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Posts posted by grisgris

  1. . She was making a simple pasta with shrimp and fried capers.


    That spaghetti and garlic is the signature dish at her new restaurant. The snippiness really came out in the episode. When she was making a roux for one of the dishes, Giada used flour and olive oil and smirked something along the lines of that even though roux is traditionally made with butter, in HER restaurant, it was olive oil all the way... Definitely not good PR for the eatery!


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  2. Every time I see Wyatt, I keep expecting him to start bobbing his head, clucking, and shuffling his feet.



    If he did, then he'd be perfect for Taylor, especially when she's had a few!


    I really don't feel very sorry for Liam. At that party he reminded me of a wooden marionette with Bill pulling the strings. His eyes got all beady and had that blank look he sported back in the days of ToD 2.0. I think the fact that Hope instantly married Wyatt is fitting karma for Liam pulling the insta-engagement to Steffy.


    Prime example today of why Hope is considered such a spoiled princess. When Liam was trying to explain to her what had happened en route to the Eiffel Tower, all she could do was lament about how humiliated SHE felt. ME! ME! ME! This whole thing is so tiresome and downright dumb. There's no excuse today why one couldn't have called the other than none of this sordid mess would have happened. Now you know this is going to drag on for even longer.


    Was Oliver even at the party? I thought I saw a glimpse of him in the background. Aly really needs to butt out of Liam's and Hope's business and tend to her own relationship. I wish the Floating Head of Darla would point that out to her. Aly and Ivy were acting like high school gossip girls.


    I laughed at the Rick and Maya exchange.


    Did Eric even utter one word?


    Damn, I was so wishing that Deacon would have whipped out one of those pathetic sketches by Ridge to show to Brooke. I still don't see how Ridge's impairment is Bill's fault. I think it would have been funnier and more deserving if Ridge ended up with an "impairment" in the bedroom. That seems to be a more suitable punishment.


    After seeing Brooke's white satin dress for a second time, I decided I didn't like it. It didn't look like it fit her properly and it looked like she had on a circa-Madonna "cone bra" underneath.

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  3. BWAHHH!!! That was spot-on!! Exactly....the way that .... Nancy.... talks.  The last glimpse I saw of her was while channel-surfing the other day and Nancy was mixing up potato salad with her bare hands. She had mayonnaise up to her elbows. She called it "rustic and homey."

  4. I almost forgot to add my "Why is Maya there ?" question.


    Looking for Eric, perhaps?


    What was with all of the women wearing white? Trying to upstage the new bride a little bit? I liked Ivy's dress the best. I didn't particularly care for Hope's dress either, but it looked almost interchangeable with all of the strapless white frocks she's worn over the years.


    I love Liam and Bill together! ITA Deacon and Quinn laughing over Ridge's scribbles was hysterical.


    Hopefully the newlyweds will be sent off on a l-o-n-g honeymoon and we won't see them for a while (fingers crossed.)

    • Love 4
  5. Seriously?? Ladd and the boys are too dumb to know how to heat food up in a microwave?  I was dumbstruck by the amount of grease that Ree dumped out of that skillet. The pasta sauce looked very bland, but I guess that's how the "menfolk" like it.


    I was much more interested in hearing what colleges Alex was considering. I suppose it won't be long before we see Ree making up care packages to send Alex at school...



    • Love 5
  6. Word to all. When I was watching yesterday, I thought for a moment that Hope was back on drugs again. She acted like she was in some sort of a trance because she just stood there and stared at Wyatt and either nodded or did not verbally respond.


    I highly doubt that the so-called marriage is going to be deemed legal. They didn't really exchange "I dos." BnB doesn't have a very stellar track record with marriages performed off-shore. Look at Brooke's and Grant Chambers' attempt.


    ITA on the complete lack of security surrounding the diamond. It's going to get scratched up and diminished in value being carried around in pockets and backpacks. I have to wonder if it survived the plunge into the sea. Wasn't Wyatt just holding it in his hand?


    I disliked Hope's dress. I have never been a fan of those "mullet-cut" skirts. Ugh.

