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  1. I really liked episode 8, right until the ending. For me, I'm not a fan of GameJoel or ShowJoel, but there were moments past all of his aggressiveness and attitude that I truly felt for him. In the game, when Sara dies, there's a moment as Joel is hovering over Sara, trying to stop the bleeding, looking at her, etc, and he says "I'm gonna pick you up" and then he does. Like it was gonna hurt her like hell, but he had to hold her and tell her that he was gonna be there for her, but he also wouldn't do it without warning her since he doesn't want to hurt her. The other time is when he first calls Ellie babygirl, I just remember him clearly calling out Ellie's name over and over as he tries to get her away from David, and he just keeps talking to try to bring Ellie back to herself, with minimal touching. Because he had to make sure she was okay, had to get her back from that dark place, and unfortunately the show did not give me that same emotion. And nothing against Pedro, because I got that he cared about Ellie- it was just him coming up silently behind her, almost restraining her as she freaked out, just killed the moment. I did really enjoy his interrogation scene though. I thought Bella did great, especially really the way Bella moved around the cage to keep as far away from David as possible.
  2. Well I'm sad we traded Izadora's somewhat cool death for Anacostia's self-sacrificing death. I'm glad everyone else got happy endings. I wish it felt like the show had earned the story's happy ending though. This ending would have felt more organic if it were a season 4 or 5 ending, and we'd seen more of a struggle between the mains and the Camarilla. If we'd gotten more about the country itself's feelings about this all, and if we'd gotten any kind of reaction to the NATO-like council they introduced in the first season- which I had remembered before, but Alder running into the the Rep. of Congo's witches?/military reminded me of once again. I'd have liked to have see Hearst's sister's reaction to realizing she was a witch though. Not that it matter's any longer, but Nicte's free right? Everyone's witches, new world, old stuff thrown out, at least for her, right? lol. Overall, this was fine- not really suspenseful, slightly irritating, interesting result. As a whole I'd give this season a C, because of all the bts shenanigans. If/when I rewatch the show, I'll be stopping at season 2 for sure though. Thanks to everyone who stuck around and commented through this last season, and thanks again to Cranberry for all the links and videos :)
  3. I just... *sigh* Look I know the trial couldn't be the last two episodes (It should have been since it was their big plot). I know they needed Raelle to have the trial for their plot. I've already gone on about how the plot should have been, you know, fighting with the actual armies all three sides have. But they literally THREW AWAY their trial plot after three minutes. I just... I don't think I've ever watched a show and felt so personally attacked as a writer. This isn't rocket science. Their plot was never going to work because of Taylor's car crash, but they forced it anyway, and I just want to scream, but that's dumb. Why did they not rework it better? They gathered all those people for the different army shots, why not use them for actual plot purpose? I think any fans would have liked action happening, even if it wasn't related to the unit, rather than watch people who are supposed to be capable and the best, fumbling around with the idiot stick every other episode. Why didn't we see the Camarilla take Garrett at Fort Salem, or anyone for that matter? (Was that Garret, what's his name? I'm pretty sure Garrett is a dead dude from season 1.) Why didn't we see the interrogations? Honestly the Camarilla occupying Fort Salem always came off as doofuses. Seeing them mistreating witches would have upped the tension, and at the very least reminded me of what that man's name was. I felt bad that Tally didn't have anyone for the ending, but really show? Giving her that guy? Who looked so uncomfortable, I half thought he was going to be Hearst, of course I also thought Nicte could be Hearst. I mean that would have been a cool twist. And a call back to the last Bellweather