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Everything posted by Darknight

  1. Sorry, I guess unnoticed is the wrong word. There are other Russian skaters who have beaten Eteri skaters and some even have better technique than them. Their biggest rival is CSKA another Russian skating ring. I try to keep up with Russian skating. Last year or two years ago there were non Eteri skaters that beaten Eteri skaters at competitions including Grand Prix events. So I don't understand why the Federation doesn't look at these skaters when they do win or when they're doing well. Not including Sofia and Liza. I guess I'm looking at current Russia skaters and I'm thinking how wonderful they are but the federation doesn't support them for whatever reason.
  2. Other Russian skaters can win too. If given the chance from Russian Fed. There are winners from other rings but for some reason they go unnoticed. I heard Russian fed only pays for Evgenia's travel and housing fees. They said they can't afford Brian to coach her and her other expenses. I don't know how true that is. It does make sense they think a North American coach is expensive compared to what Russia pays their coaches. I read coaches don't make much in Russian. If the coaches have medals they get more funding and more pay. I don't know how true that is but it makes sense And of course Russian Fed loves Medeveva. She has support from Tatiana and the president of federation. They've been nothing but supportive of her.
  3. I see many on other forums defending Eteri and the Russian methods. I just don't think people understand what skating does to the body. Especially to young girls. Also, skaters only having one good season then being replaced is bad for the sport. Sports are a business first and foremost. People get attached to certain skaters. Just like in Tennis- Williams sisters, Baskteball- James/Curry, Gymnasts- Biles, Swimmering-Phleps, Golf-Tiger Woods. They bring in money and viewers just by their names alone. So if different skaters skate each season due to puberty or burn out, or being replaced, that's a huge issue that the ISU needs to look at. What sponsor wants to sponsor a skater who only has one good season? There should not only be age limits but quads should be banned on the junior level. No 13 or 14 yo needs to land a quad. Quads should only be for seniors. Heck, in the dance world it's advised not to allow young girls do pointe work until 11/12. Some teachers even wait until 13/14 because pointe work is hard on the body. Of course there are teachers who allow pointe work at 7,8,9 years old then years later the child has an injury and can't dance anymore. Also, there are so many good Russian skaters. I just watched the most beautiful program by 14 yo Anastasiia from Russia. She was underscored and I don't understand why. She has huge jumps and nice technical skills. She could work on her musicality but overall her program was beautiful. For some reason Russia fed invests so much in Eteri skaters. Another young skater is Alena K from snow leopards. Sadly, they don't have much funding so they don't have a good ring. Also, the USA federation can talk about safety and age limits but it's pure bs. They support Lui learning a quad and are pushing quads with Ting and Hanna too as well as other young skaters.
  4. The biggest issue with Eteri is her way or no way and the multiple repetitions. You can't keep doing that to skaters. Their bodies can't handle it. Puberty and the teen years requires a change in technique. I'm sure next year Eteri will blame Alina for being lazy. They need to change choreographers too. Dannii's choreography is not good. I'm sure with a different program that allows her to breathe will help her Also, I didn't know Russian media hates Eteri too. Yikes that's shocking to read. I also read some Russian fans are pissed to see Rika doing quads because she is going to ruin the Eteri skaters dominance. They want Eteri skaters to go undefended like Evengenia did for two years. Well, two years ago Rika was not a senior. She is now and is killing it.
  5. Her mom is a former skater too but had to quit. It is sad. Well, look at what article came out. https://olympics.nbcsports.com/2019/01/27/european-championships-analysis-female-russian-skaters-stars-rise-fast-but-burn-out-too-soon/
  6. USA want medals but also want to show off in my opinion. I mean we use to be dominate. Some feds care about medals and winning like Russia but USA really wants to prove they're amazing. It's pride. I don't think they care about injuries or the skaters. They never learn their lesson at all. They never look at themselves. They just push the next big thing and pray it goes well. Then all we have are burned out skaters who think they're failures if they don't win or live up to the hype. I'm sure they're pushing quads now for the ladies now to yell that their ladies have quads too. I wish they would develop their skaters and stop worrying about Russia and Japan. We are not Russia and Japan. We are USA. Stop hyping skaters up to show off and make sure they have the right skills and right technique. Let young skaters grow and make mistakes. They're kids. Well Worlds will not have any USA, Japanese, or Russian judges for ladies and I think men's. Finally. It's about time. Judges should not be allowed to judge skaters from their own countries. ISU must be getting the message that judges should not judge skaters from their own country.
