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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Best article ever... http://www.pajiba.com/politics/an-allcaps-explosion-of-feelings-regarding-the-liberal-backlash-against-hillary-clinton.php
  2. Hillary wins, it's a loss. Trump loses, it's a HUGE win. Joe Logic! Seems legit. This is nauseating. With her fake eyelashes, well-applied (if a little heavy) makeup, expensive TV haircut, nice smile and posture, and of course the TV on mute... Cackles is passably human-seeming. This is TRULY nauseating. Mika just parroted my point that if Clinton declares herself the winner, she's a loser in Joe's eyes, but if she were a man, Joe would laud her confidence. I need some time to re-center!! I just found Cackles sort of attractive and I agree with Mika! What is haappppenninnnngggg???
  3. Clinton claims victory in Iowa. Joe says, "Don't you think, given her trust issues. Her total lack of trustworthiness. Given the emails and ALLLLL the other things. Given that she doesn't want to appear like a liar, again.. why would she come out ahead and claim victory? Doesn't this feed the public perception that she cannot be trusted? She is going to get smoked in New Hampshire, she won't pull African Americans in South Carolina. She's in real, serious trouble. Chuck?" Chuck Todd looked at him like, "gulp... what the hell do I do with this incredible load of garbage this moron is trying to feed me." His face was awesome. And when he answered Joe tried to steer Chuck's response. See, the fact is, SHE DID WIN! She didn't lie, you fuckface, SHE WAS RIGHT. Joe spins confidence and competence into hubris because he hates her more than I hate Joe. And that right there is a perfect example of his constant, constant, constant attack on Hillary Clinton. NOTHING is granted, even when earned. She won, and in the win it's a total loss and disaster that showcases her weakness.
  4. Joe is trying his damndest to flame hysteria about Zika virus. He brought on his pet doctor who told him weeks ago, at the Experts On Everything Club at the secret Manhattan location behind a bookshelf smelling of fine Corinthian leather, scotch, cigars, and smug arrogance, that the US should lock down all travel to anywhere south of the US border. They commiserated for a while and Joe got ANIMATED. Leaning forward, using his hands, speaking fast, trying to impart gravitas... using his super-serious, "I'm really serious about this, it's important" persona. Then another doctor came on. Head of epidemics at the CDC. He said that the cases in the US are from women returning from Brazil. That this isn't a "spreading" of the virus at all. That there is little chance these equatorial mosquitoes are super nuclear godzilla bugs who are leaving their climate and moving to Baltimore. He said that instances of Dengue fever and something else in Brazil are HUGELY more common and more dangerous and come from the same vector, yet never have traveled to the US. He said there's no reason to expect that this virus will either. Joe said, "Oh... Oh. Thank you doctor." Kicked it to commercial. He's such a dick. Love how they just stopped reporting on the armed radicals out in Oregon. I have to go to other news outlets in the AM to learn about what's going on there.
  5. O'donnell, Harris-Perry, and... well, that's about it on MSNBC who are avowed partisans on the network. The rest seem to be researchers or journalists or news readers with or without obvious biases. I don't know that they've ever said that they'll do whatever it takes to keep a Republican out of office, though. So, what is one to make of this, “I will say this, and I’ve said this on the air, and so this is not really any secret at all, I’ll do anything that will get — will stop us from eight more years like the last eight years we’ve had,” Scarborough said. “I mean, I think I put myself in your category, I would do just about anything to try to get the White House back,” he added.
  6. And Joe is trying to own this new virus that is damaging prenatal brains in Central and South America. He knew about it long before anyone else, and knows that it's the Administration's fault it's spreading. He yammered something about a doctor mentioning it a long while back, then invented a conspiracy theory where the doctor said all travel south of the United States should stop, and as Joe put it, "the power of the travel industry blocked the doctor's recommendation, and we're just letting the virus spread." Then held up his phone like he's got a personal message from the doctor "proving" something. I guess this is how he imagines Rachel Maddow does research and came to "own" contaminated water? This whole instance wasn't 6 seconds long, but perfectly encapsulates what an idiotic, myopic, opportunistic, waffling, partisan idiot he is. He's not a journalist or a political insider. He's an egotistical bully who likes to shout "I'm right, you're wrong!" with varying degrees of charisma. I think his wives would agree.
  7. How mad do you suppose Joe is that he's not getting to touch the MSNBC-hosted Democratic debate? He must be SO mad he doesn't get to have the national spotlight and his own network doesn't think he has the gravitas or seriousness to do a credible job.
