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Posts posted by Barb23

  1. 15 hours ago, sixlets said:

    OMG, that is hysterical.  Along with coot-coot & prune chute, Pris could have explained breast feeding by using "knockers" in her explanation. 

    14 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    She also lives in Ohio, not the Mojave desert.  Stuff grows here, you don’t need to use gravel for ground cover.  She and the kids could easily have collected enough rocks from the area to build a very natural and pretty rock garden with plantings.  Instead, Jill ‘decorates’ her yard to look like the parking lot at a drive-in movie

    The fourth picture reminded me of  someone's family cemetery on their property like they had way back when.  

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  2. 13 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Here ya go. Scroll down quite a bit to see the "date night" pics.


    The date night was skeevy but the pictures of two of them butchering the meat WITHOUT GLOVES was much worse in my opinion.  

    I can't even with the trying to catch chicken pox thing.  I remember that I was deathly ill when I had them in first grade and these idiots are making light of the situation. 

    4 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:


    Why do they keep ignoring the child who asked how the baby got out of her tummy ? Are they not allowed to tell him in their cult? They couldn’t have made up something either ?

    Oh my.  Maybe Pris' first sentence shouldn't have been about the baby coming out of her stomach if they didn't want to answer questions about it. And she didn't say it just one time she kept saying it over and over. But I think David had had enough because it looked like he  gave the inquisitive little fella (Phillip?) one of those looks & whispered something (like behave yourself or else) towards the end of the video & the little guy stopped right away.  


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  3. On 5/5/2020 at 12:23 PM, VioletWitch said:


    Why do Jessa's followers think she is the bomb for rotating toys?  Moms have been doing this for years & years & they all act like she is the one who came up with the idea.  She even said Mechelle had done it with their toys.

    Another thing that irked me was that with all those toys she couldn't have donated a pile or two or passed them down to the other Duggar families? The boys wouldn't  have even realized they were gone.  She did say she donates but she wasn't going to do so during this cleanup.

    16 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

    Well, the kids' own toys are probably not very clean either. 



    I'm sure those toys have never been cleaned & this would have been the perfect opportunity for Jessa & the boys to give them a good cleaning.** She had them separated into different types which would have made it easier.  All she needed to do was fill up the tub or kiddie pool with soapy water & some bleach.  Let the toys soak for awhile, give them a good scrub (which I'm sure the boys would love to help her with) then a good rinse and lay them outside on the deck on a blanket to dry.  I would pick a sunny day to help in the drying.  

    ** I can't imagine the amount of germs those toys are harboring. The CDC would have a field day.... I know we've said it before that this must be the way they build up their immune systems. 

    ETA:  looks like Jordan is following in Jana's footsteps & becoming the family seamstress.  When Spurgie stepped on his cape & ripped it, Jessa said that they could get Aunt Jordan to sew & repair it.  Good for Jordan. Now that I think about it, didn't her & Mack take sewing lessons at one time? 

    • Love 4
  4. 20 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Joy looked awful when the moms came over to make casseroles. She was tired and bloated. Poor thing. I hope later pregnancy is kinder to her this time around.


    37 minutes ago, rue721 said:

    If I remember right, Joy also looked rough during her pregnancy with Giddy. Really sallow and drawn and just exhausted. She  clearly was having a hard time. This looks like a MUCH easier pregnancy. I guess that’s a good thing, since she’s going to spend her life barefoot and pregnant no matter how much it hurts.

    IIRC Joy also had a hard time recovering from Giddy's C-Section.  I remember her saying she  recuperated in bed or was off her feet & Austin had to do everything for a few weeks.  She looked wiped out in the newborn pictures of Giddy.  I didn't think about it then but maybe her rough pregnancy had something to do with her recovery. 


    • Love 8
  5. 11 hours ago, magpye29 said:

    I wanted to share this because I thought it was adorable, and also to snark on the Duggars a tiny bit because their kids could only hope to be this cute while quoting scripture.


    OMG, she is precious and definitely knows her scripture. She has left the little Duggars in the dust. I loved when she said "my brother and Miami" and how she followed the words with her finger and turned the pages.  We will have to watch for her on the preaching circuit in years to come. 

    • Love 6
  6. 12 hours ago, sixlets said:

    The Blue Angels & Thunderbirds did a joint fly over for Baltimore, DC, and Atlanta today.  They put out their flight path yesterday, and we realized they wouldn't be going over our neighborhood.  We ended up driving about 15 minutes and sat in the parking lot of Trader Joe's, which was insanely busy.  They have a parking garage, which most people were using, so we picked the back parking aisle with very few cars.  It was over so quick, but it was amazing & a little emotional to watch.  They did it as a way to support healthcare workers.  This is one of the pics I got-the Angels are on the left, Thunderbirds on the right.  



