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Posts posted by Xenith22

  1. So after 4 weeks of pretty decent episodes...we are right back to where we left off at the end of last season with horrendous amounts of forced plot stupidity which makes me feel dumber for having watched it...

    How brain dead are Kara, James, and heck even Wynn, Jonn, and Alex since I am assuming they all had to know about the Mon-El getting a job at CatCo plan?  To take someone whose entire time on Earth has been spent in the equivalent of a bunker and a brief excursion to a bar and give them a job around normal people without explaining a single #$&#*& thing about that job, his new identity, about interacting with people, or hey even exhibiting basic human decency until apparently walking in the door of the ****** building...  JEEEEEBUS!  I mean these lunkheads should have spent at the very least several days prepping Mon-El for everything he might encounter, making sure he memorized his cover story, practicing common situations, etc...  How am I supposed to root for characters this stupid?

    Speaking of James...watches as Supergirl gets beat down.  Gets himself beaten up by ONE guy.  Decides oh hey I should totally try to take out the whole gang of people with weapons that can smash buildings and alter gravity armed only with a baseball bat by myself without telling anyone.  I'm sorry...what?  For that matter can we talk about the plot stupidity which resulted in this confrontation.   The DEO receives an anonymous tip about the Federal Reserve, and just immediately ignore it for no logical reason whatsoever.  Probable vectors my butt...  These are men with alien guns that they know absolutely nothing about besides the fact that they robbed a bank. (Also they must be working with the Earth 2 version of Reverse Flash with how quickly they robbed that bank.  Unless the bank actually gets robbed so often that they just have a duffel bag of money already packed for the robbers so they can just run in and grab it then run out without having to waste time actually holding up any clerks or getting a manager to open any safes or pack a bag?  I mean how else can you explain Kara watching them get out of the van and in the time it take her to come back as Supergirl they are already on their way out.  Also worth mentioning why bother wearing ski masks when you are just going to take them off in public for no reason at all?  Ugh.)   Yeah no chance at all they would be interested in a massive score + making a statement in the form of robbing a major target like a federal reserve.  Seriously writers...

    I was actually potentially okay with the Kara-MonEl ship before this episode...but now.  Eh....  I mean what he's doing with Eve.  Not just the fact that he was going to have sex with a co-worker the day he met her at their place of work on top of the dam copier in the middle of the work day.  Which that is just so so wrong and inconsiderate.  People should not have to worry about certain bodily fluids when using the copier...  But I mean he also has to realize he is emotionally manipulating her into thinking there is something there relationship wise with her doing all his work and buying things for him...and he is totally okay with that.  That is a douche that I do not want to see with Kara.  For that matter the mentor/student relationship, and creating a parallel between Alex/Kara and Kara/MonEl also not helpful to making me see them as a romance in the making.  So nope a little dancing was not enough to get me anywhere near on-board that ship now...


    Other random acts/plots of stupid:

    - The people of National City...a human gang gets a hold of absurdly powerful alien weapons and everyone now wants one to defend themselves.  It's the equivalent of everyone deciding they should carry around a fully loaded RPG.  It's so absurdly unnecessary.  Even if human bad guys have an alien gun you can just as easily shoot a bullet into their brain with a normal handgun and yet no one does...  Just saying.  

    - Supergirl disarms the lead bad guy.  Has him in her grasp then leaves his alone to get away while she goes to catch the car (actually she apparently set him down even before the police car was launched).  How man milliseconds would it have taken her to knock him out with her pinky  before going to catch the car?

    - Lena's plan.  I mean that she seriously had to be the one to sneak away to arm the field generator?  Could she not have paid someone to be at the ready to turn it on or heck had a dang remote in her purse?  For that matter what was with the thing being non-functional...wouldn't she want to I dunno maybe test it before her life is on the line?

    - Kara's heat vision is overpowered by one weapon on multiple occasions, yet somehow at the climax she is able to hold off all three weapons at the same time with it without flaring... Sure.

    - MonEl gets up with a massive hole blown in his shirt and not a scratch on him and no one at all notices.  It's not like people don't know about the existence of aliens anymore...

    • Love 6
  2. 3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    Michael and the swingers are the only ones in The Good Place who appear to be over 40. It's weird. I know TV doesn't feature the elderly, but this is a place for dead people. Nobody there died peacefully in their sleep in their 80s?



    I'm guessing maybe each neighborhood caters to a certain kind of dead person, either how they died or when they died, like if they died before their time or something.

    While that could be true given the core cast we've been introduced to, I am also assuming that your age in the Good Place may not have to necessarily reflect the same as the age you died?  I mean it doesn't make an lot of sense that just because you lived a long life on Earth you would be stuck for all eternity in an super old rundown looking form when everything else about it is tailored to making you as happy as possible?

    • Useful 1
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  3. 3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    Ew at them having Katanas whole being based off of Nate saving her great ancestor and jump starting her families legacy.

    Eh, since I hate the whole predestination paradox stuff since we met Tatsu before Rip even recruited his team I am going to assume that Katana's ancestor (or someone else) would have killed that dude at some point before he could kill her.  So Nate really only may have just saved her from suffering some unpleasant experiences before that point...but she was going to survive regardless and continue the legacy.

    On a different note...who else felt the urge to shout at the TV for them to just stab the guy in the face instead of blowing up the suit?

    • Love 3
  4. I call total BS on Barry remembering that he kissed Iris.  That was one of the memories that he clearly was supposed to have lost last episode?  How does it make any sense that memories erased of a previous timeline would return to him when he traveled to a new timeline where they also didn't happen?  Ugh.

    On a different note although I'm mad about losing baby Sara...I'm just glad that we got John Jr and not baby Laurel to replace her...

  5. New sets! Although I am going to miss the BatCave (Oh! I got the bat joke from Kara now! Batman shoutout!)

    So who else was wondering about what happened to the poor bat that tried to bite Kara?  Can they perform a surgery to give a bat new teeth?

    Is Lucy not permanently gone?  I would have thought they would have name dropped her moving on to something else after she seemingly accepted a full time position at the DEO in the finale.

    Winn fits in much better at the DEO even though I found it laughable that he suddenly was hired there (an incredibly secretive government agency) and now apparently knows Kryptonian.

    I believe that was a development last season.  He learned it for the Indigo incident I think?  Not that him picking it up that quick was not absurd then...it's just not new.

    I wonder if Tessmacher was just a name drop...or will she turn out to be a Lex/Luthor loyalist or spy?

    I was just bracing for them to use the Arrowverse's favorite outside staircase, but it seems we've been spared that for at least one episode.

    I myself am eagerly awaiting Kara's first visit to what is now the only hospital room in the multiverse.

    "We're moving back to Gotham!" I laughed out loud. Especially since Gotham was airing at the same time.