  7. I think my point is she is a young skater. That's the issue. Yes, she needs to have someone protect and advocate for her. She does not have a career yet, it's just starting. We've all seen this happen many times before with the USA federation. They want the next ice princess. They don't let skaters grow or look at themselves to grow skaters. They just hype skaters up and burn them out. They're telling everyone she is the future of skating and will make 2022. She will compete and win against the Russian and Japanese ladies. She skates better than them. What if that doesn't happen? Especially now with all the pressure and I'm sure sponsors she has. What happens if she gets injuries? Will she feel she let everyone down? It's not just about the disappointment for herself but for everyone too. Her family, the federation, her sponsors, fans. Then the media turns on skaters who don't live up to the hype. Let the kid skate and grow. Not put the whole federation on her back and hype her up. Also, injuries in developing young skaters can be very serious. Especially with quads. Their bodies are still growing. I want to see Alysa grow and be competitive. I don't want her to be hyped up and to be pushed by the USA federation so much that she gets burned out and/or feels as if she is letting everyone down if she doesn't live up to the hype.
  8. I forgot about her and Frank. It was so heartbreaking to hear he dropped her and she had to find out from the media. I wish someone was advocating for Gracie and these other young skaters. What happens if Alysa doesn't make the team for 2022? What about injuries? Also, men and women bodies are different. It's easier for a man to do a 3a and quads than a woman. A 3a is also forward not backwards. Many skaters quit if they can't learn to do 2a because that is needed for ladies to be competitive. Mirai got injuries doing the 3a. I think she was determined no matter what happened. I think learning any jump coaches, parents, and skaters need to be careful and take it easy. Not push and push. Seeing a skater doing quads and 3a does not mean you should do them when you don't have a good foundation first.
  9. My heart breaks for Gracie. It really does. She seems like a perfectionist too. Again, when will the fed learn from their mistakes? Who is this agent and why is she allowed to do this? Alysa's father needs to keep that lady far away from her.
  10. I think Tara and everyone forgets she had to retire at 15 and had hip replacement/ surgery at 18. Nobody wants to talk aboytabout the injuries. I don't know how I feel about Alysa's father or her coach. Her coach is very young and inexperienced. Her father seem to be the PR person. Nice guy but he needs to slow down too. He was concerned her score was not higher against Brandie I think in the short. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/article/Richmond-s-U-S-champion-figure-skater-Alysa-13564012.php As for Starr, by heart breaks for her. Her mom picks her music. Her mom is very specific on what she wants. I think her mom is the problem too. On top of her coaching issue. Her mom also has heart disease and had multiple heart attacks. I don't understand why they wouldn't let her stay in juniors. Maybe due to her fultz. Starr is not competitive and her mom needs to back off a bit. Money is tight but her coaching is not good. If something doesn't change then Starr will be left behind even further.
  11. The president of USA fed invested in her. Her father does too. They already decided she is their ice princess. So the federation never learns from their past mistakes. Alysa, her coach, and her dad look at the Russian jrs as inspirations. Do they not know Russian skaters(not including Liza) do not last long. They get burned out and injuried. As much as i hate how much attention and now pressure Alysa is getting, a small part of me is happy the Today and Tonight show is covering a figure skater. Skaters are not popular here(not counting the legends and how skating use to be popular) like it is in Russia and Japan. So maybe more people will watch and follow skating.
  12. My heart breaks for Kolyada. I mean Russian media is so cruel. He's being called a disgrace, failure, a non Russian. Poor guy. Maybe instead of bashing Russian men they should see it is mental. He had the lead them blew it. He can't handle the pressure. Skating is just as mental too. In fact I think it is more mental. Bashing the Russian men does not help. Looking at you Tatiana.
  13. Yes. Sadly, the judges don't care. This is why I miss Kwan and the old skating. I felt something. I couldn't stop watching. Now the judges just don't care and give points out like water. Especially for their favorites
  14. Interesting article about Alysa. She had hip injuries already. Yikes. Reading the comments USA federation and her father wanted this. USA fed already sent her and her coach to watch the Russians. They might go to Worlds too. She's learning quads. USA wants to send a message to Russia and Japan that they have a quad 3a girl too. My heart breaks for Kolyada. He had it then it slipped away. The russian men need a sports psychologist asap. It's also bs they called Javi's UR. I watched so many times I didn't see it. I read Starr skates for two hours per day 5/6 days a week and lives with her grandparents. She pays for skating with her go fund me. Her coach charges less than other coaches. My heart breaks for her because she has talent. It sucks skating is a rich people sport and you have to have money to skate. I wish we had scholarships and funding to help skaters out. You can have talent but won't go far without money.
