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Steph J

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Posts posted by Steph J

  1. Normally I hate it when characters are allowed to just skate when they do something bad, but if Ava were to murder each and every one of these Dixie mafia (or whatever they are) yahoos, I would be perfectly willing to look the other way. It shouldn't be mathematically possible on a show that includes the Carlys, but with the addition of bitchnanny they are now the most obnoxious cohort on the show.

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  2. Thoughts after the first episode:

    • A fight about cheese? In episode 1???? Y'all got to build up at least one season of goodwill before centering an episode around an argument that stupid.
    • I was taken aback by how Jessel spoke to and about both her husband and her mother. If that's the level of respect she shows them when cameras are around, I can only imagine how much worse it is without.
    • Based on that and him dipping out to Vietnam in the previews, I'm guessing that this one is going to be the first marriage domino to fall.
    • Erin is in for a rude awakening, I think, because the vibe I get after this episode is that she thinks she's a Bethany (boss bitch with wit) when she's actually a Ramona (needlessly aggressive, zero awareness of how she comes across).
    • This episode was Eh, but I'll give it a few weeks to find a groove. I'm sure the fact that they started filming then lost a cast member and had to edit out all references to her added a degree of difficulty to developing a rhythm for the series, so I'm not going to judge the first episode too harshly.
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  3. 48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    With two recasts, the Davis coven doesn't feel like the Davis coven.

    I kind of feel like that might be the point. I got the impression watching today's show that Kristina isn't just going to be a surrogate, but that with Molly pushing TJ away, he and Kristina are going to end up getting together. I don't think that would have worked with Lexi Ainsworth and Hayley Pullos in the roles, but with two recasts the dynamic between the characters can be changed.

    But they're going to need to recast Molly again because this actress isn't strong enough to play what's happening now, let alone what might be coming down the pike.

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  4. 4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    This show is gross. Carly gets forgiven for every single sin. Everyone has to understand her motivation and she gets whitewashed when they change said motivation. Sam should have clawed her eyes out, not forgiven her.

    In real life, Carly would have no friends. 

    I literally groaned when Sam went from "I'm mad" to "I forgive you" in two seconds. God forbid anyone except evil Nina be mad at Carly for anything ever. The only thing missing from those scenes was Sam giving Carly a sympathy card from Scout.

    If someone had told me circa 1996 that Carly would one day be written as a Mary Sue, I'd have laughed out loud. She was a much more interesting character when she was the town pariah and people actually held her accountable for all the shitty things she did.

    2 hours ago, JMO said:

    After the inauspicious beginning, I spent the episode trying to think of current characters who haven't been incarcerated or institutionalized at some point.  So far, I've got Ace, Amelia, Wiley, Leo, Violet, Georgie, James, Scout and the largely invisible Rocco. 

    Admittedly, I deleted nearly a year's worth of episodes unwatched a few years ago, so I'm sure I've missed some.  Maybe Olivia and Felicia? Who else did I miss?

    Felicia was institutionalized in 1993, during the original Ryan story. I think Austin would be included in the never locked up list (although that may change soon).

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  5. 15 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I can't believe this has been going on for over a year now. No wonder this show feels like hell.

    By this time next year, maybe the story will finally be over.

    Speaking of stories that have been going on way too long, I can't decide if the Mason plot is annoying first and dumb second, or dumb first and annoying second. Ava should be smarter and more resourceful than this and if the story doesn't end with both Mason and Austin in a landfill, then I'll be disappointed. As an aside, the Mason plot has also been going on since June of last year.

    Because it can't be said enough: Shut up Joss. Shutupshutupshutupshutup.

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  6. 14 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I disagree with this. Ned pointed it out to them before the whole merger collapsed. And they had Michael and Drew telling Carly not to buy stock.

    I think it's more we wrote it, what do we do with it. People pointing out the insider trading came when everyone looked like they were going to skate after committing a crime.

    Going by recaps, the merger collapsed in June of 2022. Ned didn't accuse Carly/Drew/Michael of insider trading until October. As @ffwbe mentioned, Michael and Drew were trying to talk Carly out of what she was doing because they thought she might lose money, not because they realized she was committing a criminal act. In between June and October the story was all about how evil Nina took advantage of Carly's financial collapse by scooping up the hotel. I genuinely don't think the insider trading angle even occurred to the writers until viewers started harping about it.

