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Everything posted by RedHawk

  1. It's just laughably BAD at this point. I had forgotten that after Charlotte bid $500 then Carrie had to bid on herself to raise it to $1,000! Sorry, that is even more embarrassing than your date projectile vomiting on you and then you vomiting on yourself and him. It is total humiliation, and in front of a crowd of people who know who you are. At least only random strangers might have seen the first-date puke-fest. But in this age of social media, why didn't they have someone take a photo of "sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw" covered in vomit and post it on Twitter! Totally missed opportunity.
  2. They were very drunk, but yeah, it sure wasn't obvious until they started spewing. Bad acting and directing. At the auction they sort of discussed it. Peter 53 made some comment about a hangover and not remembering his (taxi, rideshare) ride home. They were nervous so apparently overindulged.
  3. Of course the actor lead with that, because they need to know he's having hearing problems! It might affect how they interact with him on set, that accommodations might need to be made, and maybe they just write it into the character, as they did. It doesn't mean the character has to lead with it and it certainly doesn't and should not have been handled so negatively. We have one character who uses a wheelchair and Carrie's new editor is very overweight, we're checking the boxes and saying "hey, we're showing a diversity of people like in real life and it's all good" but a man with hearing loss is treated as if he's a prematurely old and befuddled. A good friend of mine is 60 and has the small, unobtrusive hearing aids. I don't see her often but during her last visit she put them in and told me about getting them -- I would never have known she wore them otherwise, and it made no difference in her behavior. These writers! Sheesh.
  4. What do we think of Seema without permission or discussion making and publishing profiles for Carrie on dating apps? In the real world, oh hell no!, because Carrie is 1) a known public figure, and 2) a very wealthy widow. Oh, and a person in her own right. I know a couple of single women who are well-known at basically the level Carrie is and since Match.com days they have said they can't put a profile up because it's too risky, they'd attract users and possibly stalkers. I mean, so could anyone, but they also know there are men who would take advantage of dating them to try to make professional connections and such. On the show it's just glossed over but it's still a weird, pushy, and unacceptable breaking of boundaries. And from the woman who doesn't want an arranged marriage?
  5. And I think he's a very good actor in the attempted sex scene with Miranda. He shows us so many emotions and a lot of the Steve of the old days. He's awkward and surprised then he lights up, there's a gleam in his eyes, he's cute and youngish again. Miranda is so so wrong to betray her husband this way. She didn't "try" at all.
  6. In Covid-world we take what entertainment we can get.
  7. I'll even buy that it's all about a sexual awakening and becuase it's with non-binary Che Miranda doesn't see herself exactly as making a switch in sexual preference, just that it's the most astounding sex of her life, etc. etc. etc. I don't buy that it's a "wild moment of pure abandon" although I think that's what they were selling for the first sex in Carrie's apartment. Now there's been at least three months for Miranda, the old Miranda who had morals and a brain, to think about how this has changed her and to honestly make an attempt to rekindle something with Steve, or just admit to him that she can't try again and needs to move on. Instead she's pining over Che, who's a player (and a stoner) not to be trusted, while going through the motions with Steve and seeing and hating every little fault that he has. (She was so embarrassed to introduce him to Dr. Nya and husband. Horrible and unkind.) It's kind of true to life, but not true to the Miranda we used to know, and that's why it's so annoying. ETA: Well, I know some women and men change a lot in marriage. When they're done with their partner, they're done, and they can be hurtful and mean. That's why so many divorces get really ugly. Please let Steve totally blow his top and treat her the same cold and angry way she treated him when he had a one-night stand and tearfully confessed. That would also be true to life, but instead I see him being broken-hearted. Which will be really hard to watch.
  8. I also would have liked another minute or two of the first date before the not-funny fake hilarity turned into a vomit fest. What the hell was so funny? There's no internal logic sometimes. No one bid on Carrie because all the men at the auction were married. So where were the pack of divorced dads Charlotte was so eager to introduce to Carrie? Did only the divorced moms show up at the auction? And as @Baltimore Betty commented, Carrie said loudly and clearly that "it's not a date!" so it could have been a luncheon with perhaps one of the moms who was a fan, even from her younger days. If none of them cared enough about Carrie the (not Sex!) Writer to bid on the lunch, I guess they're either not the Oprah's Book Club target audience or that book is going to bomb. How convenient for the story that Peter, 53 works at that school. "Of all the school charity auctions on the Upper East Side, you had to walk into mine." And that Che was wrangled into "performing" (was that what it was supposed to be?) for a few minutes so Miranda could see her again, and Carrie is still in such a post-Big daze that she didn't think to inform Miranda who has asked her if Che ever mentions her! These gals still live in a very small world, just a more diverse one.
