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Perfect Xero

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Posts posted by Perfect Xero

  1. 7 hours ago, superloislane said:

    'Why not kill the man you see as your second father figure?' - uh I'm pretty sure that's Alfred, not Jim 

    Jim is at least legitimately important to Bruce, the funniest part of the episode was Jeremiah calling Lee Bruce's "dear, dear, dear, friend".

    • Love 4
  2. On 2/21/2019 at 10:17 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Jim sure can pick um, huh? And Lee is probably the most normal person he has ever hooked up with! I am actually excited that Lee and Jim might be getting back together, and the scene between Babs and Lee was great as well. Oh, that kids borthdays are gonna be super weird

    Nah, Valerie Vale (aka the one Mad Hatter actually shot) has to be the most normal one, since she never turned into a serial killer or a crime lord and seemingly had the good sense to get the hell out of Gotham or at least out of the orbit of Jim and the League of Evil Exes.

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  3. On 2/21/2019 at 5:20 PM, Anduin said:

    Time flows differently on worlds strong with the Force. Look at Dagobah. It feels like a couple of weeks. But the Falcon limps from Hoth to Bespin in what feels like a couple of days. Furthermore, you can't cross interstellar space in that time in the real world. Surely something funny is going on.

    I think the easiest explanation is that the trip to Bespin took several months using sublight engines, which is plausible enough and allows Luke all the time he needs to train and make his hyperspace journeys.

    The timeline in ESB is left fuzzy, which allows them to basically ignore the issue. TLJ has a plot point that demands most of the events of the film having to happen within a single day.

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  4. On 2/18/2019 at 12:17 PM, mxc90 said:

    When news report showed the crowd of Children of Liberty gathering at a rally, I thought I saw the Cuban flag waving. That's the best fake crowd footage they could find?

    Apparently it was the flag of Catalonia, they used footage from the independence rallies in Spain.

    1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I'm confused.

    James's reaction, as I recall, was basically what you are saying here. To paraphrase, "No matter how open-minded I might try to be, partnering up with the government to make humans super is a BAD idea and I won't support it." 

    I don't see that as a nonsensical reaction.

    Rather, I see Lena's breakup in response as one, given the evidence that the government will veer between incompetent, corrupt, short-sighted and plain evil, and as a billionaire on verge of a discovery that would be worth billions more, she literally gets nothing from pairing with the government and only stands to lose out. For this to be the dealbreaker that would shift her from "Let's do a last-minute romantic trip to Paris" to "This just can't work out. GTFO of my limo" didn't work for me at all.

    Realizing that a strong disagreement on an important issue is going to make continuing a relationship untenable is a fair response.

    The real problem is that the show hasn't made the issues this season nuanced or subtle in the least, so Lena's position itself looks foolish.

  5. So from what I could gather in the episode Nia's powers allow her to see her opponents attacks before they make them, thus allowing her to be a kick ass fighter, it would be better if the show played it as a drunken master type thing and had her repeatedly nodding off during the fight.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    So now the Liberty Masks can run around in the middle of parties giving press conferences at active crime scenes after they hack aliens up? Why are these guys just allowed to wander around doing whatever? Is Supergirl the only one trying to stop them? And those masks still look stupid. Did I spy a Make Earth Great Again Sign? *drink*

    In fairness Supergirl also hacked up aliens and then stood around the party talking to people, so ...

    • Love 2
  7. Cisco: *grabs the wrong coffee cup*

    Waitress who works for tips: "God damn men in this town, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DAMN STUPID? DO THE TWO COFFEE DRINKS LOOK ALIKE TO YOU MORON?!?"

    • LOL 5
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  8. 4 hours ago, raven said:

    While this is true, presumably the memorial was put up by the students, so I think it was a mistake to take it down so soon, if they weren't complaining. 

    Then if it hadn't happened, we wouldn't have been able to call him Principal Dogfood, heh.