    Now let us all take a moment to reflect on the fact that this dumb story has been going on for over a damn year.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Katy M said:

    The more I think about this whole SEC storyline, the less it makes sense. The SEC or whoever was willing to let Carly off the hook for a mere 6 months of Drew's time?  It seems like 6 months would be something you would offer to get a crack at the max term for someone else.  And while I've definitely heard of exchanging testimony against someone else getting off, is turning yourself in and offering to take a teeny tiny sentence so someone else doesn't get charged a thing?  I don't see why the govt needed to offer a deal at all.  They had a solid case.  They had a more solid case against Carly since she actually did the buying.  Drew could have been like "I didn't tell her.  Maybe Michael did." Now that would have made an interesting story considering how mama bear Carly gets about her kids.  

    I think the thing that needs to be remembered about the SEC story is that the writers didn't even realize that they had crafted an insider trading story until after the audience pointed it out to them. They've just been making it up as they go ever since.

    8 hours ago, Desperado said:

    So Ned’s new love interest will be… Nina? I can enjoy that drama.

    Nina's just going through life, picking up amnesiacs wherever she goes and making them fall for her. Now I need for Jason to return with new amnesia and fall in love with her. Carly would crap herself to death - which is the death she deserves.

    8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Robert/Diane is awful. So, so awful. Please end the teasing. I do like her dress though.

    Robert/Diane is one of the many, many, many stories that the show needs to just cull. Not only do they not have chemistry, there's just no room for this. It drives me crazy how there are all these micro plots that barely move forward from one month to the next because there's not actually time to tell all of these stories.

    Olivia is such a useless character. She can go anytime with no value lost.

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  8. Really spoiled for choice about who was most punchable this episode. Is it Joss? Is it Olivia? Gregory? Carly? Despite the competition, the answer remains Joss.

    Since the show is setting Nina up for a great downfall, I hope they at least let her go full villain and torch the Carlys a little on her way out. Sure, I know they'll be victorious in the end, but it'd be nice to at least see them suffer first.

    Since Drew/Cameron Mathison's absence is only going to be temporary (I assume?), how do we think his 3 year sentence will be vacated after only a few months? My money's on the judge being related to Ms. Wu and then when the whole Gladys thing finally becomes known to Sonny, he'll lean on Ms. Wu, whose only way of making peace with him will be to get the judge to change his decision.

    Dreamcasting Martin's ex-wives: Susan Lucci, Cady McClain, and (if she were still acting) Marcy Walker. I assume, given the show's ongoing love affair with OLTL actors that Kassie DePaiva would get to play one.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

    Who remembers when Mac and Kevin dressed as nuns to infiltrate?  A convent?


    Mac and Kevin in drag was a different storyline (they were trying to expose a scammer who was after Lucy, I believe). It was Lucy and Felicia who disguised themselves as nuns.


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  10. 4 hours ago, rur said:

    In the fan fiction I immediately wrote in my head, the first few days he's in prison, Carly visits him every day. Then Jason reappears, having gone immediately to what he thought was Sonny's house,  where he finds only Carly before collapsing from exhaustion after his arduous journey. Carly immediately goes to see Drew and tells him that the real Jason is back so she won't be dropping by any more. Jason decides that since everyone thinks he's dead, he can start a new life somewhere else and leaves. No one believes Carly when she insists Jason is alive so they start avoiding her and ultimately Michael and Joss institutionalize her. Drew gets transferred to prison in another state. The end. 

    I like the outcome, but I'm not sure I buy that Carly would bother to actually visit Drew and explain that she's breaking up with him instead of just ghosting him like he's garbage once Jason is back.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Daisy said:

    wouldn't Eddie know that Tracy is his mother?

    Not necessarily. It seems to me that the issue isn't that Ned remembers being Eddie Maine - unless I missed it, he hasn't said anything beyond the name that indicates that he recalls the actual events of that time in his life - it's just that some part of his brain is holding onto that name and that's the only thing he has access to.

