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Everything posted by lilacgirl

  1. When they were showing them all go into that building , as if they were in some B rated spy movie, I couldn't stop laughing. I also told my husband "Now he has to have a bodyguard too? How low did CBS just go?"
  2. I have wondered the same things while watching other episodes though. I believe this is the first time I haven't teared up watching. I was too mad at Mr. Mememe.
  3. I'm so glad I am not the only one yelling at the TV.
  4. I agree. Now he is expecting them all to know who the blonde mumbling fool is in their office. This episode just makes me mad, because of his damn ego.
  5. Will he actually have a heart this hour? Did he just slip and ask her how much she spent to get to "his event"? Next week will they show us following Kevin Trudeau? Jeez!! Yep!! That much money.
  6. I just found myself shouting "That is how the a$$ works!" When the electrician was talking about him being a child when he couldn't get the fan to go his way.
  7. How about the other children of Kody's that are old enough to have a FB or Twitter account reading the news like we all did? Do you think they were told when the other 'wives' were? Makes you wonder how they must feel right about now. Thinking out loud here... after we all wonder what actually went down or what if's, how about an "I can't believe after the Honey Boo Boo scandal, TMZ or any other news center (yes, I know I just called TMZ "news") did not put a person on researching other TLC show personalities as well! I was going to say "Stars" but I think the Yippie Dog has a big enough ego already. (Kody reminds me of a hyper Yorkie that you have to pull it's bangs back into a bow, so it can see to walk.) It amazes me with the knowledge, technology (and people) that a company like TMZ has, not one of them 'leaked' this info way back in December. Sure, you can say maybe TLC asked these companies to NOT leak it, although, they (TLC) really do not care about the 'Stars' or they would have pulled the HBB show earlier or even put a stop to Kate being on their network, based on the stories their hired camera men come back with.
  8. Not again!!!! I really wish they would stop cancelling the half hour shows I like. lol
  9. I will give it one more chance. Out of the two shows I did watch last night, the part about them singing in the van was the best. For me. The lines they have given Constance Wu were the best. Her delivery of them is what made them so funny.
  10. I really did want to see normal people win this time. Not these over acting actors. Time for Leo to think of a new facial expression. Jeez. After this weeks episode, I have a feeling Anne will win again. ;(
  11. That was awful fast! I don't think it will be about what we have all found this weekend.
  12. Well yeah! Robyn thought it was still going to be all roses when she got Kody to legally marry her. SMHI really don't think it is about the kids, the houses, taxes, or means of more money. I believe that Robyn, being Robyn, gave Kody an ultimatum and he was scared $hitless to loose her. Sometimes truth is crazier then anything TLC could make up. And with these two (kody &robyn) I wouldn't put it pass them that is just all about the lust for one another. Once their contract is up, I would be shocked if two more "wives" didn't leave. With Janelle's business mind...I wouldn't put it past her if she helped some of them stash some $$$ away from Kody's hands. In-law ties to Kody or not. It can't be that hard to distract him..."oooh Kody, look there's a robin over there." -"Where's Robyn?" :D
  13. From the moment Robyn was introduced to us, you could tell she wanted Kody ALL to herself. Over the years we have watched her bat her eyelashes at Kody in some sort of plea to get him to listen or pay attention to her only. We can't count how many times Robyn has made one of the women cry over her actions & words. Well, she figured out something and finally got heself to that top position.
  14. Has any one come across when the TLC contract up? I did a #sisterwives search on Twiiter and found a link to this article. http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/02/02/sisterwives-exclusive-kody-meri-browns-divorce/ Over the years I have always wondered why NO ONE from the subdivision has wrote something about the Browns after the camera's go home.
  15. What I found crazy was the couple talking about Ryan's mom making him drink water (and the pounding on the table. This could have been from Ryan though.) and up to this point no one else is asked about Vanya and her Dad's obsession with water, on camera. ? I would be shocked if Ryan didn't have an ulcer already. Katies mom looked stoned to me. Or she fell over her surfboard one too many times years ago. The woman gave off this strange "surfer dude" thing to me.
  16. I agree with you. The first new info we see made me laugh."Penny claims that regardless of her weight loss, she will need to be on oxygen for the rest of her life." Why didn't the nurse or a Dr. arrive at her house with an o2 tester? To continue on oxygen a Dr has to write the script out. Right?
  17. There you go. A brick to begin your yellow brick road. hahaha ;-)
  18. I thought she wore that black one when she was getting ready for Halloween. Remember them showing her curling her hair and asking Liam a question as he is standing by the window? (They took it out of the SuperSized showing.) I noticed, this time around, that the look of happiness she had when the nurse came, changed from giddy to a "I want you gone!" attitude when the woman mentioned that she was going to get Penny up and walking on her next visit. Haha
  19. The quote from Edgar, during the first show is: " When we starting dating she was around 450 pounds. I didnt have a problem with that." --- "I met her at a restaurant, standing in line at the bar." ;-)
  20. I'm not sure it would be an addiction, but more of your body would end up needing to rely on it more and more. Instead of finding natural ways to get the oxygen into your body. I agree with you. Pure oxygen burns at times. The more you wear one of those tubes, it dries out your nostrils, you get nose bleeds, it can give you sores where the piece sits on your upper lip, the tops of your ears hurt, etc. What I noticed (watching the show once again) Penny didn't seem to have those signs on her face. No imprint of the tubing resting on her cheeks as she has had to wear it 24/7. Sleep with it even. (When she is wrestling with her Son, you can see the tubing has fallen down some what) I even looked for some sort of electric box that converts the oxygen in the room, into the oxygen you need for that tubing, around her bed. I couldn't see one. Doesn't mean there WASN'T one, I just did not see one in that tiny space between her bed & the window and her bed & the wall where we see Edgar pull out her walker once. Which made me think she was using the tubing this time as a prop. (During the first show she was on... I seem to remember hearing the sound of oxygen in the room. Until Dr. Now asked for it to be turned off. Which tells me 2 things... the mic is powerful and/or she had that thing up HIGH.) Sadly, Penny will always find ways to stay at this stage until she dies.
  21. I noticed that too and laughed. Watching C & J makes you want to see them happy at the end. Watching J & D makes you want to scream "Stop talking about babies every 3rd sentence Jamie." I think Jamie is afraid she will loose Doug and is hoping getting pregnant will make things better. 6 months is just too early to think about bringing a child in to her marriage. If she is that bored or lusting after a baby, go buy one of those "reborn" dolls until Doug is ready. lol
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