    How amazing would it be if Gotham were to get these people to appear even as extras at some point?

    • Love 6
  6. Yeah I'm not sure how a main character that sleeps with a guy while another guy is waiting for her answer to his marriage proposal is supposed to come off as likable?  Even after it happened she gave no though to letting him down continuing to let him hang while she continued to go out with the guy she was now sleeping with.  If that weren't bad enough then promising to pimp out one of her friends to her horrible boss for her own gain.  Ugh.   At least on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Rebecca is acknowledged from the start that she was psychologically damaged/flawed and acts like a shitty person at times...while Evie the show didn't seem to actually acknowledge this crap as wrong or flawed in this way.

    • Love 3
  7. Yeah I thought this was pretty bad.  I think about 3 out of the first 6 episodes held my full attention so I actually stopped watching after episode 6 since it acted like a finale.   About a day later eventually resumed it.   Yawn.  The only big shock moment was Mariah killing her cousin.  Too bad Cotton Mouth was the most compelling villain, and that I actually only started to really care for him when we got his backstory...and then he was dead.  Maybe if Mariah had stepped up to become a great villain after that moment then it would have worked, but nah she stayed wishy-washy the rest of the way.  Meanwhile DIamondback showed up and just devoured scenery without any of the charisma or charm that Cottonmouth (or previous villains like Killgrave) had.

    Oh Diamondback where to start.  Was the reveal of his identity supposed to be a shock or have any impact on us?  Hey here's a character that you've never seen before and was never directly mentioned before but *gasp* he is from Luke's past so you should care.  Instead of caring I was just confused until they finally started explaining things episodes later...

    Not that they ever bothered to fully flesh out Diamondback's motivations.  I mean okay I get the whole unloved b*stard child thing, but there's no actual given reason for why and when he decides to destroy Luke for it.    There was some kind of vague incident that I don't recall being explained/shown where Carl and Willis were I guess arrested with them getting different punishments (Carl to the military and Willis to juvie)?  Seriously did I zone out when that incident was explained?   (Likewise do we ever even hear what crime Carl was later framed for or how Willis framed him?)  But yeah what really causes him to hate Luke?   Honestly the comics version of his anger over Lucas stealing Reva from him, cliche as it is, just makes more sense as a reason to actually turn on his friend at that point and frame him so he could steal her back instead of turning on him out of nowhere because of daddy issues that aren't at all Lucas' fault. 

    Not to mention how did he even find him and when?  Was he already acting as Diamondback in Harlem when he just stumbled upon him?  And can anyone explain any of his actual plan?  I mean if he just wanted to kill him then why did he wait until after Cornell died to go after him.  (Again I vastly prefer comic book version where Cage seeks to find evidence to prove his innocence seeks out Cottonmouth/Diamondback instead of just coincidences).  How did he actually think that hostage situation would get blamed on Luke?  That entire hostage situation was all kinds of stupid.  I mean first of all a bunch of people apparently did get out near the start...how did a bunch of them not immediately report that the guys with the guns were not Luke Cage?  Then you release more hostages you held at gunpoint, including waitress lady who for sure saw your face and knows you are behind everything.  How was he able to sell super bullets to the police but yet ran out of ammo for his own gun that he only had one bullet at the night club?   The killing the gang family's heads (would they really have met alone without any protection from a doublecross?) and not having the rest of their organizations then gunning for him?  He did not seem to have anywhere near Kingpin level resources or mystical ninjas that they should have been intimidated in the least instead of just pissed off.  The random pointless bomb at the warehouse.  And the coup-de-grace to his plan was really that stupid suit?  (Wouldn't the submachine gun with the exploding bullets have been a better plan?  And speaking of those bullets...you supplied the cops with them so uh even with the suit if you won the fight they were going to arrest your stupid ass for a murder you commited in front of them or you know kill you if you resisted arrest.)  There was no actual major evil plan for the city that needed foiled?  Okay then...this character was just an trainwreck of a big bad so hopefully he will be nothing more than muscle with a mouth in his return.

    The Georgia doctor stuff was a total snoozefest.  I mean no one was dumb enough to think Luke could die at this point...and it just dragged on and on in addition to not making much sense.   Only mildly interesting thing was the reveal to Luke that the wife was in on the entire scheme from the start.   Of course that went nowhere.

    Wait a minute...didn't Luke own the bar in Jessica Jones?  How could he do that if he doesn't have a bank account or all that other stuff?   How could a ghost own a business in NYC without there being a massive paper trail of his existence that Misty would have found?

    Actually there were a few more shocking things...I expected Misty to get her arm amputated at some point and that not happening by the series end was kind of surprising especially when she was shot there.  Then when there was a bomb in the penultimate episode I though that meant Diamondback would use more of them in the finale which would result in the blown off arm...but nope.  Somehow she was not even wearing a sling by episodes end.   Also I can't believe Willis was never in a knife fight...in the comics that's where the name Diamondback came from.  He's given that name after the snake over how quick and deadly he strikes with a blade.

    Okay positives...uh I sorta like Luke's raid on Cottonmouth's weapon place.  That was entertaining although not in the same class at the similar Daredevil hallway fight.  Claire got to be an active hero a good bit.  Cottonmouth was a potentially compelling villain briefly.  And I liked some of the references to other Marvel properties (like the Colleen Wing self defense class poster).

    • Love 5
  8. The amount of stupid in the finale was unbearable.  I mean that fight was so cheesy bad and jarring compared to everything else.   I mean give me a freaking break.  Even if the suit could somehow cushion Luke's blows (to the point of protecting bones and internal organs)...you really expect me to believe that visor could do the same?  And what about his completely exposed mouth and neck?  And hey here's a crazy thought what would happen if you used super strength to try to rip off the obvious battery pack powering the thing?  Or to damage the suit at the oddly unzipped zipper at the neck.   Also why did Luke have to actually let him beat the crap out of him instead of uh blocking like a boxer doing a rope a dope?  How did he know that Willis wouldn't pound the crap out of his head and actually kill him before his power ran out?

    Fist of all...uh when exactly did Misty solve the Cotton Mouth killing so completely?  And did she really not tell her captain about any of this before now?   Honestly I'm just surprised that she was smart enough to record any of her conversation with the witness... Although I don't recall her asking her if she could record it did she?

    Misty charging into the interrogation room accusing Mariah of killing the witness, ruining any chance at all of her confessing and leading to her immediate release...  Although yeah said immediate release was still total unbelievable BS that is not like how things actually work in the real world.