  15. My daughter said Chen LP is him pretending to be an angry bird.
  16. I'm a dance mom. I also love watching dance. Especially from my own kids. Interpretation and musicality is part of a performance and dancer's score. The majority of dancers on world of dance will get better scores on musicality and interpretation than the majority of skaters. I think many skaters would hate me if I were to judge them on musicality. It's sad Jason has better musicality but the judges don't think that. People should feel something when you skate.
  17. Her mom chooses her music too. Starr needs better training. Sadly, I don't see her doing well without a better coach and better music. I think her coach was Adam's coach too.
  18. Omg that's exactly what I saw watching him. Like the movie happy feet. I just saw a penguin and I'm questioning Wang for creating that costume. With no musicality. Hey what about Jason Tara? Tara and Johnny are annoying. I usually mute their commentary.
  19. I think there should be a limit. Sometimes it looks pretty sometimes it doesn't
  20. Ok, Vera Wang why did you make Nathn look like a penguin? And why are Nathan and Jason's PC scores similar and close? Ugh. Skating politics.
  21. Tatiana never fails to surprise me. This woman doesn't care what comes out of her mouth. She called Kolyada and Nikita failures and wants them both replaced. Replaced by who? Carmen needs to die. Literally, I don't want to hear that music again.
  22. Can anyone please explain to me why it is appropriate to tell the whole world that 13 yo Alyssa Liu was born via surrogate and egg donation. Shouldn't this be private for the sake of the developing 13 year old. There is no need to promote information like this. What does this have to do with her skating? Now everyone keeps mentioning it. Especially USA fed. Ugh. Do people understand she has friends and goes to school. Maybe she didn't want that shared. I adore Jason. I love seeing him grow. I can watch him over any quads any day.
  23. I said the same thing. He has no emotion or musicality at all.
  24. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who feels like this. Everyone else I know is like what's wrong with you for not supporting a 13yo winning. Um, she is 13. That's the issue. If we can talk about Russia having 3 juniors on the podium and doing quads at 13 and 14 then we need to talk about Alyssa too. Why is Alyssa learning quads? Her 3a isn't that great. She has so much talent but I'm not on the hype machine. She has so much growth to do and I would hate to see USA fed and the media ruin her. Not calling her out on her UR is a huge issue with USA skating. So many USA ladies have UR issues. Off topic a bit but this reminds me of the younger dancers who were amazing at 7,8,9,10,11 years old. They won everything. They were amazing. By the time they were teens they burned out. I remember Caroline Zhang being the next best thing. Look what happened to her. Mirai, Gracie, others. The pressure and attention at young ages isn't healthy. If figure skating becomes a little girl sport like gymnastics was, they're going to have to change the age limits or limit what young skaters can do. I don't understand why quads aren't banned for juniors. We can't keep having 13,14,15 year olds winning then burn out as they go through puberty and become adults. Yes. Nathan Chen.
  25. Too bad USA skating isn't talking about Hannah. Her jumps are gorgeous but maybe it's best not to hype her up. . I also agree with Enero. I know some will disagree but US nationals is boring. I haven't been excited for it or US skating in over 10 years. I was excited to see the juvenile levels but the seniors are boring. I wish Starr would get better coaching because she can grow so much. None didn't really catch my eyes. Who ever picked out Hannah's costume should be in costume skating jail. With the new upcoming talent, I'm sure they'll keep Brandie and Mariah for now until the juniors and soon to be juniors become seniors. Congrats to Javi. Too bad Kolyada couldn't pull it together. I could've been ok with him winning because he's really growing on me but I'm happy for Javi. I'm just sad he will retire. Mariah and her sense of humor is so cute. Raf is stern but in a good way I guess. Johnny and Tara, please stop comparing our ladies to Russia. They're American ladies not Russian. We have a different system here. I don't want USA figure skating to be like Russia. Our system isn't perfect but I think it's ran much better than the Russian system. It's interesting USA fed sent Alyssa and her coach to the GP final to watch the Russians. They're really investing in this kid. I guess they didn't learn their lesson with Nathan and other skaters who were hyped up at young ages. If anything, I hope Alyssa ignores the hype and media to focus on herself. I don't know if this is accurate or not. I heard at Europeans, they were casually listing off all the skaters that were pushed aside by Eteri. RAF is always like that. His reactions are funny too. He is a very smart guy and coach in my opinion. His interviews are very interesting.
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