    My husband saw an interview of an honored nurse in Atlanta on the news.   She was so proud because her brother was one of the fly over pilots.

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  7. I know they are combining different purposes in one room (nursery, office & guest room) but I feel sorry for Gracie as her nursery doesn't seem to get top billing.  Couldn't they have found a small sleeper type sofa instead of a full size bed?  How about one of those cabinets that fold out to be a desk/office? Her changing table is a changing cushion on top of shelves ("our desk") right next to the printer!   It doesn't look like there is room for a rocking chair or I'm sure they would have shown it. 

    I also wonder why almost four month old Gracie still sleeps in John & Abbie's bedroom? (Abbie said she barely uses the crib, maybe for a few naps.)Maybe for convenience for night feedings? Does she sleep in a Pack & Play in their room? I would think by four months Gracie would need a nice quiet room to sleep in. 


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  8. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:



    Jill posted pictures of all 7 cakes. I’ll just post one. 😁




    It is really sad that Jill thinks she is impressing the world by showing us a picture of Phil staying up late studying his "algebra math."  She is bragging in her world but is really showing how out of touch & behind Phil is compared to his real world high school counterparts.

    Jill doesn't realize staying up late studying is common.

    I looked up Phil's age. He will be turning 17 in the summer which makes him a Junior in 11th grade in most high schools.  My son was in the accelerated math program & took algebra math in 7th grade.  Students took it in either 8th or 9th grade way back in the dark ages when I went to school. 

    Reminds me of  James Duggar doing his elementary school math flash cards when he was middle school age. 


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  9. Renee should just copy Michaela Bates who loves to wear plain T-shirts under her summery tie at the shoulder sundresses.  

    Jill definitely reads here and/or is trying to prove she feeds her family well.  Why else would there be 3 gallons of milk?

    I can't stand a messy shopping cart especially in the grocery store. I like to put same type of items together so they get checked out& packed in bags together.  (Ex:  all frozen together,  all dairy,  all bread, etc.)   Helps putting it all  away.  

    Don't  they buy in bulk especially with the laundry detergent and dish soap?  I know Renee said this is a just run in for a few things shopping trip but I would think having a large family would make her be prepared so they don't run out .

    • Love 14
  10. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Doesn't look like it would be very easy to access anything on that shelf.

    You got that right. Even though it looks like it has  roughly the same dimensions as a normal hanging enclosed kitchen cabinet would, it just looks so much larger. (Maybe it's the angle.)  A tall person would have trouble getting things off or putting something back from the shelves. 

    Why is this shelf driving me nuts?  I spent way too much time thinking about it.

    3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Mere's shirt is disturbing. 


    Definitely agree with you. "Daddy's  Little Princess" is very upsetting.  

    • Love 8
  11. I think I've recommended this author before -- Elin Hilderbrand.  Her books are almost always set in Nantucket which makes me feel like I'm on a mini vacation when I read them. It's nice you can read the books out of order. She may mention the same sheriff or store in different novels but that's about it.  They are basically romance novels but have an underlying theme in each one like a single mother, divorce, losing a job, coming home etc. I came across my first book of hers in a bag of misc books my sister gave me when I was recuperating from something.  My sister didn't even know where the book came from. 

    Happy Friday & stay safe 😷.

    • Love 9
  12. I really had a "down" day yesterday.  The Covid19 stories have been sad to watch but nothing has hit me more than the stories Tamron Hall had on her show yesterday.  It was like a car wreck that I couldn't stop watching.  Tamron talked with a funeral director at a family owned funeral home in the Bronx for the majority of the program.  She told many sad stories  of trying to give the dead a decent respectful funeral & how upset she is to have to turn away so many families in her neighborhood because they just can't handle them. The most upsetting story to me was of a group of 5 people who stayed in their car at the cemetery for the burial of a friend or family member who had died from Covid19 & a week later they are all gone from it as well.  She didnt give details but I'm sure they were elderly and/or had underlying conditions.  Maybe they all felt fine &  thought  staying in the car was safe but all it took was just one of them (possibly an unknown carrier)  to do them all in. All I could think of for the rest of the day was those 5 people could have been the 5  high risk members of my immediate family incl myself.  We have a small family & that would wipe out a good part of.  I know the likelihood of all us being together during this time is zilch but just thinking that this "invisible enemy" has the capability is horrifying.

