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Everything posted by HumblePi

  1. I'm not even going to comment other than to say that I'm pretty certain that Luann has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I am a medical person and don't need to lay a stethoscope on her chest and listen to her lungs to say that her oxygen levels are probably lower than normal and she's already having some difficulty breathing. It's audible when she takes a breath. This is no doubt a direct result of her many years of smoking. She's a trained nurse, she's supposedly a smart woman and if she hasn't given up the habit yet then I'm afraid that she's going to regret it sooner than later. She's 51 years old and if she doesn't give up the cigarettes, she'll probably be oxygen dependent by the time she turns 60 or God forbid get lung cancer. I know that sounds awful, but I'm seriously worried about her physical health. She looks great, she's slim and in shape, but those lungs have taken a beating for many years, eventually they're going to start giving her problems if they aren't already.
  2. Know what bugs me even more than 'yeah' is the way they end a phone call with each other. They all say 'okay, bye' so fast that it sounds like one word 'okaybye'. Say it out loud. Am I being too picky? Well the thing that Kourtney does when she eats bugs me even more. Actually most of them do this. When eating their salad out of the plastic bowl and putting the fork with lettuce to their mouth they open their mouths wide enough that nothing has a chance in Hell of messing up their lipstick. (AHHHHhhhh) It's annoying. And while I'm on the subject of all those salads, I figure they must all have some pretty loose b.m's. but maybe they like that. :)
  3. On Instagram..... Khloé. "I crave a love so deep the ocean would be jealous". Corny much? I wonder if there's any way she can be convinced that it's down there and she should go out and search for it at the bottom?
  4. Kylie announced last year that now she too has become lactose intolerant. My first thought was 'yeah right, don't let Kourtney get all the diet-attention'. So I started wondering if Kourtney had all this lactose intolerance and sensitivities to gluten all those years she was growing up? "No yeast, no mold, no gluten and no dairy" has also become Khloe's mantra and lifestyle. I think that's great if that's what they feel works for them, I just don't care for the pontificating and annoyingly pompous way they've chosen to essentially say 'I'm smarter than everyone else about my eating habits'. If they're rather eat take-out salads out of a clear plastic bowl every day, that's great. I'd prefer a grilled cheese sandwich or a Lean Cuisine squash ravioli personally but I wouldn't want it every friggen day of the week. There's no story or backbone to this franchise anymore. They tried it solo without any of the men (I used that term loosely for Caitlyn) and once Scott, Lamar, and Caitlyn were absent from the show, it showed the women for what they really are. They're basically boring and only intriguing when one wonders what any of them actually have that draws our attention. They're smart about fashion and makeup but literally dumb as dirt about the world in general and if they had to go out and actually find a job that suited their intellectual capacities, they'd all be behind a counter at McDonald's serving up Happy Meals to overweight children. Edited to add a p.s. AND............if they all were lactose intolerant and had gluten allergies growing up then their house must have smelled like one big giant fart most of the time. :P
  5. Just a little bit of information that addresses the questions as to how Lamar gained so much weight and why he craves junk food. Apparently it's very common for drug addicts to crave sweets while recovering. 'Several other drugs such as amphetamines, psychedelics, cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine temporarily increase the release of sugar into the bloodstream; this creates a "high" through a metabolic process similar to that involving sugar and alcohol. These drugs also duplicate the mood-inducing effect of the body's endorphin's, chemicals which transmit messages to the brain that help to relax the nervous system, or make it smile". http://www.healthy.net/scr/Article.asp?Id=903
  6. The medical term for Dorinda's speech impediment is called 'vodkosis'
  7. Depending on what age you are, or what sexuality beliefs you hold near and dear, LuAnn de Lesseps is either a woman with loose moral values and should be vilified or she's a modern woman with an open mind when it comes to sexuality and should be commended for it. LuAnn experienced an open marriage with the Count Alexandre de Lesseps out of sheer necessity. Alex, it seems, was quite a womanizer and cheated frequently. In order to continue a marriage with him and raise her two children in the lavish lifestyle she had become accustomed to, she not only put up with his philandering, she was complicit in it by also doing a bit of cheating on her own with Jacques. So whatever Luann chooses in regard to the 'news' of Tom and any womanizing he does, she's certainly not naive enough to think that this isn't going to happen going forward. The terms for an 'open marriage' seem to have already been established by each of them.
  8. I thought that was quite a good moment for Jules, it made her look more like a party girl. But then it got a little weird when she straddled the trombone and started humping it. 'Trom-boner'?
  9. I have to admit I love Lisa Vanderpump's breasts but in a non-lesbian way. I'd say she wore it better but Sonja looked good in it too.
