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Posts posted by lilwhitelion

  1. We bought a home with a Bosch. Even after I cleaned out the trap (disgusting) a couple times, the dishwasher always would get moldy. Replaced with a Miele. I don’t remember why the appliance store said Bosch dishwashers will do that. A feature I love with the new dishwasher - a narrow top rack to lay the cutlery flat. Don’t have a basket for them that takes up space in the bottom. There’s still room for cups and bowls in the next rack (even tall ones) and plates and platters in the bottom. 

    Also, years ago a repairman said only use a Tablespoon worth of detergent. The receptacle makes it seem like you should fill it up and that would be so much more than is needed. Too much soap and the machine has to work too hard to remove the suds. 

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Zella said:

    The details in the complaint are riveting awful! 

    My favorite was one girl who they faked into college as a tennis player. The FBI provided a meticulous footnote detailing how badly she sucked at tennis. 😂

    As someone who was a first-generation college student, that whole thing makes me so mad, especially felicity Huffman and William h Macy faking a learning disability for their kid to get extra test time. I had students with legitimate learning disabilities whom I used to beg to use the accommodations they were entitled to and needed, and they'd refuse because they felt bad about it. For these two celebrities to fake that to get an unfair advantage for their kid is just disgusting.

    Not just faked her having a disability for extra time.  They did that so the testing would be at a private facility, not with all the other students taking the SAT, so the bribed proctor could correct her wrong answers after the test without being noticed.

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  3. What I immediately noticed in the second photo at the table is the lit candle.  Likely pumpkin scented.  I can't deal with scents at all (no perfume on me and my family knows not to wear it), so I would be unable to eat where there was a scented candle in the room.  I once was considering joining a bookclub and went to the first meeting at a woman's house.  She sold Party Lite candles (didn't know before I went to her house) and she must have had three scented candles lit.  I noped right out of there.  

    • Love 7
  4. 24 minutes ago, emma675 said:

    I lost a parathyroid gland during my thyroid surgery, which was no big deal. My surgeon beat himself up over it but it was buried in a mass of scar and from my thyroid and I've had no problems. 

    MindThinkr, you might also call the clinic or hospital where he wants the tests done and see if you can get a discount for paying up front. 

    Yes, it seems you can do fine with 3 of the 4 parathyroid glands.  It's amazing such a small body part can result in so many problems if left inside after it malfunctions.

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  5. 15 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    @Happyfatchick, I can't tell you how much your story cracked me up, then made me feel equally guilty for doing so. Love, love, LOVE your posts!

    I may as well make an update here, since I don't think I ever did that after I started with all the doctor's appointments after finally getting the process started after 10 years without a checkup...

    Turns out I have diabetes and high blood pressure. And high cholesterol. None of that shocks or  upsets me too much...It's pretty much all controllable, and stuff I've done to myself, so  I guess I have to deal with the consequences. Hope that goes well for me. Had my mammogram, which was clear, so that's good. All the other blood work seemed OK, though he wants me to get my thyroid checked as my calcium levels are slightly elevated. Just had a diabetic eye exam, and it doesn't appear that there is any damage to my eyes. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for later this month, and I AM a bit concerned about that as I have a couple of iffy things going on, but on the other hand, they have been going on for over 10 years, so I suppose even if there is something there it's not too aggressive. 

    My shoulder still hurts, and even though that was the thing which originally drove me (finally!) to the doctor, they don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to do anything to help that. Seems I have some spinal degeneration, but the x-ray didn't show anything too much actually out of whack. So I'll be getting some physical therapy, and the doctor feels that the pain can be managed with cortisone shots rather than resorting to surgery. Guess we'll see...