    I just find it hard to believe that students wouldn't be complaining in this particular case. The whole attack scene played uncomfortably close to a school shooter scenario to then turn around a season later and show him being memorialized in those same halls and the only person who has a problem with it is the douchebag new principal who doesn't understand the students. 

    None of his direct victims or their friends/family are having their PTSD triggered by having to walk by a picture of his face to get to their locker? All of the students who were screaming and running in terror from Khalil are fine with Jen basically excusing his actions as "a bad day away"? She literally built the memorial in front of the trophy case that Khalil threw a teacher through because he was trying to protect students and no one cares?

    The whole thing is just such a weird, awkward scenario to build a "racist white guy Vs BLM/gathered student body kneels in protest" moment around.

  9. Principal Dogfood is awful in a general sense, but I think he had a point about the Memorial. Khalil isn't just a student who fell on rough times, joined a gang, and got killed. He literally attacked the school, poisoned numerous students and threw a teacher through a window into a wall. He did all of this as part of a plot to murder someone who is a hero in the community.

    I find it hard to believe that a large percentage of the student body/parents wouldn't agree with the principal that Khalil shouldn't have a memorial in the same hall where students ran from him in fear while he attacked them months earlier.

    • Love 3
  10. 8 hours ago, xander874 said:

    I loved Major League back in the day (Margaret Whitton is a totally underrated actress), but if they ever do an episode centered around Krull or the Last Starfighter, then it will be time to wrap things up. And I loved those films too (I'm easy to please).

    The thing about the cutout of the principal was hilarious to me. Where did he get the pic for it? It's one thing I always wondered about the movie and the evil owner's cutout. I guess it was supposed to be her head on someone's else's body, IDK.

    In the movie the owner was a former Vegas showgirl who inherited the team when her husband died, so the picture was from her old career.

    Funny enough the original ending of Major League revealed that the owner had never actually planned on moving the team, and the whole thing had been a ploy to motivate the players, which solves the rather large plothole that an owner who wanted to lose would just cut the players who started playing well. They had to reshoot it because test audiences hated the twist.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Aryanna said:

    So Bradley Cooper, Matt Ryan, Ruben Amaro Jr. Am I missing anyone? How is it all these famous people are from Jenkintown? Is Jenkintown the nexus of the universe?

    Also, I never understood why characters on the Goldbergs call other characters by their full names.

    It depends on how famous you're talking, but Adam's girlfriend, Jackie Geary, is an actress who has been in some pretty well known shows/movies.

    • Love 4
  12. On that same note:

    Alex warns an alien to stand down 3 times as he is, seemingly, about to kill someone who was not wearing an Agent Liberty mask, and Kara shoots her with heat vision for threatening an "innocent alien".

    Even if the girl had been a Liberty idiot, the alien was about to kill her! Why in the world is Kara telling Alex to stop and not, you know, stopping the guy who is about to kill someone? Is Kara okay with killing bad guys now?

    Of course then we get Kara and Jonn both bemoaning Alex's empathy having shifted because she ... was able to understand and empathize with a high school girl who took a rage pill to go after the guys who assaulted and robbed her brother, and was about to be killed because of how she looked. So I don't know what sort of message the show is sending about Alex or Kara at this point.

    All the behavior in he episode makes Alex look like she's a good 'cop' who is gathering all the information she can and trying to keep people alive, while Kara is the one who is treating random victims like an annoyance and just assuming the alien is "innocent" because of how the people involved look, yet the messaging is that Alex is the one who has something wrong with her and they need the 'real' Alex back.

    • Love 6
  13. On 1/28/2019 at 7:42 PM, mxc90 said:

    Kara/Supergirl caught the frat boy, looked at him in a demeaning way, and just tossed him away like a piece of trash. So I guess she has a type she is not too thrilled saving.

    This scene was such a WTF moment. Supergirl arrives, sees some random guy get flung through the air by an "alien", then she catches him by the shirt, holds the shocked guy just long enough to glare at him derisively, then tosses him aside like he's trash who dared to get in her way. Why? It's not like the guy was wearing an Agent Liberty mask or said anything about alien roaches, as far as I could tell he's just an unlucky college kid who is getting attacked by something with superhuman powers.