  10. 19 hours ago, steelcitysister said: Yup. Some kind of extras casting. This company has its own reality tv section: http://www.auditionsfree.com/tag/west-palm-beach/ Can you imagine the casting call? Seeking men and women, ages 40-70, with high-end cocktail attire to play party guests for a top-rated Bravo show. Must be comfortable with filming on water (vessel will not leave berth). Must also be comfortable with cramped environment, odors emanating from dockside warm-water marine life, excessive on-set liquor and non-stop idiocy. Flat rate plus dinner. *When my comment was copied, 'steelcitysister''s link wasn't, so the link didn't show. AND now that I read it again I understand that I misread her comment. I thought that steelcitysister had copied the actual casting post from the website when actually she wrote it up herself in a humerus way and I took it seriously. Now I feel bad because I drew the conclusion that they were all hired only because I misunderstood her comment.
  11. I think this post deserves a repeat. When I discovered that the yacht was rented for a 24 hr period and that a casting call was put out to fill that rented yacht with rented guests, it makes me wonder if anything at all is real about Luann and Tom. I have doubted the genuineness of the entire Luann and Tom thing from the start. I just don't believe it. It all happened too abruptly and I think that Luann imagines herself to be a great actress that believes she can pull this off for a Bravo story line to the end of the year. I think Tom is a paid shill and I'm just not feeling the vibe between he and Luann. When I heard Luann excitedly say 'he's my soul mate' once, I rolled my eyes. But I've heard it said more than a few times now and it's become like a bumper sticker slogan. And there's the 'love of my life' tagline that she repeats. Do people really have to insist on saying these types of things to friends to convince the friends or the viewers who doubt her? Tom has been one of those guys that has been drifting in and out of RHONY for years and if both Sonja and Ramona had 'dated' him then Luann most certainly would have known about it. I feel that this wedding plan is a sham and that it will never take place. I think Tom saved the receipt for the $250,000 diamond engagement ring and will be returning it before Christmas. I just can't help feeling a little angry that I've been duped by all the things that were rented in this episode because it was all just too obvious and contrived. The only thing that looked real was the silly little cake. I think a staffer ran out to the local supermarket at the last minute to pick up that sorry cake. If there was no Luann and Tom thread to build an entire season on with the drama of Sonja and Ramona claiming to have 'dated' Tom, then what would have been the main story line for this season?
  12. Dennis Shields is pretty wealthy from what I've read. He's the founder and chairman of Yield Street, an investment banker firm. He's much better looking than Luann's bald headed guy Tom. Here's Bethenny and Dennis in New York city. Fredrik Eklund from Million Dollar Listing is also seen in the video. They must have been at one of those coffee shops that charges $7.50 for a cup of coffee. http://Bethenny Frankel holds hands with banker Dennis Shields in NY http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1297532/Bethenny-Frankel-holds-hands-banker-Dennis-Shields-NY.html
  13. Tom is one of those guys that hangs out in the places that he knows that rich, unhappy, bored and horny NY housewives hang out to flirt and cheat on their husbands. Tom is..... plain and simple, an opportunist. Fortunately his patience and endurance in the game paid off for him with Luann. She fits the bill and checks off all the boxes on his hit list. First of all, she's horny. Secondly, she's well-to-do, and thirdly she's very attractive and available. Luann is that kind of woman that needs to be needed. She has to feel wanted and loved and if she doesn't, she's becomes unhinged. She's just not happy without a man adoring her even if he might be using her for his own gain. She's okay with that so it shouldn't even be an issue with anyone else. There's not much to say about Jules and I feel that out of all the housewives, she gets overlooked quite a lot. She was going through difficulties with her cheating husband Michael. I'm sure Jules has her share of responsibility for a failing marriage, but she's not a cheater. She could have done more with the kids as far as care giving instead of hiring a nanny. She could have found some things to improve on like learning how to make coffee or scramble eggs. I find Jules just a little simple minded. She's a nice enough person, she's not nasty and sarcastic but she wasn't born with the intelligence of a woman that can stand strong and be independent of a man. I have to say that I like her deeper voice a lot. I think it's interesting and would make an excellent voice-over for commercials. Female voices on commercials are usually voices that are different and distinctive.