    But at least so far it appears I will live through the holidays! As scared as I was going into all this, that's pretty much better than I was prepared for :)

    @jynnan tonnix, it sounds like your doctor wants to check for a problem with your parathyroid glands (because of the elevated calcium levels).  The parathyroid glands have nothing to do with metabolism (like the thyroid gland), but regulate the amount of calcium dumped into your blood.  They are four tiny glands next to ('para') the thyroid, each the size of a grain of rice.  Four years ago, I had to go to the ER for intense abdominal pain.  Passed a large kidney stone and they found I had several other large ones in my bladder.  I needed to have a parathyroidectomy (one of the glands was enlarged, for no known reason) and for me, there is no additional medication I take.  Well, except Tums daily to add calcium back since the condition was leaching calcium from my bones.  The endocrinologist I saw after the kidney stone passed (and I've subsequently passed a handful more, none nearly as painful as the first) said a problem with a parathyroid gland can cause symptoms like fatigue, depression, joint pain, brain fog, kidney problems (like kidney stones), muscle aches and digestive problems, which will improve after the surgery.  Ironically, I found out a friend from church had the same procedure a couple years before me.  We have matching tiny scars on the front of our necks at the base of the 'divot'.

    • Love 1
  6. Just finished binge watching this.  Am happy Sophie won, but also loved Steven, Liam, and Yan.  I didn't care for Stacie, and thought it was telling that her follow-up was only about her love of pink increasing.  God I hated her use of bubblegum colors.

    Also, Sophie's boyfriend is a slightly shorter Nicholas Hoult.

    • Love 3
  7. I looked up Treehouse Sales & Solutions.  It was founded by former Walmart employees (including Cathy, who joined in 2007).  Their mission statement says, 'We provide retail consultation and representation for you to the Walmart and Sam's Club markets throughout the world."  One of their clients listed is Dillard Family Ministry.  I don't see where Dillard Family Ministry would need their services, except they list areas in which they can help, such as to "assist clients with questions & issues they may experience in the areas of Accounts Payable/Receivable, Deductions, & Paybacks."

    • Love 9
  8. 16 minutes ago, Abstract said:

    The girls are plain and there is nothing about their singing that is worthy of being recording artists. 

    A new generation is being raised to believe that the world should be handed to them because they are Duggars.

    I completely agree.  But I am enjoying the thought that Jill Rodrigues is jealous as hell that the Duggars released this CD!

    • Love 15
  9. When Jessa went over to Joe and Kendra's to bring snacks and hang banners with several of the Lost Girls, she stepped in the front door and immediately said, "Don't touch that Jos ... Don't touch any glass.  We're not here to make a mess.  We're here to hang banners."  Josie was touching something on a table next to the front door, and pulled her hand away.  As they were exiting, Josie was moving pillows from a chair to the couch.  

    • Love 12
  10. 22 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I should have said students, but who am I kidding?  Their rigid gender roles made it pretty obvious to me that there were no females in the program. 

    So out of curiosity, I looked up the Moody Bible Institute (Aviation) website. Home page photo shows a woman - back to us, but still, that’s good. Watched the embedded video. A woman is in a scene showing students from years 2 and 3 (maintenance) sitting at work benches. Then, most surprisingly, when showing students from years 4 and 5 (specialty), they interview Eleanor Hanson, who is a pilot specialist. They also show a couple women instructors and/or administrators. 

    They explained that the two years of mechanics are necessary for all students as missionary pilots are going into remote places and will need to do their own basic maintenance on their planes. Makes sense but I hadn’t thought of that need. 

    Does Jill realize Tim might be alongside female students?  

    • Love 5
  11. 9 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

    JD and Abbie:  The Love Plane - must be sung to the tune of the Love Boat from back in the day.  :-)

    And my tacky addition:  JD and Abbie: Joining the Mile High Club. :-)

    I hope that is their real IG account and not a fake because if it is, JD definitely has a sense of humor.  I can't believe how happy he looks.  I'm thrilled for them.

    It has to be their real IG account, as Austin and Joy, and Si just commented on it, and it is being followed by Jill.

    The first (and only post so far) says:  So, I reconsidered the whole "bachelor to the rapture" thing.

    • Love 20
  12. 6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    So is Abbie a "nurse" the same way Jill's a "midwife" or does she have an actual degree? Like dargosmydaddy, I've learned not to get excited anytime someone  enters the picture who appears to break the mold. Fundies are notorious for resume fluffing.

    He does look genuinely happy. His eyes are full of life while Josiah's look totally dead in all his pictures with Lauren.

    Looks like she graduated last June with an LPN degree (licensed practical nurse).


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