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Posts posted by grisgris

  1. I was feeling like a jerk for being fed up with the guy during the show, glad to see I'm not the only one he was getting to!  Bless him for making such a sacrifice for his country, but... dude, maybe a cooking show isn't the best place to work out your PTSD?



    I feel guilty for thinking this, but my reaction was the same. I was seriously afraid that he was going to cut himself by the way his hands were shaking uncontrollably. I also held my breath during his struggle with that food processor. It's too bad he didn't win, but he was fortunate to have made it as far as he did. I wish him luck and a more serene life.

    • Love 1
  2. Wow, Myrna has become very brazen.  Why does Carter even acknowledge her anyway?


    Ridge channeling the "Ghost" designing via Caroline was creepy. I hope she has a good supply of degreaser on hand to wipe down with after he's touched her. Gross.


    Katie was spitting the lemonballs today. "My FIANCE" indeed. Me thinks she's more than a bit green with envy.  I'll bet that HT is chafing at the bit being limited to these intermittent and not very meaty SLs for Katie.


    Please... please, do not let this be portending a Rick/Caroline/Maya/Ridge/Katie mix-up. I'm none too good with geometry, but I guess that would be a pentagon?

    • Love 2
  3. I like chocolate chip cookies and I found an interesting recipe where you add a cup of Bob's Museili to the batter. It adds some pretty subtle texture, which works, as I'm not a fan of oatmeal. I also like to make shortbread and eat that with ice cream.


    Two other cookie recipes I like are from Giada DeLaurentiis. One is chocolate chip-toffee-hazelnut, which makes a TON and the other is for chocolate/cornmeal wafer sandwiches with an orange-cream filling. I don't make them too often because both recipes are a bit labor intensive and hazelnuts around here are EXPENSIVE.


    For packaged cookies, I like the ones from Pepperidge Farm that are butter cookies with a dollop of apricot-raspberry jelly on top (can't think of the name.) I also like a European cookie called Le Petit Escolier. They are butter cookies with the top dipped in either milk or dark chocolate with a little school boy imprinted on top. I'm having a hard time finding them at my local grocery stores.

    • Love 2
  4. I fixed Ina Garten's lemon chicken with broccoli and bowties. It was good, but I short-changed the amount of lemon juice in the recipe, so that is a mistake I'll avoid in the future. I tend to find Barefoot Contessa lemon recipes to be too "lemony," but not true in this instance. I think will also use boneless skinless chicken thighs instead of breasts. I prefer them because they are moister and have more flavor. Live and learn! :)

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  5. All three outfits are misses. Khole's is boring and too short (cheap looking fabric) and I don't like her shoes.  The bottom of Kourtney's shorts is weird. It reminds me of gym shorts and as dear departed Joan would have pointed out, it's unfortunate that there's an inverse "Y" in the scroll pattern right at the crotch. I think the person who summed up Kim's outfit was made with pop can tabs was spot-on.  Is it lined with black or is Kim wearing black lingerie underneath it?  I'll go for the former. Just ugh.

    • Love 2
  6. I had to dig really deep to find something to "learn" from today's show. After reading the above posts about Ree's bacon distribution methods, it occurred to me ... actually, she did both. She cooked the bacon and chopped it up to add to the potatoes. She cut the bacon beforehand to cook with the green beans and onions. She said that she cooks the bacon first, THEN breaks it up only if she was going to add it to the dish at the last minute. That was contradictory to what she actually did. She added the cooked, chopped bacon to the potatoes before she put everything in the oven.


    Now I'm confused...


    This show was working my last nerve today with Ree's smirky little nervous giggle every time she said something, usually after she added a kilo of butter to something.


    Is jalapeno the state vegetable of Oklahoma or something???  It appears in every frickin' dish!


    That dump cake exceeded anything I've even seen on Semi-Ho. At least Aunt Sandy would have dolled it up with aigstract, booze and Cool Whip.


    Same scenario, different setting. The only interesting tidbit was when Ladd was explaining that if an Angus was crossed with something else (???? couldn't understand him ????) the "something else" bloodlines could cause the cows to be feisty. Why was Missy out on the range in the hot sun while poor put-upon Ree was back at home slaving away in the kitchen? This also did not make sense. If the work was taking place at Missy's and Tim's ranch, wouldn't it had been more practical for Missy to prepare the lunch instead of Ree hauling everything to hell and back, probably to be delivered lukewarm.