wedding getting wrecked by the Camarilla. Which leads me to the my other gripe. I can buy Hearst breaking the other president out of prison, we know their people are all over the government, so of course they're in law enforcement too. But Fort Salem had what, a skeleton crew working? Of course Hearst has to poison the mother/mycellium. Of course there's no one on base, even though the Cession is no longer under occupation. Of course there's no squad guarding the one place they KNOW that Hearst and the Camarilla would die to get access to. They know the Camarilla know a crap-ton of their moves and info about their base, but sure, let's have it be empty for no reason that makes sense. I mean it's not like that's what the Camarilla have been trying to do all season or anything. And what about the rest of the country? What was their reaction to the trial, then President Wade taking back over? Not worth mentioning? Are people still upset? Or are we just supposed to assume that it's like the U.S. right now? It's not that I couldn't like their plot. I can enjoy storylines if they're done right, even if I wouldn't have personally chosen that path. I have watched shows with terrible writing just because they invest time in their characters feelings/and or growth. They knew they were being cancelled. They knew they were going to have to sacrifice lore and backstory. And they knew they had to wrap up Nicte and the Camarilla. And they could have done it, but they didn't. I think there's been three episodes that moved the plot along. Three out of nine. You didn't have Taylor, fine focus on who you do have. You had The Army, you had the Camarilla Army, you had a Cession Army- you had Fort Salem being occupied, and apparently people being tortured, show it! You had Nicte, and literally did nothing with that plot. Or show us the Cession welcoming the unit. Have them meet up with the Council and "strategize" while showing us the weirdo lady was working with the Camarilla. How? Who was her contact? Hearst? He got into the Cession pretty easily. What's the plot there? Apparently his sister got all the mining properties from their parents, did he use his sister's contacts to meet up with weirdo lady Council member? Or same thing, but add a bit of lore that Hearst's family knows all about that particular nation's grievances about the mining territories since they've heard it for years. Wow look at that, literally the time it took me (20 mins so far) to write this post I found backstory and gave them a couple episodes worth of things to shoot without Taylor. Instead we got half thought out plots, and twists that were not twists, but rather just the follow up to something from two or three episodes ago. Now angry, writer viewer aside, I did enjoy the main character parts that we got in this episode. Except Anacostia, I don't believe that she would have left the mycellium or Fort Salem unguarded. Did not enjoy being re-introduced to a character I vaguely recall, but cannot name. Or his awkwardness, or Nicte's awkwardness. Or watching Izadora die, and not use her telepathy/link whatever it was, to tell someone on the base or Petra what was happening. Is the mind thing only for witches in the general vicinity? Petra used it for a large group of people out at Fort Salem. And Alder... what the eff, she literally teleported in one episode, why was she trapped in a mountain? Does she literally have no powers if she can't reach the mycellium? That might have been an important thing to- oh wait, we saw her scream-fling Tally away last episode, so nope, she had power. They just needed to get Khalida back into play since they forgot about her/weren't using her to tease another twist. Okay, so I enjoyed about four main characters and disliked two main characters and several side characters. (As an aside, I don't usually notice clothes, but I like Raelle's first outfit better than the one she got married in.) I will just be turning my brain off for the next episode, whatever they show us, fine, don't care, I'm watching to see who lives and dies, and who gets an actual happy ending. Love all the actors on this show, and I still love the show despite this dumpster fire of a season, and I'm just gonna forget as much of this season as possible with the exception of the character moments.
