED.


    Alex basically successfully blackmails Max to keep Kara's secret by threatening to reveal the same legal wrongdoings stuff that was already argued that his lawyers would have him out of in an instant?  Sure that makes total sense....  She also felt the need to do this after Kara left the room...which means shouldn't Kara already be worried that she is about to be outed to the world at any moment in that last scene?


    Loved how Hank the supposed head of the DEO had as much to say about Max's release as his capture...  It's not like Max might have learned anything about the DEO's location or any of its other secrets that could bite him in the butt...

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  13. So I wonder was that sex scene purely just to meet the show's sexy cheesecake quota...or could we be in for an Elena pregnancy story as well this season?   I believe that actually was a plot in one of the books?  Although unfortunately we probably won't get the fun Toronto zombie/necromancer plot that went with it.  It will just be another reason for her to want to get out from the constant battle of Jeremy's pack or to seek a close connection to her birth father and his family?


    I guess we've now moved on from the Spanish to the Russians as the likely red herring villain of the season while the Jeremy conflict brews.


    Seriously though what kind of odds are you giving Elena's adopted sorta sister to survive the season?  Personally I'm now leaning towards at least 95% odds someone is going to kill her to bring things to a head,


    Will we ever get introduced to a new member of Jeremy's pack and see that pack member actually survive more than 1 episode?   Not looking too good at this point....  The writers are definitely enjoying their newfound cannon fodder.


    Really enjoyed those fight scenes.  Would not mind if John Stead were to find employment with the CW for a show like Arrow after Bitten wraps, as some of their fight sequences have certainly been done less than stellar the past couple seasons.

  14. "Just to be clear, I don't care that you have a child. I can't believe that you have a child that you didn't tell me about. I care that you lied to me just now.


    If you loved me, if you trusted me, telling me this wouldn't be such a burden-- it would be a relief. But you don't trust me. You never will. And how can I be with someone who doesn't trust me?"

    That was from Legends of Yesterday straight out of Felicity's mouth to him. So...nope not buying any excuses that he believes Felicity would dump him because of the kid himself and not the lying.

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  15. Also is Felicity a super villain and I failed to notice? Because that would be the reason for being so worried about her knowing about William..I mean Oliver doesn't mind if MM knows, but telling Felicity would put him in danger.

    I think the question for me is...does he think Samantha is a super villain?   I mean she is a single mother who lives in another city.   How the hell would she really even know if he told Felicity? Unless he thinks Samantha is a super villain and has bugged his home and the lair with listening devices?   Or that she has hired an army of private investigators to eavesdrop on any conversation they have?  Does not compute....because he knows Felicity is more than capable of keeping an giant freaking secret for years now.   So much hate for the large amount of stupid involved here.

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  16. I stopped paying attention to the flashbacks years ago. I give you kudos for actually knowing names. These characters in the flashbacks might as well be wearing red shirts as far as I care.

    You give me too much credit.  Actually I had forgotten Taiana's actual character name and thus just resorted to the nickname I recall being used most in the previous episode thread (had to google to get the real name)...and I had forgotten Ryder's name until someone else commented about him.


    Speaking of the flashbacks, I think we did finally start to reach the point where they may be somewhat relevant again...unfortunately.  This episode introduced the flashback theme of becoming a monster to deal with bad people.  In the present Oliver will have viewed himself as too soft and thus why someone he cares about will have died...and so now he has to lose himself to the darkness again and become a killer again.  So how much do you want to bet we will get to start S5 with a dark broody Oliver yet again undoing all the character growth of the last couple seasons?

  17. ze17b.jpg


    Okay...so help me out here I'm not sure which was worse that in attempting to tail Mrs. Adams....Laurel was standing in front of the giant lighted marquee on the building where she could not be more visible if anyone happened to look in their rearview mirror (are those not a thing in star city?  Did she think she could pass for a gargoyle?) or Oliver jumping his freaking motorcycle over her car.  Because people jumping motorcycles over my car at stop lights is a regular occurrence and so I never pay any attention to it.   I mean SERIOUSLY...that is their idea of stealthily tailing someone.


    How great were the special FX during the building implosion that Laurel and Quentin were caught in?   I mean even Laurel and Quentin could not help themselves as they just had to stop MULTIPLE TIMES to turn around and admire the implosion effects before jogging to the next room.  It was awfully nice of the professional demolition team to put such a nice delay in between each explosion so that they could escape easily enough.


