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Posts posted by MaryHedwig

  1. 2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

    He slept with a married woman and got her pregnant at 17 and shared a prostitute with his father on his 16th birthday and still is mostly resented for being "holier than thou."

    I think Will was the one who was 17, not the married woman. In fact, isn't an adult sleeping with a 17 year old a crime?

    • Love 4
  2. 3 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

    Cathy's "light in the loafers" co-worker will probably end up dead.  He's going to importune the wrong person.  Either that, or Cathy will kill him accidentally, pushing him or something.  I hope it's that, and not Geordie going after the guy. 

    I am also wondering if Leonard's partner Daniel is not long for this world. The writers are not giving us a chance to attach to him. His death would certainly move the Leonard plot along. Geordie's new partners seem expendable as well.

    • Love 3
  3. 18 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    Don't ever eat meatloaf from someone with questionable hygiene.

    We stopped in a diner once while traveling. There was a sign there that said, "Our meatloaf is made fresh everyday, it is not accumulated." I did not order it.

    • LOL 2
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  4. 14 hours ago, mertensia said:

    Season Ten: The season they killed a contestant. Seriously, you have two severe fish/shellfish allergies, maybe you should knock off the fish/shellfish challenges

    Or at least wear gloves so the shells do not prick you.

    • Love 2
  5. On 7/5/2019 at 9:14 AM, Clanstarling said:

    What bugged me most about that story line is that she had three years to go to get her pension, and was working with, in her own words, the best boss she'd ever had.

    That's why I wondered along with other posters if she has gone over to the dark side.

    I also agree with others that we have not seen the last of her. The camera angles were too well-lit for a throwaway character. They spent a lot of money on her.

    • Love 4
  6. 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I just get this mental imagine of piles and piles of cases where the victim isn’t a traditionally attractive, able bodied, heterosexual, middle or upper class white woman, I open and unsolved, because they all get shoved in the back because St. Olivia isn’t interested in them. Victims are so important...just the “right” kind of victim, huh Liv? 

    God looks after the pretty ones.

    • Love 5
  7. 58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Why did the girl's attacker give up confession so quick? 

    Because he was a red herring and not what the show was focused on. The cab driver knew his place and did his duty.

    Are we to assume that the wife will serve time for this?

    • Love 6
  8. 13 hours ago, OZJOSH said:

     I also had to laugh at the pretty, slim, light-skinned, vaguely Polynesian-looking actors cast as the Nauruans.

    Doesn't Nauru have the most obese people per capita in the world?

    • Love 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Xantar said:

    We can only hope that the actual US withdrawal from Afghanistan happens with only one girl's life being put at risk.

    I did appreciated that the girl's groom looked like he was a kind, non-aggressive type of man. At least I am holding on to that for now.

    • Love 5
  10. 3 hours ago, SweetTooth said:

    It looked like it was crossed out, and I couldn't decide if Glassman had done it after writing it and hadn't remembered, or she had.

    But I'm guessing since she had no recollection of it, that he'd had immediate regrets and crossed it out but didn't remember. It seems very like him to do.

    I'm also glad we got a relief from angry/cranky Glassy.

    I was thinking that she did remember the yearbook entry but did not want to admit it to Glassman. (Why would she? She was totally taken off guard by his visit.) I thought the clue of that was given afterwards when she immediately found the entry in her yearbook once he left. I am confused about whether he crossed out the entry or she did. I would have assumed that she had done so, but the ink looked to be the same color as the entry.

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, rur said:

    I wrote it off to added electronic communication,  security,  and monitoring devices needed because of her position. (And three kids who probably never turn off a light when they leave a room.)

    I also assume that must have an electric forced-air heating.

    • Love 2
  12. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 12:17 PM, thewhiteowl said:

    When Syrian children are killed by an American made bomb, Elizabeth must figure out what went wrong. Russell argues with a homeless man.

    That was a homeless woman.

    • Love 1
  13. 13 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    Nothing gets by Chief Boden in his house but he didn't notice the girls spending most of the shift trying to fix the dent.

    And he didn't notice the dent in the first place?

    • Love 3
  14. On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 7:40 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Did the trailer family follow Casey & the reporter & start the fire? Also why wouldn't a smart muckety muck like Casey live in an apartment with better egress?

    The trailer family? You mean Ivanka and her two brothers? (When did Eric grow a beard?)

    9 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    If it was the trailer park family I don't get their logic. I mean if Matt and his girlfriend get killed, once the CFD proves it is arson, won't the family that they are investigating (that just threatened them)become the prime suspects? Especially if it is discovered that smoke alarms were disabled first. And since his ex-wife is the world's greatest fire inspector.

    Good point. Maybe the fire was spontaneous combustion- started by Dawson's free-flowing rage for having someone else's body in the sack with her precious Casey.

    • Love 2
  15. 10 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    It's Christmas time and life for everyone on The Good Doctor just sucks right now!

    The only one who seemed to be doing well was Lea. She seemed to be enjoying a maturity boost.

    • Love 8
  16. 6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    There was an entire episode based around that - Jack and Grace are the ones into skating and they dragged Will and Karen to Stars on Ice on his birthday and he was bored out of his mind. Rudy Galindo was a guest star. How can they not remember?

    Well they forgot that Will and Grace both had children....

    • Love 5
  17. On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 11:16 PM, Annber03 said:

    That doesn't surprise me. I figured there was likely a lot of truth to Claire's arguments, but I didn't know if Andrews' take was the prevailing attitude in some medical circles or not. I'd be shocked if it were, 'cause yeah, I've never been up for 36 hours, but I have done a full 24 hours without sleeping, and worked during some of that time, and it definitely affected me some. So I can only imagine what being up even longer than that would do to somebody, especially when they're under this kind of stress. 

    I just have to share this. I was in the ER once with my 94-year-old grandmother. A resident walked in to help us, buck naked, and proceeded to examine my grandmother. After a very long minute, a nurse came running in and said, "Doctor, you need to stop and go put on some clothes." The resident looked down at himself and appeared truly shocked that he had no clothes on. He walked out and the nurse said, "I apologize, he has been up for 36 hours.

    Enough said.

  18. 3 minutes ago, johntfs said:

    That said, I admit to being a squicked by unequal power dynamics in romantic relationships (teacher/student, boss/employee, etc.). 

    I am equally squicked by the unequal power dynamics in romantic relationships with a prostitute/paying client. Does Is Athena's time billed for this dinner? What was Athena's job anyway that she just returned from?

    • Love 2
  19. 3 hours ago, AEMom said:

    At the beginning of the show, Sherlock would call Marcus "Detective Bell," and eventually it became "Marcus." But he still calls Joan "Watson." I wonder what explanation they would give for that if it ever came up.

    My guess is they are just sticking to canon; i.e. Watson was always called Watson in the books.

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