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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Holy smokes. "So apparently Donald was tweeting about Morning Joe and said we've just gone off the rails." Mika, "That we're a waste of time." Joe, "A waste of time. Uhhhm. That he'll easily beat Hillary. 'She doesn't want to run against me.' He's upset about Iowa I guess." Joe is pissed! Joe used the segment to "prove" that he's right about everything, all the time. Pretty entertaining.
  2. Mika can't hide her disdain for Mike Lupica. She thinks sports is more frivolous than her show. (she's probably right, though, but not by much.) She anchors a news show that can't simply say Trump's numbers and surge from his racist comments clearly, obviously identifies his supporters as simply racist, paranoid, xenophobes who have rankled against not being able to leverage their whiteness in the face of a "PC" culture; Trump lets 35% of Americans vent their spleen. There. I just explained Trump's numbers and supporters and I'm not a pundit or a Beltway insider. That people are simpleminded and scared doesn't give their simpleminded fear legitimacy as policy, Joe. Also, and this is astonishing (snark), when asked, Donald Trump said he supported the Iran nuclear deal, he'd just have negotiated it better (without definition of what "better" means), and his comment is supported by a majority of Republicans. Each one of whom do not support the exact same deal by the President. Mika and Joe read that news without hint of irony or sarcasm or snark or cynicism. Like it's a fact that exists on its own without explanation or against a context of repeated patterns of emotional hatred towards the President and all his policies. Cruz is a reptile. Oh, and Joe said that "major, powerful Republicans" are confiding in him that they'd never, ever vote for Donald Trump or support him, and wouldn't have joined the party if they knew it represented people who'd support Trump. Joe has anecdotes to prove all sides of every issue. He's The Anecdotal Joe.
  3. As predictable as the sun rising, Joe claims, "I'm shocked by the number of Democrats who come up to me and say they secretly agree with Trump and his proposals." Horse shit.
  4. Ugh. I hate the tape they're showing of Charlestonians supporting Trump's racist views. He's pandering to the most paranoid and stupidest among us, and it's very very dangerous.
  5. I can't believe they didn't ask Carly if she'd have felt safer if at HP staff meetings or parties if every executive and employee came armed with an assault rifle. Would she condone that? Why not?
  6. What did Huckabee say? I saw his gross face and muted it as soon as I turned it on. Mika was awfully fidgety and face-making as Huckabee spoke. Then he went off air and I turned the sound on and Mika said something like "We're not discussing this fake Muslim topic. We're NOT." And Joe interrupted her with so much condescending, dismissive disrespect I changed to channel, unwilling to rewind to get the context Mika looked especially well put together this morning.. particularly buxom, and dare I say, attractive. Even my wife said something like: It's a shame she's so flawed. If she didn't have her weird reverse charisma, she'd be a major star in her niche and probably TV in general.
  7. So President Obama addresses the world and the press in Paris, and he fucking KILLS it. He looks like a master statesman, totally cool and calm and absolutely in charge of all the information, and all the players. MSNBC cuts into programming to air this impressive speech and Q&A where the President made me very proud to be an American like him, then Morning Joe cuts in in order to discuss the minutiae of Trump vs the GOP without even a nod towards the President's address. I must like being irritated, because it can be the only explanation for why I watch this facile propaganda.
  8. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lev-raphael/morning-joe-is-a-clown-sh_b_8681160.html While the author is right, Morning Joe IS a clown show, he doesn't use a lot of observations to bolster his opinion.
  9. Did Morning Propaganda even touch on the terrorist's shooting of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado? They did spend a lengthy segment in the final 45 minutes on Rubio and his abortion views, but didn't speak about how inflammatory rhetoric and outright lies have real-world effects.
  10. For a blink, during the period when Rove was on, I saw Cackles and didn't immediately recognize her and thought she was attractive. "The View" money is looking good on her. And, she's learned how to apply makeup, how to hire a pro to do her hair well, and probably exercise/eat right. She's evil and a ****, but money looks good on her... as it does on most. Rove doesn't even know who will get the nomination and is 100% sure Trump is a clown. Joe didn't like Rove's estimation. Joe called Bush "the best leader I've ever seen" when he was a governor. Called him a "great governor." I cannot understand why I watch this show. I hate it so much.
  11. I'm super curious now as to how Turkey shooting down a Russian jet is Obama's fault and Obama handled it badly? Oh, dear... what would Ronnie do, Peggy? Joe? What would Ronnie do? [sobs. clutches pearls.]
  12. Joe and that shrew Peggy Noonan were in ecstasy criticizing the true villain of these horrible terrorist attacks, US President Barack Obama. Trump's campaign has gone full-on insane. His hateful rhetoric isn't even masked any longer. How long until he just uses flat-out, un-nuanced pejoratives to describe minorities? I wonder how Joe will bend the narrative to explain how it's a show of weakness that President Hollande flew to visit President Obama?
  13. Good God, Joe was ranting this morning. I just flicked the channel over and half watched for a moment and he was in full bloviation. He was shouting down others, bullying, ignoring anything anyone said. He claims that there is a long line of Democrats who tell him they agree with Joe's withering, aggressive reaction to Obama's benign comments. President Obama's comments are so measured and adult, I just can't think of where Joe finds the energy and anger in opposition.
  14. I listened to Obama insult the GOP for being actual cowards and too delicate, and then Ignatius agreed, and Joe exploded. Turned the channel. After the segment where President Obama mourns the state of pearl-clutching among those who'd be Commander in Chief from the party of war, Mika turned to Joe with the smuggest smile and coy glance. Joe rolled his eyes and threw it to Ignatius. I don't think Joe believes anything he says, I've decided. This is all just posturing and bellowing in order to score points among conservatives, the Twittersphere, and to drive ratings. He's entertainment, not substance. (Good mantra, btw, when he's in Super Bloviate mode.)