    No one searching the Barber shop for the folder that Shades clearly dropped not to mention Misty's phone which had to either be there or been taken by Mariah or Shades.  Does she not likely have other valuable witness phone numbers on there?  Should she not have immediately reported that thing missing and had someone searching for it?  (Also did she actually have waitress girl's information clearly labelled on it...because I would think you would keep police contact under hard to decipher code names or something?  Not to mention have established some kind of code word for communication or something...maybe I'm thinking about it too much though.) 

    Cage's obviously over preachy speech being shown with flashes of black culture images random crowds, kids playing etc...*sigh*  I'm only surprised they resisted the urge to put up.an image of Martin Luther King Jr. during it.   Wait....he wasn't on one of the murals was he?  I don't feel like rewatching any part of this episode ever again to check.

    Did Luke having just had Mariah arrested actually come up to her and ask her to turn over the folder as part of their deal?   Was he being serious right then?  Brain damage from the fight that he thought she would gladly hand that over right then?

    Do you actually have a right to decline handcuffs from federal agents?

    The Cage/Claire make-out session just made me cringe with how awkward it seemed.   I mean one good romantic liplock is one thing...but an full on make-out session just seemed like overkill especially with in being in front of Misty (was she actually nothing more than a one night stand to him?) and everyone in the station watching.  (Maybe I'm biased as Cage/Jones shipper...because of the comics they are one of pretty much the only married couples currently allowed to exist and have a kid in today's comics)   Of course that was nothing compared to the forced Mariah/Shades one...who the heck thought that seemed like a good idea and for what purpose?

    • Love 4
  9. So after the scary bad promo shot (which was apparently a poor photoshop job since Tyler said he had yet to wear the costume at SDCC) we now have the first actual images of him in costume...and yeah he looks like he will be a fantastic Superman. (Visually at least...and the beard is indeed gone).  However the costume...not so much.  The words KILL IT WITH FIRE come to mind when I look at that cape and belt... 


    • Love 1
  10. Yeah...the preview only mentioned a few fights.  So I am definitely expecting an "earlier tonight" segment.  I believe they pulled the same things last year too if I am not mistaken?  Although at least they are still pretty much guaranteed to be put online this year.  They FINALLY finished putting up the last of the opening round fights not shown on TV up on the BattleBots official YouTube channel.   To be fair you can certainly see why most of them were not aired in full as they were pretty crappy boring fights. 

    MegaTento vs Poison Arrow, Escape Velocity vs Overdrive, Wrecks vs Red Devil and Ringmaster vs Ultimo Destructo would have been just terrible TV viewing for keeping an audience interested.

    Biteforce vs Mohawk, Overhaul vs Cobalt, and Tombstone vs Black Ice were okay if underwhelming.

    We pretty much saw the whole Nightmare vs Stinger fight since it was over that quick, we just skipped the unnecessary build-up stuff.

    Sawblaze vs Razorback was rather enjoyable to me, but of course ABC is of the mind that dominating an opponent outdriving and shoving them around the arena is not exciting enough hence the scoring rules change this season...  Which is probably why despite controlling the ENTIRE FIGHT Sawblaze was completely screwed out of not only the win, but an well deserved wildcard spot just because their main weapon malfunctioned at the start of the fight.  Blah.


    On a different note was it purely a coincidence that once again the last fight shown was a big upset?  Wonder which fight will be chosen to end the next episode because with 8 to choose from I am suspecting another upset.

  11. Okay so I was just watching the Celebrity Family Feud episode with Ali vs Hamilton...and one of the answers just blew my mind.  The question was name someone you would be shocked to find out your best friend was marrying.  One of the answers on the board was:


    Okay cousin totally make sense...but what in the name of all that is holy and unholy is an ELROD?  I had never heard that term in my life so I turned to the internet.  The dictionary sites threw up their hands in puzzlement as that is not a real word.  Google pointed me to lots of sites featuring people with that name and of course genealogy trees for sale of actual families with the surname of Elrod.   UrbanDictionary gave me the following possibilities...Spanish fishing pole (LOL), inappropriate word screamed out at the top of your lungs, poser who enjoys shopping with their mother, a queer.   Which one of those things would have been said and grouped with Cousin?!?  Can someone please explain to me what I am missing or were the producers smoking some of Snoop's stash from the previous episode and just slipped any random made-up word on the board to see if anyone noticed?

    • Love 1
  12. Eight of the losers were selected by "the judges" to go on to the round of 32. Sadly, Disk O'Inferno didn't make it. Several bots that had crappy first rounds did, however. In keeping with their horrible editing, they didn't explain the process for choosing these eight --- they kind of said in the last minute of the show, "Oh, by the way, these are the eight losers who were chosen to go on to the second round."  Horrible!

    Seriously! Disk O'Inferno not getting a wild card spot was criminal.  They lost on a controversial judges decision, so unless there is a story about why the bot was actually too damaged to be able to be repaired for the next round that is a giant load of crap. 

    Nightmare really didn't deserve a wildcard this year.  It did zero damage and was completely dominated from the start and quickly knocked over and out (second shortest match of the opening round at just over 40 seconds)...about the only reason I could see him getting a wildcard slot was to make up for getting badly screwed out of one last year?  Then there was Overhaul...  Overhaul did nothing except tank a few hits from Cobalt's blade which because its heavy/sturdy meant Cobalt tossed itself a bit and had some technical problems of their own.   Bombshell may have gotten one axe swing to actually connect with the body of Complete Control...not sure it was strong enough to have even scratched the paint job.  They hit the floor a bunch of times with their axe and I guess their axe pole love tapped CC's lifting arm a few times while they were being helplessly lifted and cooked. Oh I almost forgot their drone did get in a good hit of flamethrower....on their own bot and then shortly after crashed into the floor/wall dead.  Not the least bit impressive of a performance worthy of a Wildcard.  I'm not even sure they actually survived the whole fight, CC just didn't leave them alone long enough to prove they were still alive.   Finally Mega Tento...covered their crappy opponent and got pushed around since their drum stopped working almost immediately.   HOW DID ANY OF THESE GET SELECTED TO MOVE ON OVER TEAM INFERNO?

    They were talking about Chrome Fly's builder holding off college to manage his start up for this...I think that kid should reconsider college.

    Yeah...it had to be embarrassing that as someone behind a start-up drone company,..his drone totally failed to actually fly.  Bwah!

    I thought Witch Doctor certainly had an interesting strategy about feeding their mini-bot to Red Devil to occupy his weapon.  Too bad we did not get to see it as Shaman's driver is still as terrible at steering it as she was last year...  Seriously would it kill some of these people to practice driving a little?  They spend so much time focusing on the destructive power of their bots and not nearly enough on really learning how to effectively steer the dang things with a little precision instead of like ten-year-olds driving their first RC car?