    • Love 3
  14. On 1/11/2019 at 4:04 PM, ursula said:

    I will never understand the decisions behind ageing up Ivy. She would always be a kid in a woman's body so even if they wanted to make her "sexier", the creep factor would always remain. In the scene she had with Bruce, I didn't see anything that the new actress did that Claire Foley couldn't have done ten times better with the slightly-cuckoo, slightly-menacing edge she gave to early seasons Ivy. Sadly, this is just one of several mis-steps that this show made over the course of the seasons. 

    It's funny because Ivy Pepper isn't even Poison Ivy's name in the comics, they could have easily just introduced Geha or List as Ivy's older sister or cousin to take on the 'seductress' Poison Ivy role the clearly wanted for the character and sidestepped all the problematic weirdness they brought on by magically turning her into an adult.

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  15. On 12/31/2018 at 8:52 PM, fairffaxx said:

    Although Marcia hasn't aged well, I'm glad to see her again -- she did (& still does) ''annoying'' so well. 

    I do miss W though.  I haven't seen every episode & I hope she'll appear somewhere.  The Nurse Ratched of my neighborhood kitchen appliance store (whom I've grateful never to have encountered in real life)!

    I looked up W to see if there was anything about her appearing on the show, found out that she had a role in the recent Venom movie.

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  16. On 1/4/2019 at 11:56 PM, GaT said:

    I think JK Rowling may be losing her mind

    It reminded me of this scene from Futurama,

    Leela, you have to get me out of here. It's horrible! Eating scraps, letting my waste drop where I stand like an animal in the zoo.

    Animals go on the corner.

    The corner! Why didn't I think of that?

    • Love 3
  17. I saw this yesterday, thought it was really good and I want to see more of Miles (and everyone for that matter) in the future. Any time a movie can go from making me laugh to tearing up with the emotions I consider it a pretty darn good film.

    If I had a negative to say, it's that I felt this movie needed to either be longer or, like 5% less frenetic , I felt like so many relationships/dynamics in the film could have used a few minutes more to breath and explore on screen.

    Also, I was kind of surprised that there was no recognition/reaction at all between Peter and Gwen seeing each other, especially since she mentioned the death of her best friend Peter later in the film.

    I wonder if Peter B's marriage ending in a divorce was supposed to be a shot at Joe Q. and the One More Day storyline.


    On 12/16/2018 at 10:37 AM, SimoneS said:

    I didn't realize that Pine was our earth's Peter Parker. It crushes me that the Peter Parker who I grew up with loved is dead.

    I thought they made him blond as a signal to us that this wasn't our Peter so we wouldn't feel too bad that he died at the start of the story and could just jump back into the fun when Peter B shows up with the recognizable brown hair. It was still rough seeing him die like that though.

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  18. 14 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    I don't know about most of that, but I remember saying at the time that Kylo Ren's 'I'm the only one who understands you, no one else appreciates you like me' Nice Guy act is dropped like a bad habit, as soon as he realises Rey isn't buying it, and then he negs her by calling her parents worthless losers, and implies she's worth nothing herself. That part of it seems very in line with the online dating experiences people have recounted to me.

    I'm fairly sure Rian Johnson deliberately wrote it that way, to add to Kylo Ren's very contemporary villainy - school shooter, idolises notorious criminals, Nice Guy who turns toxic when he doesn't get what he wants.


    I'd argue that Kylo Ren isn't a "Nice Guy" at all in this context, he's the embodiment of the dark brooding asshole 'bad boy'. The sort of guy that "Nice Guys" hate because girls try to fix him even though he's a mean jerk instead of just dating a guy who is already "Nice" and has never hurt her before.

    The entire Rey/Kylo story is Rian teaching Rey (and the audience) a lesson about why girls shouldn't try to save bad boys.

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