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Posts posted by racked

  1. 1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

    I finally found an episode I found entertaining. The one they host the party after Jay's play. I really don't like Jay and his weird obsession with Mike's love life. 

    It really bugs me how mean everyone is to Sharon since she is my favorite. 

    I haven’t watched this season since it’s original run, but back then I was bewildered by their meanness towards Sharon. They seemed angry she was positive and happy, and I loved her. 

  2. On 5/8/2022 at 2:24 PM, Bastet said:

    That was after my time (I don't even know who Cassie is), but I liked the friendship between Harley and Samantha.

    They even did a good job with the friendship between Michelle, Ben, and the unfortunately-monikered Little Billy when they were kids.  The actor playing Ben was terrible, but the other two were good, and it was nice to see kids doing normal kid things.  They had a nice moment at the Bauer house after Maureen's funeral, with the boys not knowing how to be with her.  And when Michelle ran away and Little Billy hid her in the attic.

    GL always felt like the most “real” of all the soaps to me, and I found that so comforting. I recently rewatched Maureen’s death and Michelle running away after finding out about Ed’s affairs, and every bit of that story has held up over time. Beautifully acted, directed and written. When this show was good it was great. 

    • Love 6
  3. I really hate the idea of Felicia being Esme’s bio mom,  but if they are going in that direction wouldn’t they have her interacting with Maxie so the impact is bigger? I really hope it’s a red herring. I also find KW barely watchable these days. He vocal tics have become so pronounced. 

    • Love 8
  4. 3 hours ago, Cheetara1986 said:

    I kind of get Spencer going off, you can see in his face that he figured out that Trina was drugged abd probably blames himself for her getting into that horrible ordeal in the first place

    Plus, I cant really bug out on him when he is basicslly doing better police work then the actual police that are suppose to be working on the case. 

    I genuinely forgot that the police should even be investigating this. They truly straight up gave up, zero interest in even trying to find out what happened when the defendant is their longtime colleague’s daughter. Ridiculous. 

    Man if Esme is secretly 30 years old I am impressed by her on many levels! But I hope Felicia is a misdirect. 

    • Love 7
  5. 52 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    She was with Spencer when the video was released. She ran into him at his mother’s grave because he broke out of prison that day. I don’t get why she’s covering for him. Whatever feelings Spencer and Trina may have for each other, he’s selfish to a fault so she comes off like a fool. She’s risking real prison time for a crime she didn’t commit to cover for Spencer over something he did do, not to mention how petulant and entitled he was about that 30 day sentence in country club jail to begin with. I don’t believe that he’ll corroborate her story if she does give up her alibi considering he’ll get in trouble. 

    I don’t see how this is her ace in the hole since you can set things to be released (via email, Twitter, Facebook or however this sex video was sent) at a certain time and she could have scheduled it earlier that day. But not one bit of this storyline holds up to any sort of inspection. I guess the takeaway is that she still has some sort of lingering feelings for Spencer since she’s not willing to use that info yet. 

    I definitely miss some things about SM but I think nuTrina has a lot of potential and is still very new. She’ll grow into the role. I hope they let her have more scenes with people besides Joss. Let her hang around Ava more especially. 

    • Love 5
  6. 5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Ugh, the art talk between Trina and Rory was cringeworthy. You don't need someone to explain it to you to appreciate it. Context can enrich and deepen your understanding, but what really matters is how you feel about it. The way this show treats art is so annoying. It's akin to the "higher education—whaaa?" attitude the show sometimes takes.


    I mean you’re not wrong, but it was mostly an excuse for them to flirt. And since there’s some cute sparklyness there I didn’t mind. 

    Spencer taking pics to make sure he puts everything back in its place was smarter than I would expect from him.  He’s so lucky Esme and Maggie haven’t heard of email yet. 

    • LOL 1
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  7. What does she get out of arguing about this after the fact? I agree that she’s manufacturing drama and thinks that’s good tv, but I also think there’s a lot of her true personality in there. Otherwise she wouldn’t still be trying to defend herself. I wonder if some of that convo with her husband wasn’t part of that, her trying to pretend her obscene behavior was an act. Because she genuinely was that drunk, she wasn’t faking the puking. 

    I also hate how much I’m even thinking about her. I would prefer to see the quiet conversations others are having learning about each other. The people watching this homecoming are around the same age as the cast, and I don’t think we have any interest in this show being what Julie is trying to make it. 

    • Love 9
  8. Oh man, I love mess, but I was not expecting this level of mess. Soap stars are sometimes next level when it comes to airing their dirty undies.

