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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. They are having Trump on live, so I tuned out. Ya lost me this morning MSNBC. Know your audience.
  2. He was very impressive. I had never heard more cogently and succinctly put what is wrong with the Dems, why they lost to Trump, and specifically what they need to do to win back the WH. Simple clarity. Such a gift while the odd couple are off doing it on their honeymoon. heh heh gross There was no contrived locker room banter about the Bears, Cubs, Bulls, Blackhawks, etc... Also, weirdly, and it pains me to say, it was Barnicle who set the stage well for Rahm to describe the state of things. He asked him if the Democrats are again going "to make the mistake again of focusing on cultural and identity issues instead of political issues." I was like, lookit you, Barnicle. You got something right. The streak ends here.
  3. What a great episode this morning. Love the big brains at the table being allowed to speak and express themselves. Guess what, when they're not being brow beaten and passive aggressively diminished by an overbearing personality, there's a lot of sharp, fun, well-expressed characters among our group of regulars. Heidi's Posture deserves its own chat board. It's meme-able. Ripe for punny fun.
  4. Aww. I came here to slam Noah Rothman, but you all did it far more cleverly. I had a super busy day, but this morning his grossness stuck with me all day and here I am. I wonder if that fucker ate any romaine lettuce recently, or did he find the 1 dissenting scientist so now bacteria and disease are not things?
  5. I watched the television show Morning Joe this morning. I have no personal thoughts about it. It was on TV. Many people spoke. A young man wrote an interesting book. I hope that hot take wasn't too zesty. Otherwise, I have no thoughts or personal feelings of this or anything.
  6. The worry would be kompromat, more than her emailing the blueprints of the new space force laser beam. Her use of an unsecured email is irresponsible, depending on what she was emailing to whom. Prospective deals, shady dealings, investment volume, etc... all could be used against her and the US. I doubt her or anyone in her orbit has access to anything having to do with national security, though. In fact, I bet she's fed misinformation purposefully. In the context of Buttery Mails the President's use of an ordinary cell phone staggeringly scandalous. Yet nobody cares.
  7. What did Rothman say this morning? That he had to say his piece and let us know that it's unfair for left to be unpunished for accusing the right of election shenanigans? That it's important to ignore the President and Rick Scott's explicit, knowingly false accusations of fraud directed at left wing candidates, and instead focus on the the legal pathways the left tried to explore to count as many ballots as possible? He ended his pissy little rant and was met with a wall of silence. Joe had a humorous look on his face, and Mika said, "ok."
  8. Nothing new. Today's show was indistinguishable from any others from the previous 2 years. Even with a throwaway insult towards Bill Clinton as being a worse liar than Trump. Was weird for Ron Howard to be in studio but Joe and Mika were not, and, it was taped. One (er... two) thing that is new on this show is Mika's chest, right? Today it seemed more apparent than previously.
  9. It's time to analyze Mika's fixation on how sex is dirty, and how she is so so drawn to sex / power imbalance. 1. It's her fetish. She needs daddy's love and is unhealthily drawn to obsess over sex with powerful older men. She hates herself for loving it and loathes others who don't have the self control to keep the desires at bay. Same critical eye does not pertain to her, duh. 2. See #1 3. I'm 50% sure that Joe and Mika after a bottle of Grey Goose is lying on its side late Saturday nights, both put on mid-90s Banana Republic suits and she dons a brunette wig and they role play "Bill & Monica." She saves the dress. Funny how Mika fixates on this more as she gets older and older. Perhaps some unraveling of demons?
  10. I cannot believe it. I honestly can't. Mika's "Sad Face" + sigh as she intros a six part documentary on Lewinski's & Clinton's libidos. Fuck you, Mika. You're older and more mature than Monica was. What's Joe's ex-wife's name? His daughters' name? Mika had sex with their dad and husband while lying and cheating on her own family cuz it felt so good. But everyone else is a sinner and abuser. Fuck off
  11. Also, Piers Morgan is an idiot. His take is that if only Trump had been human regarding the wild fires instead of vindictive and petty and cruel, that Trump could help to stamp down (a fire metaphor, Piers, you idiot) the toxicity in world politics at this moment. Well, Piers, Trump is the physical embodiment of toxicity. He's the root cause of most of it. He's not awash in a tide of it from elsewhere, he produces it. And, Acosta is a big story, you moron, because the White House banned him for demanding answers, attacked him professionally, and accused him of a crime. Oh, also, they doctored a video of Acosta to gaslight the public. THAT IS WHY IT'S A MAJOR STORY, YOU DB.
  12. The Ojeda segment was good. No Joe so he had room to breathe. Mika, bless your heart, this show is so. much. better. without you. Night and day. Biden/Ojeda 2020. Are you kidding me? Picture this, "AM Politics with Willie & Ruhle" Nice, right? Heilemann to Piers Morgan: "Say what you want about Teresa May, but she hasn't take the side of a wildfire against the citizens of her country." Love it FWIW, Elise Jordan has worn that same buttony sweater 3x in the past week on several shows.