  4. okay, i cried over that bts
  5. The pacing for this episode was... very off. We went from Anacostia exiting the diner (the same day the last episode ended on), to a scene where one of the elite soldiers that captured Scylla has been wandering around for about a week. Then by the end of the episode it had already been another week? But also, there had to be time for Alder and Tally to travel to Germany (where the mycellium can't get thru the mountains because of the ice). So this whole episode took place over the course of two and a half weeks at the least amount of time? Lame. Also contributing to the off pacing was the descriptors we had already been given of "the slaughterhouse". Last week, the elite squad said it's somewhere no witches come back from, they hyped it up again this episode right before the unit left, and then it's a school- with swings. I just... They had their very scary looking football stadium where the Camarilla army was... why not use that set? We already had 3 times jumps this episode, it could have worked and explained why the Cession Army couldn't help much better than "we can't cross the line". Umm yes, you can cross the line when you are being occupied and killed. You have a literal army, that you hid from the other council members, exactly for this purpose. The other thing throwing off the pacing, the stupid Anacostia and Nicte scenes. Why have them play out that way? Why not have Anacostia making the pardon offer? She's smart she could have tried that against Nicte and it would have been more effective than angrily trying to guilt Nicte into joining. All the characters were hit with the stupid stick this week. But these scenes could have gone better, they still could have had the whole Anacostia driving past the balloon thing, not knowing if Nicte was about to kill her or send her army of bats to look for the marshal, end the episode with that balloon popping and us not knowing the outcome? Is this a rushed attempt at rehabing Nicte? I mean Nicte kills indiscriminately... but I don't blame her what she's become- I blame Alder. And for the third time this episode, another character hit with the stupid stick... Alder is a steward, Alder should not have been left at the cave in. So they are still two songs short, and supposedly don't know the other location of the body, but Alder did. Tally no longer has her sight to get to the last body. Supposedly, and reasonably, Alder is trapped unless she teleported herself out of that cave to somewhere nearby. Which we've seen her do, so she just straight up left Tally to die of frostbite? Unless Alder stayed at the cave to take back Tally's sight, this was a very dumb decision on the writers' part. And even then, it still is stupid imo, because I don't care about surprises at this point. They are arguably worse off than when they started. But hey, the time we did waste about Tally trying to power up her sight, was so worth it. And I'm gonna be super surprised when Alder shows up at the cabin, or wherever, with some random that she's transferred the other last witch's powers to. This was a really disappointing episode, especially since last week's had so much unity across all the different witches. Two badass parts though, Raelle rescuing Scylla with a bluff and her reputation, and Petra exploding the stupid general man's heart. Good for her. I love it when the silent and rule following types get to show that they do what it takes to be where they are. The Camarilla, that general specifically, walked themselves into this trap. I'd like to see her using those news crews to her advantage in the next episode. Would have liked to see some follow up on Council member who sold out her other council members follow up. Too much to ask for apparently. I would have traded the stupid stand off where the soldiers died for no reason for that scene though. And yes, it was stupid for Abigail to just stand there and watch them all die when she could have summoned that storm at any time. I hate episodes where the plot calls for characters to be stupid, especially since we just saw Abigail try to save the marshals last week. If it had only been to move along the story that might have been fine. But Alder's was just for another surprise, as was Anacostia and Nicte's. They were all choices on the show's part, not Abigail so much because we had to use that school set apparently? Although completely bs on the council woman just staying they can't cross the line. Completely effin dumb. Tally's was plot related to an extent, but that just gave us all the wasted time in the first half of the season. Neither of which were good decisions, imo, on the show's part. But the Alder and Anacostia/Nicte ones are worse. I think this was my least favorite episode of the season so far, excluding the two badass moments.
  6. See, I assumed Santos was still bad/or at the very least still shared the same views, because he had that picture of him and "his student that liked to take it too far" aka psycho!Camarilla out on display for people to see in his shop. The rope was in the big opening area, still on display. For a second, I thought maybe he had changed, but the way he had everything setup seemed to me like he had retired/been run out by a more "serious" member (p!C). Heck it's even possible this guy was supposed to be looking for witch stuff, or just a plant by the Camarilla. I really hope it isn't the last one though because there is no time to be adding new stories. I agree completely though about Alder, that was some long held pain/anger that she finally got to vent, probably something we never would have seen if she weren't part of the mycellium. Yeah umm, not too sure Scylla's plan was the best, lol. Like saving the council was important, but how likely is it that we're going to have the council at the final battle? That's my take though, and it was a very selfless thing for her to do for the greater good, which nicely mirrored Abigail's actions. I think it really just highlighted to me though, that her redemption/integration to the unit would have been the season 3 focus. And I wish we had gotten all those stories for the mains and Scylla. I liked that again we got another leader speech (go Abigail!) but these speeches should have been happening as they expanded their number of witch allies/rallying people against the Camarilla, not just floating around the Cession. It didn't make sense, don't worry. The show is still trying to keep the finale a mystery. The only reason for Nicte and Anacostia to act the way they did was to 1) The president Wade thing, and 2) hide the fact that Nicte's gathering up people ie. trying to make us wonder what her motivations are. Is she gathering a group to fight? Is she gathering a group to come in at the last second and yank victory away right after the unit/army has defeated the Camarilla? (There is the outside chance that they were trying to do a game respects game thing between Anacostia and Nicte, but I doubt it.) And my thoughts are just: no. I'm sorry these are the final episodes, they already had Nicte and the president yeet themselves so the unit will be the main focus- this is not the time for mysteries. I want these factions of witches to come together and rise up, that is what would make each victory/or defeat that much better.