    Also since when is killing the police captain too public?  Did Darkh's ghosts not execute every other city official?  Why would killing one more be a problem for him?


    Soooo much hate for Quentin unnecessarily lying to Donna.  I mean there is zero logical reason that he could not have told her HIVE was trying to kill him for interfering in their operations...how is that any worse than a made-up gambling debt?


    Part of me now wishes it was Thea inside that future grave.  That's all I'm going to say about that conversation.


    So Laurel was finally not completely useless.  I mean sure she just stood there doing absolutely nothing during the first fight (Forgot to charge the batteries on her canary cry again?)  but she saw blueprints for another building on the computer.  Impressive for how far away she was...also the only time we saw the computer it just had the demolition sequence for the current building on it.  


    Did I fall asleep and miss the scene where Poppy actually joined Team Oliver and was totally okay with him killing her brother and bought his explanation?  Was that not completely contrary to her reaction last episode where by episodes end she was just helping him because Ryder would kill her if he died?


    Did past Oliver really need to have the dying henchman tell him that the crazy villain was probably going to murder everyone when he got what he wanted?  Was that really not a fairly obvious possibility?


    What the hell was Oliver thinking when he confronted Ruve before the debate?  There is no good explanation for how Oliver would know she set the bombs unless he was at the very least working with Green Arrow.  That's not a connection he should want her and her husband to be making...  Of course nearly everyone on this show is an idiot so nothing will probably come of it.

    • Love 16
  18. Also, I was seething with rage during this part, but how did Thea explain an uncashed check being found in an audit? Did they find Moira's check register, or did someone came across a copy of the check? 

    They showed that Thea indeed has a photocopy of the unsigned check?   So I guess Moira did indeed make a copy of it which someone stumbled across while going thru paperwork during an audit?

    • Love 3
  19. As for the whole Elena's daddy plot, how can a werewolf have a human child exactly ?

    Seems like a question with a simple answer...because Elena is a girl?  Only males inherit the werewolf DNA.  Since Elena is a female she was thus not born a wolf.  Hence why the whole killing the mother and taking the baby as part of the pack thing did not happen either.   However this development does potentially mean that maybe there was some small part of passive wolf DNA passed on from her father which explains her surviving the turn.   I guess it does potentially detract from her specialness if her survival was genetic instead of willpower/destiny or anything like that.


    Jeremy is consolidating his power and giving all the North American mutts an ultimatum -- join the pack or die.  Jeremy has become a bit of a dick in the process, something that even Elena acknowledges.  Not exactly thrilled that they went straight to torture in the first episode back.

    Yeah...the writers are definitely going for an Elena vs Jeremy endgame aren't they? Sad.jpg

    The series is going to end with her killing him and taking over for the good of the pack...

    That really saddens me as her relationship with him was by far one of my favorite things about the first season.  So it's disappointing that they are now going to make them enemies.  But there was pretty much not a single thing that pointed in another direction other than the Spanish wolves who honestly just seem like a time waster while the main conflict is created.


    - Jeremy easily beating down the assassin that Elena lost to.  Because he is stronger than her get it?

    - Jeremy's treatment of Rachel as a prisoner with an implied threat that he may still have to deal with her.

    - Jeremy's recruitment of unsavory wolves to join the pack (counter to the idea of the pack as family which Elena believe in).

    - Jeremy's eye-for-an-eye justice which Elena disapproved of.

    - Elena wanting to move on with her life with Clay...which Jeremy probably will likely not approve of at this time for reasons.

    - Elena's father is not going to want to join the pack...thus Jeremy will want to kill him of course he will already want to kill Elena's sister for being a human who knows about werewolves.  There is no room for that by his werewolf laws and he is not about to make another exception like Rachel who is a proven ally.  Heck if anything this may change his stance on keeping Rachel alive.

    - Elena's vision of herself bloody sitting in the chair...ie in power.

    - Clay disagreeing with Jeremy's methods...since obviously the show wants him on Team Elena for more reasons than that he is her lover.

    - The previously including the scene where Jeremy told Elena he considered killing her before she was turned.

    - The previously showing Elena's dead fiance's head...did Jeremy in fact actually have a role in that?


    At least adding all the mutts to the pack does give the show a fresh supply of cannon fodder to work with since they obviously can't kill any of the core 4 until around the finale...