  13. 3 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    Probably. If the show follows Silver Age canon, Kryptonian hair and fingernails don't grow under Earth's yellow sun because of Kryptonian invulnerability, so Kal can't be sporting any stubble.  That inexplicably changed following the 1985 reboot, and I never could understand why -- to me, it was one of the little things that set Superman apart from other superheroes.

    It probably changed because it's incredibly stupid.  I mean think about it for a minute...Kal arrived on Earth as a baby.  Unless he had the exact same size fingernails, hair, and presumably teeth as a baby as he does as an adult then no tha conceptt is just plain stupid because clearly that stuff had to grow while he was in Earth's atmosphere.  Not to mention that it doesn't fit with multiple Silver Age stories where he does sport a beard/mustache for some reason or another such as when he is hit with the evolutionary ray or because he is older like in the all time classic "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow".  On top of that long before Byrne you had Kara changing her hair length multiple times which also does not fit.  

    • Love 1
  14. Yeah I really liked Hoechlin on Teen Wolf, but I just do not see it.  Don't get me wrong he has the steely good looks to the point where at times from the right angle he sorta resembles a young Dean Cain (which could be a little weird since Superman is not supposed to look like he is related to Jeremiah Danvers :P ).   However he just looks and sounds too young to me for a character that is supposed to be nearing their 40s. (Yes I am basing this on recent TH interviews and stuff from 2016, not just his Teen Wolf stuff from years ago).   I mean in a still image from the perfect angle where he puts on a serious face he can maybe look slightly older...but in the course of actually talking and moving nope definitely looks obviously young.  Plus looking at pictures of him with glasses I just am not getting much of a Clark Kent vibe?

  15. It's after the fact but just for the record there has been A LOT of actor crossover between the two universes.  In addition to Affleck that list includes:  Reynolds (Green Lantern/Deadpool), Fishburne (Silver Surfer/Perry White), Brolin (Jonah Hex/Thanos), Berry (Catwoman/Storm), Chiklis (Thing/Captain Barnes *Gotham*), McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan/Damien Darkh *Arrow*), Baccarin (Leslie Thompkins/Vanessa Carslyle *Deadpool*), Fassbender (Burke *Jonah Hex*/Magneto), Marsden (Cyclops/Richard White *Lois' fiancee in Returns*), Clarke-Duncan (Kingpin/Kilowog), Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson/Commissioner Gordon)

    Some smaller roles (listed by character since a lot may not recognize the actor names):

    Mariko(Wolverine) is Mercy(BvS), Kurse(Thor2) will be Killer Croc(Suicide Squad), Yukio(Wolverine) is Katana(Arrow), Papa Midnite(Constantine) is Korath(Guardians), Juggernaut is Brick(Arrow), Lara-El (Man of Steel) is Vanessa the Kingpin's girlfriend (Daredevil Netflix), Lady Deathstrike(X2) is China White(Arrow), Jor-El(Smallville) was Stick in Elektra. Also Bobbi Morse was Wonder Woman in the David E. Kelley pilot that was not picked up...

    There are also a ton of minor guest star roles for actors such as Hawkman(The Flash) doing a stint as Whiplash on SHIELD, Drax having appeared on Smallville, Heatwave(The Flash) being in Blade Trinity, Harvey Bullock (Gotham) having been the vampire Quinn in Blade 1, Lionel Luther(Smallville) playing a reporter on Agent Carter,  Chas(Constantine) being Agent Shaw on SHIELD, Walter(Arrow) being in Punisher War Zone, Iceman having been Leech on Smallville, and the list goes on...

    (Finally not included are any subsidiary Marvel/DC properties.  Stuff like the Losers (DC), Kick-Ass (Marvel), RED (DC), V for Vendetta (DC), The Spirit (DC), Preacher (DC), etc which again would grow the list quite a bit with some big name actors (Evans, Portman, Johansson, Carey, Weaving, etc).

  16. SHIELD Spoilers:


    His character of Ward is definitely dead, and the character he became HIVE is either dead or at least clearly out of the picture for awhile his scattered atoms floating in space...  Basically the only way they could bring him back immediately is if they do something incredibly contrived and stupid like have had one of the first Life Model Decoys (teased in the finale) made in his image.  There just are not words to properly express how absurdly groan worthy that plot development would be right now, so I'm going to hold out hope that the show will be smart enough to not go to that well immediately if ever..

    • Love 1
  17. So apparently CBS just rejected Tom Welling's pilot (which is a shame as it sounded decent...but then again I guess it was not a boring procedural so he should have known better than to take it there).  So who knows he may be looking for a quick paycheck... *fingers crossed*


    The more I think about Dalton the more I think it actually makes a lot of sense if Welling turns them down.

    I mean first of all he certainly has the chiseled looks to pull off Superman, but lest we forget how much he looked like a mild mannered Kent when he put on the glasses for a mission during season 1. 


    Acting wise he does commanding presence pretty well I'd say.  He hasn't really had many opportunities to display much range.  I mean Agent Ward was seemingly designed to be rather dull so to be unassuming before the plot twist.  He doesn't have a whole lot else to his credit to get much sense of his range beyond crazy bad guy... (How much can you tell from doing voice work for Until Dawn, Robot Chicken, and Jake the Pirate?   Other than that just a bunch of minor bit parts in stuff like an small part in an unmemorable Lincoln TV movie, a guy who dies without uttering a line on Blue Bloods, and a brief appearance on a Lifetime show?).  However Dalton himself comes off as having a good bit more personality when doing things such as interviews with the late night talk shows and stints on weird gameshows (what's that geek drinking one called again?) than what he was allowed to show on SHIELD.  Then again often times in the comics and media such as Justice League, Superman is often portrayed as not really having a ton of personality depth and being pretty much more wooden and business like so who knows if that even matters.

    Plus he has developed his own following of fiercely loyal fans/fangirls, and is a major promotional force doing a ton of appearances at everything from charity benefits to conventions, gameshows, and everything in between.

  18. Quote

    Ah, I suspected as much. The name sounded goofy enough to me that I thought it might have been a direct lift from somewhere in the comicverse, but still. It just sounds very silly to me.

    Yeah I believe the LoSH version was an creation of Siegel himself, so I doubt they will change it especially not for the CW.


    There's also a vague possibility they're using a fake name to cover up that they're using a character they don't want us to know about yet.


    The son of a famous reporter, Nick is “looking to make a name for himself in the news world but the question of whether he can leave behind his former selfish and hedonistic ways will constantly arise. In hanging out with Kara, the hero in Nick might finally come out.” Hmm…

    The selfish and hedonistic reporter made me first think of Jack Ryder...but Creeper is more anti-hero than hero?  I guess they could maybe turn Kent V. Nelson into an reporter instead of a psychologist?  He was an jerk and a philanderer who had to learn to be a hero.  Wait a minute...what about Vic Sage?  I mean personality wise it doesn't quite fit (his personality flaw was more violence), but he was a reporter and didn't he have a big storyline about investigating Cadmus in the DCAU?

