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  1. I'm not caught up on fashion in the lower hemisphere but I'm not liking the bell bottom flowing pants or the lime green accessories. I'm assuming they're filming in winter or spring so Alexa can keep her signature jacket.
  2. I've never had or made a Baked Alaska. I thought there was more of a balance between the cake and the ice cream, not tiny cake then HUGE ice cream. It was obvious none of them had made one before. I felt bad for Sandro, I think he would still be there if not for Zoe. He was pissed.
  3. I know it's been a couple of years now but why is Ben Affleck shilling for Dunkin Donuts? Did he lose a bet or something?
  4. Treasure Cave Blue Cheese commercials? It's weird and creepy.
  5. She definitely looked it but none of her social media says anything. I can't believe that farm that lost the two calves. They KNEW something wasn't right and waited 12 HOURS! That's inexcusable. AND that poor cow was rolling around in filth. I get that farm life is messy but for FS clean the place up!
  6. There was a movie he did with John Hurt in the 80's called Partners. A heterosexual police detective is unnerved when ordered to go undercover with a homosexual police clerk, as a couple, to solve a series of murders in the gay community. It was just the beginning of AIDS being out there and talked about. James Burrow directed it. His boss made him drive a pink VW bug and dress in pastels( eye roll). Interesting little movie. Ryan did some good roles but boy he was a prick IRL.
  7. I barely remember the first episode since I was distracted by Jesses manboobs in that horrifying beige sweater. Noticed he changed for the second episode. Judges complaining they can't taste the eggnog. It's a bunch of milk and sugar baked into MORE sugar! I wouldn't think it would be obvious. The more the show goes on, the more frazzled Ashley looks. I think she'll go next.
  8. As weird as it sounds Ashley makes me think of Snow White who's just over it all and the 7 dwarves are buried in the backyard. Has that look about her. I knew Jennifer was out. Just couldn't get ahead.
  9. Medicare Martha is back. 😠
  10. Not surprised to see Christa go. As much as she tried to do better, it seemed like she kinda gave up. The dessert eating the other dessert was weird. I didn't get the last costume on Stephanie. Was she supposed to be burned?
  11. Never had a trifle. Are they worth it? Seems like everyone was better at baking pies than cake. Didn't like some of the blends. I've never had gelatin blobs of anything. Doesn't look like they would taste very good.
  12. New season started October 7th. They go on a fishing/boating trip, find two black dogs out in the reeds. Son gets on social media, finds out a family has two black dogs that ran off, had been looking for them. Microchip your animals. Next case is people bringing in their roping horse who doesn't want his ears touched. Exam shows he's covered in ticks!! From ears to ass crack. Really people? You couldn't see that for yourself? Then a woman brings in her 3 legged cat who can't walk at all. Exam poop in the microscope and find toxoplasmosis. Erin said it was only the second case she had ever had.
  13. Oh heh, it's a Lexus ad. My bad. 🙃
  14. Frontdoor video commercial We fixed this toilet to the tune of Jefferson Airplanes We Built This City. I'm assuming the band gets paid for that? Subaru bearsquatch commercial. The kid is old enough to be fascinated by such a story, not scared.
  15. No one's gonna talk about Chad being sick? How long did he feel bad? When they all finally noticed he's already infested everyone! I wonder what was going on behind the scenes. I can't believe Phoebe lost over that collapsible cake woman. She seemed like she was really enjoying herself.
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