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Paron Xanthis

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276 Excellent
  1. Eh, I don't know. Will's death wasn't that gruesome. It only lasted a few seconds. I was expecting it to be more gruesome, if anything, just like Serena and Paige's murders were. Rather conveniently, you forget that he treated her like shit first during that whole thing. She never started doing that until he threw the first punch -- actually, several of them -- before she started responding.
  2. So an otherwise good season gets thrown to the wolves when the writers apparently decide a TDI alum should win regardless of prior elimination status. Final round goes to New York City, where Jacques & Josee finally get eliminated midway through the leg, and it all comes down to Sanders & MacArthur and Geoff & Brody. In the end, Geoff & Brody, despite being eliminated earlier in the race and then benefiting from a return to the race so late in the game, win the million dollars by a nose. Sanders & MacArthur . . . I fee bad for the girls. The writers were clearly in love with their TDI alums and probably wanted at least one of them to win no matter what. But they had heart, ran an awesome race, and should've taken it. I hated this returning team twist. The show had been NOT do it again. Or if they do, NOT so late in the game. This was a potentially great season that got ruined by this ending. I'm hoping the next season doesn't do something so stupid like this.
  3. Aw, that's a shame. They seemed to do nothing really wrong, but they were way too far behind to catch up. At least they did their tasks correctly. I will miss them, but they probably weren't that strong of a team, anyway.
  4. Okay. So these girls finished low again. But I'm wondering if the constant confessionals seen from them even when they're not near the front are a sign of good things to come? Tiffany, while frustrated, didn't lose her calm with that Roadblock. And even though they were both left crestfallen with leaving behind their whip at the Detour decision point, they just buckled down and ran back to get it. Good form, girls. Good form. That said, they need to pick it up. I imagine Ernest & Jin would've knocked them right out if they hadn't been so far behind.
  5. This team is such a mixed bag, because I gave Rick mad props for being the first one to finish that Roadblock in one try. But then, he and Cindy totally fuck up at the Detour and then with getting to the Pit Stop. They can't possibly last that much longer on mistakes like that, can they?
  6. I hope this finish teaches Denise not to smother James Earl too much during Roadblocks. And they need to both stay calm during Detours. But I'd like to see Denise finally do a Roadblock. James Earl has done both so far, so I don't wanna see her basically coasting on his work.
  7. Still getting snippy with one another, but at least it wasn't that much this time. Chris did okay with the Roadblock, and they seemed to have no trouble with the Detour. Nice finish, and good for them, beating a team's penalty.
  8. Nice recovery after their low finish last time. Danielle rocked that Roadblock (one of the few to nail it on her first try, I believe), and they did the Detour very well. Good finish on their part.
  9. These reporters are just no-drama, focused racers. I love that they are so competent at the tasks and don't miss many details. Compared to this leg's top two, I think they're definitely preferable. I hope they last a while, as well.
  10. Justin is loud, and he is annoying, but at least he keeps his mind on the race, unlike his rivals. He and Diana did a good job of keeping calm and catching up after Justin struggled at that Roadblock. If their very existence in the race really upsets Tanner & Josh that much, then I hope they stay as long as they can.
  11. They won another leg. Meh. Boring alpha-male teams tend to win legs repeatedly. I'm kind of surprised they did after all of their errors. But as many people thought, they just assumed that they were going to cruise right to the end of the race due to being alpha-males. And they clearly think they're going to manipulate the race by giving their Express Pass to whomever U-Turns Justin & Diana if they don't. Ugh. I can't stand them and hope they're being set up for a fall. A big one.
  12. This is turning into Tanner & Josh vs. Justin & Diana, and I don't like it. Might we please see the other teams more, editors? But anyway, the teams: Tanner & Josh: They won another leg. Meh. Boring alpha-male teams tend to win legs repeatedly. I'm kind of surprised they did after all of their errors. But as many people thought, they just assumed that they were going to cruise right to the end of the race due to being alpha-males. And they clearly think they're going to manipulate the race by giving their Express Pass to whomever U-Turns Justin & Diana if they don't. Ugh. I can't stand them and hope they're being set up for a fall. A big one. Justin & Diana: Justin is loud and he is annoying, but at least he keeps his mind on the race, unlike his rivals. He and Diana did a good job of keeping calm and catching up after Justin struggled at that Roadblock. If their very existence in the race really upsets Tanner & Josh that much, then I hope they stay as long as they can. Kelsey & Joey: These reporters are just no-drama, focused racers. I love that they are so competent at the tasks and don't miss many details. Compared to this leg's top two, I think they're definitely preferable. I hope they last a while, as well. Jazmine & Danielle: Nice recovery after their low finish last time. Danielle rocked that Roadblock (one of the few to nail it on her first try, I believe), and they did the Detour very well. Good finish on their part. Logan & Chris: Still getting snippy with one another, but at least it wasn't that much this time. Chris did okay with the Roadblock, and they seemed to have no trouble with the Detour. Nice finish, and good for them, beating a team's penalty. Denise & James Earl: I hope this finish teaches Denise not to smother James Earl too much during Roadblocks. And they need to both stay calm during Detours. But I'd like to see Denise finally do a Roadblock. James Earl has done both so far, so I don't wanna see her basically coasting on his work. Cindy & Rick: This team is such a mixed bag, because I gave Rick mad props for being the first one to finish that Roadblock in one try. But then, he and Cindy totally fuck up at the Detour and then with getting to the Pit Stop. They can't possibly last that much longer on mistakes like that, can they? Tiffany & Krista: Okay. So these girls finished low again. But I'm wondering if the constant confessionals seen from them even when they're not near the front are a sign of good things to come? Tiffany, while frustrated, didn't lose her calm with that Roadblock. And even though they were both left crestfallen with leaving behind their whip at the Detour decision point, they just buckled down and ran back to get it. Good form, girls. Good form. That said, they need to pick it up. I imagine Ernest & Jin would've knocked them right out if they hadn't been so far behind. Ernest & Jin: Aw, that's a shame. They seemed to do nothing really wrong, but they were way too far behind to catch up. At least they did their tasks correctly. I will miss them, but they probably weren't that strong of a team, anyway. Okay episode. Just get rid of Tanner & Josh and probably Cindy & Rick, and this season will get better. Apparently, you missed their confessional saying they thought they'd coast right through the race.
  13. Neither do I. Actually, I'm just surprised that it didn't happen sooner.
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