    And maybe the reason why he keeps doubling down on it is out of kind of self-defense. If everyone is telling him that he's Ned Quartermaine but he knows that he's Eddie Maine, then he can tell himself that there's something wrong with everyone else instead of with himself and he can focus on his annoyance at that instead of having to deal with the fear that would come along with the knowledge that you can't remember anything about your life.

    The scenes between Tracy and Leo were excellent. Jane Elliot elevates everything. The show should thank it's lucky stars that she was willing to come out of retirement.

    I sincerely hope that this storyline ends with Ned remembering everything except for being in love with Olivia and then gives her the boot.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Joan van Snark said:

    James looked like an absolute buffoon. 

    He's only 31!  I'm not sure why he decided that screaming the age he was whenever he did whatever terrible thing he did was the way to go.

    Also, if we're going to discuss the "Rachella" joke, can we acknowledge that Schwartz made it after finding out about Sandoval/Raquel? Because just like the joke he made to Arianna about Raquel liking men who are taken, it has a cruel edge to it once you consider what he already knew.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, JohnnyU said:

    On a side note, Lisa doesn’t seem to receive the kissing ass behavior that she’s used to at this point.  Maybe especially from Lala.

    That's probably in no small part because they all thought the show was done at the time the reunion was filmed.

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  14. 6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I can totally see any of the Carlys haranguing the poor nursing staff to get Willow her meds the second they're scheduled.

    Of course, Carly probably wouldn't say "thank you" at the end like Shirley MacLaine does.


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  15. Carly: gives impassioned explanation for why Sonny going to prison could endanger everyone connected to him, and cites how things went the last time they were in this position to support to her point.

    Michael: Well, I don't see it that way.

    Let's just take the chance then, I guess.

    Mason is the opposite of intimidating and every character has to be written as so stupid to make this plot work. I said this back when it first happened, but if Mason goes to the police and tells them that he has Nikolas, the only person guaranteed to be negatively affected by that is him. How's he going to explain taking Nikolas instead of calling police/ambulance at the time? How's he going to explain not coming forward with what he knows during all the time that's passed? Even if he has physical evidence connecting Ava to the event, how credible is that evidence now that it's been removed from the crime scene and kept hidden (and possibly contaminated) by Mason all this time? All Ava would have to say is, "He fabricated evidence to try to blackmail me into spying on Sonny."

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  16. On 5/28/2023 at 10:02 AM, dubbel zout said:

    I'll never understand why the show had it in for AJ the way it did. It was not entertaining to watch him get continually shit on by every single character on the show. We think Tracy is badly treated by her family—AJ never ever got a break from anyone.

    At least Tracy gets the good lines (although for all I know the writers just type in "Tracy says something clever" and let Jane Elliot do the work); after a certain point AJ never got to win anything, even a dialogue exchange with another character.

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  17. 28 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I was hoping that Carly would have some realization of how badly she raised Michael that he would do this but no, it's not going to happen.

    It must have been Leticia's influence that brought him to this.

    I really hope that they aren't going to put Sonny and Carly back together. That relationship is such a deadend.

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  18. I don't know who Wally Kurth pissed off in wardrobe, but he needs to send them flowers asap.

    Watching Ned grovel all over the place makes me miss '90s-era cutthroat rat bastard Ned. He'd have turned Carly and Drew in and made no apologies.

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  19. 3 hours ago, b2H said:

    But no one has mentioned yet that Raquel’s outfit changed during the first trailer scene.  Initially she had a black and white sweater with a white heart on it.  Same scene later, her top was a black leotard.  That was a serious editing error.

    I can't remember if it was in the original version, but in the extended version you can see that she takes the sweater off while she and Tom are talking. The camera is on him (so positioned over her shoulder) and you can see her arm working its way out of the sleeve in the corner of the screen. Afterwards, when the shot switches back to Raquel, you can see the sweater folded up and sitting next to her.

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  20. 4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Schwartz popping Xanax. Right there on camera. Priceless. 

    Having just watched the extended version, right before Schwartz takes out the pill bottle, Sandoval mutters "Green light, green light" to him, so I gather that this little bit of buffoonery was preplanned to... diffuse the tension? Distract everyone? Play on Schwartz's tired "I'm just a poor widdle puppy" routine? Give Sandoval a chance to gain the upper hand by indignantly scolding everyone for questioning/playing around with Schwartz's medication? All of the above?

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