  9. Yes, I think Charlotte likes being aggressive with LTW and Harry isn't up to her level of competitive play and she also doesn't want to be sooo aggressive in front of him. Which is a reference back to how she chose him over the hot divorce lawyer. It kinda fits her personality. Did Carrie wear her hair like that on the date!? I missed it and I thought I was looking for it. Geez, someone needs to tell her. "Anthony!" And, if you are in your mid 50s and meet a handsome guy on a dating app who is two years younger than you, you don't intentionally make yourself look older for the first date. Whatever, he's out for her money. Also, yes, the show takes place in the future, in a world where these women watched a show (and two movies) called "Sex and the City" when they were young and laughed about and enjoyed how it was so similar to their own lives. Actually, that explains a lot.
  10. Exactly! "Oh yes I will! . . . go on a lunch date with him." I know in 2021 the show couldn't make a reference to "GWTW" (these are trying times) but it would have been a clever way to show more of his personality and have them be willing to try another date. I figured he would step up and be the white knight but it was sooo awkward. Adding only $50? (I know, he's a school teacher.) She really should hand him a check for $1,000 at that luncheon.
  11. I re-watched the opening montage and first the leaves are green, then they turn brown and fall, then we get rain, then snow, then the snow is gone and the song about "spring" is playing. So early October to early March? That's still five months, and the time jump after Carrie's hip surgery was three months, right? So at minimum nine months have passed? Answering my own question about what's in Carrie's book. Since it's "Loved and Lost" I guess it's supposed to be an account of her married years with Big and then the months following his death. I'd like to have some scenes of what happened in that first part, all that we skipped over between the last movie and this show, but we won't be seeing any flashbacks now. :-( Seems like Carrie wrote at least one other book in the interim, hence the "firing" of Samantha and subsequent break in their friendship. I doubt Carrie wrote about her (relatively boring but happyish?) married life, so what is in that book? Did she and Big solve crimes in their building?
  12. I am totally enjoying hate-watching. There's no other way I'd sit through this.
  13. She was so angry that I thought it could be written as an example of "menopause rage" due to her hormones going out of whack, but apparently they're not going to write these gals as if they are real women in their mid 50s. As for Carrie's book, if it's not even been a full year since Big's death, then what exactly is she writing about that would be interesting to anyone? We haven't seen much...
  14. Worst charity auction ever. Yup, LTW and husband were dying up there. Everyone comes with a checkbook and you can't coax an initial bid on many "items" and give the whole thing some pizzazz? Major fail; they won't be asked to do it next year. But really, there are always people who bid the bottom, especially when the "person on offer" is right there in the crowd so it's not embarrassing. Seeing no other bids, Charlotte did the right thing, and Anthony could have bid as well, and yes, LTW could then have quickly gaveled it down. I admit it, I really wanted "Peter 53" (or as SATC Carrie would have called him, "Vomit Guy") to see her distress and shout "I bid $500 -- in gold!" as a reference to Rhett's famous bid for Scarlett in "Gone with the Wind", but well, we can't go there. We can have a bodily fluid joke every 5 minutes though! And we get that (some) gay men have lots of sex and hookups, I'm just tired of hearing about them, Anthony. At their age, it's gauche and not cute, especially in public. Save it for the brunches. Also, I guess we won't hear anything more about Stanford, Anthony occasionally missing him, the divorce and dividing of assets... I care more about the ending of that relationship than I do the new characters. The Widow Preston was looking better this episode, I'll give it that. And the opening time-flow montage was nice. Then she had the meeting with her editor wearing her hair in that severe pulled-back bun that does not flatter her. at. all.
  15. Did anyone else expect (the way this show is going) that Harry would say "I think my hip is broken."? Yes, I thought that also, which was terrible writing. Washing his hands fit in with Steve's caring character. He's also a (former) bartender and I assume in that profession you wash your hands often so it's an ingrained habit. All it clarified was that Miranda wanted him to re-enact her scene with Che and he wasn't doing it "right" so she quickly gave up and froze him out. Steve wasn't suddenly in the mood, probably because Miranda has conditioned him to accept no sex and he gave up attempting some time ago. So he's a little rusty, but he was surprised, then uncertain but excited, and trying to go along with her. They could have run up to the bedroom like adults, but Miranda wants hot kitchen risky sex just as she remembered it. Then she shut Steve down (again, for the xx time) and claims she "tried". So selfish. It was so sad when he saw nothing was going to happen. I hope Steve takes her for everything in the divorce! LOL.
