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Everything posted by Missbusy2000

  1. I HATE how they treat their pets. Every one of them has had an animal that has mysteriously disappeared, or died, or had to be given to a friend. That to me is SOOOOO bad, if anything the biggest indicator that they are evil people.
  2. Another week, another rape scene added in for shock value that was not in the books. I was willing to give a pass to the first few, but this is getting to be over the top. You know what would have been shocking? Lady Stoneheart. But she's a woman beyond fucking with and not at all sexual so of course they cut her out. Whaaaatever.
  3. It's kind of a bummer that Lena chose to show a home birth that helps to spread the idea that it's for quacks. In Canada, midwives attend low-risk home births all the time and it's a really great option for families that want to have that kind of birthing experience. Obviously not for everyone (say someone who is giving birth to a 1.5 month early baby, has no medical professional attending and has seemingly had no prenatal care!) but a viable option for some and this kind of perpetuates the idea that only extremely irresponsible people participate in home births.
  4. I honestly don't blame Jarecki for holding on to the evidence and that being why Robert Durst has walked free for the past few years. The police have shown such a mishandling of this whole thing, I think that their complete embarrassment at this documentary will end up being the only thing that motivates them to properly band together with the FBI and get this guy behind bars.
  5. I found this really interesting too, including the burping which he berated himself about while in the washroom with the hot mic. This man is constantly acting. I'm an actor and I'm often practicing things around the house, when I'm alone, sometimes I catch myself on the bus mumbling lines for pieces I'm working on and thinking about how I'd say them or how my character would. I bet my bottom dollar that's what he was doing the first time he was caught with a hot mic "did I tell the WHOLE truth?" bit. He was coaching himself, which I think he prides himself on. For example, he said that his lawyers thought he wouldn't be able to get through or perform well during the cross examination for Morris Black's dismemberment. And did he prove them wrong! It could also be one of the reasons he wanted to be in this documentary and enjoys different disguises. He is constantly acting, not just lying but dropping into characters. His innocent man who can win people over is one of them. And the real Bob Durst is a cold killer who has no regard for others, pees in people's waste baskets and is constantly speaking to himself. I think people who believe rationality was what motivated him to do these killings and that he is only responsible for the three murders are under his spell. Did he have motive to kill these individuals? Yes, but there is a level of enjoyment he experienced aswell. Getting drunk and stoned to chop up a body? Perhaps not a numbing action but to enhance the experience and get even more fun out of it. Doug Durst said his brother hurts others and lies about it because he is incapable of feeling emotions that others do vicariously and he gets off on the thrill. I know Doug hasn't been the most reliable or trustworthy person when it comes to Robert but I do feel he has insight that we don't understand and that most people who have had a glimpse into that insight have wound up dead. He's made it out alive and that's the statement he chose (the only statement really) to share with the public. This guy is a psychopath and there are probably more bodies out there. He can't help himself just as he can't help himself to stop lying.
  6. Mimi-Rose drives me crazy, what a phoney. I know there are many girls out there who are like this and get away with it, but that only makes it more infuriating. Ever since her proclamation that she was stepping out for a green juice I knew we were in for it. I predict it will get worse and that she is just a big act/as manipulative as Jessa. I think it's being set up for Adam to come crawling back and for Hannah to say no, and then for her to finally grow up a bit. If your guy is falling for THAT he deserves the mess he's left with. I really liked how Hannah went up to Adam and told him that she got why he left her. I thought that was really mature and big of her (uncharacteristically so) to admit that she wasn't always the best to him or for him. I don't think it excuses him for being such a coward for not telling her he'd moved on but it was great to see a bit of growth from her. I think it also allowed her to take a little bit of power back in a situation where she has none. She came off well when she did this. What is up with Jessa? Like Whaaa? I know she's pulled random and mean stuff to Hannah before (such as leaving her in the middle of nowhere at Jessa's dad's) but this is really a whole other level in it's pre-calculation. She's starting to come off as total death poison where as I just didn't see her that way before. I can't like her anymore the way she is being written, and it almost doesn't seem like it's natural for her character. Seems like a new idea the show people are throwing out, let's turn her into the craziest bitch ever. Marnie is a climber and seems confused in general. It's painful to watch these awful people but I can't look away! I'm routing for some actual change and growth but I doubt we will see that. I suppose the reason I watch is that the individual scenes themselves are really well written and it's fun to see the actor's back and forth. The character development of the girls is really arrested though.
  7. I loved this episode a lot! To me, the driving force of the show was the complex relationship between Stella and Spector and we finally got the pay off of seeing them interact face to face. Her goading him with the red nails during the press conference, their brief run in in the hallway, him breaking into her hotel and getting to know her better than anyone else on the entire show by reading her dream diary. It was what fascinated me the most and getting to see them in the same room was really satisfying! The nature of their relationship was always ambiguous to me but I think it finally clicked together in a really surprising way this last episode. I always felt that Spector viewed Stella as a mother figure, therefor a potential or ultimate victim. In the end, after their interaction, I think the real dynamic between them is Stella as a daughter figure. There were constant cuts between Stella and Olivia in the scene where Spector sees her for the last time, same hair colour, often the actresses had their head at the same angle. The fact that she is the only woman that Spector seems to have any respect for, other than his daughter ("I'll speak to Stella and Stella only"). He seemed so relieved to talk to her, finally be himself and explain his true world view to someone he thought his equal. It was great to see Jamie Dornan finally let some of this built up tension out, he had played Spector so restrained the entire series I almost didn't believe he was capable of the crimes until his interview with Stella and he started to show his true nature. Also, his jabs at her for preoccupation with her father, wanting to have sex with him or having been molested. She seemed really shaken by him saying this, I think there was some truth there. Her diary was proof that he was the only man she is interested in. Him and Spector! Finally how she holds him in the end. Her expression seems like she's clinging desperately to a father figure, his as though he's looking up to someone much younger, how he looks upon his daughter. I feel like there were a few hints earlier in the series as well, when Olivia says she wants to marry her father out of the blue. Kind of an odd thing for a child to say. Perhaps a foreshadowing to Stella's odd relationship with her father? I think Stella's daddy issues were really at play in this relationship and that's how I see her and Spector's back and forth in the end. At the very least it's how he finally got the upper hand over her, if it can be said he did that. I'd be interested to see how Stella's strong steely character perseveres after all of this trauma. Although I know she'll be back on top somehow as she is one bad ass detective.
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