    I totally get why he’d want to clarify that it’s not his kid, I’m sure the same fans that still bitch about him being gone on every GH Insta post were congratulating him immediately. But wow to all of it. 

    • Love 9
  9. How did Julie’s husband hear her nonchalantly talk about flirting with other guys in the house and not say “wtf?” Like all of us, I’ve watched a lot of reality tv and seen a lot of thirst buckets but I’ve never seen someone quite like Julie. She did not do a cost-benefit analysis to being the villain on this reunion. But what a shame that she also is ruining what could have been a poignant time for the other cast members. 

    Tokyo was a saint to her and she stabbed him in the back. I hope he’s feeling the love of the viewing public. 

    • Love 12

    1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

    Someone asked about Danny's parents, Danny and Melissa did the homophilia podcast and he mentioned his parents still haven't come around on him being gay. They don't talk about the show or him being gay so his mom can have a relationship with his daughter. 

    That makes me really sad. It’s honestly hard watching scenes of hopeful, sweet and totally open 20 year old Danny, knowing what rough road was ahead of him. 

    6 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I finally succumbed to the wickedness of Paramount+ just for this. 

    The original NO season was one of my all time favorites but I must say I don't recall Julie being so damn annoying. I remember how sheltered she was and that she was still practicing her religion but I always just took her as a naive, misinformed young 'un. I don't watch any of the challenges or keep up with these folks after the fact, so I was surprised to learn about her evil streak. 

    Her crocodile tears are going to get real old REAL quick

    I didn’t despise Julie on her season but I remember getting a glimpse of the beast that lurked beneath the surface when they had the backyard wrestling thing? I don’t even remember how or why they did this, and I don’t remember exactly what she did. But I remember thinking she was not actually sweet or innocent after that and it was a tiny glimpse of what she’d become on the Challenges later. 

    • Love 3
  11. 3 hours ago, lala2 said:

    Exactly!! Unless Finn is going through some mental breakdown or ME is leaving the show, I cannot believe he is behind this. That would be beyond awful and character destroying. 

    I’m still on the “Liz is unknowingly doing this to herself” train. 

    I kind of hope it’s a ghost at this point. It would be the most interesting option, second only to someone random living in their attic.  Maybe Hayden. 

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

    The hug thing, not a big deal.  Why is everyone hating on Matt for that? Strange. 

    Because it was none of his business and not his place? He’s not their dad or teacher or camp counselor. I’m biased because I can’t stand him or his whole schtick but he keeps inserting himself as the wise one who can help them find healing. He’s always in preacher mode. 

    Of course compared to Julie he’s wonderful. First she tries to get Tokyo into a very inappropriate situation (showering with her) and now she’s going to accuse him of harming her? No one should ever trust this woman.

    • Love 12
  13. I think Julie is truly a sociopath. But I do like her long bob haircut and in her confessionals she looks a bit like AnnaBeth Gish. Only nice things I can say about her. How on earth does a woman in her 40s still act like this? 

    Matt always annoyed me and he continues to. He’s so impressed with himself. I felt like he was playing preacher, talking about a path towards healing. 

    All the comments here make me want to watch the NY reunion which was always my favorite cast. 

    • Love 6
  14. I have no faith in Nikolas but didn’t he tell Ava he’s playing Esme? Are people worried he might fall for her for real even though it started out as him conning her? 

    Esme has had to have borderline creepy scenes with men twice her age too often now. I want to see her try that with Scotty, his reaction would be amazing. 

    • Useful 2
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  15. 46 minutes ago, Desperado said:

    Agree. Just realized it could be the new cute cop who may or may not have an agenda and that would be fun. 


    I still can’t tell if Officer Cute Cop is meant for Trina or someone in the Britt age range. He definitely seems too old for Trina but they have him sniffing around her for a reason. 

    I actually liked Joss the other day when she said her loyalty was to Trina over everyone else. Of course it’s not true really but it was a nice moment. If only they could write her as now taking a backseat to let Trina decide how she feels about Spencer. If Trina is hurt because Cam is still buddy buddy with Spencer, okay. She would never make demands the way Joss does, which is part of why she’s a more likable character. But regardless it should be her feelings that come first. Joss always makes it about herself. 

    • Love 9
  16. 2 hours ago, Aymery said:

    I figured when they cast Nicholas Chavez, who's noticeably older than the genuine teens playing the rest of his peer group, that he was intended for a romance with an older woman. I suppose the only real candidates are Britt (who he sees as a mother) and Ava (who's already been with his father, uncle and cousin). Pity, because I think that would have potential for Nikolas and Laura. Guess we'll get that May-December romance instead with Trina and the new cop (who looks way older than her) that no core character will ever care about.

