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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. Did that article seriously call Nagasu Chen? And Peggy Fleming is 19 now? Guess editing is a thing of the past.
  2. Yeah. And it didn't look good to have a kid that young "interpreting" that music.
  3. You're not actually wanting NBC to control South Korea's timezone? The only way the US girls would go earlier is if they had sucked harder. ETA at least a different cut of MR this time. So far.
  4. Okay, let's not forget the dark times here. Tara and Johnny can grate (though, really, some of those google home commercials are incredibly charming) but they aren't as bad as the Tom/Scott/Sandra decades-of-awfulness. A bit too much about themselves at times (pushed by Terry, which geez, Terry, run from that network script once in a while) and too tongue-bathy about the latest Russian shiny things, but a far cry better than the previous crew. As for coach hopping, I think it took Brian a few years to mature into the supportive coach he is now because there were a few bad years in there when he was losing students faster than he was getting them. I also wonder how Nathan would work with Kori Ade--Jason's artistry is great even if his jumps aren't while Nathan has the jumps but needs the artistry. And if he does have Over Involved Skating Parents, maybe the results from this showing will help them back off some.
  5. If you are cute and personable, silver might be enough like Kwan (or no medal in the case of Adam Rippon) but US sponsors love their Peggy's and Mary Lou's and they don't seem to want two IT girls at the same time. Move over Gabby Douglas, we got ourselves a Simone Biles. Etc.
  6. Didn't Tara have pretty stank technique from roller skating though? It is hard on your hips when you are cheating jumps or mule kicking to muscle your jumps around. If you are using good speed and proper technique to launch and get fully rotated before landing and shock absorbing with your knees, you really shouldn't be putting that much stress on your hips or other joints. Now falling...that's why I never figure skated. I cry just thinking about taking those falls.
  7. Michelle? God, yes. She didn't have a consistent 3-3 combo (not very many did, as I recall) but you usually never ever worried about her landing her jumps. Solid like a rock. Michelle <3 <3 <3 My favorite program (bonus: Terry + Dick!) Not sure how to insert a video, but Tosca, 2004 Nationals
  8. So, I am tired of the old warhorses too but I have to say, I didn't think the Beyonce for Meite worked all that well. I don't know if it was the cut or it needed a louder beat added or what, but it was just kinda there. (maybe it was the feed? I was on the app with the aussie lady) So even new stuff has to be chosen carefully. (If I wanted something to rock out that has a killer beat, I'd pick something by Within Temptation like "Ice Queen" myself, but maybe that would be too on the nose)
  9. So Adam is built like an adult and doing the best he can with the body he has, but Ashley doesn't diet enough to keep herself jumping clean aka, she fat. Nice coach you got there. As for Ashely's making the team or not being a political decision, well, why not? PCS is pure bullshite anyway and if USFSA is done with Ashley and wants to invest in new talent, well, thems the breaks. At least she got, what 8+ years? These Russians get maybe 2 years before they are tossed out for the next new shiny.
  10. It is also boring because there is no continuity in performers. People might remember the Russian girl in the red dress from the last Olympics but will have no clue about the actual winner's name since she never skated again. And for those of us who were investing emotion in Elisaveta Tuktumysheva, well, she is dead to Russia. Bring on the next! The men, pairs, and dancers have some staying power and that is appealing to a 4 year audience.
  11. So dish, what did Tara say about the Russian scoring?
  12. Not with those TES. pretty neckline on the ugly pink dress.
  13. Can't like enough. Need more likes!
  14. Can we ban head and face grabbing as "choreography" along with the overused music?
  15. Zag won on TES. Media ahead on PCS. Watch Kostner slide into 3rd on bogus PCS.
  16. Some of Zaigatovas moves are just so awkward looking. Weird posture too. Cute kid though.
  17. Team Mirai and Team America's Hat!
  18. So, what are the chances that the deal cut for no podiums for other not Russians is a sweep of the ladies?
  19. 30.69 PCS for Mirai, 29. 51 for Bradie. Mirai needs better programs if she is only getting 7s at 24.
  20. It wasn't in her eyes. fight Mirai!
  21. It's like they paid for the overhead camera and feel they have to use it each program.
  22. Nicole and Carolina, separated at birth?
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