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Everything posted by beadgirl

  1. Oh, Lester, you stupid fuck. If Malvo tells you to walk away, you walk away. But no, your new-found machismo wouldn't allow that. Freeman was brilliant in the elevator -- sick to his stomach as he realized all over again what Malvo was, but still too proud to say "no" and get off when he asked "Is this what you really want?" I know, I was all tensed up! But I don't think Malvo noticed Gus at all, having no reason to pay attention to a postal truck. Another tense scene -- Molly's dad and Malvo. Malvo wasn't even trying to be charming or deceptively ordinary. "Best apple pie I've had since the Garden of Eden!" Molly, Gus, his daughter, and Molly's dad must survive.
  2. Hate. Especially when they mangle grammar, like that idiotic "I think the sun might be shining just a little more bright / I think the stars might be hanging just a little more high." Brightly! Higher! GAH.
  3. I think another crucial difference is that we have not seen Black Widow's crimes, as we were introduced to her long after she had a change of heart. Moreover, she may very well intend to spend the rest of her life atoning for her sins, with no expectation of being forgiven by anyone. Given that she has been in secondary roles in two movies, we simply haven't seen enough to know for sure what her mental state is, so we have to take the writers' word for it (well, we don't have to, but you know what I mean). Ward, on the other hand, had a major role on a 22-episode TV show, which spent quite a bit of time on him -- his character, his background, and his misdeeds. We've seen first hand, so to speak, what he did and what he is capable of, so it is more visceral for us. Add to that the fact that he has shown not an ounce of remorse, or even an acknowledgement that what he did was objectively evil, and the audience (or at least I) will probably have a harder time accepting his "changing" if it feels inauthentic, or too easy or consequence-free.
  4. She is the crazy child-saving lady, FozzyBear. She's also the supposed rape victim/mob hitwoman, the ex-wife who doesn't want the current wife/widow to implant her fertilized eggs, and the ME who botched an investigation into the death of a black boy. So she's been busy.
  5. Heh. I always get the two Pompeo episodes confused because she looks so the same in both. I recently watched the season 4 episode "Nurture," which was a little bonanza of guest stars -- Camryn Manheim, Christine Baranski, and HeyIt'sThatGirl! Lisa Eichhorn, whom I recognized from a bunch of other episodes.
  6. Maybe, that rings a bell. Would the writers know (and care enough) to use the word "prison," indicating that he is serving a sentence, and not "jail," where he could be awaiting trial still (or serving a very short sentence, unlikely for murder)?
  7. Me too. As long as they keep it as subtle as they have -- anything even slightly more obvious would make it ridiculous. From the moment where Malvo fucked with the motelkeeper's grandson, I saw him as more of a force for chaotic evil than an actual man, which is why I am ok with, and expect, that he will walk away from all of this absolutely scott free. But that also means I want and expect Lester to get caught, or otherwise punished, partly for my own satisfaction and partly because he is an ordinary man. He may also have accepted a plea, perhaps convinced he could not win at trial, or perhaps as part of a deal to salvage his son's fate. I also see his wife abandoning him and no longer paying for his attorney, and Chazz falling into a sort of hopelessness and maybe pleading for that reason. He doesn't strike me as a particularly strong person.
  8. I assumed it was because her world was rocked -- she staked much on Lester being guilty, and the spiderweb of connections, only to apparently find out was someone else entirely and Lester was innocent. I think this is new to her (investigating a major crime), and although she is quite sharp and on the ball, she is also inexperienced and impulsive (witness her running off into white-out conditions without her partner). Hearing that Chaz was responsible has shaken her confidence deeply.
  9. beadgirl