    Nich Chavez is only 22. A few years older than Eden and Wil but still in the same age demographic. 

    I was hoping they would bring on a new young guy for Trina (a secret Wu was my hope but looks like new cop might fall into that category) but I’m not so sure what the plan is now. I’m still willing to see if chemistry develops btwn Trina and Spencer. The actress jumped right in when she’s supposed to be mad at him, so maybe some scenes of longing that will reveal chemistry are still to come. I do think the actress has a lot of potential. 

    • Love 8
  17. I like Nik and Ava (mostly because I love Ava) but in that scene with Nik and Esme today, I kind of felt the chemistry? Maybe it’s just that Avery Pohl is very good. 

    I’m sad at the lack of chemistry btwn NuTrina and Spencer. I actually think this actress may turn out to be stronger overall than SM, but something Sydney and Nick Chavez had from day one was chemistry. Maybe if they let these two have some more scenes together it’ll develop. But what a bummer, I could just imagine todays scenes with SM and it would have been fiery. 

    • Love 3
  18. 7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    But why use a burner phone to buy an art app? That's one of the dumb parts. I know it's to ID the phone as Trina's, but if she's smart enough to buy a burner phone to film Cam and Joss, she should be smart enough to use it only for that.

    There's no point trying to make sense of this story, because it's all plot-driven and they'll change things as necessary to make things fit the current events.

    You would also think if she’s smart enough to buy a burner phone, she wouldn’t go out of her way to make it match her actual phone, down to the case. It’s so stupid and they spent sooo long setting up this storyline, yet it makes zero sense. 

    • Love 5
  19. 53 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    That was partly to troll Ava. I loved that.

    No. I wish Laura or anyone would do that. Those two are acting like infants.

    Laura seems bizarrely Team Esme right now. Everyone is being dumbed down, because they all saw through her just a few weeks ago. 

    I understand why Ava left despite knowing Esme is faking and conning the idiot Cassadine men. I wouldn’t be able to be around Nikolas after that display yesterday either. 

    • Love 8
  20. 1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

    This has got to be an act for Esme's benefit. After everything, Nic would choose his son's girlfriend over Ava?!?;?

    I think he might just be that stupid. He fell so quickly for the damsel in distress act, Ava is probably too self sufficient, with too much of a functioning brain for him. He was completely willing to not have Spencer in his life when Spencer made him choose btwn him and Ava, but Esme is where he draws the line and is willing to lose Ava over her? 

    • Love 7
  21. 3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    I thought it was ridiculous that Molly would jump straight into an ADA position, so I looked up the qualifications. Turns out, you just need to pass the bar. Many ADAs are hired right out of college. However, because it’s a political position, you have to have a squeaky clean background. Even having a mother like Alexis, with her problematic history, would likely sink Molly’s chances in the real world.

    So yes, it’s realistic that Molly would be an ADA. But on the other hand, it’s totally not.

    This is the case in NYC, every newly hired attorney is an ADA. And her being second chair was also realistic, as most ADAs here aren’t first chair until they’ve been practicing a year or so. But even then they’re not put on high profile cases like I guess this one was? 

    But Molly as a character still seems out of place for me. Maybe most surprising was that she put aside her criminal justice reform personality to actually try and help get a conviction when five seconds earlier she doubted the defendant is guilty. But maybe she changed her mind quickly.  Someone other than Spencer has to be dumb enough to not see it was a set up I guess. 

    • Love 1
  22. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    I carry purses large enough to fit a clipboard in, like the black and silver one Alexis had today, so that if I have to wait, I have something to do. Consequently I'm always losing things in my purse (and often finding them months later to my surprise). If I opened one up and saw a phone that looked like mine, I would assume that it was mine without looking to see if there is another in there.


    I get why Trina didn’t notice the phone wasn’t hers at first (though she should have noticed it unlocked without a passcode or Face ID). But why did Esme think this would work? Trina’s other phone, which is linked to her account and which has all sorts of records to prove it is her phone, still exists in her possession. So the plan is that Trina got a burner phone and then made it match her real phone? It makes absolutely no sense. Esme is lucky the PCPD are tragically stupid. 

    • Love 7
  23. 6 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

    Call Aunt Gia!

    I would love for Gia to come back with a secret Cassadine kid (from some long ago night she and Nik reunited). 

    Since everyone knows Esme is guilty I don’t understand the point of this storyline. There’s no tension, unless somehow Nik falls for her innocent act. 

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