    I'm not ready to completely give up on Peter Facinelli for Season 2.  I mean he still seemingly has no apparent announced projects that he is attached to (since his pilot was rejected), and he is still showing up to things like the giant Metropolis celebration this weekend and listed to appear at various comic/culture conventions around the world (sure he has other pop culture history like Twilight, but still he is not running from this kind of association and Supergirl is still one of his announced billings for these things).  His personal website has lots of Supergirl related material on it and he did retweet the S2 pick-up announcement. He is also single.  So I'm holding out hope that he will still put in at least a couple appearances to at least put some closure on the cliffhanger of what Max is going to do with the Omegahedron.

    • Love 1
  19. 4 hours ago, Kromm said:

    As for Snapper Carr...  he's this bizarre character who eventually got made into filling the same kind of role in DC comics as Rick Jones does with Marvel. This "normal" guy they kept plugging into different situations. I can't see how making him older works at all. I mean it's not like he was a sidekick/mascot for the JSA.... it was for the JLA. If it had been the JSA, they could have spun this as the JSA being some secret undercover group of heroes from long ago who became urban legend, and Snapper is the legacy of that somehow. But it sounds like they just thought "Snapper Carr" sounded like a name some old grizzled guy would have, and rolled with that.

    In the DCAU they turned Snapper Carr into an older TV news reporter (probably somewhere around Clark's age) that was on the scene reporting live at pretty much every major catastrophic event.   It sounds to me like the Supergirl version of Snapper may be based on the likes of that version of the character.


    Lena Luthor is fine with me, although I guess they ditched the "Lutessa" part from Smallville. Oddly enough Lena has at times been Lex's DAUGHTER rather than his sister. It's varied.

    Lena Luthor makes sense as being his sister since I believe that version of the character was a supporting character for Supergirl in her stories back in the Silver Age?   They were actually good friends for awhile I think.  Hopefully they will go with something closer to that version of the character rather than just making her blatantly evil manipulative B because she is a Luthor. (On a different note wonder if they would give her mild psychic powers like she had back then?)  

  20. I dunno what to think about Welling?  On the one hand in an interview with Access Hollywood  (around the 2:30 mark) from February he sounded like he was definitely willing to make some kind of appearance on Supergirl (he just had not been ask yet).  

    However thinking back he was the one that refused to ever be seen in the tights on Smallville even in the finale, because he thought it looked/felt too dorky.   So hopefully he has matured enough to be past that hang-up?  Maybe the no more red underpants (assuming costume based on Nu52) would make the difference?

    Would love Bomer but sadly doubt that is going to happen...he has a ton on his plate right now?   Between the next season of American Horror Story, the HBO biopic movie, and a potential series with Amazon (pilot released next week, should know if it is picked up in the near future) I doubt he is going to be free and want to fly up to Canada at the time the Supergirl premiere is shooting?


    Some of these choices are just...bizarre. A bit too long in the tooth. He's supposed to be her older cousin, in an older brother kind of way, not old enough to be her father (or grandfather).

    I know right?  Age wise Kara is 24-25 years old.  She arrived when she was 13 so that is 11 years.  She tells us she was in space for 24 years.  So that means assuming that Kal-El was no older than 2 when he was sent away that any Superman cast should be able to pass for roughly 35-37 years old (ie probably no actors under 30, or past their early 40s), so yeah that does rule out quite a few of those dumb suggestions from the article.

    Also if this is our Kara's Superman (as opposed to an alt-universe) then suggesting minority actors is really dumb given that we already saw him as a little boy during the Black Mercy dreamstate and he was clearly white.

    • Love 1
  21. Quote

    We're going to have to agree to disagree then. I've been around way too many five year olds to agree that it's perfectly reasonable that she was Weller's best friend. I'm a younger sister to two older ones and almost all of my friends had siblings and it was the same: the older ones trying to ditch the younger ones because us younger kids couldn't do the same things, physically, and didn't 'get' intellectually some of the things they were talking about (or wanting to do). My bringing up bedwetting and shoe tying wasn't about how these things would factor into their friendship (though, yeah, most ten year olds don't want to have to tie their friend's shoes), it was about development. He was twice her age at that point. Farther along in every way. You believe that's not an issue, okay. I do.

    But where your case seemingly differentiates from Kurt's is the presence of same age friends.  Again I am not denying that an older child would certainly prefer to have a friend their age.  In that case adding someone younger to the mix of same age friends can be purely a hassle/hindrance to what the older ones want to do together.  However if that is not an option for whatever reason which so far from the flashbacks and everything we have seen/heard so far there has been nothing to indicate Kurt had any other friends at the time...that's when things change.  It becomes a case of would you prefer to be always stuck doing things you don't enjoy like playing dolls with your sister, always doing everything you like all alone (no one to play games with or to admire your accomplishments), or would you prefer to do the things you like with someone else even if they are five years younger and not able to do everything?   I think given that situation most people would likely choose to try to adapt to the last option for the sake of the companionship?  (I'm actually even speaking somewhat from experience.  When my parents bought their house the year before I was born it was in a very small brand new plan just cleared out of the woods.  In this small neighborhood there were no boys the same age and thus as I grew up I ended up being friends with a couple girls in the neighborhood whom I was older than by 2-3 years respectively.  Yeah that's not quite the same as 5 years difference I know but still.  Unlike Taylor these girls were not total tomboys.  So although we did stuff like racing our power wheels, kicking a ball, and playing in the woods I also had to endure my fair share of tea parties and playing house.  I did it because there was no one else in the neighborhood and I did not want to be stuck always playing by myself.  I also didn't grow to the point of feeling like they were family...but that is probably because they actually had their own present families so we only played together a few hours on a couple of days a week not near the amount of time together as Kurt seemingly did with Taylor due to her parental situation.)

    Let's look at this a completely different way...   Can a ten year old be like friends with a dog?  I mean a dog is certainly developmentally behind the boy by miles. It certainly can't tie shoe laces and does not always exhibit excellent control over its bodily functions.  You can only have a one sided conversation with a dog.  Basically a dog can't do a quarter of the stuff the boy can.   A dog can also have a mind of its own and be disobedient at times or show attitude not unlike a small child.   Yet would you argue that the boy can not feel very close to the dog?  Would you argue that a young boy can feel that the dog is like a friend and family member?   No?   So then how is this different from Taylor?   Like the dog the 5 year old was someone to play with,  someone to admire him, someone that he was responsible for and gave a sense of importance?