  7. I knew the weirdo was too weird to not be suspect. I couldn't tell if she really thought the Camarilla were just going to take the council away to talk or what tho. Either way, I don't know how she thought not having mining rights was going to be solved if there were no mines for her people, or was this about territory? Cuz she's crazy if she thought she was going to get any territory and not just killed by the Camarilla. This episode was going along really well until Anacostia peaced out to keep looking for the president. I almost want to laugh, but I know that it doesn't matter how they bring the president in, the show has already shown us that she basically has no one. And unless she's got friends in different political friends in other countries, I don't know how her showing up at the end is going to be the cool rush the show wants it to be. We did get to see Nicte though, kinda weird she had a whole bar of people and she's NOT preparing them to fight the Camarilla. Loved everything else. Except for the one guy who died, he did the right thing, but it makes me sad. I did chuckle though when the supreme, elite, badass squad kept gossiping about Raelle being back. How many episode are left? I just want her back and happy with Scylla. I want everyone to get a happy ending, though I'm not really sure what that would be for Tally. Any thoughts?
  8. This episode was great. We got some character stuff, but we also got more urgency when it came to the plot. I wish all the eps had followed this format. Instead we've had the president's daughter being a virus/part human dangling through episodes, slowly setting up what could have only made it into one ep. See what happens when you split up the big group, show? You can build more tension instead of having everyone look like idiots every time they let psycho!camarilla man live multiple times when there's seven plus witches around. That after the storm for the episode was almost hard to watch. I mean they've all been sad, but idk it made me sadder than the others.
  9. Yup, not bad, just needed to cut some storylines to wrap up the series. Unfortunately, there's no storylines to cut with how they set up the end of season 2. Honestly, they should have had the president dead with the start of the season, and killer dad president already doing his storm trooper bs. It would have cut the need for several of these episodes of set up Camarilla-wise. They've shown us nothing new Camarilla-wise except crazy pants being willing to put witch vocal cords in his throat. Then you get gestapo human army going after witches, while they set up their poisoning of the mycellium (if they had to be married to that plot), and show them taking over/revealing themselves to be in all parts of the government. The plan on the witches' side being for the unit to split up and bring together the different factions of the witch community to fight the Camarilla. They wouldn't even have to use Raelle's actress, just show her planning to get to a Spree hold out place, or depending on the actor's availability, just have Raelle get captured right away, or fall off a cliff, have the mycellium steal her again, whatever. Could have had Abigail, Adil and Khalida joining up with the army side to organize attacks, protect people, or just go after the president's people. So it would have been Scylla and Nicte to go rally the Spree, and Raelle and Tally do the same in the Cession and Tally's commune type communities. So Raelle is with the mycelliuim/ captured whatever, they have to regroup. So Tally, Scylla and Nicte is the new plan to get to the factions, with Abigail and Adil working with the witch army on protecting people/ whatever the writers plan is with all the witch experiments we've seen. Could also have had protests within the general populace and shown the storm trooper human army that way too. That way they would have done more with the Nicte sl. Spree deciding to join the fight and Nicte somehow swaying Tally with that and the training. There needed to be someone step up to lead with Alder being gone. And everyone having to trust Nicte, or not trust her, would have been an interesting counterpoint to last season with Alder. You still get the tension of Nicte and the other non army witches not liking that they have to work with Abigail/the witch army. Shift it to the cession when the humans have fully turned against them. Then in the Cession, show more of the council (all to make up for Raelle being gone), Tally growing in her powers doing kind of morally wrong tactics to fight against the human army/Camarilla. They find out about the mycellium being poisoned because someone on the council is working with the