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  1. It still seems like something they should question more that out of all time they just happened to show up in theirs.
  2. Somebody made a really cool comparison between scenes of theirs and scenes from Westallen http://valeriemperez.tumblr.com/post/167762843258/the-devoes-vs-the-west-allens
  3. I don't think it's really comparable. She a British girl who lucked into a handful of Indian movies. Chopra was part of the Bollywood movie industry for 10+ years by the time she crossed over and she was nearing the end of her natural career in Bollywood by being 30+. And I don't consider being on a CW show really "Hollywood".
  4. One last thought on the trailer: Am I really the only one who thinks the silver statue that Lena has built of Supergirl is ugly as sin? I hope it gets destroyed in a fight.
  5. You have seen the actual call sheet? I always wondered what they look like. Why do you think it cheapens them, is the WA wedding shorter than the Olicity one?
  6. I'm willing to bet that Alex's desire to have children will never ever come up again in any of her other romances.
  7. Well if there are any location shoots, they can't really be that surprised.
  8. What if at the bachelorette party a drunk Felicity confesses to Iris how much she would like to get married to Ollie and that's why Iris invites Olicity to join into their wedding? http://www.fanforum.com/f15/flash-spoilers-speculation-52-dear-speedforce-give-barry-allen-back-flash-fans-63196444/index6.html
  9. So if Stein dies in the crossover, who will be the next Firestorm half? Will his daughter join the regular cast? Will we lose Jack too?
  10. Maybe Oliver sees his evil nazi doppelganger married and that inspires him, he might as well do it, too!
  11. I'd like to point out that I didn't know about the twitter person, I guessed this all on my own. If Cold is The Ray's boyfriend, does that mean that Wentworth will be in the cartoon show as well?
  12. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that that is Psi. If that was Krypton, shouldn't the sun be red?
  13. If they need any of her powers, they could just say Shadowlass in this universe has those powers. And they are not very interesting, it's basically only powers that J'onn already has, maybe with some more throwing objects with your mind.
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