  14. There's so much in this episode that's obviously contrived for the cameras. The first was Kimberlie, 'Luann's Friend/Yacht Owner'...... really? Maybe it's Palm Beach ettiquette for a 'young-ish' white woman with a 44D cup wearing a mini-dress and sporting extensions down to their waist to remain in the hallway at the foot of the winding staircase, just waiting for someone. Yeah, yeah I can believe that. Then there's the wealthy Palm Beach millionaires. There wasn't a single one of them that I'd want to spent five minutes with. They're certainly not what I imagined Palm Beach society would look like. They weren't only weird, some of them were creepy too. Creepy and weird people are not my idea of the kind of people that make for a fun party. I have a feeling most of them were Bravo staffers and family of staffers. Is it really in style for old men to wear a Burberry cashmere scarf wrapped around their neck in Palm Beach? Carole's dress.......I had to freeze the scene with her in it because I couldn't figure that dress out. Sheer windows curtains, that's it. Sonja's dress screamed "Don't look at my face!! Don't notice my crows feet!! Here look down here at my boobs!" Dorinda started slurring her words fairly early into the evening. Can't she ever attend a party or function without getting totally shit-faced? The toast she stood up to give "(slurring) da fahs shings I-I'm sho happy tah shaow shaoe hahpee ad rite)". Dorinda, please use human words the next time you stand up to give a toast. This woman may have a genuine problem. Ramona should never, ever dance while the camera is pointed at her. Her style of dancing is something that the guests will be chuckling about the next day. Bravo directors know that Ramona looks absolutely epileptic when she dances and they film her intentionally for our enjoyment. I think Tom and Luann are a good match. Neither one will really care if the other has extramarital affairs. I just hope that Luann has a prenuptial signed before the ceremony. If either of them aren't concerned about getting a sexually transmitted disease from the other then they must be taking some precautions. And the grapefruit thing. I don't like grapefruit myself but some do of course. Grapefruit can squirt you in the eye while eating them. I hate that.
  15. Under older definitions, Cuba could be considered a second-world country. As part of the Soviet Eastern Bloc, much of their poverty results from 40+ years of US trade embargoes, but their education and health care are right up there with the best. The internet in Cuba is characterized by a low number of connections, limited bandwidth, censorship, and high cost. I assume communication is better from Cuba to the US but I'm sure there's still a lot of difficulties. Not all hotels offer wi-fi but I would assume their hotel did. The internet in Cuba stagnated since its introduction in the late 1990s because of lack of funding, tight government restrictions, the U.S. embargo, and high costs. Starting in 2007 this situation began to slowly improve. While the Internet is still illegal in private homes, government owned internet cafes offer Internet access. In 2014, Cuba had an Internet penetration rate of 30 percent. In 2015, the Cuban government opened the first public wi-fi hotspots in 35 public locations. They also reduced prices and increased speeds for Internet access at state-run cybercafes. I don't know if the Kardashians use a cellphone carrier that provides roaming services in Cuba. From what I've read, people that travel to Cuba rent a SIM card from Cubacel (ETECSA's mobile phone arm) that will allow them to use their mobile phone in Cuba.
  16. I thought I had seen this guy's face before and it was on Flipping Out. Matthew Ryan appears on both shows and there are a couple of comments on Jeff Lewis's Facebook page asking how Matthew Ryan can do double-duty working for both him and Kris. I'm editing because I totally forgot to comment on the episode itself. I've sort of been dreading this episode because of course the Kardashian's got to tour Cuba as celebrities and were only preceded by President Obama and family by a week or two. I got a kick out of Khloe waving to people as they drove through Havana as though anyone would recognize them which they didn't. I really couldn't keep up with the conversation between Malika and Khloe in the restaurant but I knew it had something to do with Lamar. I only heard.... "and... like, she said" "and then.... like, I told her" "then,.... like she told me". I got so disgusted with the horrible habit she has of saying 'LIKE' 10 times in a sentence that my mind shut down to whatever the content of the conversation was. The kids were all adorable. I liked North's hair being natural instead of pulled tight. Penelope is a very sweet little girl and Mason is so well behaved and sweet too. Kourtney has done a really good job of raising the kids without a full time father for them. I know she has a lot of staff to help her, but still. One thing I noticed about Mason is that he's very clingy to Kourtney. Maybe it was because he was in a foreign environment but a few times I thought he looked scared. I didn't get the whole 'do you like your diamond earrings?' thing that Kanye asked North. He had some kind of revelation of how to speak to children. It all went right over my head, I didn't get it. I did catch the approving once-over look that Kanye gave the blonde woman that was giving them a tour of the rum distillery though. One thing I just caught watching this episode. Kim, Kanye and North are walking towards the restaurant on the water. North is holding something and Kim asks "what's in your hand my bubs?' North answers "a leaf and a stick" and Kanye says "is that like a magic stick?" and Kim laughs "babe, don't say that" and Kanye says "oh sorry what is a magic stick?" Kim replies but her reply is beeping out, but she said "a dick". I find that a little strange that Kim thinks that it's wrong to ask North about a 'magic stick' because she can only think of a penis when she hears 'magic stick'. Oh I wish I was younger so I could live long enough to see these kids mature into adults and how they'll all turn out.
