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Posts posted by MaryHedwig

  1. 15 hours ago, possibilities said:

    Caroline may have chosen Ruth for the interview for perfectly good reasons, but inviting her to dinner at home, and getting drunk together, and suggesting repeatedly that she stay the night, was over the professional line.

    I also thought Caroline was being creepy when she offered to help Ruth after her car was defaced. Caroline appeared to be taking advantage of the situation to try to prove that her interest in Ruth was merely professional by leaving the door open and Caroline's uber-businesslike tone of voice. Also, Caroline micro-managing the situation: arranging a ride home for Ruth; finding a person to restore the car for free; offering Gillian as a peer counselor. Maybe Ruth appreciate that but if my boss did that, I might have felt infantilized.

    Caroline should not have offered to have Ruth spend the night. Ruth should not have abandoned her right before the interview. In other words, I agree that both women have behaved badly.

    I did love Gillian's line to Caroline: 'I'll talk to her, I assume you don't want me to suggest murder?'



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  2. Was nobody looking for the car that Harrison stole? 

    Did Ted drown? Did he walk into the water, as in commit suicide? He wasn't wet though, was he? 

    Did Ted just die of natural causes? Would he have died even if Harrison had not left him on the beach?

    I was pleasantly surprised that Harrison returned to pick up Ted.

    Is Harrison going to have to spend his adulthood in therapy to discuss guilt over Ted's death? Does he even have a conscience or would such a thing not bother him? (He did look like he had some remorse.) Does Harrison develop a conscience later in life? Please don't tell me he will some day marry Flora or Calamity?

    Are we to believe that the vision of his wife was a hallucination. Hell, I saw it too? What does that mean about me?

    Those of you watchers from Britain: was a scene cut out that included the birth of the baby? Was a scene cut of regarding the hottie who gave Gillian a cup of tea while she was on the phone? Who was that hottie, do we have a back story on him?

    Shouldn't the baby be named Ted?



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  3. 15 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

    But we know now that he has had a few wives before the BB timeline starts.  He's been a busy guy!  lol

    From what we know about his timeline, I think Saul must have been very young when he blew through his first two marriages, which makes me wonder if he had to get marry, at least to the first one. Does he have a love-child out there?

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  4. 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    That said, there seemed like a lot of wasted interior space which could have been used for a complete second floor rather than such an open area ground floor which diminished the size of the second floor.

    Executive houses are built like that are built with open area ground floors for entertaining, not so much for family living.

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  5. OK, another long shot. Maybe the anonymous complaint came from Claire. Maybe she knew that the appearance of favoritism was going to lead to trouble for her and everyone else.

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  6. 8 hours ago, bros402 said:

    I am going to make two bets on the complaint:
    1. The longest odds - Claire filed the complaint because she felt as if Melendez was unfairly favoring her
    2. The longer odds - Park & Reznick both filed complaints without knowing the other complained.

    I am going to take the true long shot and say it was a nurse assisting in surgery. I noticed in one next to Park during one of those interactions. (I noticed her because she looked like a true nurse, devoid of Hollywood false eyelashes.)

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  7. 4 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    I hope they were not intimating that Shaun and Lea had sex. I thought they were just showing that Lea was comforting Shaun and Shaun was able to accept it, when he couldn't accept it from Carly.

    I think that the position they both in was a chaste one to signal that they would not be having sex (if I understand common TV code for those things). My hunch is they fell asleep that way both wake up somewhat surprised in the morning.

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  8. 1 hour ago, mojito said:

    Off E 42nd Street....right?  Oh. Are you simply refining the location? Okay. Got it. 😊

    What is Henry's job this season? Is just teaching now?

    The Presidential children are the least interesting thing about this show. Too bad one of them is getting any focus now.

    And they seem to be neglecting their other to. Security for Noodle must be going nuts in Europe.

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  9. 33 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    I didn't see him take water, but I don't remember him being an alcoholic. I thought he had an opioid addiction.

    My eyes saw him drink a glass of water. Did anyone else see that? Also, any substance abuse program worth their salt is going to not allow people addicted to opioid to drink alcohol.