Camarilla (so their tribe won't be persecuted/annihilated). With the mycellium being poisoned, they have to shift their focus again, so they could have Abigail, Adil and little miss sus, go and try to round up the people who were holders of the first song (with Alder). Then spend a couple episodes with Tally balancing out herself after all the training with Nicte, with her mom and her community and the commune. Build up that bit of backstory about the commune people in those episodes. By that point there's no way there's any witch groups left that don't know what the Camarilla are doing, they're all willing to join, etc. Since I don't know what the availability was for Raelle's actress, you can keep whatever the writer's have planned for her, so either some big fight against the human army, or some covert op with a ton of witchy backup to try to take out the leadership of the Camarilla, while the rest of the witches around the country protect themselves and the humans who are pro-witch. And I'm assuming right now, that the witch bomb is a good thing, and not a witch bomb, but more of a power up the mycellium thing. Which having all the witches on board helps because they could be fighting Camarilla while the first song holders un-poisoning the mycellium. I have to be honest, I really don't see how the witch bomb fits into all this, but whatever, witch bomb power up for the mycellium after it's been un-poisoned. Or you know, witch bomb destroy it and have the first song holders sing the song to get a new mycellium, whatever. I would just have everyone fighting it out, and the witches out numbering the Camarilla and killing/capturing the Camarilla. Use the president's not dead daughter to prove to the rest of the world that the Camarilla are bad/ shame the other people who would have done the same to the witches in their country. But yeah, the lack of a leader to rally around, and the fact that the unit just seemingly kinda floats around, have hurt this season as a last season- there's a lack of urgency plot-wise. And what we're seeing is interesting and great character building, it was clearly supposed to be the build up to a final season of confronting the Camarilla.
  10. So who wants to take bets on which of the two ladies of the council is the one dealing with the Camarilla? There's the main lady who didn't say much, and weirdly acted lady with the glasses who was all "I was on your side". I honestly cannot believe that not one of them didn't know that one of their factories was producing stuff for the Camarilla. Speaking of which.... are they just flying the poison out from factories on other continents? OR are we to assume that since they have an army, that they have way more than one factory on the North American continent? Anacostia escaping with her not!dead bf was awesome entertainment right up until they thought they needed to drag out that army shot. No, show, I'm not surprised they have an army and are that prepared. They've been hunting witches for thousands of years. It would be weird if the Camarilla didn't have an army. Also, too close to the current situation in the U.S., and it makes me sad during my happy show. I was not expecting the Camarilla to have Raelle's dad. I thought there was a good chance he could die. but he didn't, yay. But since he and Anacostia's bf didn't die, the next person is probably gonna die. I'm sure we'll see Nicta again (heck, she might have even been captured by the Camarilla, but I hope not), they have to bring her back before the finale to finish her storyline. All in all, it was a decent ep, with some really good moments, and some really weird ones, lol. I'm just glad that the tension is back up.
  11. I just finished watching it, and I have to say I'm glad the show fooled me with the golem president. Glad that Scylla got to know Raelle is kinda still alive, and to see they haven't completely dropped the Scylla was spree/ she should feel guilty angle. Really wished they'd stayed away from explaining M's situation thing, because it didn't come across as very clear that M doesn't identify with the binary. I know we're supposed to take it as M's way of trying to help Tally, but the whole "I had to make a choice" bit was cringe. Loved Anacostia just melting that Spree lady. She's the best. If they were claiming she was part of the witches' best unit, I'd be like: Yes, I believe you. I support you 100% in this. idk if her man is going to make it, I don't see how he does, unless someone rescues them pronto; and it felt like Camarilla president's "eulogy" was the next day. But I'll hope anyway. I really enjoyed the episode for the most part. Will post more once I think on the episode a bit more.
