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Everything posted by SopranoKris

  1. Right click and select "copy link" and then paste it in using CTRL+V
  2. If you try to view Kelsey's twitter page, it says it's suspended. I think they do that when they convert it to the @DCC_ handle
  3. It's really hard to tell because some of them are blocked or they're hidden behind other people.
  4. Did Christine from MSU / Pistons make it? Hard to tell from the pic and I don't have Twitter
  5. I can't see the faces in the pic clear. Who made it????
  6. Kat never struck me as having the DCC look. She had a very small, skinny frame and sharp features on her face. I'm not saying she's not pretty, she definitely is. Just not the typical DCC look.
  7. I'm more interested to know who the TCCs are going to be
  8. Not surprised, especially with the the pics from the bar.
  9. Exactly! Spoilers don't stop me from watching the show. They formally announce the squad before the show airs anyway. I like watching the show because I love seeing how hard everyone works to get on the squad. Knowing who made it in to TC before the show airs isn't going to stop me from watching it.
  10. Hush! Don't say that. I don't want to wait until August to know :)
  11. I went out to a restaurant and came back. Still no announcement? The suspense is killing me!
  12. OK, it's 9 PM here in EST zone. I'm gonna go eat. Hopefully, there will be a squad announcement by the time I get back :)
  13. With this type of show, I don't mind being spoiled in advanced. I like to know who to watch for and the ones I know who were cut, I watch to see if I agree with the cut or not. Can't wait to find out who made it!!!! This makes me think NONE of my votes on the mobile version actually counted!
  14. I think it's just a pic snapped at the right moment for Melissa, but wrong moment for the girl in white. Her eyes are closed, so I think it's simply an unflattering shot in the split second it takes to snap the pic.
  15. Me, too! I put in a ton of votes for Kelsey today. I'm hoping she gets in without the fan vote, though :)
  16. Hmmm, mobile link is still allowing votes. ETA: Regular site says voting is closed. Just went back to mobile site and it's still allowing votes. This makes me wonder if the mobile link even worked properly at all???
  17. I just voted again on the regular website and the mobile app (mobile app lets you vote more than once in 24 hours). Both sites had the pictures in the same order. I hope they're actually in random order! Gonna put in a few more votes before they're done.
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