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  10. 11 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    But, I did get a kick out of the scenes of confusion during the Chinese Restaurant scene & then going back to the White House and the parents congratulating them Before the proposal & then Russell barging in, in the middle of the proposal made me chuckle.  

    I was surprised that they celebrated with champagne concerning Dimitri is an alcoholic/substance abuser. You noticed he toasted with a glass of water. Welcome a new member into the family with a substance that can't drink?

    I would love to see a spin-off on Blake. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Florinaldo said:

    She also turns up unannounced at the door of Senator Prison Break in a manner that could easily be spun as bullying and intimidation?

    Can a US president just order security to make a pit stop? I thought all of their movements were planned in advance. Wouldn't security want to search Hansen's house before she traipsed in there without an invite?

  12. 36 minutes ago, SarahPrtr said:

    For the US audience, could you please tell me the reason why the next episode won't air until January?  Is it because they start airing Christmas shows around this time?

    Well. It's tradition but I have always assumed that during the holiday season- which begins with Thanksgiving- we all too busy to watch TV and the shows ratings would go down.

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  13. 2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Maybe the campus newspaper editor truly felt threatened, but at no point in the conversation did Jason point out his guards were armed, or would do his bidding, as her article implied.

    I thought one of Jason's hands was in the shape of a gun.

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  14. 1 hour ago, buckboard said:

    As for The West Wing receptionist, do you mean the President's body man (personal aide) Dule Hill?  Bartlett's receptionists or personal secretaries were Mrs. Landingham and her successor played by Lily Tomlin

    You are correct. Maybe I got confused because 'Dule' and Blake are both so good at their jobs, and fiercely devoted.

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  15. 13 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

    .I liked that exchange:  "Why is your coffee always so good?"  "That's above your pay grade, ma'am."

    Is it just me, or did the rest of you observed some fresh sparks flying between Stevie and Blake? Is it just me. or do the rest of you remember. similar chemistry between the President's receptionist and the President's first daughter on the West Wing?

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  16. 4 hours ago, Fable said:

    When I saw Claire hiding her bottle of celebratory alcohol, I said to myself “uh oh” as I knew it was going to come into play in an unfortunate way, but I guess I really wasn’t expecting that ending. 

    So this was the exact bottle that Claire hid in the back of her freezer? Could any amount of therapy address the (unwarranted) guilt that would come from that?

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  17. On 12/30/2018 at 4:20 AM, kelslamu said:

    Worked third shift at 24 hour retail store (not walmart lol) .  Had a guy ask me at 2am for the location of the baby aisle.  This grown man had a pacifier on a ribbon around his neck and was wearing shorts.  You could see part of a diaper he was wearing hanging out of the shorts.  He told me he was on his way to a baby shower and forgot the gift.  I simply had no words for that one.  The music loop sucked soooo much.  If I ever hear Simple Man by Shinedown again it will be entirely too soon.

    I know that guy!

  18. On 9/26/2019 at 10:45 AM, Forsaken said:

    On another note, how did that kid get in that machine? No one asked and I think it's because it is impossible to get in without being able to get out.

    I asked some people who should know. The only thing that made sense to them was that the door was accidently left open and then closed behind him.

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  19. 7 hours ago, DoctorK said:

    Yeah, this reeks of manipulation, especially when they showed other contestants with their families/friends etc then cut to Micah standing alone and forlorn. There is no way they couldn't find a nephew, uncle, friend, neighbor ,co-worker or favorite starbucks barrista to support him.

    Or a high school teacher.

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  20. 1 hour ago, UncleChuck said:

    So Joan's secret signal to contact Sherlock (in hiding) was to smash his headstone?  So how would he know that if he was solving mysteries in Tuscany, Tibet, Rome and wherever?  Perhaps he set up some sort of fancy CCTV operation to watch the grave (but in a public cemetery?).

    Oh well, it doesn't make sense, but it worked and somehow he saw the signal so...

    But I must say--how strong is Joan Watson that she can break a huge chunk off of a granite headstone with one swing of a shovel?  A SHOVEL??

    Isn't headstone-smashing on public property a felony?

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