    • Love 2
  7. So, we're safe to assume that Hope just let herself be mutely and passively led off to the Spencer jet to be whisked off to Monte Carlo? How did that all fall into place -- with the yacht and all? What bugged me was that Hope never bothered to speak up about anything and followed along after Wyatt like a sheep.  Talk about being the antithesis of the HFTF message.


    Liam was acting like a spoiled baby again today by refusing to leave a message on Hope's v/m. Yes, an in-person explanation would have been preferred, but Liam didn't know where Hope was and she wouldn't answer her phone. Duh?


    Liam is starting to get a little too much suck-up action himself. Now we have the anonymous passenger on the plane, Ivy and Brooke all sighing about what a gentleman Liam is, he is chivalrous, etc., Gag...



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  8. Speaking of the gowns, I thought HFTF was supposed to be a line for young women (I was under the impression late teens through mid twenties).  If so, why did the shoot show nothing but gowns? 


    That's what I wondered as well. I suppose gowns are the only products out of the HFTF line that "complement" that gawdy diamond. It would have made more sense to have Maya and other models along for the shoot to show more of the line -- especially from a cost perspective. Showing gowns seemed somewhat contradictory to Hope's message. Not that I expected the models garbed in recycled trash bags, but nonetheless. As if FC's designs to even begin to compete with French fashion.


    Word. to KerleyQ's and MulletorHater's posts!


    Why does marriage have to be the end-all/be-all for everybody? Especially when they are so young? Given the track record of the show, regardless of who Hope marries, it's guaranteed to end in divorce. The only couple that I can think of that didn't eventually split up as Thorne and Darla and that's after Thorne married and divorced Macy umpteen times.


    In addition to being immature, I think that Hope is spoiled and self-centered. How many times has she whined and demanded that everybody drop what they are doing to dote on her? I can sort of give her a pass in business-related situations, but I can recall times when Rick and Brooke were dispatched to rush to Hope's side to console her over yet another "crisis" with Liam. I am sure that whomever she marries, that she will not be satisfied with a simple civil ceremony and Eric will -- once again -- have to crank out yet another wedding frock. How MANY wedding dresses has Hope had by now? I've lost count.


    Liam is another story. What a waffling piece of work. When he first came on the show, I thought he was a decent kid, but once he started flip-flopping between Hope and Steffy, I was finished with him. I can't stand his deer-in-the-headlights blank stare and his passive-aggressive behavior. I don't believe for one moment that he has changed. That was glaringly apparent when he butted into Hope's pregnancy scare. He should have respected that Hope and Wyatt were in a relationship and dropped it. Then this business over the diamond.. He's selfish and immature as well. That's why Hope and Liam deserve each other.

    • Love 6
  9. At the risk of sounding like a parrot, I came here to post more or less the same thing. HOW many times has Ree made quesadillas?  ITA that the shrimp and peppers filling did not look appetizing. I can take or leave chicken and dumplings and the pasta was nothing special. WRT the cinnamon toast, I have to second Ladd's version. Isn't the whole point of cinnamon toast to make a quick and tasty breakfast or snack? That was the way I was raised to make it. Ree's version was too much trouble and time consuming.


    I hate to sound petty and shallow, but Ree didn't look very good in those TH shots of her in the orange top. I thought she looked on the pale and drawn side and the harsh eye makeup doesn't help.

    • Love 1
  10. Pssht, I think Liam would have all the nerve to tell Hope she's the one who needs to grow up.


    Bet Wyatt wishes he was Robert Plant. Plant at his heyday was sex on a stick. Wyatt is just a stick.


    ♫"...feelin' like a fool..."♫  Dead on. Lookin' like one too, IMO.


    LMAO! That is hilarious.  I wish that Wyatt was Robert Plant!


    I see we're back to montages again. I guess to fill in the gaps of this sagging storyline.


    How can Quinn possibly overhear Liam's and Ivy's conversation? On an airplane. An airplane what is revving up to take off. SMH.