    When you said his father was suspected of being a pedo, I thought you meant by the police. Not whatever half-baked theories locals might've come up with. (Taylor's dead, Dad's a pedo. Taylor's not dead...all the things that made them say he was a pedo suddenly don't matter?) As in, there was something substantial that made the police think he might've been a child molester, not just people sitting around speculating. I don't think I lack common sense, but thanks for the suggestion.

    If Kurt heard those rumors and believed them that yeah that would've been really rough for him. As to why he would kill her if he wasn't molesting her according to Federal reports most children who are murdered are not killed during an abduction or molestation. {...} Most children are killed by a male family member and are generally beaten to death during an outburst, IIRC. So, most children killed are killed just for the hell of it, really. Statistically, Weller Sr. wouldn't need a reason beside being mad.

    Well yeah actually most of the kids murdered are by their parents or parents significant other.  A mix of mercy kills, discipline going too far, post-partum depression, eliminating a nuisance to the relationship, drug/alcohol rages, etc.

    This obviously was not any of that (Unless maybe Bill Weller was having an affair with Taylor's mother?) Had Taylor been in his house at the time then sure I could see it.  But again she was not around him and he had to actually silently sneak into her house without his son knowing it.  That screams premeditated and makes moment of rage seem far less likely?  So then where is the motive?

    With no evidence at all to link Bill with the crime, why was he the number one suspect just because he was not home at the time?  The police too had to seemingly suspect there was possibly something else going on here...

    Besides Bill's deathbed confession was that he did not mean to kill her and it was an accident.   Moments before he dies if he was confessing to killing her and burying her here why would he feel the need to still lie about that?  So then I will say it again why was he in the house and what was he doing with Taylor when he accidentally killed her?


    It's a small percentage of pedophiles that kill their victims. And they tend to have more than one victim and start earlier in life.

    Again if you take Bill at his deathbed word he did not intentionally kill his victim.  More than likely she probably fought back and in trying to keep her quiet so that his son downstairs did not hear the noise he accidentally killed her.  Also it's a myth that most pedos have many victims.  While you usually hear more about the ones with many victims, there are many more who actually just have a single victim often either a family member or someone else they get very close to.  
    As far as the age of the pedo while it is true that they usually start getting the urges at a young age (sometime in the teens) that does not mean they always act on them at that age.  There are pedos that are strong willed enough to never actually act on these urges, while others only give in to them later in their life. (In this case Bill Weller would have been around his early 30s).    

    To me especially assuming that Bill Weller's job did not put him in regular contact with children, it also makes sense that Taylor may have been his only real opportunity for an easy victim (besides his own daughter) and that it was her continued presence around him that made his dark urges feel too hard to fight.  He did not want to be a killer so after that night he never acted upon his urges again for fear of a repeat or else of being caught if he was around another such incident.


    But I will say I don't think that's an alarming amount of blood; during recess in the fourth grade my teacher called us all to line up to go back inside and ran full-speed across the school yard, up the cement sidewalk, and about 20 feet away from the line I tripped and skidded - on my knees - toward my classmates. It took the skin off both knees, about two inches high and from the right side of my knee clear across to the left. I bled way more than that. It was determined by the school nurse and my mom that I did not require a hospital visit. They scabbed over so much, so thickly, that I could barely fully extend either leg for a few days. (Which was awesome: no school.) Or maybe I had a rougher childhood, though virtually everyone my age has similar stories and I'm Jane's age.

    A cut is not the same thing as a scrape.  A scrape is just the surface which means you aren't likely to damage anything important.  (I too had a rather nasty scrape of a knee/elbow during a nasty tripping incident during playing kickball on pavement that required no hospitalization.)  A cut on the other hand can penetrate well beneath the skin to damage more valuable parts.  We never learn what exactly caused Taylors wound beyond the fall...which just falling on the flat ground would not cause that kind of wound on the neck alone?  So did she fall on a sharp rock or branch?  If so then there is a question as to exactly how deep it actually went.  The back of the neck is home to some major blood vessels (members of the jugular vein family) and arteries (vertebral) which if even nicked can be serious trouble since you can not exactly apply pressure to them to get them to stop bleeding and clot unlike the knee or other extremities.  You do not mess around with neck wounds especially with small children. 


    I'm not going to get into analyzing the flashback. I mean, the actress they hired was 7 not 5. Are we then meant to assume Taylor was large for her age? Jane is described as having black hair in the show but Taylor is shown with brown hair. Taylor is covered in freckles with no mole, Jane has no freckles and a mole. I'm not sure we were meant to look for clues in the flashbacks

    Eh, hair and eye  color can actually both darken as you age.  Heck even blonde kids are sometimes naturally brunettes by the time they are teenagers.  Freckles too are not always permanent.  Freckles caused by the sun can both go away or get bigger if given time.  I have nothing to say about using a 5 year old actress vs a 7 year old as Hollywood does that all the time.  7 year olds are probably just easier to control...    And while a 7 year old may have bigger hands they should not be bigger than the 10 year olds nor does that explain the sudden appearance of nail polish which was not there during the tree climb.  Would they have really needed to shoot that short flashback over multiple days?  I still think that was a different person.

  22. And for me it hugely comes down to what @MargheritaErdman just pointed out: a five year old is little more than a baby. I had a next door neighbor who was six when I was ten and let me tell you, we were not besties. Huge difference between those two ages, intellectually and emotionally, not to mention physically. Most five year olds are still wetting their beds and mastering tying their shoes.

    Well sure a five year old would not be first choice for a friend of most ten year olds.  However that is assuming that there were other kids around their own age in the neighborhood whom they got along with and could play with instead.  We do not known that this is the case with Weller.

    I would also definitely strongly disagree that a 5 year old is like a baby.   Bedwetting is a genetic trait which typically goes away somewhere between the ages of 4-7.  Otherwise when awake a five year old is certainly potty trained.  I really see no relevance on the ability to be friends here other than that they are not going to be sharing any sleeping bags/beds.  Learning to tie shoes is largely dependent on when the parent decides to teach it, which in a lot of cases has gotten later and later due to the large influx of velcro/strap shoes allowing many parents to put it off until 7-8 years old now.  However there are other parents that teach it as early as 4 years old as by that age they typically have just enough fine motorskills to learn how with a few lessons especially if you use the bunny ears method.  Again though I don't see how this is relevant as the only place it would come into play here is that Kurt would probably have to tie Taylor's fishing line.

    Look I'm not arguing that intellectually and maturity wise there is not a big gap, I mean they are not likely going to be having any kind of deep conversations together.  Depending on parenting the 5 year old can also often be more self centered which can certainly lead to unpleasant friction. But otherwise a 5 year old is perfectly capable of doing and enjoying most of the same basic things for play in the woods, creek, yard, and basic toys/games, etc that existed in the late 70s/early 80s?

