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Everything posted by ridethemaverick

  1. Cynthia, Claudia, and Kenya are boring as fuck. The other ladies were much more entertaining and organic in their interactions. I love how they were shading Porsha for wearing weave when all three had several horses worth on their heads. Have several seats. I actually like Claudia so far and I think she'd fit right in with the other four. Kenya and Cynthia are zzzzzzzzz. Although I think Porsha was correct, it's not her business what happened with Kenya. But I know, we need these meetings and meddling or there would be no show. And is this bitch gonna cry in every episode? I know she has nothing else going on but damn. I'm not sure where I stand with Todd and Don't Juan yet...
  2. Ok I mean if you want to believe the shaving thing I won't stand in your way. Everyone I know was all wtf? after the Monique thing but what do we know. We're just black women. :)
  3. I'm not convinced it's a thing. What I have noticed is that the white parents I know let their daughters to things like shave, wax, wear makeup, dye their hair, etc relatively early. I was never told I couldn't shave my legs because 'black women don't do that.' But there were definite...I guess I'd call them age milestones for me and all the black girls I know. So shaving was fine, just not at 12 years old.* *I'm speaking for myself and people I know, not all black women everywhere. I kinda don't want this show to become "hey guys, this is what black people do. Isn't it hilarious?" I don't want them to start throwing in random things that a black person once did or said. Because some people are dumb and some of us work with these people and we don't want to have to hear or answer dumb ass comments and questions (see my Good Hair comments).
  4. I agree but between that suck ass Good Hair movie and the subsequent press tour, I have had white people actually tell me "I had no idea what black women have to go through" and "I didnt know black hair was such a struggle!" amd my favorite, "I dont know how you do it! If I had hair like that I'd probably just shave it all off!" I'm just saying...don't pity me. As you said, I don't "go through" any more than any other woman and I happen to love my natural hair. It's not a struggle and it's not a burden.
  5. Ita with your theory. I also think Porsha refused to play along with it and that is why her role got reduced.
  6. Please don't think of my type of hair as something I have to "go through." Honestly, I find it a little insulting.
  7. . I actually think that's more of an example of Kenya's lack of emotional intelligence. Here is a woman who claims she plays a role, riles people up on purpose but it's just for the show, etc and she never once stopped to think that someone might actually take offense or have a real reaction to her bullshit. I don't think anybody anticipated her bringing a bullhorn and shouting insults in people's faces. Porsha was raw and emotional from her divorce and made a big mistake (as she's admitted) but Kenya is the stupid one there for thinking she could proprove real humans and not expect real reactions.
  8. And she seems to always have something going on. She has that Ask Porsha spot in OK mag, she was on The Real this morning, she did the red carpet for the BET awards. She's definitely hustling. Meanwhile Cynthia's still letting Peter drive her to the poorhouse while she does pageants in an effort to extort money out of pathetic moms who live through their daughters.
  9. So Aging Goth (I can't bold on my phone) had a great post in the episode thread about Porsha not getting credit and I wholeheartedly agree. Books smarts are just one facet of intelligence. Porsha may not be book smart but I believe she is savvy and I think she has a good bit of emotional intelligence (something I think Cynthia and especially Kenya lack). She can read people and situations and I think that's why she could show up to a meeting an hour late, 100% wrong, and still have Cynthia pressed and flailing while she kept her cool. She knew Cynthia was going to turn up and look foolish and sure enough, that's what happened. I also agree that she has made the most of her time on the show, which was discussed upthread. Hell, she even parlayed her mugshot into a PR win when most people would have been clowned and dragged for it in the media. AG also made the (IMO) excellent point that only Nene and Porsha have seen through what Kenya is doing this season. I have a sneaking suspicion that Kenya's getting a good edit this year which means rewriting history a bit, and I think Porsha refusing to play along with it might be why she got demoted.
  10. Aging Goth, meet me in the Porsha thread because I have some thoughts about your post (which was on point).
  11. I hear you. It's all very ugly. I would never insult people like that in real life. But for me, watching the show, I think it's only fair that if they toss around stupid or ghetto or moose, then old is fair game.
  12. Is age off limits? These people have made fun of each other based on their God given looks, the way they speak, the way they dress, their height, size, mental capacity, and so on. I don't see why age is so objectionable, and I say that as someone who is on the far side of 30.
  13. Was college never tossed around as an option for Kayla? If not, that makes me sad. And Riley was a little rude. But good for Kandi for being g supportive of Todd for ONCE. Claudia seems cool for now. Her voice gives me Marlo teas but she's pretty and she makes Kenya slightly less boring. Cynthia is just ridiculous. She was 100% in the right about Porsha's lateness but she had to turn up and make herself look like an asshole. I can't take a whole season of turnt up Cynthia. Porsha couldn't help but laugh in her face, she was so over the top. Ugh, shut up Cynthia. And that jumpsuit was cute to me. If she was gonna make fun of anything it should have been that ugly ass headpiece.
  14. I would do more intricate if I knew how LOL (holds tightly to black card) Yeah I don't think light skinned guys are trophies (see every joke about Drake). They had a brief moment in the sun thanks to All B Sure and Christopher Williams but the Morris Chestnuts and Idris Elbas tend to fare better these days.
  15. This is true. Most African Americans have some European ancestry but it is my opinion that many claim NA because they don't want to claim white with all the pain and baggage that that carries.
  16. Yes it does for us. I can give my daughter two cute braids in ten minutes.
  17. I actually didn't care for that so much. I have a natural daughter and I sort of soft press her hair sometimes (picture Rudy Huxtable) with my flat iron but the whole hot comb thing takes about as much time and effort as washing and braiding natural hair does. Maybe more. Diane has a hard press to make her hair completely straight which is perfectly fine if that's the look they want but I thought the excuse they used was sort of a copout. Jmo.
  18. Oh ok. Should have known LOL. No wonder her and Brandon are back on that piano this year.
  19. Whatever happened with the baby? Wasn't she supposed to get inseminated awhile back? Or was that yet another fake storyline?
  20. No offense taken at all. I hear it a lot and was commenting on the general idea. I actually think it's a valid one. No worries.
  21. Yes to this. Kenya isn't that stupid. I think she knew good and well what she was doing and I think lying ass Apollo had a broke clock situation going on when he told her they were both wrong. She tried to brush past it but I think she knows deep down that she was almost as shady and messy as he was with the way she played up the texts.
  22. Because that is the manner to which she has become accustomed. To.
  23. Interesting how Kenya glossed over the fact that she was the one who originally misrepresented the texts Apollo sent her. Her flirting and threesome comment plus the text misrepresentation are what made it easy for people to believe she was going after Apollo. He's a total dick. I hated his little smirk when he said he made up the fallatio stuff. It seems clear to me that he hates both Phaedra and Kenya and wanted to see them both humiliated. Cynthia is boring. She's just literally a boring person. Her party was boring, her photoshoot was boring, even the way she talks is boring. Nene was boring too but looks like she's back next week. I'd love to not see Joyce on my screen again. She's vile. Interesting that even Claudia thinks Kenya provoked Porsha. That dentist was cute. Alright then. Phaedra better get on that.
  24. You have a point in that not everyone is cut out for college but I have taught students like Porsha who blossomed once they found what they were good at/interested in. As her thread title says, she'll never be a history professor, but I think she (and anyone) can learn. And in Porsha's case, there are no financial constraints that would make college a burden or waste of time. It could only help her, IMO.
  25. I don't hate anyone so much that I would disparage the idea of them furthering their education but I guess reality TV is that serious for some people. The American education system has a shitty enough reputation on its own that I think it could survive the enrollment of a reality TV personality.
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