    What I never cease to believe is how insensitive and stupid Liam is. He should have called Hope to tell her he was going to meet her in Paris. Letting her hang out and wait and wonder is just mean. I don't understand why he thinks it's going to be a surprise. It wasn't like Hope didn't invite him to go along with her... A surprise would be more like if Liam actually TRUSTED Hope to go to attend business and Paris and he would show up with no inkling on her behalf.  Instead, he is causing Hope a lot of doubt and anxiety, which Wyatt is clearly feeding off of.


    I'm disappointed with Wyatt. Why does he want his half-brother's sloppy seconds? He reminds me Thorne back in the day when Thorne was willing to take Taylor as scraps after Ridge mistreated her with his waffling. Also, my patience was being tried (again) with Wyatt's continuing reference to Hope as an "icon." Eric Forrester, perhaps, but Hope... NO.


    Hope needs Floating Head Darla to make an "on-loan" appearance from Aly and talk some sense into her. I would really love to hear Brooke weigh in on this latest predicament. She's too busy locking lips with The Convict.

    • Love 3
  11. I could be wrong, since I was only sporadically watching then, but Hope had split up with Liam. She owed him nothing, and she should've shooed him out the room when he came in like Nosey Joe waiting for the results.


    That always bothered me and didn't make a whole lot of sense. First of all, Hope and Wyatt were in a relationship at the time of the pregnancy scare. So... why was it suddenly Liam's business? And why did Hope abruptly switch gears and decide that she needed Liam to be in her life? She seemed perfectly happy with Wyatt. Granted, maybe those two KIDS are "destiny redux," but WTF? Liam, knowing that Hope was committed to Wyatt, should have butted out. Given that, I have no argument with Wyatt encroaching on Liam's latest relationship with Hope.


    Speaking of, I do not recall Liam's latest proposal. I remember a proposal by the fountain on the grounds of the Forrester estate, but I thought that was the wedding attempt that Quinn ruined by luring back Steffy. There have been too many near misses to keep track!


    This is another example of Bell's bad habit of changing his mind in the middle of what seems to be a reasonable storyline. Just like when Taylor was happily engaged to Rick and suddenly woke up one morning back in love with Ridge. Lather, rinse and repeat with Taylor and Whip.


    Let those two juvenile losers hook up and get them off the screen for an extended honeymoon or something. Wyatt should cut his losses and take up with Ivy. She seems like a lot more fun than Mope.


    Please get Hope out of that pink romper. It makes her look like a Holly Lobby girl and it's wrinkled to death. Since people have brought it up, I looked closely at her hair today and it looks really bad -- like a bad wig or hair that is in desperate need of a good deep conditioning treatment. I like Quinn with the longer, wavy hair and i happen to like her clothing style. It suits her well -reptilian!

    • Love 3
  12. This is how much I don't give an eff about this dude: let's use his plan to whisk me away to the most romantic city in the world as an opportunity to get married."  And Liam is still standing around whining.  "Will he be there?" 


    This. Liam's whining and stalling were driving me crazy. After he ran out and pouted and made demands, Hope gave him the optimal chance to take advantage of the situation and all Liam did was stand there and argue. Dude, get a frickin' clue!!!


    When I was watching that scene, it looked like KM and SC had all of the steam socked out of them. I thought they looked tired, bored and dejected, like they couldn't bear to utter another word of this insipid, drawn-out story.


    And Liam's sudden argument that he couldn't get a way??? C'mon. The guy NEVER works because he's always hanging out at FC or holing up at home ruminating and pouting.


    Maya is pathetic.

    • Love 4
  13. Please tell me you mis-heard things?  Or, maybe the writers need to put down the wacky weed--or at the very least pass some along this way so that I can partake also.  "Icon?"  Hope?!  On what planet, pray tell?  Especially for a chit who's not even 30 years old and has accomplished virtually nothing of any note.

    Nope. Unfortunately, he said that. I couldn't stop laughing. What has that dim bulb done to earn that honor? All she seems to be accomplished at is failed wedding attempts.