  8. I cannot believe how Joe is not just carrying water for Donald Trump, he's an actual spokesperson for Trump. He just said, "for a presidential candidate to go onto a news network that is openly hostile is stupid. Stupid. You'd have to be stupid to do that." Well, Joe, you fucking asshole, no.. you're mischaracterizing the entire situation with the standard straw men and false equivalencies and wild lies-as-truth. Nobody was openly hostile. It's all a cynical ploy to develop a narrative that Trump is a victim and media is biased.
  9. There are portions of NJ that (so I've been told) feel as if they got short shrift from Christie and from relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy. I understood that these were either poor neighborhoods or areas without political/economic clout or areas with elected officials who weren't in Christie's camp. That could have been what spurred her to ask the question, as she may have been worried that once again her relative's area wouldn't get cleaned up quickly. Perhaps "fuck you" is sometimes appropriate from a US state governor to a girl asking a question, but is bullying always the right tone?
  10. There is a ton of reporting on this, and the EPA was one of the lone opponents of Flint, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and other agencies and officials obstructing investigations of the pollution levels. It was the EPA, who may have broken laws in so doing, who exposed the levels of contamination against the state of Michigan's demands for more research first. See, the thing is... this is A STATES' RIGHTS ISSUE, Joe. The EPA's legal authority to compel the state to take action was unclear until the EPA just acted, laws be-damned. Michigan is in charge of primary responsibility for drinking water quality and safety... it's a state's right issue. This is a textbook, clinical, laboratory study of what happens when government deregulates public health concerns and rolls back oversight. The governor of Michigan and the hierarchy in charge of protecting the public and operating government at the merest levels of competence should be jailed. If you gut governance and staff it down to a level below an ability to operate, this is precisely what happens, Joe, you fucking douche bag. #TeaBagIdeology I guess tea bag ideology really is just rhetoric to make stupid people angry. Who knew? Also, any word on the Michigan Representative who is crying that the federal government has no Constitutional authority to provide Michigan aid? Did they discuss this idiot, Justin Amash? #TeaBagIdeology
  11. I watched the show lead-in from commercial with a video of Seth Myers making fun of Clinton being white and old, and Bernie being the idol of <24 yr olds because he's so cool. And as they come out of that package, Joe says "And there, GOP, is your next President, Bernie Sanders," and laughs smugly. Mika just blinked weirdly, like she was a blonde owl in a black turtleneck. And I changed the channel. I hate that guy, his boiling disdain for Clinton immediately turns me off. Nobody mentioned Palin's adult son abusing his spouse while illegally handling a semi-automatic rifle? Sort of thought Trump's #1 thing is that Bill Clinton hates women and is an abuser. Nobody observed this?
  12. Well, our feckless, childish leader managed to get the hostages in Iran released. THANKS, OBAMA! I wonder how Joe will manage to criticize this.
  13. I can't believe I missed Hillary on Morning Joe. I guess subconsciously I didn't really think she'd really do it. How was she? There really isn't another candidate running who would be nearly as good a President as Hillary. Sanders is new, and people seem to like that.. and that is a phenomenally stupid reason to vote for someone. He doesn't present with any gravitas. He's a self described Socialist ideologue, which will engender less bi-partisan support than Obama is getting. The reason Sanders isn't being steamrolled into a fruit rollup by the right wing media machine is because they hope he's the candidate, and it's not worth their time to go off-message from Benghazi, Bill's weiner, pant suits, and emails to hit him. I hope the left wing don't let the "money is bad, banks are bad" hippies lead the party by the nose further to the left. Let's keep Trump/Cruz/Rubio out of office.
  14. perhaps I don't understand the rules, but how can Trump get so much free air time? I thought there was an "equal time" rule for Presidential candidates? Trump lives in a cozy, interdependent symbiosis with the media he whips his moronic followers into a frenzy over. Last night on Chris Matthew's show, a tall thin journo explained to a guffawing Matthews that this journo will be at Trump events and watch Trump insult him and "the media" and journalists and journalism and work the crowd into a heated, angry frenzy. Then as the reporter leaves these events his phone will ring, and it will be Donald Trump saying nicely, "Hey, so what'd you think? How'd I do? Pretty good, right? So, hey, where are you going now? Going home? Need a ride? I will give you a lift on the plane." Matthews thought this was hilarious. I think it's cynical and ugly, and it makes me curious about the mental capacity of the average American... who is told by politicians via media that politicians and "the media" are out to get you andbelieves it.