    I don't see how he could feel like he came close to getting her killed because she got a scar on her neck; I have a scar on my elbow and it's from my cat catching me with one of her back claws accidentally. We saw the tree accident in a flashback and it looked like no big deal; she wasn't crying or screaming, there wasn't a lot of blood and she didn't even seem to be in a lot of pain.


    That is not a small wound, and that is a lot of blood coming out of it especially given that we are talking about the neck where some major important blood vessels lie.  Really there is no way that Taylor should not have been rushed to the hospital to potentially close that thing for possible risk of bleeding out at that young age.  I should also add that while that the lower hand in this scene could maybe be Kurt's hand, the hand pulling back the hair is not Taylor's.  Not only is it too big, but we saw Taylor's hand  when she was climbing the tree and it did not have the dark nail polish this hand does. I tend to think it seemed too big for Sarah too as although you can't tell if from this lone shot the hand looked bigger than Taylor's head when we saw the whole things seconds before.  Thus I believe it is either Kurt's mother, Taylor's mother, or possibly even a paramedic that was brought to check on her condition. The way this scene was shot was also interesting as before we see the neck wound we see the back of Kurt's head as if he were looking sharply down at her.  There is no obvious transition besides the camera panning right.  So to me we can not be sure whether Taylor is still laying on the ground having been rolled over, or else she is standing when this adult is checking the wound.  We never see Taylor move and there is no audible sound in this scene beyond Weller's narration in the present.  Finally I will add that this narration started almost immediately following Mayfair telling Kurt he should not feel guilty about what happened to Taylor since he was just 10 at the time.  His delivery as he reflected back narrating it contained some rather extended reflective pauses (even by his normal standards or broken delivery) and quite a bit of what seemed like poignant eye movement which to me indicated that this event was significant to him in its own right beyond simply indicating how Taylor shares the same scar as Jane?  So yeah I feel confident in my assessment that Kurt carried a fair amount of guilt for this serious incident which potentially exacerbated his feelings about the abduction because it was him failing to look out for her yet again.

    On a different note, going back to that Mayfair-Weller conversation I feel the need to quote a bit of it.

    M: How are you holding up? I know you don't do too well with missing kids.
    W: I'm fine.
    M: Kurt, I need to know where your head is.
    W: I've been thinking about Taylor.
    M: Then maybe you should start talking to someone again...
    W: No, I don't wanna talk.
    M: Listen to me. That girl's disappearance was not your fault. You were ten years old
    W: One of my last memories of her...

    That conversation right there with that massive pause with no objections offered seems like a fairly solid piece of evidence that Weller's Taylor obsession is mostly based on the guilt he carries over the incident and not Taylor herself.

    Also I don't remember it being implied that Weller Sr. was suspected of being a pedo at all.

    I believe it was quite clear when Weller told the abduction story to Jane that Weller's dad was indeed accused of being a pedo. The smoking gun line:  "People thought that he was...he was too close."  Is there another meaning to that?  On top of that just using common sense there are not a lot of other plausible explanations as to why else he would have snuck into his neighbors house, then kidnapped and murdered the five year old girl that his son was kid-sitting?   The only other explanation I can come up with that is that she saw him doing something, but that would not fit with the "too close".

    I don't think Weller really looked at her as a sister, I'm not sure. I wish he did, but then the show would not have Weller and Jane as protagonists that are love.

    Just because he thought of her like a sister/family when he was 10 (I mean I certainly hope he was not sexually attracted to her at that age) doesn't mean that about 20 some odd years later he would feel the same now?  Heck look over at the Flash where Barry and Iris are on track to being a couple despite living together as essentially foster siblings since before they were ten.  People's view of others can certainly shift over time.  Beyond that though I guess the main point I was trying to make was that given the amount of quality time he spent with her understandably cared about her on the level one cares about an actual family member and not just an casual neighborhood friend.

    Is the fact that the USB password "IMSORRY" and the key to get there is "David" a hint that David is still alive or that Mayfair's antics had more to do with getting David killed than we first thought? David was killed tracking people related to the tattoos and a spy dead drop. I could kind of see using "David" as the cypher since it would be a very good clue to Patterson that she was on the right trail, but "IMSORRY"? Is the sorry for David or is she sorry that in opening the file, they are all about to paint a target on their backs(both career wise and conspiracy wise)?

    The "I'm sorry" could have been any number of things such as:
    - For ever being involved with Daylight and the other programs to begin with or for the particularly despicable actions that lead to them being shut down.
    - For keeping massive secrets about these programs and previously lying to the team about what she knew before.
    - For David dying because of Daylight (She certainly recognized the tattoo connection to those programs after all especially with the case file being stamped on Jane.)
    - For the dangerous sh*tstorm the team was potentially getting involved in learning about this stuff now.

  23. On 5/27/2016 at 7:11 PM, slf said:

    I'm not criticizing that Kurt and Taylor were friends at all, or that he was upset to lose a friend. What I find bizarre is that the show has laid out that Taylor and Kurt were so close, that Taylor meant so much to Kurt, that her disappearance (and supposed death along with the suspicion that his father was the killer*) left him profoundly altered for the next twenty years. He's made so many questionable and flat-out ludicrous choices since meeting Jane and all because he thinks she's Taylor.

    Again there is a lot more to it.  First she wasn't just a friend.  Weller at the time thought of Taylor as more of a little sister than just a friend (remember her described her as basically "part of the family").  Out doing potentially dangerous stuff alone playing in the woods, in the creek, messing around setting things on fire he probably felt a sense of big brother like responsibility towards her.  (So he was already probably carrying around a sense of guilt over the tree incident where he caused her to fall and get injured.  Given the scar on her neck he might have even felt he came close to getting her killed).  Added to this was the fact that her mother also apparently hired him to be her babysitter on nights that she worked late.  It was on once such night that Taylor was taken.   Kurt was the only one in the house and it was his job to keep her safe that night.  He probably second guessed all the things he could have done differently.  What if he had let her stay up later?  He should have checked up on her after she went to bed?  He should have been paying more attention and maybe he would have heard something?  Was he sure he locked all the doors/windows? (there was no signed of forced entry)  As if that was not enough then you have the fact that his father was the only suspect.   This could have made Kurt feel even more guilty.  It was through his friendship with her that she came into contact with his father.  Not to mention the fact that he likely told his father what he was doing that night and so he knew they would be all alone.  That is a lot for a little boy to deal with.  (Which is why part of him refuses to believe Taylor is dead.  He doesn't want to bear that responsibility and as long as the body has not been found he holds onto that hope despite what everyone else says.)