    Why was it necessary to have Donna, Oliver, Aly, Maya and Carter present at the strategy meeting? Maybe some SAG cards need renewing... It still bugs me how Wyatt, a jewelry assistant, is suddenly running all of the marketing and PR campaigns. I wish that Eric or Rick would reign him in.


    More yadda yadda yadda with Lope with Hope rushing over to comfort cry-baby Liam. I'm betting that he'll refuse to go to Paris with her. Doesn't he ever work at SP? I thought he was a VP or editor-in-chief or something. If he went, that would be a prime opportunity for him to run into Steffy -- that is, if JMW could be convinced to come in for a cameo. Anyway, they are so boring...


    Speaking of Steffy, I noticed today that Ivy's eye makeup was done in the same fashion as Steffy's "Elizabeth Taylor knock-off" look.


    That diamond is really ugly and tacky looking. Hopefully, Ivy will come up with something more befitting of an "icon." (Talking about the Eiffel Tower.)


    OBTW, thanks also to the mods for the reminder about the "Ignore" feature.

    • Love 3
  14. I thought he gave Steffy the ring after Hope saw him kissing Steffy and broke things off?  He thought she left him at the altar in Italy, right?  Am I totally scrambling up my history of the numerous mishaps they've had? 

    Also, Liam runs too.  He thought she stood him up at the altar in Italy and, instead of going to find her and see if something was wrong, he went right to Steffy.  This is even after they'd already lost time together due to other various misunderstandings.  He still lashes out and rebounds to Steffy. He's no saint in all this. Not even close.


    And I think that things Liam has done - immediately proposing to Steffy with Hope's ring and marrying her within days, going right to Steffy when he thought Hope stood him up in Italy, and spending the night before their wedding out on the town with Steffy, were things that Liam did knowing damn well they would hurt Hope.



    Neither of these two is my favorite character, but given the choice between the two, I prefer Hope by far.  And it's a shame, because I love SC, but Liam is a waffling spiteful hypocritical douchebag.


    I have to agree 100% with the above post. IMO both Liam and Hope are immature (particularly in the area of communication) and don't seem capable of having a committed relationship and why should they? They both are only in their 20's. After Liam's shenanigans with Steffy, he had no business demanding equal time with Hope, nor giving her an ultimatum with the diamond.


    Liam is so passive-aggressive. He nods along to situations, then all of a sudden, he will go ballistic and make unreasonable demands and throws around the threats and ultimatums. If I were Hope, I'd say "good riddance," and move on with Wyatt. Those two seem to have more chemistry and fun with one another. (Common sense says Hope should have tossed Waffle Jr. aside the first time he bolted to Steffy.)


    I could be wrong, but I think when people say there is "chemistry" between Liam and Katie and Liam and Quinn, they aren't suggesting that Liam fall into bed with either woman. (If so, that would make for some interesting SLs.) I think they mean that whenever SC is paired with RS or HT, he exhibits more animation and emotion than he does with KM. My opinion is that both RS and HT are far better actresses than KM (granted they are older and have more acting experience) so they give SC (who is a halfway decent thespian himself) more to play off of.


    Lastly, that diamond is one ugly hunk of rock. I laugh at the way everybody handles is so carelessly. It's shoved and pockets and backpacks like it's a prize out of a gumball machine.


    Switching gears, I think that the plot to try to reunite Brooke and Deacon is ludicrous. That came out of left field completely. That ship sailed long ago. I liked the idea of hooking Deacon and Quinn up much better.


    P.S.: I wonder how much $$$ it would take to lure Ronn Moss back? This new guy just isn't cutting it. Granted, he's a much better actor, but his disheveled unkempt appearance is a complete turn-off. It is so distracting, I can barely focus on what the character is doing or saying.

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  15. I wasn't sure what I thought of that episode. I couldn't tell if Ronn was putting on an act or if he really is that much of an asshole in real life! It appeared that it wasn't that much of a stretch for him to portray Ridge. LOL!


    I was surprised that I liked Devin as much as I did. She handled that little boy very well. ITA that Tyler Christopher should recoil in horror at the thought of her managing his social media activities.


    It was a welcome sight to see Ronn. I don't like TK at all.

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