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Everything posted by Bebecat

  1. I really can't stand Miller anymore...she is so smug. Hope she gets burned soon. Vince has been pretty much my main suspect but now I am not so sure...why reveal it this week? And what is that stupid kid of hers up to?? I hate that Carver covered for his wife...stupid and unprofessional. And obviously did nothing for the kid. Better for her to think her dad is stupid and screwed up a kid-killer case? Kids are killing kids more and more...it would be totally realistic for Tommy to be the killer. But I think a major network is too chicken. Maybe if this was on cable.
  2. AM was gushing over Fabio too...it was embarrassing to watch. And that giant bun does nothing for her...with her awful clothes, she needs good hair at least. Fergie is NOT royalty and good grief, even if she was, the reactions, fake or otherwise, of the designers, was also embarrassing to watch. Ok, if the Queen walked in, I guess I could understand a bit of "awe" but whatever. She (Fergie) is the most common of commoners.
  3. I Hit FF and only watched the runway this time. I hate when they go on these stupid trips. All I knew is that they were to make coats. And none of the coats thrilled me. But really, I need Michelle and Helen off of my screen forever.
  4. Fergie, ugh. Do not like AM's giant bun. Not flattering. Floral dress beyond awful. I loathe neoprene or any of those kinds of fabrics. I wish Dmitri was not hung up on it. Alyssa went a little nuts over him lol. I was not crazy about his coat personally. Benjamin's coat was like a school girl coat. Helen's was ugly to me. I don't know...this episode did nothing for me. Shouldn't the person who is going to wear the coat have been there?
  5. This is not a show that should skip a week...people will forget all about it lol I am bummed as I realized the final ep will be on 12/11 and I will be traveling that night and not be able to see it until I get back on the 15th, after all this...:(
  6. These so-so shows with dubious ratings should not skip a week...(same goes for Gracepoint...) as they are likely to lose viewers who forget it was ever on...not a good idea lol.
  7. The extra two episodes are killing this show...just adding a bunch of nonsense and a lot of it probably has nothing to do with anything. I have a feeling there will end up being a lot of "clues" left unexplained/hanging. This is one creepy town. Anybody could be the killer. That is pretty weird, shouldn't be so many possible child killers in one little place... Someone needs to take that kid Tom out to the woodshed and quit pampering him...he has wasted enough time and police resources.
  8. Are u kidding, Michelle is not about to take advice from anyone, on make-up or anything. She thinks she knows best and looks great. For me, she is very difficult to look at. Sorry...but honestly...even if she created fabulous clothes, which she does not, I still couldn't look at her. That hair just tops it off. And that mother of the bride dress was awful.
  9. I could not get past the fuchsia to even look at Michelle's dress. How on earth does she think she is "with it" or whatever she thinks...she has a very high opinion of herself. Not shared by me. At all. I never cared for Justin...he must be a real downer in the classroom with all the boo-hooing. Enough already. Maybe he should design Hallmark Cards...
  10. All of these dresses were tortured by the designers, trying to meet the stupid criteria. Just make a good party dress and then make up a tale about your broken heart or whatever. It wasn't supposed to be about the story anyway, although obviously it was, since Helen won. And how on earth did Michelle find another man? Ick
  11. What the H did Zales have to do with this challenge? They did not even make a dress to go,with jewelry. The whole concept was stupid and the dresses were worse. Helen's looks much worse to me today, very old-fashioned and certainly not "five years from now" as Nina said. I hate that kind of trim. I don't blame her ex for not watching her, he knew better than we did.
  12. Alyssa slays me with these dresses...can't take it anymore. This challenge was dumb... I do,not want to hear their personal stories, sorry. Did not love Dmitri's dress. Not so sure about him anymore. Wow Nina loved it...what do I know. Real Housewives, lol, and ouch. Did not love Jay's. Fabio's looked like Easter. He is losing me. Kate's too bride-ish. And a mess on the bottom. Sick, in a bad way, color. Michelle's was awful as is she...I hated it. Gunnar's is weird. Looks poorly made. He does not have great taste. Justin's blech. Benjamin's looks cheap-ish. Sorry Nina. His stuff is forgettable. Helen's dress ok...but not sure. I like it better as you look at it. Sonja(?) turned out pretty after all. I thought the winner was kind of obvious from the judges discussion. Shocked Kate went home, but won't miss her.
  13. Fabio's was cruise wear to me...or a high-end Miami pool party type thing.
  14. I feel like we are being trolled by AM's outfits...
  15. I skip a lot of this as I tape it, but watched the beginning and end. I love the girl who won, she was adorable and so were her clothing. I loved both outfits. Did not much care for the second outfits especially of the other two but then I am so not a fan of Gaga or KP. I am right there with little Rhianna and her designs. Can't stand the judges except for Christian, they are filler. He is the only one who matters. Love him.
  16. I really find Michelle to be repulsive in every way, attitude, personality, hair, stupid mouth etc. I think could she could even be the up there as most dislikable ever for me. I have to FF past her...I just can't bear her. I know this is strong for just seeing someone on TV, maybe she is charming in person but she ain't selling it to me. Her clothes either. I also am kind of way over Justin and I never much liked his stuff anyway. I find it hard to believe he is a teacher in fashion? Is that right? Maybe I heard wrong.