    All Episodes Talk

    I think you are right, rubaco. As for the superfan ... I don't get that. At all.
  10. Well, apparently the Byron debacle would have been given to Ivanova, so bullet dodged there.
  11. I'm guessing he won't like that the King returned the money. I'm liking the contrast between Lester and Gus -- both are (or started out as) incompetent doofuses, but Gus has the integrity to recognize his faults and to try to correct his mistakes. Lester, on the other hand, has an undercurrent of darkness that has become, well, current. In his mind, everything he does is justified. How did Key and Peele not hear all that gunfire?
  12. Heh. There's also "My love will fix him!" I never found Ward that interesting a character, so that's why I liked this storyline, and the fact that they seem committed to it. (Plus, it's made me like Skye more.) Whether he remains evil, or undergoes a genuine redemption, I'm ok with it, assuming the redemption is long and hard and earned, and results in him doing good for its own sake and not to get into Skye's pants, and doesn't fix all the broken trust. "I had a moment of regret; all better now! Bygones!" would make me stabby.
  13. I finally saw this episode, and I think it is my new favorite. Such an ordinary plot (little girl afraid of the dentist) made hysterical because of oddball family members and a good-natured dentist. I love that Louise had a "go bag" stashed, but her plan was that of a child's -- [paraphrasing] "this is a school ID with your name penciled in. I'm going to call the cops now so they can take you home." "Ok, bye!" Tina was a surprisingly effective mole; her ordinary awkwardness covered up her awkwardness from being the inside man.
  14. Wow. I have to hand it to the show -- things happen, there are real, permanent consequences, and the show progresses. Given their commitment to seeing the various storylines through to their conclusions, I am increasingly ok with Carter's death (although I still miss her). I know I said last week I wanted a return to person-of-the-week stories, but this is good too! So will it take them the entire season to come back together and take down Decima? And the icing on the cake? Finding out he had been played by the person who represents everything he stands against right before he died. Heh. Camryn Manheim was magnificent.
  15. Ha ha, me too! While I liked the idea of a Grimm's son not inheriting the legacy, Josh himself kind of annoyed me. His whiny foot-dragging was frustrating to watch, and I wanted him to just either humor his dying father's crazy ideas or do the right-from-his-perspective thing and call the cops and a doctor. I'm curious as to how Josh's father found Nick -- is there some sort of Grimm informational network Nick doesn't know about? Are there clues in the odd happenings in Portland that a Grimm would recognize? Did he know (of) Aunt Marie? I like that the show is introducing more Grimms, but it is not in a way that gives us much information about how, if at all, Grimms communicate with each other or work together. Nick's mom has been in hiding for decades, Aunt Marie and Josh's father (wish I could remember his name) died before they could impart much, and Trubel (gah) is completely ignorant. It appears that neither the writers nor Adalind have learned their lesson. Monroe's line about wedding stress was the best. I hope we get to see bad-ass Monroe soon, if not in the finale then in next season. I'm all for Rosalee and Monroe, but we've seen enough of their domestication. (I did enjoy the all too brief scene in Rosalee's shop.)
  16. Wow. I want next week's episode now now now. But then Finch would have known who Collier was from the beginning. Also, that doesn't strike me as his method; he'd either be more direct or completely hidden, if that makes sense. So, could it be a new player? If the season finale finishes off Decima and temporarily sets back Vigilance, as I predict, this mysterious entity could be set up for next year, perhaps to wrap up Vigilance then.
  17. I also like to think that while Harold hid a lot from her, everything he did tell her (especially about what he feels) was true. I have a feeling the Decima storyline will be wrapped up this year, although I'm sure something (say, the fate of the Machine or Finch) will be left hanging. I kind of wish Root and the Machine had managed to sic Decima and whatchamacallit, the privacy terrorist group, on each other. I'd like to see them take each other out.
  18. Speaking of Clark, this article cracked me up: http://www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/04/29/what_would_happen_if_the_vice_president_killed_the_president.html We already know what would happen if the vice-president assassinated the president, and it played out the way this article suggests.
  19. That's really interesting; some of it I knew from other sources. Is there a link to the memo? I'd like to read it. The idea that B5 would end with the War without End story is intriguing. No G'Kar after season 3, however, would be wrong wrong wrong.
  20. I'm going to assume it happens via the same mechanics that allow Regina to pump blood through her system even though Zelena has her heart. Way back at the beginning of the show, one thing I felt was absolutely necessary was for Regina to have a genuine love for Henry, no matter how evil she otherwise was, or how unhappy he was. Despite any misteps with Regina's characterization over the series, the writers have kept that up, and I was so, so pleased to see that her love for Henry was true and strong enough. Even if she doesn't have her heart (maternal love is strong, y'all!). So not an Emma/Hook shipper, but even I thought the manufactured anger was lame. I can get behind a friendship between the two, though. Finally, a thought I had throughout the episode: why hasn't anyone tried to throw water on Zelena? Belle, with her book-knowledge, is pseudo-genre savvy, and both she and Emma should know about that if they know the OZ stories. I began wondering if there was some reference I missed in the last few episodes, indicating that water is not her weakness (my damn wiener kids often keep me from catching everything that happens on this show), or whether they were saving it for the finale. But in the previews, we see Dorothy and the water scene, so I guess they have not forgotten it; it's just not a permanent solution, apparently.
  21. Especially because I keep wanting to pronounce it "trooble."
  22. No one can top Lilith, but if I had to pick someone for Frasier other than her, I'd go for Claire. She got along with Martin, too! For Martin, I liked Ronnie just fine. Or more precisely, I liked the way she teased Frasier -- "You may get away with that now, but once I'm your mother ...". Cam's mother was great, though, and it would have meant more Cam, who was never not awesome, even when he wasn't in an episode. "That was the worst impression of Cam I've heard!" "You've heard another?" "No." "Then that was the best impression."
  23. Good episode. Loved Tina's plan to throw it into the ocean, with Louise and the two guys saying "oh no, please don't" while taking off shoes and preparing to go swimming. But now I wonder: as it is illegal to possess or trade ambergris in the US, what can you do with it if you actually find some on a beach?
  24. I never really thought about the Cold War when I watched the series on its original run, but I do think the Vorlon/Shadow conflict could nonetheless resonate with viewers, because I think some of its themes (means and ends, order and chaos, "growing up") are timeless. The Earth government story, on the other hand -- assassinations, PsiCorps, Nightwatch, anti-alien racism, sensationalistic and biased media, the "if you are not for us you are against us" attitude -- that sure as hell is just as relevant today, if not more so.
  25. Sometimes, an episode comes along where you have to give up any expectation of logic, plausibility, and realism. And if you can, the episode becomes fun, in a goofy, stupid sort of way. Lanie standing up to whatshisname in a 70s way was awesome, as was Esposito failing so hard at the sliding down the hood of the car. I wanna see "Sabotage" now.
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