    It dawned on me that maybe Ree is taking a page from Ina's playbook and making three (in her case with quesadillas and lemonade, about 12) versions of the same dish and hope that the viewers will be none the wiser.

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  7. Toeing that fine line as to when to get too familiar/cutesy with the judges vs. knowing "your place" before the revered. Sometimes flattering the judges works, but it can also backfire.  Marcus, Aarrrrrrrone and Alex seem to like being pandered to. Chris, Marc and Marcus, not so much. It usually backfires with Geoffrey, it seems.

    • Love 1
  8. I thought the judges, and Scott in particular, were really harsh in their critique of Dinah.  And I didn't especially like Dinah.  Why is everyone charmed and astounded that Elda, a woman who's been cooking all her life, is actually good at it? 


    I picked up on that, too. I think what annoyed the judges was the way Dinah presented her dishes, i.e. "I'm about to temp your tastebuds with..." She said something with similar alliteration during the entree' round. It seems to depend on what crew is manning the judges table, but it's difficult to know how familiar or cutesy you can get with them.


    I was perfectly happy to see Keith take Elda down. Yes, he had the requisite sob story down pat,but there was something about Elda I didn't like. I noticed her facial expressions while she was cooking and she looked pretty steely, the antithesis of the sweet grandmother persona she was wearing. I laughed after the grill pan battle when Keith had the superior steak having had to cook his in a sautee' pan.


    • Love 1
  9. WHAT???!!! WHY did Quinn confess her mideeds in Paris to Bill? For somebody as cunning as Quinn, that seemed really stupid and completely out of character.


    Exactly. What is going to stop Bill from revealing the truth to Hope, Liam and Wyatt?  Also, why would Quinn think that Bill would find her actions alluring? SMH.


    Poor sad (and rude) Waffles staring longingly at his phone during Ivy's party. Was he expecting to hear from Hope? Good luck with that one, Ivy.


    Dope really is one. I couldn't believe her audacity of whining about her "concern" for Liam's love life to Wyatt. WTH is he supposed to think? I mean stupid him in the first place for insisting that Dope marry him STAT after the misunderstanding in Paris. What newlywed husband is going to put up with that shit for any length of time? Dope is just a pathetic narcissistic idiot. Why is she always prancing around in white? Is she pretending to be a virgin, or is it to reinforce her "goody-goody" blonde heroine persona? She's a stark contrast to Ivy's dark good looks and colorful wardrobe.


    It's pretty clear that the Foolers are going to be the losers in this race. Bill has a great opportunity with Brooke to spill the beans about Quinn's Seine-side shenanigans. When Hope finds out, she can use it was an excuse to dump Wyatt, but I hope Ivy puts up a good fight for Waffles. Bill will be exalted in Brooke's eyes, which will knock out Quinn, thus setting up a full-fledged Deacon/Brooke/Bill triangle.  I, for one, can't wait. /eyeroll.

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  10. I wanted to thank you, GHScorpioRules, for posting those. I got a good laugh and experienced some wistful memories, especially given what a shit-fest this reboot has become. I had such high hopes... Sigh...

    • Love 1
  11. I'm having oven fried chicken thighs that were marinated in buttermilk with a panko crust. To go with it, I made Martha Stewart's recipe for a tomato-potato-zucchini gratin (needed to use up some farmer's market produce.) I didn't have access to the type of cheese she recommended, so I used parmesan. I also tried out Aarti Sequera's blackberry-ginger clafouti. The recipe calls for a whisper of garam masala. I was very pleased with the way it turned out.

    • Love 3
  12. I like Dairy Queen chocolate-dipped soft serve cones. I also loved their crunch cones, which I enjoyed when I was growing up. That variety hasn't been around for ages. Sadly, all of the DQs in our area are closing.

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  13. I think that Jade is already beginning to assert her influence. First, I noticed that Giada has started using shallots instead of onions because they "melt into" whatever recipe she's using them in (NOT true.) And she'll also pass it off as shallots have a "milder onion flavor" and has said that kids like them better. Also, now it seems like every frickin' ingredient Giada adds to a dish starts with the proclamation, "Jade LOVES this." She even had to point that out during yesterday's episode at the Asian supermarket while picking out noodles. Sort of like the tail waggin' the dog...n'est pas?