    Now on top of this guilt you have the issues it caused with Kurt's family.   It caused his parents to get a divorce.  Since there was never any evidence of his guilt it was probably a split custody so he probably had to spend at least part of eight years living with a person he suspected might have molested and abducted/murdered someone he cared about.  Throw in Sarah (do we know if she is older/younger/twin?  Stapleton and Spiro are about the same age so the show could go any way with their ages) whom seems to be more willing to give their father the benefit of the doubt, and Kurt may have been worried about her safety if their father was indeed a pedo (thus the origins of his overprotective behavior towards her now). That's a messed up situation.   And of course people especially kids at school likely would not let him forget that his father was a suspected pedophile.  Hell cruel as kids/teens can sometimes be it wouldn't surprise me is some might have even joked that Kurt was involved.  Do you get how this whole thing could leave him rather emotionally damaged and fixated on Taylor and what happened that night?   Because it completely turned his life upside down...

    So when Jane shows up and is seemingly Taylor it relieves him of a lot of that guilt.  Sure she still got kidnapped, but she's not dead.  He's not responsible for her death and there is even a chance he can find out what happened that night as she gets her memories back.   That is a huge weight off him that he has been carrying around.  It's why he so desperately wants Jane to be her and brushes aside stuff like the tooth evidence.  Still he feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her because she is only in her current predicament because of that night.   So he is overprotective of her now, because like hell is he going to be responsible for her dying "again".

    Now the father situation is still a bit complicated.  Even with Taylor seemingly alive it's still possible part of Kurt believe he still could have been involved in her being abducted for some reason as there is still the suspicious matter of his false alibi.   Or it's possible that Kurt now just felt a new sense of guilt for believing his father was guilty all those years and the damage that did to his family.  Which is why there is the initial reluctance to share the good news of Taylor being alive with his father or to spend time with him again as it would mean confronting those issues.

    Then comes the deathbed confession and discovering the grave and the rug is yanked out from underneath Kurt Weller once again.  Once again he bears the full guilt for Taylor's death.   Plus as he emphasized in his talk with Jane, the messed up situation with his father where he opened his home and family back up to him only to find out once again that he was a pedophile (any other explanation as to why he snuck into Taylor's house/room?) and a murderer after all.   Again can you not see how this would do serious damage to Kurt's emotional state?  He is hurt and feels betrayed by his father and so yeah he jumps to conclusions and transfers that betrayal to Jane as well.  He is not in a right state of mind when he confronts Jane in her apartment, but to me that seems pretty understandable?


    Sarah wasn't often with them having adventures because she was into dolls and Taylor was a (I hate this term) "tomboy".

    Of course this seems kind of contrary to the fact that Taylor now apparently carried her own doll around everywhere... *sigh*

    • Love 3
  24. 34 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    So are we done with the stupid island flashbacks?  Waller showed up at the end to take him off the island, so isn't that when he returned home to Star(ling) City?  Please no more flashbacks... they just completely kill all momentum in the show.

    No there are definitely more flashbacks...he turned down Waller's offer to return home because of his promise to Taiana to go to her hometown in Russia and do something if she died...  (Was it just to tell her loved ones she died, or was it to take down the corrupt government official oppressing her people?  Not that it matters because obviously even if it was just the former he is going to get involved with the latter)

    • Love 2
  25. 2 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I note from the map of the nuke that Star City is apparently Chicago.  The map showing the trajectory of the nuke leaving Colorado clearly indicated Lake Michigan   and Star City is right where Chicago is.  Then the second map (that turned into a tree in the flashback) had a different shaped lake, but still.

    Don't trust the lazy prop guys this the 2nd time they botched this (the first was the Climb map).  Star City is definitely not anywhere near Chicago.  While at one time the inverse layout of Chicago was used for its design it has mostly been located on the West Coast for the past few decades in the comics (Originally at or near Seattle but moved to Northern CA after Seattle became a real place in the DC universe).   However TV Starling City actually seemed to have been decided to be Seattle.   There are a couple reasons for this.  The first is that Seattle is only approx 140 mile south of Vancouver so climate wise it's a fairly good simulation.   The second is that Green Arrow has operated out of Seattle on two occasions.  The first was back during Mike Grell's run post Longbow Hunters and the second was at the start of the Nu52 reboot the year before Arrow aired.   It's actually believe that the name change to Starling was even meant to be a nod towards Seattle (in honor of Grell's run since the show sought a similar tone the first season) since Seattle had been known for their overpopulation of that bird to the point where the USDA had to step in and poison a ton of them before they further decimated all the farmers crops in the area.

    As far as other evidence there is plenty of it in the first season especially with the biggest being when Felicity flat out gives map coordinates corresponding to those of a Seattle neighborhood.  Afterwards any time we got a zipcode it was again Seattle based. There have also been a lot of mentions of the West Coast including a couple this very season about best security on the West Coast, and best coffee on the West Coast (which certainly seems like another potential strong Seattle reference too).    Oh and of course since Lian Yu was state to be in the Pacific and we know the Queens Gambit left from Starling City...it again obviously means that it must be West Coast.

    The only thing to conflict with this besides the lazy map props is the issue of Central City.  We have never gotten an location on Central City either, so most assumed it was near its comics counterpart in Missouri, and again the prop guys even showed a couple letters that had Missouri listed as the address.  However we've really never gotten anything stated explicit from the show.  In fact you could maybe surmise from the Plastique/tsunami incidents that it may also likely be a coastal city which would likely place it somewhere in California (600 miles would be around San Francisco).   Which also fits with the idea of Barry's arrival in National City (also definitely CA) on EarthCBS, when the other times he has jumped between worlds/time its been to about the same location.  Although Portland also seems like a strong possibility despite being a lot closer than the stated 600 miles (which makes sense with how common travel between the cities has become) and the show actually uses a lot of Portland imagery with even STAR labs being superimposed over the Portland skyline)


    On a different note...I just went back and checked and yeah the Ghosts do apparently all have their guns during the big brawl.  So it now makes even less sense why they ran into a fist fight instead of just mowing the crowd down.   I mean Darkh even had Brick on his team...you would think that he might have known how he was defeated and taken some notes?  For that matter when were the Ghosts all replaced by the Putty Patrol?  Because the untrained citizens were absolutely just beating the tar out of them.

    Also I have no idea how this lines up with the Flash timeline now...I mean my first thought would be that it happens after the Flash finale?  Because there is no way to rationalize the fact that thousands of nukes were about to destroy the world not being mention by any of the Flash cast?   It's not even like Barry would have been able to do anything about it since he can't exactly stop thousands of nukes and would not even have a clue who was behind it...but even despite Zoom threatening to destroy the multiverse and his father dying I think the entire planet being almost nuked seems like something they would still notice and comment on?  Of course then the whole potential Flashpoint makes things messy where it seems like Arrow finale had to be before the Flash's otherwise it would have been retconned?

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