  12. This episode really did get chopped up because of Taylor's car accident. I don't think it was a bunch of random stuff thrown at the wall, I think it was plotlines seriously smashed together to make episode length. I doubt the president would have gone yolo in one ep. I would bet her speech/death would have been the midseason finale. So what would have been 3 eps got condensed to 1. For some reason I think Khalida would be acting shady either way, but I think we're supposed to be thinking she has mostly changed her mind. This episode she called Abigail her sister. I doubt the show would have tossed out that term lightly. Cranberry already covered who Elayne was, but Alder was basically "the Mother" (part mycellium)/ Alder. It was in the After the Storm that Cranberry linked to. I had assumed it was Alder's consciousness brought to "life" thanks to the mycellium and Raelle. Turns out I had it flipped- it was Alder's body, but the mycellium was in control/had Alder's memories. They get no pass from me on Tally's powers. Maybe a little in how sped up they have to be because of the cancellation, but not otherwise. Tally's sight can help her see future events. I'm sure it's going to be how they figure out how to beat the Camarilla. But otherwise, it's a truly useless power until Tally really gets a power up. She can see a couple days into the future, but she has to be in it. We know from last season, and this ep, that she can see the essence/echo of work. Which honestly, would be a hell of a lot more useful than the sight, but we're not focusing on that for some reason. Someone this ep said the Bellweather unit is the most powerful unit the army has, but they are literally one of the most inexperienced units. They need to focus on Abigail being so tactically sound, and use Tally's sight (the echo/essence part), because that could help them with being on the run. Yet the show isn't. I really think this show would have benefited better being on Netflix or a web exclusive- the episodes could have run a few minutes longer. This show needs those extra minutes to explain lore. We did get more lore/things explained a bit better in season 2, but there was no way they could ever fully flesh out the lore after they got the cancellation, and that's a shame. This really is one of the better teen fantasy shows, and we know the people making it actually have the details to back it up, it just gets shoved into little videos because of tv time constraints. That said, I also don't think Netflix would have ever made the show, so I will take those After the Storm videos and be happy that the show is using social media to the fullest extent it can. Honestly, I don't mind the whole "showing", because it's usually magic they are showing us, and I like it when we get to see magic. And the show is giving us the lore, but yeah, I can see how a good chunk of the audience will never see the After the Storms- I know I wouldn't have even know they existed if it hadn't been for Cranberry. I always forget to sub to stuff on YT, and I try to avoid Twitter for my sanity. So thanks again Cranberry, I appreciate all you do.
  13. Well, now the president is dead. I hope M survived. We all know the Camarilla did it, but what was up with the mushrooms? Is there some kind of witch bomb that involves mushrooms? Because there's no way they aren't blaming it on the witches. I'm not gonna comment on how the witches thought they secure the WH in less than 12 hours. Especially since it seemed M thought it was the camera crew that did it. Could have used a quick scene of some witches on the lawn talking about barriers or wards, but this episode had other issues with what did and didn't make the final cut. I enjoyed most of it. I was surprised when mining Camarilla lady reset Hearst's nose, I had got the impression that they were using her for her money/ resources. And was not at all surprised that Hearst decided he deserved witch vocal cords to combat witches. Hypocrite. Scylla totally did get her and Nicta caught, though I mean nothing was holding Nicta back from leaving. It might have been better if they had split up even more for real once they reached the Cession. It's too bad that we won't get a season of Scylla getting in with the rest of the unit, would have made the reunion/hey you're being held prisoner scene more impactful. I liked it anyway though. It made sense Tally was the one to ask, and I've always bought Scylla's feelings for Raelle; the only weirdness was Abigail willingly hugging Scylla, but I can overlook that. I'm sad Quartermain was kidnapped, but she's the lady for the job if you need someone to be behind enemy lines. I did see a quick shot of her being held prisoner in the season promo, and I've been excited for the kind of badass stuff she's going to get up to. Little less excited now, what with Hearst getting powers, but I hope she beats the crap out of him. I don't know if I believe Khalida really left just for Alder. And how did the singer lady die? She was still alive when Abi, Adil and Tally were caught. I doubt Adler had enough mojo/energy to do the job. So were the Camarilla there too? And the mycelium has Alder's part of the seed, maybe Khalida's, and supposedly Tally has whomever's singer lady had stolen. That's not bad considering the unit/witches just keep losing left and right.