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  20. It really is a cheat. The only way they feel they could justify Oliver killing Malcolm is if Malcolm is in the heat of the moment about to kill a helpless, innocent person and there is literally no other way to save that person other than take him out. And even last season Oliver found Malcolm about to kill the thug that killed his wife but they stacked the deck for Oliver since the guy Malcolm was killing murdered his wife and Tommy's mother and so 'deserved it' and because Oliver was ultimately able to talk him down using the Thea card because it was Oliver's big return from the dead and he was winning at everything.

    Really Malcolm is just one in a long line of TV villains who the writers were too chicken to kill off because the character/actor was well-liked/charismatic.

    They've done plenty of horrible unforgivable things and yet the good guys often refuses to actually take them out or let anyone else take them out season after season.  I mean off the top of my head he joins the likes of:


    Spike (Buffy), Sylar (Heroes), Sark/Sloane (Alias), Crowley (Supernatural), T-Bag (Prison Break), Peter Hale (Teen Wolf), Penguin (Gotham,) could probably include the majority of the cast of the Vampire Diaries here too...

    There are also plenty of additional candidates depending on how the current seasons end such as Juliette Silverton (Grimm), Grant Ward (Agents of Shield), and Blaine (iZombie).


    Damn MySpace and their top 8.
    Also phone Speed Dial where you had to assign people a number which often was viewed as a ranking of the people in your life.
    • Love 2
  21. So Malcolm tells Darhk about Oliver's son. Why didn't he also tell Darhk that Oliver was the Green Arrow?

    At first I was confused about that, but thinking about it some more it makes sense to me that he would not offer this info.  Malcolm's current goal is to make Oliver suffer, while not harming his daughter killed.  At the moment Malcolm probably believes DD just sees Oliver as an political adversary.   An minor annoyance at best.  He's probably pretty confident that his wife can win the election on her own, or that he could maybe manufacture a little dirt or something to secure her win.  The Green Arrow on the other hand is a potential legitimate enemy to all his plans who must definitely be dealt with.


    If DD learns that Oliver is the Green Arrow he may:

    - Outright try to kill Oliver instead of bothering to make him suffer.

    - Decide that going after William is not enough and go after other people in his life like Thea too.

    - Out Oliver as the Green Arrow potentially exposing/endangering Thea to other enemies seeking revenge.


    None of these are what Malcolm wants.  Instead he just wants to manipulate DD into going after his chosen target to make Oliver suffer and thus he keeps the GA info to himself.

    • Love 3
  22. I hate that Malcolm said that William is the person Oliver loves most in the world. What about Felicity? And Thea, who he kept trying to save Malcolm for?  Hopefully he was just saying that to manipulate DD.

    Well yeah...I mean obviously Malcolm was not going to put his own daughter in DD's crosshairs.   Plus DD already almost killed Felicity which the potential for her death was not enough to get Oliver to drop out of the race or do whatever else he wanted.   So from DD's perspective the only way to get to Oliver would be to try to threaten someone he cared about more than his fiance?   (Although really not sure why he could not just kill Oliver at this point...whatever)


    Still really worried about Diggle being in the grave...the fact that he was the first one to urge Oliver to kill Malcolm in this episode worries me.    William/Samantha still does not make sense with Oliver asking Felicity if she is okay first in the limo.

  23. Oh, I agree that Melissa is the only good thing about this show.  It's why I keep watching, but nothing else is remotely interesting.  The rest of the cast could go away and I wouldn't miss them.   Most of the writing is average at best and the plots are plodding.

    This show must be their second string scripts because it doesn't hold a candle to the Flash.

    To be fair they probably figured since this is CBS they did not actually need to write decent scripts/dialogue to get extremely good ratings on a Monday as long as the leads were attractive:


  24. I have to wonder if the writers were planning on maybe introducing an opposing force to Amy?   I mean it struck me as odd how the soulmate mentioned he was not supposed to move to town for another year until something changed that caused his boss to send him early.   Was this a hint that there was someone representing the other side trying to ruin Allison's life for some reason or possibly another angel who has it out for Amy and sought revenge my meddling with her charges life?

  25. Did Barry meet Lawton in Earth-1, The Flash or Arrow? I can not recall that.

    Actually neither.  The two characters actually only met in the Flash Season Zero digital comic series.

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