    Today I'm sticking with the old shows I like to watch & starting a new puzzle. 

  13. 16 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    My sympathies to those who must endure ultra religious type situations.  I did it for a long time.  I'm lucky that I am not an atheist. lol  It's a difficult thing to navigate. It did teach me patience though. 

    My aunt and uncle came by with dinner tonight and brought dinner for 8! (There's only 4 of us!)  Just dropped it off at door.  They are sheltering at home too.  Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, hash brown casserole with cheddar cheese and bacon, yeast rolls.....omg.  I'm not normally that big on carbs, but, it looks awesome!  This will be my splurge night!  lol

    What a great surprise & sounds very yummy.   You got me with the yeast rolls (I can smell their deliciousness) &hash brown casserole with cheese & bacon, one of my favorites.

    @Ijustwantsomechips Hope you have a great birthday & find a nice way to celebrate even while being quarantined. 

    • Love 7
  14.  I think Jana, the seamstress, has let us down. 


    Jana & whatever Lost Girl/Niece  should be able to whip out a bunch if not for the family but for anyone that still may need them.

    I'm sure all their fans & leghumpers would love to have a mask made by Jana or whatever Duggar.  There are so many possibilities:  She could make her own design.  She could put a cross or bible verse on it. She could do a YouTube tutorial.  

    I'm not sure what the mask wearing rules are in Arkansas. I'm in Maryland & we are supposed to wear a mask when we are out in public. It can be homemade & doesn't need to be medical grade.  


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  15. I would have put the larger box further back in the yard. It looks like they have a large yard so wonder why they put it so close to the house? Did Joy take into consideration the sun's location when deciding where the box would be or how much sun the plants she bought needed?  I doubt it or she would have mentioned it. Sounds like she got what Jana recommended.

      I've tried to repot plants inside before but no matter how careful I am, dirt ends up where its not supposed to be. I understand the newly planted seeds can't be outside yet but she could have planted the seeds outside & then brought the container inside.  Much less mess especially having to deal with Giddyup at the same time. 

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  16. One of our local Italian restaurants has just shut its doors. It is located in a strip shopping center & on the small side. I think most of their business came around dinnertime on Saturday nights after the nearby Catholic church's 5 pm Mass let out.  So with the churches no longer having services and people no longer dining or ordering out as much as they were, I guess they had to close. Hopefully they will reopen when all this is over. They have been there for years & will be greatly missed. They had the best pizza too.

    On another note, I'm going for my monthly infusion later today. It will be great to get out even if it's just to the doctors. My infusion is the only thing I go out for since I'm very high risk. It is nice to talk with the nurse & other patients to see how we all are handling things since we're all in the same boat. 

    Have a good day everyone & stay safe!

    • Love 13
  17. 18 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

    Hi @Jynnan tonnix. Sorry your mom isn’t feeling so well.  For the constipation, try Miralax in a cup of warm white grape juice if she can drink sugary things. For some reason, the white grape juice works better than others I tried, but you have to heat it for about 20 seconds. It was a lifesaver after I had abdominal surgery.  

    That's interesting about the warm white grape juice. 

     Plain green grapes work great for me in preventing constipation.  I have been on different opioid meds through the years for my rheumatoid arthritis & I also suffer from very painful immune system related skin condition.    

    14 hours ago, wilsie said:

    @Jynnan tonnixThat picture will mean more to him, especially in years to come, than any bought card ever could.  Happy Birthday to your son-in-law.  And good wishes to your mom that she'll have some good relief from her pain.  I hope you know what a wonderful person you are.

    @Jynnan tonnix, your drawing is beautiful and I can't agree more with @wilsie. I know I've shared this story before.  My father surprised me & my husband on our son's second Christmas by giving us a painting he had done of our son.  He used my son's  six month Sears portrait to copy from.  It will always be the best gift I have ever received & it hangs proudly in our living room. 

    Part of the surprise was this was my dad's first portrait as landscapes were his thing.  The other surprise was that I thought it was a train set by the size of the box it was in, that my dad was passing on his love of model trains.  This was also one of the few times in my life I was left speechless when I opened the box and saw what it was.  

    I'm sure your son-in-law will love and treasure your gift as much as I have with mine. 

    ETA:  Sorry to hear what your mother is going through.  Dealing with pain isn't easy for all of the family. Hoping she will find relief. 

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