  14. Thanks for after vid again Cranberry. I had no idea she had been in an accident, props to the writers and everyone for being so accommodating. I genuinely thought the mycellium was just trying to heal itself, so I am going to be a little less judgmental when it comes to that storyline. I mean I wasn't planning on being too critical of the plotlines, since the show would have to change/combine whatever story ideas there were because of getting cancelled; but yeah, knowing that they had to re-work Raelle's storyline for multiple episodes- I really won't be looking for greatly thought out tie-ins. As long as it makes sense, I'm good.
  15. Khalida clearly knows whatever "the union of the the sky and earth" really means. The women in this world are the leaders, and Adil has almost always deferred to Khalida. It's gonna be a baby, right? That's why they had Khalida trip and have Abigail save her, then they had their family hug. And when Abigail was talking about the division in their unit, Adil's comforting, saying the three of them are family now. Ugh, show don't be so lame. She's gonna want this baby, isn't she? She's the eldest of their clan, Abigail is not part of it, and even if Abigail became part of it through Adil, Khalida will be the only one who can teach the baby to use all of it's powers. I really really don't want the finale to be about everyone fighting over a future baby. I really enjoyed the episode, but it did feel a lot slower than the opener. Partially because I knew Herst would get away. I actually had a problem with him being in the Cession in the first place because 1) if he can get in there, why are the Camarilla not staked out all over to catch Abigail? They knew she would have to pass through it/ Raelle's ties to the Cession. 2) Again I know there's dodgers, Spree, and apparently undercover Camarilla in the Cession, but he had been in Iran not that long before the scene. Why would he personally be seeing to the "poison" and not making sure the larger sites were getting the right drill bits? Also, there was no way they were going to kill Hearst off without the unit having some kind of discussion/fight about it- so that whole Nicta taking down the chopper thing was in no way suspenseful when it was clear they wanted to highlight Abigail and Adil's moment where they thought they figured out what "the union" meant. Otherwise, Abigail would have been pissed off at Nicta for taking down the chopper. Abigail doesn't get to have two moments in an episode *rolls eyes*. And, once Raelle got sucked in the ground/to the Mycelium, you knew the group wasn't gonna leave the area any time soon. Total moment killers. Like I said last week, I could care less what's going on with Tally. And her blurting out that she saw Nicta's face, is not convincing me that Tally is running a long con on Nicta. I really should have watched season 2 again, because I could have sworn at the end of it, that the Hearst guy had called the VP "president". And since we didn't see the president coming out with statements in the opener, I really thought they had just replaced the president with the VP, and that the VP was gonna blame the witches when everyone wondered where she was. (Why did they not do this? Outrage over killing the president would have mattered more than his daughter. Or like would have compounded the anger the people had about their daughters. And it would make more sense for the Camarilla to have access to the Cession if they had.) Like where was she last week when her VP was out turning an entire nation on 3 girls? That seems like something kind of big thing to miss, especially for an opener when the show should be establishing all the factions for us. I really liked everyone else though. Like Joana said, I'm glad M is getting a bigger role, hopefully they will survive the season. I have no idea why we're still testing the poisoned storm cloud that is over Fort Salem. It's poison, we know. Not too sure why it's not killing the witches every time it rains, when they had to run from the dust version of it last season. But eh, I'm looking forward to finding out why that's important. Random guess: the witches will find a way to seed the clouds themselves because of it, and put the Mycelium in a storm cloud so they can all get their powers back/save what's left of the Mycelium. Also, glad that we're gonna get more of Raelle's mom/the Mycelium.
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