  15. Joe's tweet is incredibly immature. My god, what a blowhard partisan. He's got the Trump fever and it's affecting his behavior. He's the host of a supposedly impartial morning political chat show, and he's hell bent on turning it into a Trump-like schoolyard. Has he taken to social media to walk back his comment? I presume he means in 300 days his sons will volunteer to lead the invasion of Iran, right? Is his behavior because he wanted Chuck Todd's gig on Sunday mornings, and so now to punish NBC he's going to misbehave? Imagine if Chris Hayes or Rachel or Chris Matthews had Tweeted something equivalent? Joe's eyes would bleed and he'd use his show to bully them into an apology and use this as "proof" to illustrate how all liberals are something or other. Politics and political media have gone completely insane. You now earn your bone fides by shrieking the most offensive, aggressive thoughts you can invent.
  16. Why? How? What did Joe say? Was he referring to the issue where the sailors were detained and released, or, is he blaming him for what happened in 1979? Did Machine Gun Joe blast Putin for Turkey having shot down a Russian fighter jet? Hmm... no, he didn't.
  17. So they didn't really review the SOTU? Except to be wholly critical? Seems legit. "Political discussion show of record," indeed, Joe. Definitely not partisan if you hear the President's speech and can not find one thing on which to comment positively. They didn't observe how Haley was attacked by the radical right because she condemned Trump and the angry, ignorant rhetoric that buoys his poll ratings?
  18. Joe's eyes are puffier some days vs others. Perhaps he has allergies or some other auto-immune thing, or, perhaps, he's hungover. Today he seriously looked like he grabbed something out of a hamper and rushed in to the office. Strange he doesn't keep a stocked wardrobe in his office. He makes like $2 million a year? $3 million? I guess millions don't go as far when you have two ex-wives and many broken families to fund. #FamilyValues #BillClintonHatesWomen Perhaps his eyes are puffy because he's crying about what steaming mess his show has become, representative of all the very worst aspects involving media and political rhetoric.
  19. I avoided the interview. Any highlights? Did any of those hypocrites call out Christie as he was describing all the additional gun laws, medicinal laws, personal privacy laws, etc... he'd like to initiate and implement that currently do not exist? Because remember he called President Obama a "petulant child." (cheap shot: an obese emotional eater calls the leader of the free world a petulant child for trying to save innocent lives.)
  20. This is true. But, and it galls me to say, she looks great in a black turtleneck. Why did Mika mock Hillary? Hillary was right, Trump's rhetoric would drive recruitment efforts.
  21. Today I was only half awake as I listened to Cackles throw to Rev Sharpton the topic of Trump declaring Mrs Clinton cannot speak about women's matters. What a surreal few minutes. Cackles openly disdains the Reverend, and she interrupted him constantly refuting every bizarre comment he made in his word salad response. It was strange. Totally expected. But strange nonetheless.
  22. Why would the status of Bill Clinton's relationship to her father matter so much to Mika? Mika's father openly dislikes her. He seems to dislike Mika as much as Mika dislikes Hillary. Every single right wing news outlet dislikes, mischaracterizes, and smears Zbigniew but that doesn't faze her. I don't think her visible hatred of Hillary Clinton has anything to do with her father. She's been pleasant and benign to Bill Clinton when he was a topic, or when he was a guest or interview subject.
  23. How is it necessary for Hillary Clinton to show emprical proof that ISIS uses actual footage in an edited package of Trump as a "recruitment piece," like when a college coach visits a high school athlete's family, and if she cannot, then Trump's vile rhetoric cannot proven to be used as propaganda? Yet Trump isn't being forced to "prove" that Hillary Clinton using the bathroom is verifiably disgusting, so disgusting a Presidential candidate describes it as so in detail. Wasn't it Thomas Jefferson who said, "Her pee pee makes me icky?" Or was that Jimmy Carter? It was Ike who won the election by saying, "Lady parts are grody! Yeck!" I hate this show.
  24. Thanks for the write up, Oakville. You do the dirty work for us. I turned it over to Morning Joe and I saw a graphic that read Donald Trump was on the phone so I just clicked over to something else immediately. I'm very grateful I didn't have to listen to Mika complain about Star Wars. I can understand being indifferent to sci fi or fantasy or pop culture, but I don't understand her indignant anger. It's enormously off-putting. She works in entertainment... hates entertainment because it's beneath her. Seems legit.
  25. Even though Steve Rattner has a Droopy Dog vibe, it's pretty difficult to not really like him.
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