  15. I wrote a long post about how much I appreciate Obama's sober maturity... but what's the point? If Obama had been warlike and hysterical in his remarks, Joe would find fault. If Obama had been warlike weeks ago, Joe would find fault. If Obama soberly reflects the actual conditions of this situation like a statesman who is not trying to further inflame matters, Joe would find fault. If Obama had been bombing, droning, aiding the Kurds, negotiating with Syria/Russia, working with Iraq, sending 50 special forces advisors over to Syria for the past weeks/years, Joe would find fault. Obama has done what he's done w/out any buy-in from Congress, and only criticism, and Joe finds fault. I was also going to suggest Joe's sons volunteer to go stem the tide of "Islamic Terrorism."
  16. Fiorina has a degree in philosophy. I think it's just interesting that Rubio is so obviously pandering to his base by hating on university degrees and academia while saying something untrue about welders. It's a ponderous comment, philosophically. We all ought to aspire to a find short term, physically demanding solution until our strength, health, and financial needs change? What if we want a new career, what then? Vocational school in our 40s? I think it reeks of icky social engineering and is a dog whistle to "his kind" to agree that "the other kind" need to find their roles and get out of the way. #AmericanValues can only mean blue collar work, and not philosophy, you see. "His kind" hates students, philosophically, and loves "workers."
  17. Rubio said that being a welder is a better option than getting a college degree in philosophy?? Wow. Just... wow.
  18. Why are they screeching about Carly Fiorina's tone? Jesus. Did you hear what she actually said, her damn tone aside? Her "5 points" on how she'd change the entire federal government was total, absolute nonsense. Deranged. Unhinged. So divorced from reality that it's eye-rolling pandering to tea partiers. She'd totally change the tax code, simple, right? She'd dissolve all federal agencies and place all their responsibility on Congress, simple, right? She'd hold all members of Congress accountable, like we don't already "elections?" and uh... it's not her job as President. And she shrieked other vapid platitudes. They aren't debating her supposed policies, they are debating her literal performance. So despite the Republicans tears 2 weeks ago, it seems that debates are actually just a show, and they are discussing acting performances. Such nonsense. I guess the liberal media actually isn't behind ripping the "debate" out of these dog and pony shows. My wife has been asking me dozens of questions about their track suits. What the fuck? Did they not pack? They look ridiculous. NASCAR commentators at the track dress more nicely.
  19. Incredible. Trump is on the show live. All Trump, All The Time.
  20. I sort of admire people like Hugh Hewitt. He makes a probably handsome living doing and saying just whatever crazy things pop into his head. He doesn't have to answer for it, he doesn't have to explain, he doesn't have to show his work, he just has to be divisive, angry, lay blame, and never waver. I'm jealous of how openly cynical and dishonest he gets to be. It must be so freeing and non-stressful. He doesn't have to care about being cogent. He just has to find energy and remember talking points, and that is the top end level of effort required. He doesn't even have the de rigueur American flag lapel pin.
  21. What nonsense did Joe spew this morning about the Keystone pipeline? He doesn't even know why he supports it other than Obama doesn't. Edit... I'm an idiot. Of course he said this about the pipeline, he's now officially, visibly, in the pockets of the Koch's. http://mediamatters.org/research/2015/11/03/10-of-the-worst-moments-from-morning-joes-fawni/206582
  22. I saw a quick blurb in a MSNBC promotion of the interview. Some word salad nonsense where one of the Koch's made an angry plea against politicians and for term limits. He said that it caused politicians to possess too much power. Think about that. A Koch brother said he's against politicians and power. I'm not a professional journalist (neither are Joka, ofc) and my ears heard that and immediately triggered my "ha ha ha bullshit" response, and, I was actively working out in a gym. They've been involved in politics since the 60s and are the most powerful people in the nation.
  23. One thing I can't believe not being discussed last night is Chris Christie's willingness to jump into the "fantasy football" question and insult it because Al Qaeda and ISIS are "attacking us." Because ya see, a President can't have more than 1 thing on his plate at all times and all to suggest otherwise is libtard mainstream media liberal bias. It's interesting Christie jumped in, though, because he's governor of a state where Atlantic City resides. Online gambling is killing Atlantic City. It may already be irreversibly damaged due to the shifting economies of the gambling industry. It may soon be a ghost town. "Fantasy football," as he so glibly referred to sports betting, is a nascent $10 billion industry that is experiencing "hockey stick" growth and has the buy-in of all major sports, corporations, Wall St entities, and celebrity financiers. $10+ billion this year alone is a GIANT sum of money. So it's odd he's ignorant of this, unless, of course, they are donors. He comes off as feckless, and angry for sound bytes' sake, to anyone who took one moment to think about what is at issue. $10 billion would help finance a whole shit ton of jobs, economic growth, and debt reduction. Which, I had thought, are the cornerstones of the Republican platform from time immemorial. So he's either stupid or deceitful, and in either case, he's a bloviating sack of shit. Odd the governor of Atlantic City has 0 strategic thoughts on what to do regarding online gambling and is insulted by the question.
  24. My wife was just riffing on making fun of Mika. Mika's said nothing today, only made her weird faces. Where is her righteous outrage at the lies and clowning of those "candidates" equivalent to her fury towards Hillary's comments from Tuesday?
  25. Cackles works on MSNBC and The View. Hates "the mainstream media." O_o I laugh out loud when right wingers blame "the media" for whatever ails them.
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