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  1. jhfield4

    S6.E5 Sacrifice

    Maybe a bit nit-picky, but at the very end of the episode, Maggie leaves an FBI file just lying on her desk. Wouldn't you think it should be locked up??
  2. I was really impressed with John Boyd in this episode. Scola is so buttoned up, but he balanced trying to be stoic with real emotion when talking to Nina about the baby. I like the character more and more as the series goes on. Bravo!,
  3. https://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/strange-sex/videos/worlds-largest-scrotum You can always count on TLC.
  4. Zac's face when Aaron's look hit the runway! Someone please make a gif of that!
  5. I'm sorry, Holden speaking without using contractions made me think of Data from ST:TNG for the whole show.
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