  17. Even navy would have been nice, rather than black. I love a good navy gown. People like Helen probably were always rewarded for their efforts, regardless of outcome. Not just her, but it seems to be the way many schools operate these days...everyone gets a ribbon. Again...if AM likes your design, it has to take away some of the pleasure of being complimented. I cringe imaging her in any of these dresses. And that hairdo with her opening-act tutu. Really? In all of her years in public, she never learned that a fussy dress needs sleek hair? I mean, that is the least of her style issues but it is such a basic. Plus both outfits looked very uncomfortable. I agree that she plays a big role in choosing these disasters...no one could force her into those things week after week. And it was no better before she was pregnant.
  18. It just sunk in that aM was trying to be Glinda the Good Witch at the opening. Oh. No offense to anyone who shaves their head but Michelle looks downright fugly to me. Someone must have told her once she had a great face (eek) and she thinks she is stunning. Maybe it was AM's stylist...
  19. Seems they could have planned this cycle so as not to have poor AM give birth on the runway, practically...
  20. Omg Alyssa's opening dress...just omg. And hair. Oh no. And then runway . WTH. Almost can't write. Also that hideous combo on Zara in workroom. So fugly. I am with Dmitri on all the gabbing...good grief. Loved his. Ha ha Helen in bottom. Gah hate Michelle. And her dress. Ugh And really, a teen judge for this one? Yet she was not bad. Chris' was ...weird. Fabio's ditto. Pants awful. He is charming though lol. Justin's was blah. Jay's looked like she was birthing a giant chicken. Sam's was meh. Not couture. Surprised they liked it so much. But color was great. I would be very skeptical about my design if Alyssa loves it... Sonje (spelling?) made a beautiful dress. Anyway she was deserving. Love Isaac's critiques. I hate Chris' look but wished he had stayed, especially over Helen. How the heck was Michelle safe??
  21. Also, Kate is reliving her recent dream wedding, probably,,where she WAS princess for a day lol Anyway...send her home please, in a sweep with Helen and Michelle...that is my dream elimination. And put Alyssa in a darned uniform of some sort...anything would be better than whatever is going on now. Do they let her choose samples meant for fashion models?? I can picture her running in every week like a kid playing dress-up, grabbing the most inappropriate and ill-fitting, unflattering outfit and a bunch of stylists cringing with horror. Or...a bunch of catty, nasty stylists who for some reason hate her and convince her these ridiculous choices suit her. I wonder if Heidi watches, lol...she may have her moments but it barely matters, she was wear anything.
  22. I love Free People stuff but can't or won't pay their price, and many pieces are cheap fabric. Fabio reminds me a bit of that type of clothing but much better-and probably more expensive :) I will root for him, along with Dmitri. None of the women interest me at all this time. Some sicken me, lol.
  23. Maybe kids who are bullied, depressed, have issues, etc are more inclined to take up such a singular skill, one they can work on alone and do whatever they want. I hope the show is not going after these types of kids on purpose just for the sob stories. ANTM does enough of that. I think Colette should have won but she has to watch not to make only clothes for Twiggy, though there is probably a market for that. She was kind of adorable. I was not so much into the aesthetics (hate that word) of the other two but Zachary was the better sewer/technical designer and his clothes were stronger as to what he was trying to put across. I am not a fan of clothing with messages, so the "Hope" dress did not overwhelm me, it seems like of manipulative, if she was not so young. But for teens I could that be inspiring though the girls who get it and feel hopeless are not going to have the nerve to wear it, Imo. It is an attention-seeking dress. Her black dress was not good. Show skin in one place...but if they going off pop stars etc they will never learn that. Love Christian, but wish they would drop the muslin thing, or at least let me just start with muslin, not that a-line dress shape. I do like seeing two looks though. At least Colette changed up the shape of the dress.
  24. I still can't seem to rule out many people. Tommy, Ellie's husband, the priest, even Owen could all be the killer. I can only eliminate Gemma, Danny's mom, and the editor, really, from the locals. And of course Aunt Ellie,,everybody's best friend. I wonder if it be someone completely off the wall to the point of making no sense, just to be a surprise. I wish/hope something bad happens to the female reporter-well not physically but career-ending or something. Owen too for that matter.
  25. I wish they would design for events or specfic activities more often. I have never liked the uncoventional materials challenge and I hate team challenges as well. This is supposed to be about picking one person to receive huge prizes, the team stuff is a joke, unless the whole losing team goes. Trying hard to find someone to root for here. I love Dmtri but so far he is not showing anything. I usually like Chris's stuff but not so far, really. I hate both Kate and her designs. Also Helen, that dress looked kind of disgusting. And Michelle, just ick ick ick. This woman seems to want to look ugly. Her big ole jaw does not suit those ridiculous hairstyles. They are dor perfect faces, like maybe Heidi, Imo, if anyone. I wish one of the other girls would step up.
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