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Everything posted by Moonlit

  1. In this episode plot points plus character backgrounds and motivations are laid out with exquisite clarity, and many questions are answered... just kidding.
  2. @Diapason Untuned – thank you! I'd wondered whether it wasn't literal with it having been said more than once. Watching the leaving scene, Penelope's being a big softie with a huge heart who just cares deeply for Josie seemed tacked on somehow. All through the show she'd been the manipulator who "likes to watch the world burn", yet in one final scene we're told that that was all an act. Then again, I can see how leaving everything behind, a continent behind, can make being cold and without feeling seem pointless.
  3. Did I see a different cut or something? I saw Penelope leaving for Belgium with a suitcase, met by Josie whom she kissed and handed a book, who then watched her leave. Next, Landon and Mrs G. followed by Triad. And no explosions and a very intact school. I'm so confused.
  4. I liked it. The Stepford ep was fun and well put together. Although powerful, Sunny wasn't 'one of the bad ones'. So leaving her in the town was a nice touch. It shows monsters, that is, the different-who're-also-powerful, needn't be slain by default. If they're just doing their non-harmful thang, good luck to 'em is the gang's take on it. As a nephilim Jack is half-human, the other part being archangel. A nephilim is greater than the sum of its parts. Thing is, being a human, half or no, really does need a soul. Sure, the odd prophet may be able to get along without one, but for the most part it's "Bang goes your bargaining chip" and thought processes like 'Y'know Snakey, I think the best way I can cheer you up is to eviscerate you from the Earth turning you to dust & ashes'. It looks as if in fighting EvilMichael Jack burnt off all or most of his. I predict we'll see progressively darker behaviour from him.
  5. I called it on Landon being a phoenix. Not before the episode but while they were all in the woods when we found out what MG had done. At that point I thought "Oh, they've killed him off; I wonder if he'll be a phoenix and come back?", as we never had discovered what his power was but we had learnt early on that he seemed to be something supernatural. Arguably Landon pushing MG to meet and re-connect with his father was not so much Landon (who of course isn't in contact with his own father) really trying to do the right thing as him trying to live vicariously through MG.
  6. Gripping stuff! Co-sign on the so not expecting that. I kinda wanna cling to the hope Isaac is secretly still on the Orville/Biologicals side and re-boarded the ship to help. ...But it doesn't look good. Aside from that the armada heading for Earth boasts technological weaponry far more advanced than the Federation's. The Kaylon eye colors were striking. Red for warrior/leaders, orange for drones and just Isaac seen sporting baby blues? Perhaps his were made blue 'cos it's calming, elicits trust, etc. Oddly, the Kaylon's seemed lukewarm to reactivating Isaac at all, now his mission was completed, with all that 'they assumed you'd consent to being reactivated' stuff. Then they switched him back on. Maybe, the true goal of his mission was hidden to him until he returned and got rebooted.
  7. It's okay. I shall be excited for you. The previous season tied everything up so well, it's gonna be interesting to find out if the show continues to shine in this new season. Be good to see the characters mentioned in the synopsis again—Rebekah, Klaus, et. al. I'm looking forward to tentatively watching the season's first episode.
  8. I rather liked it. I wasn't sure when it started but stuck with it and was entertained. I didn't see Scrappy! I might have to give it a rewatch and keep an eye out for the courageous yet impetuous critter. ...I did wonder what jinkies meant.
  9. I enjoyed it. Shades of La Chiesa—the star of this episode reminding me of Asia Argento as Lotte, of C17th Countess Elizabeth Báthory, and The Human Centipede. Carlena Britch was great as the violent and driven avenging angel. Her character kinda reminded me of Faith of BTVS, too. Attractive in a psychotic avenger sort of way. It was interesting the way they gave a modern spin on the Báthoryesque thang (the countess killed and ate/bathed in local peasant girls' blood to gain eternal youth and beauty, so it has been said), combined with a parasitic twin element plus smoothies. They may've mentioned homicides in the local area that appeared to have ritualistic elements along with the "I will repay" phrase from the organ coolbox to the priest. Carlena Britch's character Juliet Bocanegra walked right past Mulder in the church. The victim at the start had been abducted and, Juliet's sister Olivia was also missing, which M&S heard about from the priest. It's not unreasonable that they'd speak to the family. It was slick and relied on show don't tell (!). I felt the reasons for following were implied well. The cult members were once disfigured, unhappy, unfortunate. They wanted to be beautiful. The cult offered to give them that. Kayla, conjoined with Dr. Luvenis, was thin and gaunt. Perhaps simply wasting away or she may've been anorexic. Anorexia is about many things, control among others. But what young girls who suffer from it really want, is to be beautiful. Society holds youth and beauty as vital. The cult members still believed they were working towards that goal. Juliet was, in her mind, vanquishing evil. Cult members drank blood to give themselves continued life. In more than one sense they were vampires.
  10. All those shows that I don't watch? ;-) The first season crossover with The Flash was handled way better imo, and the second season's was only a scene at the ep's end. Lots of you clearly loved it and that's great. It just didn't work for me. That 1st season one tho, even tho I knew next to nothing about the crossedover character, was really cute & fun.
  11. Did not like it at all. Nope. I'm in the don't-watch-the-other-shows camp, but even so... @secnarf, I feel your pain. @bmoore4026, yours too—I also get it an hour later. I didn't know it was going to be a "crossover" ep before watching, so sat wondering wha'? Yikes the dialogue! It was as if the son/daughter of a network head had been allowed to write an ep because dad/mom. The regular cast seemed to roll with it by terrible acting, not just hamming it up but giving melodramatic and amateurly acted performances. Maybe the idea was for it to all to be just some silly fun but woah the script! If whoever wrote it was pulled in from the other shows, y'all deserve medals for sitting through those. Whole rooms full of unfamiliar characters making specific references to stuff you know nothing about, all juxtaposed with pseudoscience babble, doesn't engage a person. Maybe it wasn't as impenetrable to viewers of the other shows. Would it have been so hard to introduce them a little so as not to alienate regular Supergirl-only viewers though? Still showing credits 10 mins in is a feat in itself at least. It took 25mins before they let us know it was on another Earth; bad writers, bad. The opening is a dystopian alternate Earth in a vaguely distant future, ok; then suddenly a Robin Hood country a millenia ago. Ookay. All that speeding up doesn't make the problems invisible either. Kinda felt like a forty minute commercial for the network's other shows... with clumsy acting and writing. I've the next part to look forward to though. So there's that.
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