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Everything posted by BZILL

  1. I loved the entire season!! Looking forward to seeing what Ryan Murphy can come up with next!
  2. I think it is Arianna Grande. ....
  3. I don't feel sorry for Kaitlyn, she knew what she was signing up for. She is definitely the worst Bachelorette in my opinion. The show made Shawn look like a jerk - on purpose and they purposefully gave Kaitlyn the slut edit. That is both their fault for giving them material to use so easily. I did not think Nick got a bad edit at all and I feel sorry for him. I sure hope we don't see Kaitlyn on DWTS. Bleck. I bet Britt is sitting back laughing at how everything turned out and I can't say I blame her.....!
  4. Not sure how they will tie it all up to satisfy me with only one episode left. ?!
  5. I can't believe they are allowing this show to end like this. Talk about going downhill fast. What a shame. It used to be my favorite and now, I can't hardly make it through an episode anymore.
  6. This was the best episode of the season for me! I loved it! NPH = all sorts of awesome!! And Dandy calling him a sicko was hilarious! I can't wait for next week!
  7. I used to love love love this how. Now, i feel like i am just watching to see how bad it gets. Margeaux being pregnant? STUPID! I like Louise... shame Nolan blew that relationship because Margeaux and her staff were so stupid to call her brother... isn't he in jail anyway?
  8. Not sure why someone didn't call the doctor once they realized one was not on the way to help poor Paul!?
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