  13. I wish I could have stuck it out longer this morning, seems like i missed a lot of good snarkable material. I just got Joe with Doris KG, and that's a bad mix. I like her, but she triggers Joe to B L O V I A T E like pontificating is an Olympic event and he's going for the gold. She has gravitas given what her career is, causing Joe to become more florid and self important... as if she's going to quote him in presidential biographies and his words will be etched onto monuments nation wide. This was after they had on someone great, who dropped wisdom bombs, and when this person was finished speaking, Mika offers this heartfelt, well thought through rejoinder, "Interesting. We'll be right back." "Interesting." That's her contribution. I couldn't continue the trudge. I'm honestly shocked that Monica Lewinsky's libido is still a discussion point. If Bill had gotten her pregnant, that kid would be 24 years old - 2 years out of college. I've said it before, I have a friend who worked there and the day she showed up at the WH as an intern, they labeled her The Stalker. She'd always sidle up to Clinton out of nowhere. She'd always appear near him suddenly. She never did any work at all, and no one was clear why she was there. Before it all happened my friend said plainly that she thought Lewinsky wanted the President to notice her, in order to hook up. She said she has "daddy issues." And it turns out she was 100% right about Lewinsky. Banging bosses and the married friends of her father was her move. And that's all cool. Let yer freak flag fly, Monica. Get it how you like it, but you're not a victim, nor an avatar of victimhood. And Mika, you're so tone deaf it's fucking incredible.
  14. On set this morning i think it's 66% ladies. Susan DP, Katty, Mika, Joe, and Willie (I think, the cast of clowns changes from commercial to commercial and I'm not sure of the timeline of who's on when). Pretty much they'll have on anyone who wants to be on. No women have ever been limited in their opinions. Except Mika and I think that has more to do with the personal tension between them. I mean, the larger personalities tend to breathe all the air, especially when it gets to sports and boys being boys. That may be casually sexist where the guys passively bully the ladies in a "boys will be boys" "No Girls! This is our clubhouse" manner. I don't think I've ever seen the reverse to be true where the women ran with a topic on purpose because the guys can't keep up. Potentially they worked in a sexist environment when she was wearing 5" Louboutins and pencil skirts.
  15. Mika is so weird. It's not just me, right? Joe was making a point and she leaned all the way in on him, looked up in his face, then looked at the people at the table, and nodded and looked at them each and raised her eyebrows for silent emphasis of what Joe is saying, and wiggled a bit and looked back at Joe and then looked at everyone else and made really odd facial expressions. I think she may have offered a "yep," and a "mmmhm" too. It can't just be me. It's weird as hell, right? She called the acting AG "ripped" and went off on a Mika tangent saying the word "ripped" and making fun of lifting weights. It was in her so odd way of not being in the lead, but speaking as background audio. The people are talking, and she's in the background saying "ripped. I'm ripped. Got to get riiippped." Do you all see it too? Have I had a stroke?
  16. Joe may be sexist. He may not. The show certainly isn't. The interplay between those two is unhealthy, and it possibly could stem from some misogyny Joe harbors, but it's in no way a defining characteristic of him or his show. He's a bully. She's out of her depth. It's fair to describe her as such. To give her idiocy leeway in order to pander to her gender is sexist. That list of her "accomplishments" is nonsense. She embodies the axiom that it's all about just showing up. What should be more notable is her meager contributions to 60 Minutes... they loved her so much they used her... once? Twice? Excellent. She was a part time weekend anchor, and a reporter who would break breaking news. Know what that really is? A bench player. Only the JV team work weekends in spot duty.
  17. Mika's mocking fake concern over the caravan being an imminent threat and small pox and so forth... is just nauseating. She's the girl who tries so hard to be funny, but has the opposite effect. Bless your heart, Mika. You are not funny.
  18. I like Mika's new hairdo. I LOVE Stephanie Ruhl school our two dummies on the economics of Trump's support. She really did make Joe look dumb. Not intentionally, her truths were finding their mark and our hero couldn't keep up. I like Stephanie Ruhl. I mean, I reeeeeeeally like Stephanie Ruhl.
  19. Why is Carole King there? It's 2018 This show is ludicrous. Steve Schmidt must be like, what am I doing here?
  20. What is it that makes you say there's too much makeup?
  21. And this is how wine-through-nose accidents happen.
  22. Is the entire 8am hour a rerun and taped packages? How is this a show on air on a major network??
  23. I don't think a podcast is in the offing for them. It wouldn't satisfy Joe's ego. "Podcasts are for the Cheetoh eaters," is what I'm certain he believes. His audience would be too small and his notoriety and influence would be nil. She won't do it because she's too dull to rely on her mind and whole minutes of time of her speaking contemporaneously. She's a reader and a host. On a podcast she's dead weight. Also the Bond Girl hair and new boob job (I think) don't work on podcasts. And finally, the pay would be a fraction of what they make now, and they'd have to do all the work without staffs and support. I can't see them opting to leave big bucks and bright lights for the bunker audio set up they have to produce on their own.
  24. VandeHei's piece was freaking great. Mika's (probably) pre-penned follow up rant, not great. VandeHei's interview of the pos currently sitting as president succinctly showed him as being unfit to serve. It's disqualifying. If only 50% or more of my fellow Americans weren't gullible, D-minus students filled with hate. That made me laugh out loud when she said it on the show. She could not have been more blatant in her attempt to whitewash and rewrite. Try harder Mika, you simpleton. You're not going to gaslight us.
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