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Posts posted by grisgris

  1. My vote goes to "hard of hearing" from that Spinal Tap concert on the Air Force base :)


    LOL! That statement and the fact that it's the 30th anniversary of ST, compelled me watch that movie this evening! Plus, it was $1.99 on TimeWarner. It's even funnier after all of this time.



    I'll say this, Rena Sofer is good at giving off the crazy vibes. Quinn was practically radioactive with insanity as Hope pretended to be an assertive woman with her.


    The reaction shots of a jealous Charlie were comedy gold. Nice to see some smiling faces on this show!


    Hope is about as menacing as a toothless chihuahua. I dare say that Quinn is starting to catch up to Sheila Carter. Mama Quinn is going to shred precious princess like newspaper.


    I'm going to piss some people off, but I'm not liking John Forrester too well. He comes across as a smarmy, snake-oil-salesman type. I was particularly irritated when he intimated to Eric that Pam should realize that he's a married man and not flirt with him. EXCUSE ME???? Pot meet kettle.


    BTW, why doesn't he speak with an Aussie accent, but his daughter does?  At least they threw a nod to Maggie.


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  2. I have to echo everybody's sentiments about how COOL this site is! I feel relaxed when I post and not that I have to sweat blood and tears over every word as not to offend somebody or risk getting kicked off.


    A few comments about this week's events:


    Hasn't Brooke gone through an "epiphany" several times in the past? I know that she did after Hope was born and also after the Boink-Berry debacle. Let's see how long this one lasts...


    If Katie had taken a child CPR class, then why did she stand there screaming hysterically for Bill to "make him breathe" and for Brooke to call 911? I'm surprised she didn't keel over with cardiac arrest! Good grief, woman. Calm down. If I were Bill, I'd be looking sideways and wondering if Katie is capable of being alone with anything that breathes. Watch the plants and hopefully there won't be any little Fidos in Will's future.


    Is Fred Willard's background in live theatre? I wondered because he surely can project his voice. I thought it was either poor sound management or he's hard of hearing. I'm all for a Charlie/Pam/John triangle. That would certainly be more interesting then the junior varsity league.


    It's touching that Ivy has been confiding in her father about Sad Waffles. About what, exactly?


    Loved Hope telling Quinn, "Huff, puff and I'll blow your house down." Yeah, right.


    Lastly, as I watch the older episodes, I've noticed (and appreciated) the dearth of montages and flashbacks. Yes, there were a few, but not the daily saturation like we're getting. Makes me lament how much this show has headed down hill.

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  3. Cafe Russe has an even more colorful history. (I wish I could find the clip.) Anyway, during a time when Eric was married to Brooke (or trying hard to keep her from divorcing him), he surprised her by buying a restaurant for her. Cafe Russe was one of her favorite restaurants in Paris, so Eric convinced the owner to pack up and relocate to L.A. The was the way to introduce Robert Clary to the show. R.C.made cameos as the proprietor of Cafe Russe. I'd forgotten about that.

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  4. He's baaaack and whatever that thing Kim is wearing is, she looks huge in it. And the beige shoes again..


    It finally dawned on me where Kim got the nude/beige colored shoe idea. Kate Middleton. I've seen and read in magazines that the Duchess has a favorite pair of nude pumps. (I forgot who the designer is.) The differences are that Kate's are classic pumps, (granted they have a fairly high heel), but they are closed-toe, her feet aren't spilling out of them and it doesn't look like she needs a machete to have them cut off of her.

  5. Yeah. I didn't mean to call Nancy out on her size. She does, indeed, wear unflattering clothes. Something just looked very different about her. It seems like her hair is longer and a little bit lighter. I kinda like her oversized acid green glasses! ITA that she can totally cook and encourages the viewers to cook from scratch and use fresh ingredients. I'd rather make something of Nancy's than Ree's.

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  6. Hi! Ridge has three older kids from his marriages to Taylor. There were two girls (first identical twins, then retconned to fraternal) Phoebe and Steffy. I'm sure you've seen, heard and read references to Steffy, who was married to Liam and in another triangle with Hope and him.


    Steffy's sister, Phoebe, was killed off several years ago in a car accident.


    The third child, the oldest, is Thomas. He used to be a regular on the show, so now they have him (as well as Steffy) shipped off to Paris.

  7. Caught today's show. I wasn't sure how the menu was supposed to emulate dim sum. From my perspective, it was just a badly matched trio of appetizers.


    Giada sure was excited about the stiff peaks of her whipped egg whites. She described them as "icebergs." How was that "bread pudding?" The bread didn't have enough time to absorb the liquid (a bit of almond milk and Nutella.)


    I still couldn't get over her sheer glee at concocting "little portions." I call bull on that they were "Jade-inspired." I think that those are "Giada-approved" portion sizes and she's make her kid be the scapegoat for her preference of serving parsimonious portions. OR, she has completely missed her calling and should specialize in child menus.

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  8. I wonder if I pissed off the woman that runs it? I don't know why I would have, I don't roll that way. I posted under the name Biki.


    I don't know what's going on. I checked to see if the site is still live and it is and looks like it gets plenty of traffic. I emailed the site admin a SECOND time, so hopefully, I can get an answer. Weird. Could anybody else who subscribes to Marlborowoman.com help us? Thanks.


    Did Ree explain why she cut the icky canned biscuits into quarters? Those did not look good at all.


    The salad didn't look too bad, but I'd leave out the jalapenos. I felt like Ree gushed too much over that creamy citrus dressing. At least it wasn't loaded with mayo. How did they prepare the oranges? I heard Ree tell Betsy to "chop them up." I would have loved to have seen one of them attempt to supreme an orange. (I shouldn't laugh because I can't do that myself.)


    I think I would have used a slightly thinner glaze over that cake as to not obscure the pretty design of the cake pan. That reminds me of when Aunt Sandy used to go into great detail to make something to look pretty then crap it up with too much icing, dressing, etc.


    I am going to the "Small Talk" thread to solicit any reaction to the first episode of "Simply Laura" that aired to today on TCC.

  9. What brand of bottled water was Bobby swigging, adding to the trash heap in the backseat of the Benz?


    Best scene: Anne asking Sue Ellen to pour her a big glass of bourbon.


    This was so dull and disappointing that I'm debating whether or not to watch the second part.

  10. I'm getting fed up with this "incapacitated Ridge" nonsense. If he has enough cognition and coordination to guide Caroline's hand, then why can't he sketch for himself? Seeing those two up close and personal was pervish at best as well as skeevy, punctuated by those longing adoring looks she was giving him. I hope this isn't going anywhere, but it looks like something is heading down the pike. Yuck...


    Ha! Brooke giving advice to Hope about divorce. Like she can talk...

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