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Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
Really, I just watched 6.10 (her blowing up the Sept), screw this bitch. And Jaime going back for that? was sickening. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
Nutter's answers are weak and doesn't bode well. You know, writing is hard and you may have to take a different tack when informing Sansa/Arya the truth. Who knew? GMAFB. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
Did killing the NK unmark Bran? Because if he still has that mark doesn't that make the NK still possible as in Bran can turn into one? They never even showed his arm afterwards. What a mess. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
An example which is crucial is how long it took to get places was part of the plot w/Martin and now they're jet packing, which makes the earlier seasons' long travels as problematic to reach people as weird. Arya is key here, think of her going to the Wall, getting stuck at Harrenhal, not making to the Twins by time of Red Wedding (which probably saved her life). Wanting to go to the Wall, but having to go to Bravos instead because that's where the ship captain was going. Getting to the Eyrie too late, when her aunt was dead. Bran! long Travels to the wall, and beyond the wall. All of Season 3 was just traveling from Winterfell to get to go beyond the Wall. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
Really, if tonight's episode is called "Mad Queen on a Ledge" or something, I might hurt a D. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
Tonight's Episode should be called "The Last Dragon" re: Dany/Drogon and a little Jon. But, really Dany if she goes Mad Queen. They already did "Fire and Blood" in first season, unless they try to pull a Lannistereque title. Last episode, should be "A Time for Wolves", alternate title for "A Dream of Spring." -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
I've always hated what happened to Bran w/this whole 3Raven, losing his personality and losing his POV in the book? I think actually Bran will be the last POV in the books w/maybe an epilogue after? To reflect how the story began. Maybe it will be though a "Tree-God's view" POV. Which I find depressing AF. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
I don't remember where I read this, but didn't GRRM say at least once that whoever finally got the Iron Throne would be insignificant? I have to find the quote. Having said that, I don't believe Bran is insignificant, D&D just don't know how to show his story properly. Which is a huge disappointment. He's a Stark, Bran the Broken, one of so many Brandon Starks. I love this kid and find his story tragic and I'd like to see him someone shake off this 3-eyed Raven-ness if that was possible. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
I think Bran gets short shrift in the show. He's, to me, one of the most tragic characters in the story. I love Jaime, but he pushed this sweet kid, who wanted to be a knight, out a window and crippled him. Then this whole 3-eyed raven thing to what? lose his humanity? I find his story depressing. He was a kid who wanted more and then gets this download of info that makes him lose Bran. So, if he ends ups being the King, that's something. I don't know, I just think of the end of book 2 Clash of Kings, and it makes me want to cry. Bran is leaving his destroyed home of Wintefell, and he thinks he's broken, but not dead. -
Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion
sunflower replied to Eyes High's topic in Game Of Thrones
I really don't understand Tyrion's motivation to help Cersei in any way. The meeting before they defeated the NK, so they defeated him. Why? someone please explain best they can. -
Totally annoyed me. Because of logistics and mother favoritism or something. If if was Avery's house, then he'd stay? Just so dumb, he's tired of dealing with her crap and he doesn't know if she's going to disappear again, but leave the kid w/her? Just bad writing. I'd rather he just stay there and they deal with awkwardness. That's more interesting anyway because they would have scenes together and like talk. Whatever.
Yeah, only 3 left so it's easy, but all the pieces are just pieces, no cohesiveness. Daphne's story isn't bad, but it's still weird the way they pretend sort of that Deacon is her father. I love their relationship, but it's like the writers just ignore things like the fact that Juliette and Avery are not married. Yes, they're a couple, but they're divorced and she should not be alone with the kid after her antics to put it mildly. And I want them together, but there's no time as you said. Just, suckage.
I don't understand this direction considering they have creator Callie around. Every writer should know fans don't like newbies unless they're brought in w/main characters in a meaningful way. I know they didn't know they were cancelled until filming of episode of 5, but the Juliette story is horrible as well. And they're seeing it through which I guess you have to, but the way they had Juliette all of a sudden decide-wait this is wrong? It makes it look like Avery is weirdly in the wrong because she's so calm and reasonable coming back, but it doesn't work and I want them back together. However, with 3 episodes left, this is going to be awkward and slapdash.
I understand it's awkward, but Avery should've either stayed or taken Cadence with him. Juliette just shows up and he trusts her to be Cadence's custodial parent? I hate the instant favoritism of mother over father, especially considering legally Juliette's parental rights were terminated as part of their divorce. Do the new writers realize that? Do they care? Also, they're not married anymore, I'm sick of the Nashville CMT twitter feed telling me they are when they're not. Also, as others have said, your show is ending, I know you started stories in the first half and didn't know you were being cancelled, but newbies before regulars is never a good look. As per usual, Avery is shunted to the side for not only Juliette, but his purple hair quasi-girlfriend? She has a more substantial story than he does with this Brad story? He's always on the side of things despite being one of the better actors on the show. It's exhausting and I'm FFing almost everything.
Re: Juliette/Avery I really don't want to see another show have the couple not get back together because it would be unrealistic or they moved on, whatever. See Switched at Birth Bay and Emmett. I have an idea, just write the couple and their problems better. I don't have a problem with Avery being "done" because it's been a long time coming. I even liked the convo with Alanah? when she said she was ashamed, and maybe Avery feels the same way. That was good, I don't like the idea of them hooking up, but it's fine if it's just temporary. But, problem: there's only 8 episodes left, so I can't see the writing for this going forward as good overall. They'll be moments of goodness I'm sure, but overall, we'll be like, what?? Also, I think it was a mistake to do the Juliette part of the story as her being off-screen this much with cult thing. They could've done it a different way, still the depression, distance, but no cult. She just takes off like she does, and no sexual abuse memory recovery. We already heard end of S2, when Juliette cheated on Avery, about her questionable interactions with Mama's men that might be, in fact, sexual abuse. Just revisit that I don't know. Daphne stuff is good, but I'm in no mood for reality show bullshit with Brad going forward.