  16. I don't get the point of Seema smoking and that being used to return Carrie to an old bad habit. Which I assume she'll give up to become the new mature post-Big Carrie. Or maybe she'll run into Aidan when she's having a cig with Seema. Oops, no repeat kiss, Carrie! (I would love to see that scene.) I think the car is Seema's personal car and she hires the driver, otherwise there's no way she'd be allowed to smoke in a shared car, and yes, she is subjecting her employee to the smoke, though maybe he smokes, too. Gag. Why are we having characters smoke in 2022? Also, isn't it something of a stereotype that Asians smoke heavily?
  17. And she left before the iconic character she played could be completely destroyed. The way they wrote the character in the second movie was bad enough, can't imagine what they'd have done for AJLT. (Well, there have been rumors about Brady, OMG.) Kudos to KC for being smart, tough, and professional.
  18. I don't detest Che, just don't care about her story and don't like how Miranda is behaving with her. I also don't care much about Prof. Nya, LTW, or Seema -- not enough to get into their background and current stories. If we're only going to get 10 episodes (and at this point I don't want a second season) to find out what the original ladies' lives are like now, I don't want extra new characters jammed in. Don't dislike any of them, even Che, just don't care enough to invest in them, and they're not making me care enough either.
  19. Coming here after re-watch (which took me less 15 minutes because I skipped all the Che, Prof. Nya's problems conceiving, and most of the Seema stuff) to say that I liked the ending of the episode. Carrie's friend gives her a gift to remind her of her strength. She puts on the "Carrie" necklace again and reclaims her identity while also accepting that 15 years have passed and a lot of "Big" things have happened since she was that single girl. I liked that she wore his jacket over the red dress. She looked quite good all dressed up, made up, and stepping out. Wonder where she was going? But I have to say about the "apartment from the future", why did she buy it and not hire an interior designer and decorator to make the space her own? She clearly did that with the apartment she and Big shared. It's all white now but she can do whatever she wants. I get that she felt bad about dragging Seema around to 46 apartments and felt she had to finally buy one. OTOH, she's a wealthy woman in her 50s, does she really have so little agency that she couldn't say to her "friend" Seema, "Hey, I'm just not falling in love with any of these places. Maybe let's take a break and see what's on the market in a few months." Seema must have noticed Carrie wasn't excited about the apartment and yet let her buy it, then in the car it's "Oh, you have to love where you live." Hmmm. Basically, Carrie broke the "don't make any big decisions for 1 year" advice that is so often given to the bereaved, especially widows. Now Seema is making bank on commissions ("We'll sell it!") and Carrie is crammed into her small apartment with Big's big record collection. I'm not saying Carrie won't even make a profit on the resale, or that her being back in the old apartment is wrong, I just see feel like Carrie used to rely on Samantha to handle a lot of her stuff, and then I guess Big, and now it appears Seema is taking on that role.
  20. Yes! I Back in the day a lot of people laughed about that. Hadn't remembered it until you pointed it out though.
  21. Also highly unlikely they're right about Kim Cattrall ever returning. And with every episode that goes by I imagine KC's resolve never to play Sam again gets even more firm.
  22. Oh yes, I was filling in the back story but it sure would be nice to see more moments where Charlotte is in her element in the art world. The depiction of the “well-to-do SAH mom ruling the volunteer group at school because she has no other outlet for her skills and energy” is so tired. At least the dinner party revealed that Charlotte does have other things in her life.
  23. As LTW pointed out at the dinner party, Charlotte is on the Board of MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art), so she's definitely still in the art world. To get that seat she and Harry likely have made large donations, and of course Charlotte had qualifications and a background in the art world. She would have had to put in some time doing other volunteer positions at MoMA first, but we know that Charlotte is dedicated and works hard on any project she's involved in. Didn't Harry say, "They're lucky to have her?"
  24. She's 12(?), hair grows, and Charlotte needs to learn that her children's personal choices about how they look don't reflect on her. It's not a big deal. If Rock wants a "cute cut" (and I doubt she does) she/they -- has she asked that her pronoun be "they"? -- can ask mama Charlotte to take her to a very expensive salon. If Rock cut it herself I think she was going for a boyish blunt look.
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