    • Love 1
  14. My favorite flavor, hands down, is chocolate chip. I usually buy Blue Bell because it comes in one-pint containers. (I have a small freezer.)


    I also like Whole Fruit raspberry sorbet. I often throw that in the blender with frozen peaches and vanilla yogurt and make a peach melba smoothie for breakfast.


    The stores always put out Edy's peppermint ice cream in the winter. LOVE IT!


    When I was a kid, we lived not too far from Baskin & Robbins and Mom and Dad would often take us there for ice cream cones. My mother's favorite was a lemon chiffon, which was only available in June or July. When I moved, the B&Rs around here kept closing, so I remember driving all over the place to get some for her. B&R eventually discontinued it.


    Mom made ice cream sometimes, always vanilla and it was delicious.


    My dad would make us ice cream malts with malt powder, which reminds me that I recently found a recipe for chocolate chip malted cookies. I'd like to try them, but I'll have to really track down the malt powder.


    My go-to treat from the ice cream man was an ice cream sandwich.

    • Love 1
  15. I give her props for the grilled vegetables with the Greek yogurt-based dressing.  That is probably the most vegetables I've ever seen her serve.  



    True. However, she was serving wimmin only. No menfolk around. LOL!

    I love smoked gouda, but not awash in that mess Ree called dressing.


    One positive take-home was that I was intrigued by Ree's method of putting the BBQ sauce on the chicken. I have an old recipe from my childhood for barbequed chicken that you finish with a honey-mustard glaze. My mom made it infrequently because she hated the mess it made. It never occurred to me to start everything skin-side down. I'll have to give it a try.

    • Love 1
  16. Once I hosted a party and made pumpkin cheesecake squares. I'd made them before and they were always well-received. I noticed during the evening that they were literally untouched. I was curious, so I tasted one and it was terrible -- very bitter. I then figured out that I'd left out the sugar. I quickly whisked them off the table.


    Another time, I made some dessert type dish and accidentally put in an entire tablespoon of cream of tartar instead of the 1/8 teaspoon the recipe called for.  Lesson: Do not sip on wine whilst cooking!


    A few years ago, I wanted to make a surprise dessert for my boyfriend at the time. He loved anything with oatmeal in it, so I tried a recipe from a not-to-be-mentioned Food Network hostess. (You'll probably be able to guess.) The recipe called for making the cookies from a box of chocolate cake mix. I followed the directions carefully and when I baked them, the cookies all spread out way too much and ran together. I thought that I could salvage the mess into some type of cake, so I transferred it to a 9" x 13" baking pan. I put it back in the oven and baked it. Two hours later, it was not done. So, I kept going at 30-minute intervals and just gave up. My BF, who'd eat anything, even turned that down and we tossed it down the disposal. I can't figure out what went wrong, but since I don't plan on making that recipe ever again, I really don't care!

    • Love 4
  17. What did Ivy do to her hair?


    It looked like she had extensions added. They were pretty, but my question was why bother getting hair extensions just to add a couple of inches of length? If I were so inclined to get extensions, I'd go full length Rapunzel!


    At least the storyline acknowledged that Ivy's hair had changed. Unlike back in the day when Steffy would show up out of the blue with that awful orange ombre or fried crimped mess.


    WTH with Brooke getting all melancholy over Sludge's portfolio? He's not dead. (Although AKA that it's a great idea to kill him off.) If I were Bill and walked in on that, I would have been furious and promptly turned on heel right back out the door. When I saw her with that bottle on wine, I thought for a second that at last we were going to see the long-ago hinted about SL where Brooke started hitting the bottle. And now... with Deacon off the wagon (I guess) they could bond as drinking buddies.


    Paparazzi tailing Rick? Seriously? 


  18. I just stumbled onto this forum. Very interesting!


    Just off the top of my head, I can't stand:


    Onions, green onions, shallots and chives. I especially hate purple onions (aka red onions -- why are they called red?)  If I absolutely HAVE to use an onion, I get a very small yellow one and that's only if the recipe is pureed.


    Coconut in any form (oil does not fool me!)


    Fennel (although I like fennel seeds in Italian sausage)


    Plain mayonnaise as a condiment on some type of sandwich


    Black walnuts


    Green peppers






    I'm sure there are many more...


    Sweet potatoes


    Raw jalapenos

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