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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Why is Corey bitching about Raul????????????????????????????????????? Evilyn is your problem dude.
  2. Papa Corey with the words of wisdom. Not an accident to show that either TLC
  3. And she's trying to shame him into eating her out. Yeah that'll work. He's claiming it's cultural. Yikes.
  4. Ya gotta be careful. It's a rough world with all those dicks lying around. One time a guy I knew gave a friend a car ride and her mouth fell on his dick. True Story.
  5. Agreed. I'm all about this snark and edit but that's just cruel. He's clearly uncomfortable with it either way. We get it....
  6. Evelyn "sex is important. you have to be happy ON it." Yup girl
  7. Evelyn "addiction is hard." Much like her sex addiction. To other men. Lots
  8. Everybody is angry. Deaven put a top on. The otherways are doing a Max Headroom thing. Ronald is stealing the tv. Tiffany's shoulders are still exposed. Shawn sucks.
  9. Hey Corey.....she's banging the whole town and won't ever marry you. Sit down.
  10. Why did Shawn just skip off Jenny to Jihoon????
  11. This is like that episode of BBT when Sheldon made himself a robot and used an Ipad for his face/head.
  12. Can someone here nod their head if they can hear me?
  13. Is that a booger or a nose ring that doesn't fit properly on Laura?
  14. Deaven is going with the minimal look. No hair. No makeup. No bra. No posture.
  15. Still not sure why Becky told him. If they both signed the papers isn't it just paperwork? He'd never find out.
  16. She spends a lot of time on the verge of being devastated or blows adjacent
  17. Crowdfunding for money for a shrug or bolt of fabric that Tiffany could use as a shrug for her shoulders.
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