  17. Yeah I agree ever since he left the mental image of himself having wet dreams all the time in his daughter's heads. That just went beyond the pale of imagination. It was a totally uncomfortable thing to watch. Plus, his crazy eyes make him look like a deranged lunatic with psychotic tendencies.
  18. I never laughed so hard. The sight of Shannon running to David who looks exceptionally foolish in the curly blonde wig fighting with Vicki, and she can't get his attention to tell him that Kelly is picking on her. "David, David, Michael and Kelly are calling me dumb" David ignores her since he's busy telling Vicki that she should 'shut your fuckin' mouth'. Then she starts stammering and sputtering and grabs his hand "okay David, do you understand that this that guy, th-these p-p-people.....no th-th-this husband is being horrible to me". David breaks free of her hand and goes back to focus on Vicki, he figures that Shannon's stuttering and nonsense can wait until he calls Vicki a 'fucking scumbag'. "It was YEWWW It was YEWWW!!" If Bravo put this episode on pay-per-view I would have gladly paid to see this one, it was TFF!
  19. You're absolutely right, that was a disposable basin used when people have to vomit. Ambulance personnel are so vulnerable to the splattering of bodily fluids such as blood and vomit and they can safely dispose of any contaminated material without the need to have to clean out a plastic or hard emesis basin. It's all part of infection control. I'm just editing to add my two cents regarding the reasons for Briana's return to Orange County to be treated by the physicians who treated her in the past. I'm sure Oklahoma has wonderful hospitals, she also may have had her surgery at a military medical center. But wherever it took place, Briana was infected there. She has a MRSA infection which is a hospital acquired infection. My husband was infected with MRSA after surgery two years ago. Of course, the first reaction is to rage and rant at the hospital itself and lay all the blame at their feet. People have to realize that despite the most fastidious infection control procedures in place, every single hospital has a record of hospital acquired infections. Some hospitals have higher infection rates than others. It's a gamble whether a patient will come out sicker than they went in and for a longer time. So the best advice is to do your homework before any elective surgery. Get the statistics from your State's reviews of nosocomial infections at all your available hospitals before you choose one for your surgery. Each State keeps a very close eye on hospital acquired infections and sanctions are placed on those who are non-compliant with infections control procedures.
  20. I'm behind the curve here because I just watched this episode tonight. I'm still open-mouthed from watching Shannon's 3 girls asking David how many times he's had a wet dream. I know one thing, I wouldn't want Kelly as a friend but I'd like her even less as an enemy. That woman is pure ghetto when she's pissed drunk.
  21. This is inaccurate and I'll explain why. An ambulance whether it's a city, private or hospital provided ambulance, has the very same responsibilities as a first line physician, nurse or any medical worker that touches that patient in any way and that responsibility is to protect the confidentiality of that patient. If my friend happened to be an EMT and treated one of my friends in an emergency to a hospital then discussed his personal information then this patient's privacy has been compromised and not in a good way. The EMT, ambulance service and possibly others involved could be held liable in a court of law. An ambulance trip is certainly a medical record and every single little action is documented in writing. Handing the patient a basin to throw up in is documented. The way he was placed on the stretcher is documented. His vital signs, physical appearance and verbal complaints are all documented. Have you forgotten where the term 'ambulance chaser' came from? Any lawyer would gladly accept a claim from a person who felt that his physical health was jeopardized by an ambulance service, or his privacy was compromised by one of the people who was caring for him. They have a huge responsibility and there are a lot of things that happen inside of an ambulance besides the patient merely given a quick ride to an emergency room. Every needle they use, every vital sign and even the liter flow of the oxygen they might need to give a patient is recorded. It's all about details and not following procedures is extremely dangerous. HIPPA takes everything that happens in curb-to-curb transfers via ambulance exceedingly serious.
  22. Meghan's IVF was successful because she's definitely pregnant. (it's a girl) I had the impression that Jim wasn't real enthusiastic about having another child, but Meghan insisted. Jim's lack of interest in conceiving another child was obvious and he did it to placate his child-minded-bride. Now their marriage is in trouble and they've listed the house they just bought 13 months ago up for sale. If their marriage is floundering and in deep trouble, what will Meghan do if they divorce. Will she finally grow up, become a single mother and fend for herself, or move back to wherever she's from to live with her mother? If they don't divorce and remain married, will Meghan be mature enough to deal with a husband that's out of town for a good part of the time and take on the responsibility of raising their daughter virtually alone?
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